FM Case Study 2

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Tydraee Jangid

umren k L ...
Ramsh U1ulali was rercl prkeo
H hadinvested in
qot Cheque of 71o haditona nsumnte
lakh on. makurity Me
dan He
ha hewould have Hhaug*
zeteiued big amoun COn
malunyof tradit fonal ingY an ce_plan bul he diant
Considethetime valuc of moneywhen..he. ough

aokgouno LLL.LLA

Case shudy is ahout dime walue of

he me alu d_maney aimporhant. berause
Itlouos înuestor to make_ amore.inkonad deasion
abouk hak to do. £uture ValueTnlation sate,
ciernment policiesjhese ate
t h etackors of Value
o money is depended. As the. Hme passes the
aluao Eoill Datb e samealter vewears

rpbised goluhon
Pveryone needg ho plan their
CIainane in thes #hat should be dne Kt.cping
. in he Hme lalue of moneyTheremoreo n e
tactorswhish afect n n e value of
SmimesJalesed money ogAeyounun
value n future May
actor, oteregale.alfee youraues-m.en--
heassel allocafon sholld be ageol on ha
actor i.ethe time ohíchneececo adhieue
he tarye goal tohihwe haue urgeted
e 6hould tarinwes}fing ombepinning
in young age k thaP nvest-meht
noreasinculoiH He time peard

Money shaulcl be allocatec in 1syStma
manner mone in band ocley s more valuable
Han he Bame amount o money quear lahe
then it time omes ihduba a
inuestraentit shodld be lhdlpful to iochfnue
ubur oal sohile Seleoking you Rukun
planîniest-ment plqn the iime alue a hone
Heep Hhig lin mind. nl d
The basic cb/ection_of Cage Vaue F
ofmoney: Tine
understand the +ime Value
moneyShates Hhat all thin9 beinq
faodays warth more han jn tuture.
Feu tackSks _whicdh affeot he value
oE money
Tntlakion s a
InElation_is masE Împortant factor. Intlahah
the_purchasing_power of money:
decreds.e în fikure for he
makesUS Shellout more
in the
thing hani cahat k Now As time pas
ekpensiue So it we planlo
he thngs become more umbea oE years-
amount alter 'n:
TPewe å SpecitC fom nou keep
Save Some amount
we Deeel to SBarE adjustec amount
the ntlatfon-
io mind planninq to SpenoQn
lakhs 20ëars douon the line,-
amDunt oP approx 20fcler_otladtion -adusked
then _u2e neec to Cons
on tha
Cog ata amounE hat 0 u l a q m o u n t
we hecd Dhfch_oeuld be be
to 25 lakha h o u l c S t a r t Sawig aa
0 20 akhg no) kutüre The amaint
as_possible an plan or
0nud.ards Keep _on
Save fromno)-
Startedto amDundacuMulafeathese
yeg re
Compoudding and Cunrent _uatue
n'ime e
L be equa to
fatlaBion tacror
hased on

2Ke Poins of leaming to


h e Todays
Thvested titure
tYmes Same

l Gve
6Lavestmend Present Ihvegtment earDin
Aature o
o r e value în includes (apital goun5
tactor,wh ich
he a l u eof money
CFactorin ateg baseo_on
inthe future.
Compouning_plays a imporhanA role
d) money î n h e
delermYnng +h ualue d
e Once ae sta o save aamoun then the
money teelf wistart to am tov ug on
basis of_oMpounding
Le) The assel_allo.cadfan îs baaed on the long-
tema0a ha0 hque set in_our li
anod the time foi it shauld be învested.
B facors
he Bactors that _need to be taken
(ons+cleaton ohile personal inuesmen
aLnome-This one s the masA fmportan a sh e

to be Consider ed for
esona Inuestment
Tncome& investmen are directy -P.Iopartiana

higheIntome aives highex intestmentuic
by inanCidl Auarness -
The îndiuidual with_higher
Einancial_auwarnegs orn makes betey inueskment
decisrong thmugh gnalysiS_
c Age s hlben.Awe Re are young ue are-
able to ta/se hîgh risk n investmentÔnce hc-
iseg the qbiliy to take rskgpes doun

d Inuestment duration g-
Tnvestment duraion eters_t
Short term & ong tem nfend ko g+va eturn in_
one yeaur 8 lonc tem Infend to give retun
n more han one ear.

caReturn Ratio Return On Tauea pment is the a i

tha gives dleasaE he proFi that ue
g i n a n inuestment

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