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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


I. Objectives
a. Show understanding about the uses of demonstrative pronouns
b. Use the four demonstrative pronouns in a sentence
c. Identify the different uses of the demonstrative pronouns

II. Subject Matter: Demonstrative Pronoun

Materials: Incentive chart, Visual aids, Video presentation
Integration: Music (Action song), Math (Counting)

III. Procedures
A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
Before we will start our day let us put our presence in our Lord. May I request
somebody to lead the opening prayer.
2. Greetings
Good morning class!
(Good morning teacher, good morning classmates.)
3. Energizer
I will teach you a new action song for today. This song called THIS, THAT,
THESE, THOSE Song. I’m going to teach you first the tune and the actions of
the song. So what will you do?
(Pay attention teacher)
4. Checking of Attendance
Is anyone who is absent today?
(None Teacher)
Ok, that’s good!
5. Setting of Classroom standards and safety protocols
Just a reminder class

B. Introduction

1. Review
Can you still recall what was our lesson yesterday?
(Our lesson yesterday is all about pronoun.)
Let us review our past lesson.
Read the sentences below. Use pronoun to take the place of the underlined
word or word.
1. Marie is trying to catch the insects with a net. _______
2. The basket is full of vegetables. _______
3. My mother and I went to the market to buy fish. _______
4. Reymark is a good friend. _______
5. Our classmates are working on their project.

2. Motivation
What can you say about the pictures?
(They are dreaming.)
How about you, did you have a dream last night?
(Yes teacher)
What it is all about?

3. Unlocking words of difficulty

Dream - a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep.

Fly- a winged insect

Caterpillar- the elongated wormlike larva of a butterfly or moth.

Lady bug- Ladybugs are beetles that are known for their roundish bodies and
bright colors.

4. Reading proper
Let us read the story entitled Jimmy’s Dream.

5. Post- Reading
1. What is the story all about?
A.Jimmy the fly B. Jimmy’s dream C. Jimmy and Emmy’s dream 2. Who are
the characters in the story?
A.Emmy, Timmy, Jimmy and the lady bug B. Emmy and Jim C. Jimmy,
Emmy, Tim and lady bug
3. What kind of insect did Jimmy meet when he went deeper into the beautiful
A. a bug B. a bee C. a butterfly
4. What kind of tea was offered to Jimmy?
A.Iced tea B. magical tea C. milk tea
5. Why did Jimmy and Emmy ran away from the magical park? A.They were
running away from a big monster. B. They were scared of the angry lady bug.
C. They were running after the big lady bug

C. Teaching / Modeling (I Do It)

Our new lesson for today is all about demonstrative pronoun. A demonstrative
pronoun points to a specific thing or person using this, that, these and those.
Demonstrative pronouns can be singular or plural.
 Singular means one object
• This – We use this when the speaker is holding or near one person, animal, or
 That - We use that when the speaker is far or pointing to one person, animal,
or object.

 These – We use these when the speaker is holding or near two or more
persons, animals, or objects.

 Those - We use those when the speaker is pointing or far from two or more
persons, animals,or objects.

D. . Guided Practice (We Do It)

Activity 1
Fill in the blank with the correct demonstrative pronoun found in the story. You
may write this, that, these, or those.
1. Jimmy saw a mango tree a little far away from him.
_____is a mango tree.
2. Jimmy saw an apple just near to him.
“_____ is an apple,” he said.
3. There were many ice cream far away from Jimmy. Jimmy shouted with joy.
“______are orange ice-creams!”
4. Suddenly, a big lady bug appeared and shouted angrily. “____ is my park!”
5. There were ice cream of different flavors near to him. He said “_____ are
strawberry ice-cream!”
Activity 2
For our next activity we will call it “Roll a Dice”. I have a box here this will
serve as our dice. What have you observe in this box?
(They have numbers teacher.)
Ok, very good. Let us count the number.
I will roll this box, if what number will show up you are going to give me a
sentence using a demonstrative pronouns. The numbers are based on your
seats. The one who will answer will roll our dice next.

E. Independent Practice (You Do It)

IV. Assignment:

Prepared by: Frauline Shaynne A. Broa

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