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Core Competencies
KI 1 : To live and practice the teachings of the religion they hold.
KI 2 : Demonstrating honesty, discipline, responsibility, care (mutual cooperation,
cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and proactive as part of the
solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural
environment and placing yourself as a reflection nation in the world association.
KI 3 : Understanding, applying, analyzing and evaluating factual, conceptual,
procedural knowledge based on curiosity about science, technology, art, culture
and humanities with human, nationality, state and civilization knowledge related
to the cause of phenomena and events and applies procedural knowledge to
specific fields of study according to their talents and interests to solve problems.
KI 4 : Cultivate, reason, present and create in the realm of concrete and abstract
domains related to the development of what they learned in school independently,
and to act effectively and creatively and be able to use methods according to
scientific principles.
B. Basic competencies
2.2 Able to transform themselves in being honest, disciplined and responsible in
carrying out mathematics learning tasks.
2.3 Show caring attitude (mutual cooperation, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite,
responsive and proactive as part of the solution to various problems in interacting
effectively with the environment.
3.1 Analyzing enumeration rules (Addition, Multiplication, Permutation and
C. Indicator
2.2.1 Able to transform themselves in being honest, disciplined and responsible in
carrying out mathematics learning tasks.
2.3.1 Show caring attitude (mutual cooperation, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite,
responsive and proactive as part of the solution to various problems in interacting
effectively with the environment.
3.1.1 Determine enumeration rules (addition, multiplication, permutation and
D. Learning Objectives
1. In the learning process students are expected to be able to take responsibility for
solving problems.
2. In the learning process students are expected to be able to work well together during
discussions and group assignments.
3. After learning is carried out it is expected that students will be able to determine the
rules of enumeration (addition, multiplication, permutation and combination.
E. Learning materials
Enumeration rules:
 Addition
 Multiplication
 Permutation
 Combination
F. Learning methods
Approach : Scientific Learning
Learning Model : Discovery Learning (discovery learning) and
Problem Solving
Method. : Lecture, question and answer, discussion and work

G. Learning Activities

Learning Activities Score
1. Introduction
• The teacher asks one of the students to lead the prayer
before the learning activity begins
• Teachers attend students
• The teacher conveys the learning objectives: Spiritual
1. Find the concept of multiplication rules carefully and 5 minutes
2. Explain the difference between permutations and Attitudes
combinations appropriately
3. Skillfully applies the concepts / principles of
permutation and combination in solving problems

1. Core
30 minutes
• Providing Stimulation

The teacher provides information as follows:

1. Multiplication Rules

Multiplication rules are usually used for several events which

are all "at once happen" and usually use conjunctions "and".

Suppose there are n places with conditions:

a. Many ways to fill in first place, c1; 40 minutes

Learning Activities Score
b. Many ways to fill in the second place after the first place
is filled, c2;

c. Many ways to fill third place after first and second place
are filled, c3;

And so on until many ways to fill the n-th place after the first,
second, third, ..., (n - 1) places are filled is cn.

Many ways to fill n places as a whole can be formulated by:

A volleyball team consisting of 8 people (including
reserve players), will be chosen by a captain, deputy
captain and feeder. How many choices can be formed, if
a. Someone may double up
b. One can't double?
a. Because one person may double, each position can be
occupied by all players. The number of volleyball team
sets is 8 x 8 x 8 = 512 choices.
b. Because one cannot double, the Number of Volleyball
Team Arrangements is 8 x 7 x 6 = 336 choices

2. Rules of Addition
The addition rule is usually used for several events that
"do not happen at once" meaning that only one occurs or
can be said to be "choice" and usually uses conjunctions
If there are n events that are mutually loose,
k1 = many ways in the first event
k2 = many ways in the second event 70 minutes
k3 = many ways in the third event and so on Domain
kn = many ways in the nth event of
So many ways for n events as a whole are: Knowled
Learning Activities Score

At Lukman's house there are 3 different types of bikes, 2
20 minutes
different types of motorbikes, and 2 different cars. If
Lukman wants to travel, how many ways does Lukman The
use vehicles in his house? realm of 5 minutes
Solution: skill
There are three choices of vehicles, namely bicycles,
motorbikes, and cars. Lukman is not possible to use all
three types of vehicles at once, which means Lukman
must choose one type of vehicle only. So we can use the
sum rule in this case.
Many ways 3 + 2 + 2 = 7 ways.
• Statement / Problem identification:
Permutations are ordered sequences of a set of numbers.
a. Permutations of different elements
A set of k elements taken from n elements arranged in a
certain sequence so that a different sequence is obtained
called the permutation of k from n elements.
The permutation k of n available elements can be determined
by the formula

Five different prizes will be given to 3 class winners. But
each champion will only get 1 prize each. What is the
composition of prizes that can be formed to be given to the
three champions?

Will make 3 gifts out of 5, so r = 3 and n = 5.

Learning Activities Score

b. Recurring Permutations
The number of repetitive permutations of r elements
taken from n available elements is.

Determine the number of numbers consisting of three
numbers can be formed from numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 if the
use of numbers may repeat!
Because the use of numbers may be repeated, many
numbers that can be formed are repetitive

c. Permutations with the Same Elements

The total number of permutations of all n elements
from which there are n1 elements is the same, as
many as the other n2 elements are the same and so on

How many ways can be compiled from the word
Learning Activities Score

d. Cyclical Permutation
The number of cyclical permutations of n elements is:

Five people occupied the seats surrounding the round
table. How many arrangements can occur?

4. Combination
Events in which order does not matter are called
The combination of k elements from n available
elements can be determined by the formula

In a box there are 5 red balls and 4 white balls. From
the box taken 5 balls. How many ways to get the five
balls consisting of 3 red balls and 2 white balls?

Red Ball × White Ball ¿ C ( 5,3 ) ×C ( 4,2 )
5! 4!
¿ ×
(5−3 ) ! 3 ! ( 4−2 ) ! 2 !

5! 4!
¿ ×
2!3 ! 2! 2 !

5× 4 × 3! 4 ×3 ×2 !
¿ ×
2! 3 ! 2× 1× 2!

¿ 10 ×6
Learning Activities Score
¿ 60

• Data Collection (Data Collection)

- The teacher divides the class into groups with each group
consisting of 3-4 members.
- Each group looks for information about multiplication,
permutation and combination rules in a textbook or on the
internet, then records it in each student's notebook.
- The teacher distributes worksheets (attached) to be
discussed by students.
- Actively learners pay close attention to and observe the
worksheets that have been distributed by the teacher and think
about how to solve them.
- Students work together in 1 group to complete the activities
in the worksheet
• Verification
- Students present the results of their group discussions to the
front of the class.
- The teacher and students discuss the results of the
• Draw conclusions / generalizations (Generalization).
- Students and teachers conclude about the material that has
been learned today
1. Closing
 The teacher informs learning activities at the next
5 minutes
meeting, namely the opportunities for multiple events.
 The teacher ends the learning activity

H. Learning Resources, Media and Tools

Learning Resources:
1. KEMENDIKBUD RI Mathematics Class XII. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and
Culture 2018.
2. Kasmina. Toali et al, Mathematics for SMK / MAK Class XII, Erlangga Year 2008.
3. MF.Atsnan, I Want to Get a Grade 10 Mathematics Vocational School, Andi
Yogyakarta in 2013.

Media :
1. Screening Materials / Power Point Teaching Materials.
2. Student Worksheets.
3. Assessment Sheet.
Tools: Laptop and LCD.
I. assessment of the results of the study
1. Assessment techniques
a. Attitude assessment using rubrics
b. Cognitive and psychomotor assessment uses written test form description in pre-test,
post-test, group discussion questions, and homework, along with scoring guidelines.
2. Assessment procedures

assessment assessment time

No Rated aspect

1. Attitude
1. Able to take responsibility in solving
problems. observation During learning and during
2. Being able to be honest in doing discussions.
individual or group assignments.
3. Able to work well together during
discussions and group assignments.

2. Knowledge writing test

1. Being able to find the concept of
multiplication rules carefully
2. Able to explain differences in
permutations and combinations

Banjarmasin, 29 October 2019

Teacher Mathematics Lesson

Head of MAN 2 Model Banjarmasin

Dra. Naimah NIP.


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