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B-12, Adarsh colony

New Delhi 110031

23 May 2022

The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi


Subject:- Poor condition of historical monuments.

I being a responsible citizen of free India, consider it my duty to attract public attention,
through the esteemed columns of your prestigious newspaper, to the neglectful and
miserable condition of historical monuments which are symbols of our past glory
grandeur and are our national heritage. They are priceless records of our history, but
have fallen victim to the criminal neglect by the officials. I had also brought it to the
notice of Archaeological Survey of India, Government of India, but there was no
response. This callous indifference on the part of authorities concerned has compelled
me to approach you through this letter.
Sir, if you personally visit some of the monuments like the Humayun Tomb, Tughluk Kila , Qutab Minar, etc. You will
realise that they are losing their shape and are getting dilapidated day by day with the passage of time. Their walls
are mouldering, their roofs are getting cracked, their bricks and stone pieces are losing plaster and top corners of
walls have already crumbled. i

All is due to the lack of proper maintenance. We must realise that even the present will
be past one day. Proper maintenance should be done time to time by concerned
authorities for proper well being of these monuments.
I was shocked to see the deteriorating condition of our monuments. I request you to
oblige me by publishing this letter in your paper, so that the authorities concerned are
awakened in time, and the priceless historical monuments are saved and preserved.

Thank You
Yours truly

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- By: Sameer
How google controls the life of an average person?
- By: Deependra

“ Life is like Google. You just need to know what you are searching for.

You may be wondering and thinking: “How can this be?” The truth may strike you like
lightning! Google knows each and everything about you. Google knows your address,
the person you talk to the most, the places you visit often, the types of books you read,
the types of brands you purchase, the types of sites you browse.
Undoubtedly Google has made everyone a smarter person but also has contributed in making us lethargic. Internet has
altered our mental habits for sure. Most of the people have lost their ability to read and absorb anecdotes. The deep reading
which used to be seen in every other person has now become a struggle. The concentration starts drifting. The quick google
searches, links and hyperlinks has made our life sluggish. The technology we thought we were using to make our life more
efficient started to reshape our social behaviour and relationships.

We everyday search normal information from google which can be gained from books or newspapers too. Not only Google
but all the search engines should be used in minimum way. There should be systematic way to use these search engines.
They supply stuff of thought but they also shape the process of thought.

It is the time now we must prevent all this and start living a ” real life “ .

Defining humanities is a difficult task. However, it can be said in a few words that it is an academic discipline which
deals with the study of the ‘Human Condition’, utilizing methodologies that are usually analytical, critical or
Sir Peter Medawar, although a scientist himself, said about humanities - “The scientist values research by the size of
its contribution to that huge, logically articulated structure of ideas which is already, though not yet half built, the most
glorious accomplishment of mankind. The humanist must value his research by different but equally honorable
standards, particularly by the contribution it makes, directly or indirectly, to our understanding of human nature and
conduct, and human sensibility.”

What he said about Humanities is true. Humanities is one of the most underrated streams of all. It is a common myth,
well circulated among the Indian psyche, that the Arts/Humanities streams is for students who are “not smart
enough” for studying either Science or Commerce.

The plethora of career options that are open for a student who has chosen the Humanities stream is ginormous. Far
from being the last resort when no other stream can be chosen, the Humanities are a wide field of study, with
extremely interesting and mind-stimulating career options galore.

general takima was a sickly man in the Japanese military who suffers from some sort of physical condition that Dr
Sadao was treating. According to Sadao, the general will only be able to survive one more attack - he suffers from
something that has to do with his gallbladder.He was cruel and selfish man,who at home beat his wife cruelly, though
no Japanese mentioned it now that he had fought so victorious a battle of Manchuria ,it shows that he was not even a
true patriot but he wanted the all credit of fights and wars .Also he did not send Dr Sadao with the troops as he was a
great doctor and scientist as well, because of his ill health which shows that he only thought about himself and not
even about his own country .As he promised Dr Sadao that he will send two of his private secret assassins to Sadao's
house tonight or better ,any night to kill the American ,but he forgot so which shows his dereliction and not paying
heed towards the country which can be harmful for all the Japanese. When Sadao told him about the American then he
didn't even try to arrest Dr Sadao just beacuse of his selfishness.

Seemapuri is a place on the outskirts of New Delhi. Those who live there are unlawful residents who came
from Bangladesh in 1971. It is a place where about 10,000 rag pickers live. They live without identity
and have no basic amenities, yet they are happy here because they get food which is more important than
identity. It is a slum where they could find many things and rag picking was their only means of

Rag picking was the means of survival for the rag pickers. According to the author, it is their daily
bread, a roof over their heads, even if it is a leaking roof. Thus, it is equivalent to gold for them.
Besides, for the children it is wrapped in wonder for they, at times, chance upon a rupee, even a ten-
rupee note.

Workers of glass – bangle making industry

It is hazardous to work in the glass bangles industry. After years of exposure to the work, workers often become blind.
There is no proper ventilation in the furnaces, and the temperatures are extremely high. The workers are usually poor, so
they work without protective eye gear and become blind. While working, burns and cuts are common, and inhaling fumes
can cause lung cancer. Workers put themselves at risk to fill their stomachs.

Not only philately there is various ways by which we can make past alive in present and
future. We can collect old historic things like old currency, post stamps, paintings,
inscriptions and books etc. and also in today’s era where there is lot of technologies by
which we can preserve all the historic things for a long time. We can click pictures, make
videos which can be preserved in a hard disk. And all these things will remind us about
the past and will connect past with present and our future.
Human have tendency to constantly move between the past, the present and the future.
And somewhere it is a good thing by doing mistakes in our past we can take lessons from
it and can make present and future beautiful. By taking lessons from past and taking
correct decisions in present can make future easier and have good impact on our lives.

Q10.Complete all the NCERT Questions

of all the completed chapters in your
English registers.

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