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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT Bes Senate ws TILELLLLI rev. Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2019/Jan.202f Basic Geotechnical Engineering ime 3 bs. Max. Man ‘Nutes Anser any FIVE fel questions, chosing ONE full question fom each module Module-1 £1 With the help of 3-pse diagram define: void ratio, porosity, water pig anficgree of i ‘saturation, f08 Marks) Tb. Daiweftom fi principe, te lowing phase lation 3 anor, am )01. estar ; eo ee coset) 4 © wintne hep opr sie cnn curve expliag et Ra nitorly grated B Deland gap pede so. (och) ie on 2% 2 a Withaneat sketch, explain the salient features gfe pas (ooarts a8 'b, The natural dry density of a soil deposit was to be IPSkNim?, A sample of soil was. HH brought tthe inva ed the in “ay donates ee und as af 16KNim? and 19kNim’ respectively. C: index for the soil deposit. as (06 Marks) ER © Hownnycibic ter of wilcanbe oid ati of 0S fom 100 xb meet | to hing voi 07 ‘oenary i 23 a List andenpain varius sot snes = ‘What is the effect of cony (06 Marks) de digo Be. Following ar the renulgblag or compaction test ona sol i f [83122 [ 1375155 1820) gs [LS 1194] 20 [2.041 2.03 | aE Plot the compa A maximum dry density and OMC. Also plot ZAV line. u Take G = 2.75 anime of mould 38 995 c. (8 Mark oF OR 2 4 a. Devcrbgyhe cree Ripa clay minerals, (oa ytereg otk nab per ad ached Wit ees Bs . affect compaction? (06 stur) ul Module-3 TEs a DR ean Wtsion to obtain coefficient of permeability under fling head condition, se (06 Marks) an th a neat sketch the method of locating the phreatic line in homogeneous earth i dam Wt hoxzontl filter. (eMart) £ © Calculate the coefficient of permeability of a soil sample, 6 cms in height and 50cm in sectional area, if a quantity of water equal to 430ml passed down in 10 minutes, under fat cffective constant head of 40cms. On oven drying the test specimen has @ mass of a 498 gins, Taking the specific gravity of sol solids as 2.6, calculate the seepage velocity of ‘water during the est. (oa taris) Lof2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT r7evas, or 6 4 Stato the characteristics and uses of flows esMart) ‘Explain the terms superficial velocity and seepage velocity. Derive the relationship bet them, 6 Uf during a variable head permesbility test on a sei sample, equal tims intervals ae(oted for drops of head from h to hy and again from hy tbs Find the relationship between Wis and hy (06 Mar ‘Module 7) a. Explain mass-spring analogy of consoldation of soil. apa Caspande’s tod of temintion of re comotin pemie f' ey ©. The time to reach 40% consoldation of a two way drained saturated, Om ‘thick inthe laboratory is 40 secs. Determine the time required fo ‘of the same soil 12m thick on an impervious layer subjected to same foaffng condi. (8 Marks) 4 xp sqer ot of ie Sting mad fr Sf contain b. Explain under consolidated, normally consolidated and edo, eens) © A layer of clay 8m thik’ underlies a proposed new bul 3 existing overburden Beste the cen fly yer 2900 eg od Bone bling roms the preanve by TOMNnt, Ce- 045, W = SOG gl. Estimate consoldation sotlement (oa Maris) 9 a Explain Mobr.-Coulomb theory of (06 Marks) bo. Explain the advantages and ised shear tet over triaxial shear tos. (06 Marks) © An unconfined compression ess was fed on an undisturbed sample of clay. The sample had a diameter of and the axial deforma Jong. The load at failure measured 30 le of file was 12mm. Determine the unconfined ‘compressive strength strength of ly ‘vetare) oR 10 a. Faphinsensitviguand Mgrory (osatare) 1b. Explain vane she a sktch (osatark) The anit arly! on soil sapes gave the following esl: fining pressure, KN/n* | 50 100 | 150, alr stress, ENin? | 76 152 | 186 ore water pressure, kN |35 59 [88 Poi ed obtain ellecive shear paramere, osmarts « 2of? BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative

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