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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT il i7ev4s uv] | | Fourth Semester BE. Degree Examination, June/July 2019 Basic Geotechnical Engineering ime: 3 bs Max. Marks! Note: Ansser any FIVE full questions, hoasing ONE full question from le @ Module-t 1a. With he help ofa thee phase diagram. expla i) Void ratio i) Poresity. ii) Water comtent iv) Degree ging stark) b. With asual notations prove that (we Mane « Void ratio, Porosity and degrgg sta fen 2.67 and W = 16%, (oe Marie OR 2. a Detine Liquid linn, Plas init and Shrinkage ligt 1. Explain the Indian Standard Soil elasifeaion “ © Aine grained soil has a liguid hint of of 30%, Clasify the soil as por IS classification. (06 naeks) 3. a Explain with sketches, the comm (os Marks) Following are the results of aco ‘Weight of sa wih Water Cone ) Plot the compaction curve ‘Volume of mould = li (2 Marto) oR 4 a Explain Electrical agflse£ fe (os oarkay Distinguish between gard proctor and Modified proctor compaction tess (04 Marka) sn, the soil is transported from borrow rea using a tuck ‘which ean cary 6 ‘time, Determine the numberof tuck lads of soil required toobiain ted earth ill and the volume ofthe botrow pit Use the folowing de ate ‘uo Marks) om atea | Truck lose | Fill companied | Soil Tope 16 TIS 12 Well graded Modute-3 5 How ne? What are the uses and characteristics of Now nets? (osstarss) The porosity of certain sample of sand was 50% in the loose state and 34% in the dense slaig’ The specific gravity is 2.70, Fstimate the critical hydraulic gradients in loose and dA sates (ow ark Compute the quantty of water seeping under a weir per day for which the Row net has been. factorily constructed, The coelicent of permeability is 2» 10° mms. y= Sand ng=1X Thedifference in water level betteen upstream and downstream is 3.0 The length ofthe weir is 60m, (oe Marks Lor? BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT revas, 6 a With the ‘help of peat sketches. der Following Laboratory mead and abo i) Constant lead Permeability Test . bb What are the factors alfeting permeability’? Explas them breil, equation to determine permeability ihe a Faplan with nea sketch. the mass sp 'bFeplain normally consolidated soil and over consolidated Sol ©The thickness of a normally consolidated clay ayer is 3.0m. T iqud litt 60%. The overburden pre layer was 1S4 kNinr. Due to construction of a building the i SPARN in Determine the consoldation setement ofthe el oR 4 a Explain witha sketch, determination of Pre ~ consol method, ‘Explain Squate root of tne fitting method © A-20m thick kotropic clay siralum overlies a consoldation of soil is + 10° mumy ‘comsoldaton, Time factors are 0.2 and 0 by Casagrande’s (6 Marks) (06 Marks) 9 a. Explain Mote —Coulom® ttre oss 1h What ae the fstorsaeting the (oeatre © Inasbvar en condted on age [Norma fa {Shear Delermin “and 9 (os tars) on 10 Wate helno gs derive an eatin to detenmine she sent by Van ssa tes worst) ical sil samples the following data was obtained. faxinun deviation | Maxime prinipal | stress KN (12 Maes 2of? BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative

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