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Volume 7, Issue 3, March – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Psychoactive Faunas: New Unconventional

Substances of Abuse
Abdulgafar Olayiwola Jimoh, MBBS,Ph.D1
Okwor Sydney Chibuzor B.Sc2
Umar Muhammed Tukur MBBS, Ph.D3
Yunusa Abdulmajeed MBBS, Ph.D4
Adamu Ahmed Adamu. MBBS, MSc5
Fidelis Aluefua Omobhudde MBBS, MSc6
Aminu Chika MBBS, Ph.D9
1,3,4,6,7,8 & 9
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Basic Clinical Sciences,
College of Health Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto,

Zuwaira Sani, MBBS, MPH,MWACP Shuaibu Abdullahi Hudu, MBBS, Ph.D

Department Family Medicine, Department of Medical Microbiology and Pasitology,
UsmanuDanfodiyo University Faculty of Basic Clinical Sciences, College of Health
Teaching Hospital Sokoto, Sciences, UsmanuDanfodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria

Abstract:- faunas as potential sources of drug of abuse. Our

Background and Objectives:- Prevalence of substance findings has provided documented evidences of their use.
abuse remains very high globally and particularly in
third world countries.-where people turn to cheap, I. INTRODUCTION
equally potent and dangerous principles from animals
and are collectively called Psychoactive Faunas - the In trying to feed from natural abundance, the primitive
group of animals whose body parts, secretions or man incidentally discovered other substances with
excretions/wastes contain one or more substances; which psychoactive properties. Although majority of these mind-
taken in a sufficiently high dose via any route of altering components are found in plants1⁠. Notwithstanding,
administration, possess the potential to alter an there are equally potent and dangerous principles originating
individual’s cognitive state and behavior. Except for wild from animal parts or largely unwanted products of
life related laws in most countries, there are no specific metabolism. These new, unconventional and strange
laws regulating the increasing abuse of these substances components from the animal kingdom that have become
in most countries of the globe. drugs of abuse from are collectively called Psychoactive
Faunas – a phrase credited to Blom2⁠. To understand the
Methods:- Preliminary search was performed via origin of the phrase, the term ‘Psychoactive’ comes from
Google® to obtain potential keywords that would be Greek words psuche(Meaning spirit, life breath, soul, mind),
representatives of “Abuse of Psychoactive fauna” the Latin wordactivus which means ‘active’,and Faunus,
Animal’s name and possible street names on the ‘goddess of fertility in Roman history 3⁠. Generally,
PubMed/Medline, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Psychoactive Faunas are the group of animals whose body
Secondary searches were also carried out. parts, secretions or excretions/wastes contain one or more
substances; which taken in a sufficiently high dose via any
Results:- The database search yielded 39,187 records. route of administration, posses the potential to alter an
Twenty one (21) Journal Articles, Five (5) Newspaper individual’s cognitive state and behavior 4⁠. Interestingly,
reports, One (1) Policy document, total Twenty seven this definition would later on, include utilization of Human
(27) studies included in the present review. excreta (street nameJenkem, Butthash) as drug of abuse
previously reported by the WHO 5⁠, and very recently
Discussion and Conclusion:- The findings demonstrated documented in Dumbiliet al 6⁠.
evidences of the abuse of psychoactive fauna different
parts of the globe of whole lizard, its tail or dung; snake Abuse of psychotropic substances, as old as it has
venom or skin; toad venom; whole scorpion, its tail or existed, remains a top troubling global social, economic, and
venom; cattle dung; human excreta or urine; whole legal problems cutting across individuals of diverse cultures
hallucinogenic fish; cow dung; hen dung; spider web and and socio-economic strata. About 9 in 10 individuals aged
more recently goat or sheep dung. Lizard is the currently 12years and above could be dependent on at least one
the most cited of psychoactive faunas of abuse apart psychoactive substance 7⁠. This is even more evident in the
from snakes, toads, and scorpions that have been developing countries, and third world communities 8⁠. For
extensively studied. instance in Nigeria, the overall prevalence of drug abuse is
still high despite the availability of various policies, drug
Scientific Significance:- Majority of previous reviews on laws and schemes for prevention 9⁠.
substance abuse have not acknowledged psychoactive

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Volume 7, Issue 3, March – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Studies from different parts of the globe have II. METHODOLOGY
accounted for the unconventional use of various forms of
psychoactive faunas as substances of abuse. Documented A. Search Strategy
are hallucinogenic fishes and ants 3⁠, lizard dung 4,10,11⁠, lizard Preliminary search was performed via Google® to
tail 12,13⁠, cow dung 14⁠, snake venom 3,15–21⁠, human wastes obtain potential representatives of “Abuse of Psychoactive
⁠, toad skin excretions3,24,25⁠, scorpion stings26,27⁠, fauna” Animal’s name and possible street names. The
Cow or hen dung23⁠, and more recently reported Goat or following keywords was then applied to make up search
sheep faeces28⁠. The overall effects reported from abuse of terms on Pubmed/Medline, Scopus, and Google Scholar, -
these faunas include intoxication, hallucinations, palpitation, “psychoactive fauna” “psychedelic animals” “psychoactive
numbness, anesthesia, paresthesia, abdominal pain, nausea animals”, “unconventional substance abuse” “New
and vomiting, muscle paralysis and respiratory insufficiency Psychoactive Substances” “Novel Psychoactive substances”
⁠. It is the innate compulsion in man, just like hunger, thirst “legal high” “lizard smoking” “toad licking” “scorpion
or sex30⁠, and the persuasion to experience a novel euphoria, addiction” “addiction to snake” “cow dung smoking” “Toilet
that led to substance abusers resorting to the use (as a single smoking” “Toilet inhalation” .
or in combination) of several other dangerous and mundane
substances like the psychoactive faunas. Financial In combination of the free text terms searched on
implications of sustaining the usage of certain substances is Google®, possible MESH headings for the topics of
also a valid factor for trying out these rather unconventional Psychoactive Fauna, Psychedelic Fauna, New Psychoactive
alternative 4⁠, with patterns and prevalence likely to be seen substances and Novel Psychoactive Substances were
in localities, where a major population are financially searched as ((((Psychoactive OR Psychedelic OR
constrained. Elsewhere, studies have outlined other reasons Hallucinogenic) substances [Title/Abstract]) AND ((various
driving the abuse of drugs/substances identifying improved names of animals) [Title/Abstract]))) on Pubmed/Medline
performance, peer influence and unemployment, but easy Secondary searches (like a snowball technique) were also
availability is leading motive driving the abuse of carried out from the references contained in the chosen
psychoactive substances31⁠, especially the unconventional articles and relevant systematic reviews.
substances like the psychoactive faunas. By implication, the B. Study Selection and Inclusion/Exclusion criteria
abuse of these substances became inevitable as they are The first 10 pages of Google® searches were screened
readily available at almost no financial cost, and no legal and relevant results selected based on supposed pertinence
hurdles or monitoring32⁠. Apart from the states of New York to the study and potential key words for creating search
⁠ and and California 34⁠ where the bufo toad have been terms.
outlawed as a source of drug of abuse, the only legal
framework militating against psychoactive fauna abuse in Without setting a time limit, all articles and relevant
most nations are often more of laws protecting wild life reviews published in any language until August 9th, 2021
exploitation than specified drug laws 18⁠. Sadly, previous were selected. Articles that described the use (by man, via
studies that ascertained the patterns of drug use and any route of administration) of these animals/animal parts,
remarkably misused substances have not acknowledged secretions and waste products as a drug of
Psychoactive faunas 9,35,36⁠. abuse/dependence, for recreational purposes, for purported
psychoactive/psychedelic/hallucinogenic experiences were
Now that the menace of drug abuse continues ravaging included. Original Articles,Casereports,Reviews, policy
the sanctity of the society, there exists a vacuum in medical documents, letters to editors and Newspaper reports were all
literature about the abuse of these unconventional considered for retrieving data.
substances- especially the psychoactive faunas, that presents
myriads of physical, social, mental, psychological and Studies that highlighted medicinal uses were also
medical challenges. selected but those recording only the traditional or
religious/spiritual uses only were excluded from the review,
It is in view of the above that we commissioned this as they do not serve the goal of the current study.
present review to describe and characterize Psychoactive
faunas and it’s application, providing evidences of their use III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
as drugs of abuse/dependence and to explore possible areas
of research ranging from chemical constituent and The database search yielded 39,187 records. After
compositions, possible psychoactive compound, plausible removing duplicates, 498 remained, of which 363 were
mechanism of action and molecular pathways, effects and excluded based on title and abstract. 135 full texts were
untoward effects of the use/abuse of the psychoactive fauna, assessed, and 109 were excluded, for not meeting the criteria
and to also sensitize law enforcement agents to bridge the of the review. Twenty one (21) Journal Articles , Five (5)
legal lacunae. Newspaper reports, One (1) Policy document, making a total
Twenty seven (27) studies were included in the present

The review shows that Lizard is the currently the most

cited of psychoactive faunas of abuse apart from snakes,
toads, and scorpions that have been extensively studied and
previously existed as entheogens.

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Volume 7, Issue 3, March – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Diverse range of substances earlier intended as lawful The pathology of addiction is not entirely based on free
alternatives to the already constituted illicit drugs will or an individual’s conscious choice to use but may have
(consciously grouped and tagged new psychoactive some deeper influences. Although humans may be
substances; [NPS]) has emerged at astronomical rates since biologically and psychologically predisposed to illicit drug
the mid-2000s and has posed serious challenges to the use and addiction, they may often be driven toward that state
traditional public health responses, monitoring and control by several social and cultural influences 45⁠. Personality
approaches to drug use 37,38⁠. The United Nations defined profiles, temperament, socio-cultural environment,
these NPS as “substances of abuse, either in a pure form or a availability and accessibility of the substance, and co-
preparation, that may pose a public health threat but are not morbid psychopathology are factors known to influence the
controlled neither by the Conventions on Narcotic Drugs of disposition to involve in a particular kind of substance of
1961 nor the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of abuse32⁠ but the findings of this review asserts that
1971 39⁠. availability and accessibility is the leading contributing
factor. Even though it has been previously established that
In this context, the term ‘new’ only means ‘emergent’, novelty seeking is a general predisposing factor for
‘unconventional’ Psychoactive faunas fits perfectly to a substance addiction 46⁠, this study have also supported the
potential source of these new, unconventional and ‘legal’ initial position of Le Bon et al. 47⁠ that opioid and cocaine
alternative drugs of abuse although the current operational users have shown more compulsion at seeking new
definition of New Psychoactive Substance (NPS) by the alternatives to their addictions. Abuse of lizard and snake
UNODC did not identify them as such. has been documented to be common in individuals with
earlier addiction/dependence to opioids and cocaine. Thus,
The abuse of psychoactive fauna has been reported in with the previously discussed cases of using lizard tail and
many unpublished newspapers, magazines and blogs 40–43⁠, experiencing a high similar or comparable to cannabis 4,13,48⁠
now attracting attention, being reported and discussed in and particularly a combination with cannabis 12,49⁠ it becomes
detail in medical literature. reasonable to hypothesize that cannabis would be a plausible
Whereas the words ‘use’ ‘misuse’ and ‘abuse’ have positive control in experimental studies for understanding
been taken interchangeably throughout this study, it is the actual psychoactive component of lizard tail. It could as
important to establish that what entails ‘use’ in one well be a mere coincidence, open to experimental
geographical area of study might imply ‘misuse’ and/or confirmation.
‘abuse in another. Bufotenin (from Bufo toads) have been
previously know to be used for ritual purposes since the
precolumbian age 1,24⁠ and also as an investigational drug for
CNS studies 44⁠. Results from this study posits that ritual use
of bufo toads may be totally strange among the population
of interest as it is neither used for cultural nor religious
purposes hence, cases cited would entail abuse/misuse.

Fig. 1: Study Flow Diagram Lizard

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Volume 7, Issue 3, March – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
In available reports the basis for the purported use of To achieve some levels of high spirits, reports has
Lizard tail as a drug of abuse is inclined towards attested to the deliberate exposures to snake bites 16,19⁠ and
psychological than physiological dependence even though bites from snakes previously fed with some other
the possibility of a physiological dependence cannot be unidentified substance30⁠. These cases may just be an
ruled out entirely. Abusers would heat freshly collected evidence of the bigger picture as numerous indirect reports
lizard tails and inhale the flame as deeply as possible, to have acknowledged arrests of drug peddlers selling snake
experience mind-altering effects enduring only for about 4- venom at different places 17⁠. Smoking of dried snake skins
10 minutes 13⁠. Similarly, a rare case of combination of (combined with cannabis) was also reported for similar
cannabis with powder made from whole lizard was reported effects29⁠ Cases of injection of extracted snake venom for
⁠, where the abuser burned the Indian spiny tailed lizard recreational activities to experience euphoria and relief
(Uromastyxhardwickii) in whole and combined with or from stress has also been cited, all of which have been
substituted cannabis for the charred remains. Additionally documented and suggesting a comparable opioid-like
reported and awaiting experimental confirmations; is a analgesic effects 15,21⁠. A separate investigation reasserts that
similar case of combination of lizard powder with cannabis, the central cholinergic system but not necessarily the opioid
raised the suspicion of a possible intensified addiction when system seem to be effective in eliciting the antinociceptive
cannabis is combined with powdered lizard tail 12⁠. action of snake venom55⁠. In support, additional studies
maintained that distinct neurotoxins, slow reacting
Related to other reported modes of administration, an substances, active metabolites including bradykinin,
exceptional case of opioid-dependent syndrome, also using peptides, prostaglandins and serotonin released during snake
powdered tail of Indian wall lizard to get high was reported envenomation, are responsible for a demonstrated
⁠ In this instance, abusers sun dry the lizard tail before significant analgesia of the venom when tested in animal
burning and then smoke the charred remnants experiencing models19⁠.
instant euphoria akin to abusers previously addicted to
cannabis 4⁠ and heroin 26⁠. In India, the white part of the Although currently abused, evidences from a more
Lizard droppings have been reportedly combined with recent review of literature maintained that employing snake
chewable tobacco brands to potentiate the action of tobacco venoms for pain management (similar to opioids use) is a
⁠ As nauseating as it sounds, abusers chew the lizard excreta common and promising hypothesis, particularly for its
as they purportedly believe it gives an extra “kick”. In a potential curative effects on pain from rheumatoid arthritis
similar report, substance users in Bida LGA of Niger state, 56
Nigeria, has attested to using the white portion of lizard
dung to achieve a high 11⁠. D. Toad/Frog
The first documented information regarding a
The white part of the lizard excreta is a composition of psychoactive drug from the animal kingdom, provided a
crystallized uric acids as a means of excretion of clear evidence Precolumbian peoples of the New World
nitrogenous wastes analogous to urine 50⁠. It is therefore have been using the psychoactive toad57⁠ Ethnographic
credible to consider the urate content as the psychoactive reports and anthropological folklore initially hypothesized
substance. This is subject to experimental verification even psychoactivity of the Mesoamerican toad, Bufomarinus,
though literature reviews of the central nervous system where it used as an entheogen.However, B. marinus was
activity of uric acid has previously confirmed the discredited by Weil & Davis24⁠ for use in ritual or
enhancement of cognitive functions and motivations in recreational purposesbecause of the illustrated toxicities of
different human population samples. In biochemical basis, the venom .
uric acid (and its analogues) penetrates the blood brain
barrier, and relative to metabolism of Subsequently, the skin and glands of the Sonoran
catecholamines/dopamine, urates can be synthesized and desert toad, (Bufoalvarius), has sufficed for this purpose
metabolized in the CNS, therefore exhibiting potent because it secretes ample quantities of a potent
hallucinogenic tryptamine analogue- Bufotenin- 5-methoxy-
neuroprotective and antioxidative properties51⁠
N,N-dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) and Bufotoxin 3⁠.
Initially discovered in 1893, bufotenin has enjoyed several
C. Snake
citations in scientific literature and essentially, the Bufo
Ancient cultural practices envisaged that repeated snake
toad became famous as a therapeutic, a powerful poison and
bites and exposure to snake venoms provides a form of
an investigational tool in CNS studies58⁠ . Since 1960s the
immunization from a more dangerous snake envenomation 52⁠
Bufo toad has paradoxically become a non-conventional
. A contrast to this opinion asserts that no form of immunity
source of drug of abuse, with people reportedly licking or
was produced and in fact, death from anaphylaxis was
smoking the skins/secretions to get high even though the
possible53⁠. This makes snake venom the most evidently
venom of B. alvarius, is known to be toxic when consumed
deadly of all reported forms of psychoactive substance of
orally 57⁠ An important psychdelic component of ancient
abuse from animal origin 18⁠ although they have been
South American snuff powders, bufotenin (street name
initially employed as invaluable pharmacological tools in
hashish) is a drug of abuse on the streets to the point it is
study of nerve activity54⁠ The Bungaruscaeruleus (common
now a controlled hallucinogenic substance (schedule I)
krait),Najanaja (cobra), and Opheodrysvernalis (green
under the state and federal laws in New York33⁠ Experimental
snake) are the most commonly abused snake species by
models has demonstrated a comparable mechanism of action
of Bufotenin with other renowned hallucinogenic drugs like

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Volume 7, Issue 3, March – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
LSD, psilocin and 5-MeO-DMT at the acknowledged G. Human Waste/Excreta
hallucinogenic 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C serotogernic receptors. Unarguably, the most bizarre psychoactive substance of
It is the inability of Bufotenin (and similar compounds) to abuse from the animal kingdom is the use of human excreta
penetrate the BBB that is responsible for the reported lack of (Street name Jenkem) to get high. Reports from the Program
a classic hallucinogenic activity in Human studies, and not on substance Abuse by WHO’s Division of Mental Health
necessarily the absence of 5-HT receptor activity25⁠. and Prevention of Substance described Jenkem to be
composed of fermented human wastes (feces and urine). The
E. Scorpion name Jenkem evolved from a popular glue brand known as
As a substitute for heroin, abusers claimed to experience ‘Genkem’. Sniffing of this glue was peculiar South Africa
distinct pleasurable effect of the scorpion sting that was but later became a trend amongst several substance abusers
more potent than heroin, without any report of on the streets of Lusaka, Zambia5⁠.Using this dirty hard drug
hallucinations or loss of consciousness, the abuser essentially involves the user inhaling methane emissions
experiences instantaneous anxiolytic effects that could last from human feces and urine10,11,23⁠.This is purportedly more
for about six hours26⁠. Reports shows abusers in the interiors potent and effective to induce euphoria when inhaled as
of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), India, also smoke the fume opposed to glue and several other similar options, with
from dead scorpion for same purpose of ‘getting high’ effects lasting up to an hour. Typically, the users gather
where dead scorpion is dried in the sunlight and then burnt human waste from sewers and then bottle it for several
on coal to release smokes that is inhaled by the abuser 59⁠. weeks to allow fermentation. A balloon is used to collect the
emissions from a small opening on the bottle. Experiences
Previous studies has established that the scorpion of intense hallucinations were reported when the fermented
venom contains basic polypeptides of low molecular gas is inhaled from the collecting balloon. These studies
weightmucus, inorganic salts, lipids, amines, nucleotides, declares that youths (aged between 18 and 30 years) were
enzymes, kallikrein inhibitor, natriuretic peptide, proteins into non-conventional substance use/abuse particularly
with high molecular mass, free amino acids and neurotoxins, inhalation of hydrogen sulfide gas from pit latrine.
As the important venomous agents, these toxins act on
voltage-gated sodium (Nav) and potassium (Kv) Other numerous cases of people getting high from
channelspromoting a disturbance that likely to elicit an human waste has been seen in unpublished newspapers and
atypical neurotransmission; such as release of serotoninin magazine articles, even in the western media22⁠.
mammals. Accompanied are a resultant production of
varying psychoactivity such as convulsions, electrographic IV. CONCLUSION
neuronal damage in specific hippocampal areasbehavioural
and histopathological effects27,60–62⁠. With evidences of  Most reported cases of abuse of psychoactive faunas is
potential lethal effects on almost all anatomic systems, from India.
scorpion venom is lethal at experimental conditions  There exists a vacuum in medical literature about a clear
providing the basis for a potential health hazard to mechanism of action and toxicities of the psychoactive
psychonauts27⁠. fauna .
 The actual form of dependence or addiction of these
F. Cow/Cattle Dung absurd substances of abuse remains blurry.
A case vignette of dependence on freshly collected cow  There are no records of actual prevalence or burden of
dung was used by the abuser achieved higher degrees of psychoactive fauna as drugs of abuse.
elation by ingestion as compared to smoking the fumes of  Lizard is the currently the most cited of psychoactive
the burnt dry dung. The abuser reported easy irritability, faunas of abuse apart from snakes, toads, and scorpions
restlessness, uneasiness, insomnia and anxiety and also that have been extensively studied and previously existed
noticed the periods of palpitation, dizziness, nausea and loss as entheogens.
of concentration in her routine work if she missed inhaling  The findings of this review is just a tip of the iceberg as
the fumes even for a day14⁠.One of the non-pathogenic there may be many more psychoactive substances from the
bacterium first isolated from cow dung Mycobacterium animal kingdom being abused in various undocumented
vaccae, possesses antidepressant properties. When inhaled, and unimaginable methods of abuse/use and modes of
it enhanced the growth of neuron which stimulates the administration, especially in under developed and
production of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain63⁠. developing parts of the Globe, where documentation of
Although contrary to the reported case of abuse, this is these instances of abuse may be almost impracticable, but
perhaps, a headway to the psychoactive mechanism easy availability and financial implication will be driving
resulting to the abuse of cow dung. the adoption of these inconceivable substances of abuse.
Findings in Lalet al 64⁠ proposes that (active or passive)
smoking of cow dung increased pulmonary tissue damage
that may result in diverse respiratory infections, having
established that the principal constituent of the smoke from
cow dung is Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

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Volume 7, Issue 3, March – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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Volume 7, Issue 3, March – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Appendix 1 : Summary of Findings.

Lizard a) Tail India, Adolescen i) Inhalation i) Euphoria i) Raised NIL Journal
Jamaica t males, of fumes lasting 4-10 liver Articles(3)
Prison from flames mins. (Dass et enzymes and
inmate, of fresh al, 2020) hepatomegaly
Previous tails, 4-5 ii) Tingling ii) cerebral
cannabis times daily sensation over and cerebellar
and/or ii) Smoking lower limb, atrophy,
alcohol of charred imbalance iii)bilateral
dependenc remains while walking axonal
e from dry tail (Anil et al., demyelinating
powder 2019) neuropathy,
(sometimes iii) Mild iv) hypotonic
in sedation bladder.
combination lasting 10- v) Primary
with 12hr (Bhad et open angle
cannabis) al., 2016) glaucoma
with optic
(Anil et al.,
b) India, Adolescen i) Ingestion Crystallized i) Potentiate Hyperurucemi NIL Journal
Dung/excret Nigeria t males in of dried uric acid CNS a, articles (2)
a slums, whitish part (Avery and stimulation gout(Tovchig Newspaper
Prison of dung in Perkins, (Isaacs, 2002; a and Articles (3)
inmates combination 1989;, Shtrygol’,
with Tovchiga 2013; Chahal 2014)
tobacco and et al., 2016;
ii) Liquid Shtrygol’, Danjuma et
Drink in 2014) al., 2016;
combination Igonikan,
of blue dye 2018)
and zakami
c) Whole India Prison i) Smoking i) Potentiated Journal
lizard inmates, of Powder euphoria articles(3)
Previous made from (Basu et al.,
addiction whole 2014)
to lizard animal ii) Acute
tails substituted psychotic
or combined episodes with
with disorganized
cannabis behavior
(Sarkhel et
al., 2011;
Garg et al.,
Snake a) Venoms India, Adolescen i) Deliberate neurotoxins, i) Lethargy, Coagulopathy, i) Journal
China, ts (male snake bites bradykinin, profound haemorrhagic Anxiolytic articles (9)
Vietnam,U and and peptides, muscular and indirect , Newspaper

IJISRT22MAR1213 1558

Volume 7, Issue 3, March – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
SA female) combination prostaglandi weakness, haemolytic antinocice Articles (1)
especially of extracted ns and sleepiness and activities,(Mei ptive and
in rave venoms serotonin Euphoria(Pra er and analgesic
parties. with (Senthilkum dhan, 1990; Stocker, 1991; (Pradhan,
Young alcohol. aran et al., Kautilya and Maduwage et 1990;
adults ii) IV 2013) Bhodka, al., 2016) Katshu et
previously injection of 2012; al., 2011;
addicted extracted Senthilkumar Kautilya
to heroin venoms an et al., and
2013) Bhodka,
ii) enhanced 2012,
sensation, 2013;
energy boost, Braganza
tachycardia, and
dizziness, and Krishnam
narcosis (Das urthy,
et al., 2017) 2013;
maran et
al., 2013;
Das et al.,
Mehra et
al., 2018;
of Covid
19 virus
di, 2021)
b) Skin India,USA 42 y/o i) Smoking i) Euphoria, Journal
male, of powder Light articles(1)
in headedness,
combination tremor
with ((Kautilya and
cannabis Bhodka,
2012; Anil et
al., 2019)
Toads Venoms USA, Young i) Bufotenin- i) intense and anorexia, antiinflam Journal
China, population ingestion/Li and transient nausea, matory,ana articles(2)
India, cking of Bufotoxin psychoactive vomiting and lgesic and
skin surface action on effects mainly neurological anti-
ii) deep hallucinoge auditory and symptoms infectious
inhalations nic 5-HT2A visual similar to actions
of vaporized and 5-HT2C hallucination digoxin (Zhang et
venom serotogernic (Weil and (Gowda et al., al., 2019)
receptors Davis, 1994; 2003)
(Lyttle et al., Orsolini et al.,
1996, 2012; 2018)
Orsolini et
al., 2018)⁠
Scorpio Venoms India, Male age Deliberate Neurotoxins i) Euphoria Elevated Journal
n Pakistan 60 envenomati act on the and anxiolytic hematological articles(1)
on/sting ion channels effects lasting and
and cause up to 6 hours histological

IJISRT22MAR1213 1559

Volume 7, Issue 3, March – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
abnormal (Varghese et parameters(D
release of al., 2006) ehghani et al.,
neurotransm 2012)
itters like Neurotoxicity,
serotonin(Va (Nencioni et
rghese et al., al., 2000)
Whole India Male age Dried and May be i) Newspaper
scorpion or 74, smoked similar as in Hallucination article (1)
tail above for s, euphoria,
venoms memory loss,
lasting up to
10 hrs with
first 6 hrs
being more
(Ullah, 2016)
Cow/Ca Dung India Housewife i) Ingestion i) Sulphuric i)Euphoria,irri Normal limits Possible Journal
ttle of dry cake mists(Khair tability, of : medicinal articles(1)
ii) kar et al., restlessness, i) Baseline effects
Inhalation 2009) uneasiness, routine with low
of fumes ii) Non- insomnia investigations toxicity
from burnt pathogenic (Khairkar et ii)
cake bacterium al., 2009) Gastroenterol
Mycobacteri ogy
umvaccae, evaluation,
possesses iii) Computed
antidepressa tomography
nt scan of brain
properties. and
When electroenceph
inhaled, it alography
enhanced (Khairkar et
the growth al., 2009)
of neuron
of serotonin
ne in the
(Lowry et
al., 2007)
Human Excreta and Zambia, Children, i) Inhalation Unknown Sustained Gout, N/A Journal
Urine Nigeria Young of fumes euphoria and Hyperammon Articles (6)
adults, from pit anxiolytic emia, elevated Reports (1)
cannabis latrine effects kidney and
addicts ii) (WHO, 1996; liver enzymes
Inhalation Guest, 2003;
of fumes Danjuma et
from al., 2015,
fermented 2016; Motyka
excreta and and
urine Marcinkowski
enclosed , 2015;
Dumbili et al.,

IJISRT22MAR1213 1560

Volume 7, Issue 3, March – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Fish Whole South Young and Ingestion of i) Stimulant Journal
(Halluci Africa and older raw fish and articles(1)
nogenic Hawaiian adults psychedelic
fish) and from effect,
Norfolk riverine hallucinations
Islands in areas , aphrodisiac.
the Pacific (Orsolini et
Ocean. al., 2018)
Camel Dung Afghanista Tobacco Adolescents Potentiates Subjective Gout, Journal
or Hen n, users Orally in effects of sense of Hyperammon articles(1)
Pakistan, combination tobacco. spinning or emia, elevated
Iraq, with Actual imbalance, kidney and
Iran,Engla tobacco, mechanism moving liver enzymes
nd, slaked lime, unclear tingling in
vegetable arms and legs,
oil, ash blurred
from burnt perception
plants and and a sense of
various relaxation
spices lasting about
(Nasway).( 5-7
Motyka and minutes.
Marcinkows intestinal
ki, 2015) infections
and parasite-
(Motyka and
, 2015)

Spider Web India Young (Anil et al.,

adults and 2019)

IJISRT22MAR1213 1561

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