Livestock: Horse: Our Lady of Salvation College

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Our Lady of Salvation College

San Lorenzo St. Tigbi Tiwi, Albay

S.Y 2021-2022

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 Back: the area where the saddle sits, beginning at the end of the withers, extending to
the last thoracic vertebrae (colloquially includes the loin or "coupling," though
technically incorrect usage)
 Barrel: the body of the horse, enclosing the rib cage and the major internal organs
 Buttock: the part of the hindquarters behind the thighs and below the root of the tail
 Cannon or cannon bone: the area between the knee or hock and the fetlock joint,
sometimes called the "shin" of the horse, though technically it is the third metacarpal
 Chestnut: a callosity on the inside of each leg
 Chin groove: the part of the horse's head behind the lower lip and chin, the area that
dips down slightly on the lower jaw; area where the curb chain of certain bits is
 Coupling: see "Loin" below
 Coronet or coronary band: the ring of soft tissue just above the horny hoof that
blends into the skin of the leg
 Crest: the upper portion of the neck where the mane grows
 Croup: the topline of the hindquarters, beginning at the hip, extending proximate to
the sacral vertebrae and stopping at the dock of the tail (where the coccygeal
vertebrae begin); sometimes called "rump"
 Dock: the living part of the tail, consisting of the coccygeal
vertebrae, muscles and ligaments. Sometimes used colloquially to refer to the root of
the tail, below.
 Elbow: The joint of the front leg at the point where the belly of the horse meets the
leg. Homologous to the elbow in humans
 Ergot: a callosity on the back of the fetlock
 Face: the area between the forehead and the tip of the upper lip
 Fetlock: sometimes called the "ankle" of the horse, though it is not the same skeletal
structure as an ankle in humans; known to anatomists as
the metacarpophalangeal (front) or metatarsophalangeal (hind) joint; homologous to
the "ball" of the foot or the metacarpophalangeal joints of the fingers in humans
 Flank: where the hind legs and the barrel meet, specifically the area right behind the
rib cage and in front of the stifle joint
 Forearm: the area of the front leg between the knee and elbow, consisting of the
fused radius and ulna, and all the tissue around these bones; anatomically,
the antebrachium.
 Forehead: the area between the poll, the eyes and the arch of the nose
 Forelock: the continuation of the mane, which hangs from between the ears down
onto the forehead of the horse
 Frog: the highly elastic wedge-shaped mass on the underside of the hoof, which
normally makes contact with the ground every stride, and supports both the
locomotion and circulation of the horse
 Gaskin: the large muscle on the hind leg, just above the hock, below the stifle,
homologous to the calf of a human
 Girth or heart girth: the area right behind the elbow of the horse, where the girth of
the saddle would go; this area should be where the barrel is at its greatest diameter in
a properly-conditioned horse that is not pregnant or obese
 Hindquarters: the large, muscular area of the hind legs, above the stifle and behind
the barrel. Can also be used to refer to the back end of a horse.
 Hock: the tarsus of the horse (hindlimb equivalent to the human ankle and heel), the
large joint on the hind leg
 Hoof: the foot of the horse; the hoof wall is the tough outside covering of the hoof
that comes into contact with the ground and is, in many respects, a much larger and
stronger version of the human fingernail
 Jugular Groove: the line of indentation on the lower portion of the neck, can be seen
from either side, just above the windpipe; beneath this area run the jugular vein,
the carotid artery and part of the sympathetic trunk
 Knee: the carpus of the horse (equivalent to the human wrist), the large joint in the
front legs, above the cannon bone
 Loin: the area right behind the saddle, going from the last rib to the croup,
anatomically approximate to the lumbar spine
 Mane: long and relatively coarse hair growing from the dorsal ridge of the neck
 Muzzle: the chin, mouth, and nostrils of the face
 Pastern: the connection between the coronet and the fetlock, made up of the middle
and proximal phalanx
 Poll: commonly refers to the poll joint at the beginning of the neck, immediately
behind the ears, a slight depression at the joint where the atlas (C1) meets
the occipital crest; anatomically, the occipital crest itself is the "poll"
 Root of the tail or root of the dock: the point where the tail is "set on" (attached) to
the rump; Sometimes also called the "dock"
 Shoulder: made up of the scapula and associated muscles, runs from the withers to
the point of shoulder (the joint at the front of the chest, i.e. the glenoid); the angle of
the shoulder has a great effect on the horse's movement and jumping ability, and is an
important aspect of equine conformation
 Splints: bones found on each of the legs, on either side of the cannon bone (8 total);
partially vestigial, these bones support the corresponding carpal bones in the
forelimb, and the corresponding tarsal bones in the hindlimb; anatomically referred to
as Metacarpal/Metatarsal II (on the medial aspect (inside)) and IV (on the lateral
aspect (outside))
 Stifle: corresponds to the knee of a human, consists of the articulation between femur
and tibia, as well as the articulation between patella and femur
 Tail: the long hairs which grow from the dock; may also include the dock
 Throatlatch (also, throttle, throatlash throat): the point at which the windpipe
meets the head at the underside of the jaw, corresponding to where the eponymous
part of a bridle goes.
 Withers: the highest point of the thoracic vertebrae, the point just above the tops of
the shoulder blades, seen best with horse standing square and head slightly lowered;
the height of the horse is measured at the withers.

Digestive system
Horses and other equids evolved as grazing animals, adapted to eating small amounts of the same
kind of food all day long. In the wild, the horse adapted to eating prairie grasses in semi-arid
regions and traveling significant distances each day in order to obtain adequate
nutrition. Therefore, the digestive system of a horse is about 30 m (100 ft) long, and most of this
is intestines.
Reproductive system

The mare's reproductive system is responsible for controlling gestation, birth, and lactation, as
well as her estrous cycle and mating behavior. It lies ventral to the 4th or 5th lumbar vertebrae,
although its position within the mare can vary depending on the movement of the intestines and
distention of the bladder.
The mare has two ovaries, usually 7 to 8 cm (2.8 to 3.1 in) in length and 3 to 4 cm (1.2 to 1.6 in)
thick, that generally tend to decrease in size as the mare ages. In equine ovaries, unlike in
humans, the vascular tissue is cortical to follicular tissue, so ovulation can only occur at an
ovulation fossa near the infundibulum. The ovaries connect to the fallopian tubes (oviducts),
which serve to move the ovum from the ovary to the uterus. To do so, the oviducts are lined with
a layer of cilia, which produce a current that flows toward the uterus. Each oviduct attaches to
one of the two horns of the uterus, which are approximately 20 to 25 cm (7.9 to 9.8 in) in length.
These horns attach to the body of the uterus (18 to 20 cm [7.1 to 7.9 in] long).

A horse's teeth include incisors, premolars, molars, and sometimes canine teeth. A horse's
incisors, premolars, and molars, once fully developed, continue to erupt throughout its lifetime as
the grinding surface is worn down through chewing. Because of this pattern of wear, a rough
estimate of a horse's age can be made from an examination of the teeth. Abnormal wear of the
teeth, caused by conformational defects, abnormal behaviors, or improper diets, can cause
serious health issues and can even result in the death of the horse.

The hoof of the horse encases the second and third phalanx of the lower limbs, analogous to the
fingertip or toe tip of a human. In essence, a horse travels on its "tiptoes". The hoof wall is a
much larger, thicker and stronger version of the human fingernail or toenail, made up of similar
materials, primarily keratin, a very strong protein molecule. The horse's hoof contains a high
proportion of sulfur-containing amino acids which contribute to its resilience and toughness.
Vascular fold-like structures called laminae suspend the distal phalanx from the hoof wall.

Skeletal system
The skeleton of the horse has three major functions in the body. It protects vital organs, provides
framework, and supports soft parts of the body. Horses have 205 bones, which are divided into
the appendicular skeleton (the legs) and the axial skeleton (the skull, vertebral column, sternum,
and ribs). Both pelvic and thoracic limbs contain the same number of bones, 20 bones per limb.
Bones are connected to muscles via tendons and other bones via ligaments. Bones are also used
to store minerals, and are the site of red blood cell formation.

 The Appendicular system includes the limbs of the horse;

 The Axial system is composed of the spine, ribs and skull;
The bones of the horse are the same as those of other domestic species, but the third metacarpal
and metatarsal are much more developed and the second and fourth are undeveloped, having the
first and fifth metacarpal and metatarsal.

Livestock are the domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to provide labor and
produce commodities such as meat, eggs, milk, fur, leather, and wool. The term is sometimes
used to refer solely to animals who are raised for consumption, and sometimes used to refer
solely to farmed ruminants, such as cattle, sheep, goats and pigs., Horses are considered livestock
in the United States. The USDA classifies pork, veal, beef, and lamb (mutton) as livestock, and
all livestock as red meat. Poultry and fish are not included in the category.
The breeding, maintenance, slaughter and general subjugation of animal husbandry, is a part of
modern agriculture and has been practiced in many cultures since humanity's transition
to farming from hunter-gatherer lifestyles. Animal husbandry practices have varied widely across
cultures and time periods. It continues to play a major economic and cultural role in numerous


Other factors to consider in selecting a site for a new or expanded livestock
operation include the following:
 Distance to neighboring residences
 Direction of prevailing winds in relation to neighbors
 An adequate source of water
 Access to land for manure application
 Topography
 Soil type
 Proximity to surface water bodies, sinkholes and flood plains
 Depth to groundwater
Likelihood of odor complaints by neighbors may be a major deterrent to siting
large livestock operations in many locations.
Determine the attitude of neighbors toward a new or expanded livestock operation
at the site you are considering. Documenting that adequate consideration has been
given to siting the livestock operation in an environmentally responsible manner
may help if litigation occurs.
Odors are inherent in livestock operations, especially when manure is being
applied to the land. The larger the livestock operation, the more important it is to
plan, design, construct and operate the facility in a manner that will minimize off-
site (and on-site) odors. It is important to control sufficient land to provide an
adequate buffer between neighbors and the more odoriferous locations at the
livestock facility.
Biosecurity considerations should include isolation for incoming seedstock,
proximity of neighboring livestock production units (especially for production of
breeding stock), and, possibly, multiple-site production.

Space considerations
Plan for expansion 20 to 30 years into the future; consider doubling the size
anticipated at present. Avoid locating facilities near property lines, streams, steep
topography, porous geology, housing developments, public-use areas, or other
features that will limit expansion. Additionally, buildings should be spaced at least
50 feet apart (75 feet is better for firetrucks) to reduce the spread of fire. Naturally
ventilated buildings may need to be from 50 to 200 feet apart in the north-south
direction for optimum summer airflow (Figure 2). Considerable space may be
needed for isolating incoming traffic from the animal areas to prevent the
spreading of diseases that may be brought in from the outside. The minimum
radius for driveways used by semitrailers is approximately 55 feet.

Proximity of neighbors
Avoid placing livestock facilities near existing (or future) "non-owned residences"
(residences not owned by the owners of the animal feeding operation), especially
clusters of homes, built-up areas and parks. Preferably, livestock facilities should
be out of your neighbors' sight. Consider having a tree windbreak or other visual
barrier to shield the operation. Depending on the size of the facility, the minimum
distance from non-owned residences should be from 1,000 to 3,000 feet, although
this is no guarantee of immunity from complaints. A separation of at least a mile
may be needed between large livestock operations and non-owned residences,
depending on such considerations as topography and prevailing wind direction.
Classification of animal feeding operations
The state of Missouri has passed an environmental law that establishes four classes
of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) with buffer distances for each
class, based on the number of animals that will occupy the operation (Table 1).
These distances are for design and construction of new or modified concentrated
animal feeding operations and are the minimum buffer distances required between
the nearest confinement building or lagoon and any public building or occupied

Winds and odor complaints

Desirable separation distance from odor sources such as production buildings,
feedlots, manure storage structures, lagoons and land application areas is
influenced by topography and prevailing wind. Because the timing of land
application is somewhat flexible, manure can usually be applied when climatic
conditions (wind direction, humidity) are most favorable. Fields in which manure
is surface applied need greater separation than fields in which manure is injected.
Fewer odor complaints about land application usually occur if the manure is
treated in a lagoon, injected into the soil, or immediately incorporated into the soil
by tillage. However, be sure any tillage operations are compatible with residue
requirements of conservation plans.
Prevailing wind direction in relationship to non-owned residences is important,
especially during seasons when neighbors will be outside. If local knowledge is not
available, wind data is available from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration or from the Midwest Plan Service Publication MWPS2, Farmstead
Planning Handbook, which shows wind patterns for many locations during the
months of January and July.

Air drainage and odor complaints

During calm, humid periods, topography can funnel odors down drainage ways to
distant locations, especially to residences located in valleys. Odors traveling in this
way can remain intense over long distances. Topographical maps can show
potential paths of air drainage. Remember, odors following drainage patterns may
be more offensive than odors carried by prevailing width.

Geological problems
Soils with low permeability are desirable for earthen manure storages to prevent
groundwater contamination. Much of the southern half of Missouri has highly
permeable, gravelly, rocky, sandy or block-structured red clay soils that may allow
wastes to seep into the groundwater. Soil surveys by the Natural Resources
Conservation Service rate soils for many factors, including permeability, drainage
and suitability for manure lagoons, road fill and irrigation. A soils investigation of
the site is necessary to determine the availability of suitable clay for sealing
earthen manure storage structures.
Parts of southern Missouri, as well as areas along the Mississippi River and the
lower portion of the Missouri River have limestone deposits. These deposits may
restrict the use of earthen manure impoundments because of potential groundwater
pollution. Be cautious when planning animal feeding facilities in an area known to
have sink holes and remember, if the facility site has a high potential for a
subsurface collapse, Missouri Department of Natural Resources will not approve
an earthen manure storage structure. In these cases, an alternate site must be
selected, or a concrete or steel tank used for storage.
Shallow bedrock creates problems in the installation of underground utilities such
as water, gas, or electric lines and may preclude the use of earthen storages for
water or manure. A few hours of investigation with a backhoe or a drilling rig may
be necessary to properly evaluate a site. All operations seeking a permit or a letter
of approval must obtain a geologic evaluation of the site if an earthen manure
storage is planned. A geologic evaluation of the site for any earthen manure
storage is recommended. This service is provided by the Division of Geology and
Land Survey, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, 573-368-2100.

Streams and watercourses

Livestock facilities, especially open lots, should not be located close to streams and
watercourses or on steep land along these areas. Runoff should be contained and
applied to a soil/plant filter. Pastured livestock should be fenced out of streams
along with a 50- to 300-foot wide grass, forest (or combination) filter strip. Limited
access to the stream may be an alternative watering source for livestock.

Good surface and subsurface drainage around livestock facilities is important, but
polluted water must not leave the premises or enter the groundwater.

Most common diseases and ailments in horses

As with people, equine flu is a virus that attacks the upper respiratory tract,
although depending on its aggressiveness it could also attack the lower respiratory
tract (the lungs and bronchi).

Its infection is airborne, as in humans, through the mucosa. The symptoms are, as
in the flu we all know, a cough, a runny nose or loss of appetite. Fever can also
appear and lead to other more severe ailments, such as bronchitis, if it becomes

It is a set of ailments that affect the horse’s abdomen, causing great pain. There is
no single origin of this problem and it is for this reason that the treatments also
vary in each case. The equine that suffers from colic, will also suffer sweating,
abundant nervousness and lack of control due to pain, as well as problems with
feces and even dehydration. The postures you acquire are also a sign of colic, as
you may vary them to relieve pain.

Tetanus in horses is caused by a bacterium found in the soil with the scientific
name Clostridium tetani. The richer the soil in organic matter, the more likely it is
that the disease is present. They slip into the body of horses through the usual
scratches or small wounds on the animal’s legs.

The most common symptoms are involuntary and constant muscle contractions,
called tetanic. In addition, the horse will suffer from jaw and muscle problems
throughout its body, including facial ones, because the bacteria affect the animal’s
nervous system. If the horse is correctly vaccinated in a preventive way and the
open wounds are healed correctly, the disease can be avoided.

Equine encephalitis
Equine encephalitis is usually caused by mosquito bites and causes brain
inflammation. If it occurs in a very aggressive way, it can even cause seizures and
paralysis, so we are talking about one of the most dangerous pathologies for
horses, and with a worse prognosis for their life expectancy. That is why
prevention through vaccination is key.
Babesiosis (piroplasmosis)
Babesiosis is caused by the protozoan “Babesia equi”, and transmitted by ticks. It
is a very common disease in other domestic mammals such as cows or dogs, and it
attacks the horse’s red blood cells causing fever, anemia or weight loss. It is a very
harmful disease, so it is advisable to go quickly to a specialized veterinarian in case
of detecting similar symptoms or ticks in the horse.

Also like humans, the horse is an animal that can also suffer from this disease. In
the case of equines, it is very well detected, since it is easy to observe the
inflammation of the animal’s lymph nodes in the same area of the jaw. It is a very
contagious disease, so you must act very quickly.

In the event of any symptoms described above, it is important to go to a horse

veterinarian as soon as possible to try to stop the effects of the animal’s disease,
and may even avoid its death.

The Basics of Equine Nutrition

Digestive System Limitations

Horses are non-ruminant herbivores (hind-gut fermentors). Their
small stomach only has a capacity of 2 to 4 gallons for an average-sized 1000 lb.
horse. This limits the amount of feed a horse can take in at one time. Equids have
evolved as grazers that spend about 16 hours a day grazing pasture grasses. The
stomach serves to secrete hydrochloric acid (HCl) and pepsin to begin the
breakdown of food that enters the stomach. Horses are unable to regurgitate food,
so if they overeat or eat something poisonous vomiting is not an option.
Horses are also unique in that they do not have a gall bladder. This makes high fat
diets hard to digest and utilize. Horses can digest up to 20 % fat in their diet, but it
takes a span of 3 to 4 weeks for them to adjust. Normal horse rations contain only
3 to 4 % fat.
The horse’s small intestine is 50 to 70 feet long and holds 10 to 23 gallons. Most of
the nutrients (protein, some carbohydrates and fat) are digested in the small
intestine. Most of the vitamins and minerals are also absorbed here.
Most liquids are passed to the cecum, which is 3 to 4 feet long and holds 7 to 8
gallons. Detoxification of toxic substances occurs in the cecum. It also contains
bacteria and protozoa that pass the small intestine to digest fiber and any soluble

Horses require six main classes of nutrients to survive; they include water, fats,
carbohydrates, protein, vitamins,and minerals.
Water is the MOST IMPORTANT nutrient; horses can’t live long without it!
Always make sure there is an adequate, clean supply of water. Horses generally
drink about 2 quarts of water for every pound of hay they consume. In high
temperature, hard work, or for the lactating mare the water requirement may be 3
to 4 times the normal consumption.
Energy isn’t one of the six nutrients because the horse cannot physically consume
energy, however, it is a requirement for sustaining life. The most dense source of
energy is fat (almost three times more than carbohydrates or proteins); however,
carbohydrates in the forms of fermentable fiber or starch are the most common
source. Horses exercising, growing, pregnant in late gestation or early lactation
need increased energy in their diet.
Signs of energy deficiency include weight loss, decreased physical activity, milk
production, and growth rate. However, feeding a diet too high in energy can cause
obesity increasing the risk of colic, laminitis, and contribute to increased sweat loss
and exercise intolerance.
Fat can be added to a feed to increase the energy density of the diet. Fat has 9
Mcal/kg of energy, which is three-times that of any grain or carbohydrate source.
Fat is normally found at 2 to 6% in most premixed feeds; however, some higher fat
feeds will contain 10 to 12% fat. See Fat Supplements section for more.
Carbohydrates are the main energy source used in most feeds. The main building
block of carbohydrates is glucose. Soluble carbohydrates such as starches and
sugars are readily broken down to glucose in the small intestine and absorbed.
Insoluble carbohydrates such as fiber (cellulose) bypass enzymatic digestion and
must be fermented by microbes in the large intestine to release their energy
sources, the volatile fatty acids. Soluble carbohydrates are found in nearly every
feed source; corn has the highest amount, then barley and oats. Forages normally
have only 6 to 8% starch but under certain conditions can have up to 30%. Sudden
ingestion of large amounts of starch or high sugar feeds can cause colic or
Protein is used in muscle development during growth or exercise. The main
building blocks of protein are amino acids. Soybean meal and alfalfa are good
sources of protein that can be easily added to the diet. Second and third cutting
alfalfa can be 25 to 30% protein and can greatly impact the total dietary protein.
Most adult horses only require 8 to 10% protein in the ration; however, higher
protein is important for lactating mares and young growing foals.
Signs of protein deficiency include a rough or coarse hair coat, weight loss, and
reduced growth, milk production, and performance. Excess protein can result in
increased water intake and urination, and increased sweat losses during exercise,
which in turn lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
Vitamins are fat-soluble (vitamin A, D, E, and K), or water-soluble (vitamin C,
and B-complex). Horses at maintenance usually have more than adequate amounts
of vitamins in their diet if they are receiving fresh green forage and/or premixed
rations. Some cases where a horse would need a vitamin supplement include when
feeding a high-grain diet, or low-quality hay, if a horse is under stress (traveling,
showing, racing, etc.), prolonged strenuous activity, or not eating well (sick, after
surgery, etc.).
Most of the vitamins are found in green, leafy forages. Vitamin D is obtained from
sunlight, so only horses that are stalled for 24 hours a day need a supplement with
vitamin D. Vitamin E is found in fresh green forages, however, the amount
decreases with plant maturity and is destroyed during long term storage. Horses
that are under heavy exercise or under increased levels of stress also may benefit
from vitamin E supplementation. Vitamin K and B-complex are produced by the
gut microbes. Vitamin C is found in fresh vegetables and fruits, and produced
naturally by the liver. None of these are usually required in a horse’s diet. Severely
stressed horses, however, may benefit from B-complex and vitamin C supplements
during the period of stress.
Minerals are required for maintenance of body structure, fluid balance in cells
(electrolytes), nerve conduction, and muscle contraction. Only small amounts of
the macro-minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chloride,
magnesium, and sulfur are needed daily.
Calcium and phosphorus are needed in a specific ratio ideally 2:1, but never less
than 1:1. Alfalfa alone can exceed a Ca:P ratio of 6:1. Sweating depletes sodium,
potassium, and chloride from the horse’s system, therefore, supplementation with
electrolytes may be helpful for horses that sweat a lot. Normally, if adult horses are
consuming fresh green pasture and/or a premixed ration, they will receive proper
amounts of minerals in their diet, with the exception of sodium chloride (salt),
which should always be available. Young horses may need added calcium,
phosphorus, copper, and zinc during the first year or two of life.
Forages are classified as legumes or grasses. The nutrients in the forage vary
greatly with maturity of the grasses, fertilization, management, and environmental
conditions. In order to determine the nutrient content in forage it is best to take
samples and get them analyzed by a forage testing lab (contact your local County
Extension Office for testing information or see the fact sheet, FS714, Analysis of
Feeds and Forages for Horses).
Options for Housing your Horse
Indoor Housing
Indoor housing is ideal for horses that are being ridden or used every day in the
winter time. Traditionally, you will have individual box stalls and this system will
require a considerable amount of daily labor for manure removal. The single story
barns are the best option since they are cheaper to build and maintain. Hay storage
should be considered in a separate barn and you should contact your local fire
department for advice on regulations and suggestion on fire barrier placement.
Recommended sizes for box stalls:

 A miniature horse - a 6' x 8' stall.

 Ponies and small horses, under 900 pounds - 10' x 10' stalls. But if you
have the room, you might want to make the stalls 10' x 12' or 12' x 12' to
make the barn more versatile and more appealing to future buyers who
might have larger horses.
 Riding horses, 900 to 1100 pounds- 12' x 12' stall, which is the industry
 A Warmblood or a small draft - 12' x 14' to 14' x 14'.
 A large draft horse - 16'x16' stall.
 A foaling stall should be at least twice the size as a single stall for that
size horse.

Standing stalls are where the horse is tied forward with a chain or rope. Horses can
also stand loose with two chains across the open end. Many draft horses are kept in
standing stalls. They are not as comfortable for the horse since they are limited in
Open-sided or free-stall housing is good to use when you want to maintain horses
in the open-air while providing protection from inclement weather. This type of
system is used to house a group or horses that get along well with each other. Run-
in sheds are often used.
Open shed rows are similar to box stalls in a row but the doors are open to the
outdoors. Most doors are Dutch Doors, split to allow the top half to be left open for
ventilation purposes. This works best in mild climates.
Outdoor Housing
The advantages to outdoor housing are lower construction costs of the buildings
and less labor when it comes to cleaning the building. When considering outdoor
housing for horses, you can consider a three- sided structure or a more elaborate
open barn. You can purchase a skid steer to clean the barn and thus cut back on the
need for the wheel barrow and manure fork. Remember to feed (hay) horses at
least 150 meters from the barn to cut back on manure in the barn and the horses
will fight less for feed in an open area as compared to the confined space in a barn.
See the images at the top of the article for some examples of housing.
A well-lit barn is easier to work in and you will find that fewer horse flies will
congregate. Window and skylights provide natural (and free) light, but be careful
that they don't let in unrelenting summer sun. If possible, put a light in every stall.
Do NOT install any kind of lighting with exposed components.
The fencing you choose should be safe and adequate. All horses should be allowed
as much outside, free exercise as possible. The fencing should be sturdy especially
when the horses leans or rubs against it.
Wood fencing is the most eye appealing but costly and the maintenance can be
labor intensive. Poly vinyl chloride (PVC) fencing is becoming increasingly
popular because you can get the look of wooden fence, without the maintenance.
But PVC is a more expensive option than many of the others. High tensile fence is
an economical option, but is not recommended for line fences. It is important that
when using any type of electric fence that it is visible to the horse, and the horse
perceives it as a barrier. 

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