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VNX2: Introducing the Unisphere VNX Power Off capability. (User Correctable) | Dell India

Article Number: 000012138


VNX2: Introducing the Unisphere VNX Power Off capability. (User

Summary: Shutting down the VNX system from the Unisphere GUI or Control Station CLI (on Unified systems).

Audience Level: Customer

Article Content


This article introduces the Unisphere GUI functionality that allows all types of VNX2 OE 8.1/05.33 Systems to be safely shutdown
from the GUI. The term 'Shutdown' is synonymous with 'Power Off', and is intended to refer to a controlled shutdown state. Users
should understand, that the Array SPs are placed in a special reset state and are not truly 'powered off' (this will be fixed in a later
Q3 2014 release, when a full power-off capability for the SPs will be incorporated). The GUI displays a popup message that fully
explains what further actions are required to completely remove all power from a given VNX system.

System power off required.

For a video demonstration click here.

With this release, the VNX family introduces the ability to safely shutdown all three system types: Unified, Block, or Gateway File

Unniiffiieedd//FFiillee P
weerr O
Offff bbeehhaavviioorr::

1. For U Unniififieedd//FFiillee--oonnllyy ssyysstteemmss (VNX5400; 5600; 5800; 7600; 8000), the G GUUII P
Poowweerr O
Offff shuts down the FFiillee SSeerrvveerrss,, C
SSttaattiioonnss,, and places the A Arrrraayy SSP
Pss in a special reset state [Caution:  There is no GUI option to shutdown just the File side of the
VNX Unified system]
2. For U Unniififieedd SSyysstteem mss, you should log into the system with an Administrator account, and navigate to A Allll SSyysstteem
mss >> SSyysstteem m LLiisstt
> Highlight system name, then at the bottom of the screen, select the "P Poowweerr O
Offff" option.  There are several informational popups
that are intended to provide advice and require user confirmation before the Power Off will be executed.
3. For U Unniififieedd SSyysstteem mss, the P Poow weerr O
Offff functionality will not be available if the VNX system is in degraded mode.
4. After power off, the system will be in a halted state.  You would need to unplug cables or shutdown breakers to remove all power to
the system.  There is an online written procedure for system power off that should be consulted for more details (see  Additionally, there is a GUI popup message that also explains what further actions are required to remove
power from Array and File components.

Onnllyy P
weerr O Offff bbeehhaavviioorr::
1. For BBlloocckk--oonnllyy ssyysstteem
mss (VNX5400; 5600; 5800; 7600; 8000), the G
weerr O
Offff will put the BBlloocckk SSP
Pss into the special reset
2. Block halts the peer SP first, then itself, using CIM commands.
3. As with a Unified system, the Block-only array side of the system will be in a halted state, and you will need to unplug cables or
shutdown breakers to remove all power to the system.  Refer to the appropriate 'Power off your system' procedure for your system,
as posted online at > 'Power Up and power down VNX' section.

waayy SSeerrvveerr P
weerr O
Offff bbeehhaavviioorr::
1. For VVG G1100//5500 GGaatteew
waayyss, the G GU UII P Poow
weerr O
Offff shuts down only the FFiillee SSeerrvveerrss and C
Coonnttrrooll SSttaattiioonnss.
2. Unlike the Block or Unified systems, you must log into the Control Station IP using the Root user account, with Scope Local, then
proceed to the Power Off option.

weerr O
Offff O

With Unified/File and Gateway File systems, you can also shutdown the Unified VNX File or Gateway File Servers using Control
Station commandline, //nnaass//ssbbiinn//nnaass__hhaalltt:: 

1 of 4 13-07-2022, 16:25
VNX2: Introducing the Unisphere VNX Power Off capability. (User Correctable) | Dell India

nnaass__hhaalltt --ff nnoow w, when exercised on the VNX Gateway Server, or Unified/File system, will shutdown only the File Servers and
Control Stations. 
nnaass__hhaalltt --ff --sspp nnoow
w, when exercised on the VNX Unified system, will shutdown the entire File Server and Array SPs, just as in the
GUI Power Off capability.  Note that this option will not execute on a VNX Gateway Server, as it is not a valid option.

UUnniisspphheerree P
weerr O
Offff ppooppuupp m
meessssaaggeess ((U
Unniififieedd eexxaam
PPooppuupp ##11

You are about to power off system <system_name>. Before doing this, refer to for detailed
procedures on powering up and powering off your VNX.  The VNX system will become inaccessible after powering off.  To prevent
data loss, ensure that all host operations requiring the VNX system have completed.  Also ensure that the system does not have
any critical faults.  If it does, you should address those before powering off the system.  After powering off the system from
Unisphere, complete the necessary actions outlined below to confirm power off and remove power from system components.
FFoorr DDiisskk PPrroocceessssoorr eenncclloossuurree--bbaasseedd ssyysstteem
From the front of the Disk Processor enclosure (DPE), ensure that the fault LED and the "Do Not Remove" LED (white hand symbol)
on each Storage Processor are OFF. After verifying, go to the back of the rack and disconnect the power cables from both power
supplies in the DPE, and wait two minutes.  Then remove both battery backup units (BBUs) to fully power off the DPE.  Reinsert the
BBUs after the DPE has powered off.
FFoorr SSttoorraaggee PPrroocceessssoorr eenncclloossuurree--bbaasseedd ssyysstteem
From the front of the Storage Processor enclosure (SPE), ensure that the fault LED and the "Do Not Remove" LED (white hand
symbol) on the front of each Storage Processor are OFF.  After verifying, go to the back of the rack and toggle all four standby
power supply (SPS) power switches to fully power off the SPE and DAE 0_0.
FFoorr ssyysstteemmss w wiitthh C
Coonnttrrooll SSttaattiioonnss aanndd D
Daattaa M Moovveerr eenncclloossuurreess::
From the front of the rack, ensure that the power LED on each Data Mover CPU module (up to two per DME) and each Control
Station is OFF.  After verifying, go to the back of the rack and ensure that the power LED on the latch handle of each Data Mover I/O
module is OFF and that the amber fault LED on the latch handle of each DM management module is ON.  Then disconnect the
power cords for the DME(s) and Control Station(s) to fully power off these components.

Enter the name of the system to be powered off to confirm:  _____________

PPooppuupp ##22

You are about to power off the system to which the Unisphere application is connected.  Once this system becomes unreachable,
Unisphere application may automatically exit.  Do you want to proceed?
PPooppuupp ##33

You are about to power off the domain master.  It is recommended to select another system in this domain as the new domain
master system; otherwise, any domain-related operation will be unable to execute.  Do you want to proceed?

NNoottee::  If the GUI is left alone, it displays a status of  P Poow

weerriinngg O
Offff.  You may see a message A Apppplliiccaattiioonn iiss sshhuuttttiinngg ddoow
m vvnnxx55880000 iiss llooggggeedd oouutt..  Finally, GUI will display a status of U Unnrreeaacchhaabbllee.

PEE--bbaasseedd U
Unniififieedd SSyysstteem
D SSttaattuuss aafftteerr SShhuuttddoow
DPE Enclosure Blue & Amber LEDs On
SPs Green Power LED On
Blade Enclosure Blue & Amber LEDs On
Blade Power Supply LEDs On, Green
Server_2 Blue Triangle LED On
Control Station Green Power LED Off


SP I/O Modules, Mgmt Module, and SP Power LEDs all On Green

Blade I/O Modules Off, Mgmt module Amber LED On

PEE--bbaasseedd U
Unniififieedd SSyysstteem
D SSttaattuuss aafftteerr SShhuuttddoow

2 of 4 13-07-2022, 16:25
VNX2: Introducing the Unisphere VNX Power Off capability. (User Correctable) | Dell India

SPE Enclosure Blue & Amber LEDs On
SPs Green Power LED On
All SPS batteries have Green Power LED On
Blade Enclosure Blue & Amber LEDs On
Blade Power Supply LEDs On, Green
Server_3 & Server_4 Blue Triangle LED On
Control Stations Green Power LED Off


SP I/O Modules, Mgmt Module, and SP Power LEDs all On Green

Blade I/O Modules Off, Mgmt module Amber LED On

UUssiinngg FFiillee  C
CLLII ttoo SShhuuttddoow
wnn U
Unniififieedd SSyysstteem
m aass RRoooott uusseerr::
# nas_halt -sp now
******************************** WARNING! *******************************
You are about to HALT this Celerra including all of its Control Stations
and Data Movers. DATA will be UNAVAILABLE when the system is halted.
-sp switch will HALT the Storage Processors on a unified system.
ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO CONTINUE? [ yes or no ] : yes
Unified system detected.
Jun 20 12:57:25 vnx5400 Navisphere Agent[24608]: Time Stamp 06/20/13 12:55:32 Event Number
71670078 Severity Information Host A-IMAGE Storage Array FNM00xxxxxxxxx SP N/A SoftwareRev
7.33.0 (6.87) BaseRev Description Bus 0 Enclosure 0 00 00 04 00 0a 00 2c 00
d3 04 00 00 78 00 67 61 78 00 67 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
71 67 00 78
server_2 : Jun 20 13:14:52 vnx5400 nas_halt: nas_halt initiated
Jun 20 13:14:52 vnx5400 nas_halt: Quiescing servers
server_3 : done
Jun 20 13:14:56 vnx5400 nas_halt: Stopping secondary Control Station
Jun 20 13:15:11 vnx5400 kernel: e1000e: eth1 NIC Link is Down
Jun 20 13:15:13 vnx5400 kernel: e1000e: eth1 NIC Link is Up 10 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control:
Jun 20 13:15:13 vnx5400 kernel: e1000e 0000:04:00.0: eth1: 10/100 speed: disabling TSO
Jun 20 13:15:14 vnx5400 nas_halt: Stopping NAS services
Jun 20 13:15:14 vnx5400 S95nas: K85nas executing
Jun 20 13:15:19 vnx5400 EMCServer: nas_mcd: PRIMARY slot 0 missed 10 heartbeats from slot 1.
: ----edited for brevity----
Jun 20 13:15:35 vnx5400 CIM: Server **** Shutting down CIM Server *****
Jun 20 13:15:35 vnx5400 CIM: Server **** Shutting down slp daemon *****
Jun 20 13:15:47 vnx5400 S95nas: K85nas completed
Jun 20 13:15:47 vnx5400 nas_halt: Stopping Data Movers
Jun 20 13:16:36 vnx5400 nas_halt: Halting Storage Processors
Jun 20 13:16:39 vnx5400 kernel: kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
Jun 20 13:16:39 vnx5400 kernel: EXT3 FS on hda5, internal journal
Jun 20 13:16:39 vnx5400 kernel: EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
Jun 20 13:16:39 vnx5400 mcd_helper: Shutting down B_FNM0013070xxxx ...
Jun 20 13:16:41 vnx5400 mcd_helper: Navicli shutdownsp returned SUCCESS
Jun 20 13:17:41 vnx5400 mcd_helper: B_FNM00xxxxxxxxx is inaccessible and probably down
Jun 20 13:18:41 vnx5400 mcd_helper: Shutting down A_FNM00xxxxxxxxx ...
Jun 20 13:18:42 vnx5400 mcd_helper: Navicli shutdownsp returned SUCCESS

Additional Information
EMC provides written power-off and power-on procedures for the VNX family, which are hosted at M
m >> P
weerr uupp
aanndd ppoow
weerr ddoow
wnn V

3 of 4 13-07-2022, 16:25
VNX2: Introducing the Unisphere VNX Power Off capability. (User Correctable) | Dell India

Article Properties

Affected Product
VNX2 Series

VNX2 Series

Last Published Date

13 Mar 2022


Article Type

How To

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