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1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND Renewable energy is the energy that generated from natural resources such as solar, wind, hydro, biomass and geothermal heat. Mainly, the energy that used in our country are come from the non renewable energy sources such fuel gas, coal and so on which have finite resources and will be depleted soon. With the use of renewable energy sources its can reduce the dependent on non-renewable energy sources. Most importantly, its reducing the emission of greenhouse gases and other pollutants associated with fossil fuels. Renewable energy on the other hand has the potential to produce clean energy for our use, for all time for everyone and has being recognized as a major source of energy for the 21st century and beyond. Hydroelectric power is currently the leading source of renewable energy. It provides about 97% of all electricity generated by renewable energy sources worldwide. Water is a precious resource and can be found in abundance. When it is harnessed for hydroelectric energy, it can power the lighting for entire cities. Despite being a source of clean electricity, it also caused the environmental impact which is during its construction and through its operation often gives rise to it construction being protested. This is because to build the hydroelectric plant, it required large scale area to be flooded for the water reservoir. When done right however, small run of the river hydropower can be a sustainable and nonpolluting power source. Here in Malaysia, hydropower is used for water supply, flood control, irrigation and recreation purposes. Malaysia has abundant

2 hydropower potential with a total potential capacity of 29,000 MW especially in Sabah and Sarawak. Pico hydro is hydro power with a maximum electrical output of five kilowatts. Hydro power systems of this size benefit in terms of cost and simplicity from different approaches in the design, planning and installation than those which are applied to larger hydro power. Recent innovations in pico hydro technology have made it an economic source of power even in some of the worlds poorest and most inaccessible places. It is also a versatile power source. AC electricity can be produced enabling standard electrical appliances to be used and the electricity can be distributed to a whole village. Common examples of devices which can be powered by Pico hydro are light bulbs, radios, televisions, refrigerators and so on. Nowadays, the market for pico hydro systems has become substantial among communities in remote areas and off grid location in the third world country. There are several factors, which make people tending to use pico hydro for the electrification: a) Small communities are often without electricity even in countries with extensive grid electrification. Despite high demand for electrification, grid connection for small communities remains unattractive to commercial providers due to their relatively low power consumption. b) Only small water flows are required for pico-hydro systems, meaning that many suitable sites are likely to exist. A small stream or spring often provides enough water. c) Pico-hydro equipment is small and compact. The component parts can be easily transported into remote and inaccessible regions. d) Local manufacture is possible, and the design principles and fabrication processes can be easily learned. This can keep some equipment costs in proportion to local wages.

e) The number of houses connected to each scheme is small, usually under 100 households. This eases maintenance and reduces capital requirements. f) Well-designed pico hydro systems have a lower cost per kW than solar or wind power.

1.2 PROJECT OVERVIEW Turbine is the most important part of the pico hydro system which harnesses the hydro power and turns it into mechanical (rotating) power. Turbine selection is based mostly on the available water head, and less so on the available flow rate. In general, impulse turbines are used for high head sites, and reaction turbines are used for low head sites. Kaplan turbines with adjustable blade pitch are well-adapted to wide ranges of flow or head conditions, since their peak efficiency can be achieved over a wide range of flow conditions. There are many type of turbines use for pico hydro schemes which their characteristics are quite different and depend on the application. Some of their characteristics in are compared on the table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Turbines comparison

The table 1.1 shows the several types of water turbine which each of the turbines have different characteristics that operates over a limited range of site conditions in terms of head and flow. The propeller turbine is the most suitable turbine that can be Turbine Pelton Turgo Impulse Cross Flow Francis Reaction Kaplan Propeller Head Range High> 50m High> 50m Low, Medium 50m>L Medium 50m<M>10m Low 10m>L Low 10m>L use for the project. This is because it has met the operating parameters specification of this project which can operate in low flow and low head application. This project is aimed to design and simulated the accurate and effectively the turbine blade propeller and also analyzes the turbine performance and the investigation of possible improvements. The analysis and the simulation of the propeller turbine will be carried out by using Computational Fluid Dynamics software. Cost Low Medium more complex than pelton Low / medium High uneconomic for small power produce High uneconomic for small power produce Low / medium

1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT Malaysia is one of the fastest growing developing countries in the South East Asia. Every year, the demands of electricity are increase in parallel with the industrial development, residential development and commercial development. Therefore its constraining the government to build more power plants in order to support the demand of electricity. Despite the fact like that, there are some people still live without having

5 proper electrification, especially for people live in remote areas and off grid location. Some of them use alternative option to generate electricity such using generator and solar power. These options usually affordable for certain people only. By using this option to generate the electricity also have so many weaknesses, such difficult to transport the fuel oil especially in remote areas, expensive price for the fuel, high cost to setup solar equipment and so on. Therefore, the other alternative solution that can be use to overcome this problem is by using small run river hydro power (pico hydro) to generate the electricity. One of the important parts of the pico hydro system is the turbine. The current design of propeller turbine was initially designed for high head and low flow application. For the high flow rate and high head application, usually the geometry of the turbine is not significantly affected the performance of the propeller turbine. In this project, the low flow rate and low head parameters will be use as the pico hydro operating parameter, so the propeller turbine will suitably to be use in the appropriate location. Also, the current design of the blade propeller turbine has many weaknesses in term of the design aspect such, the turbine geometry, features and so on which are resulted low performance of the turbine and makes the turbine inefficient to be used in the selected location. Therefore, the improvement of the turbine blade geometry is needed in order to create very efficient propeller turbine that can operate in low flow rate and low head condition.


6 These following objectives are about to design and fabricate the turbine blade propeller for pico hydro scheme: i) ii) To study the design and function blade propeller turbine. To optimize the blade propeller turbine.

1.5 SCOPE The scopes of the project are generally as below: i) ii) iii) To simulate current design in CFD software. To design new blade in CAD software. To simulate the new blade design in CFD software.



This chapter presents a background literature review on pico hydro scheme, propeller turbine and Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis theories which consists of several numerous studies from the past and presents. Besides that, basic theories of blade design for propeller turbine and simulation will be presented in this chapter. These studies are the features the theories that are explained application and phenomena in designing the propeller turbine for pico hydroelectric.

2.1 PICO HYDRO Pico-hydro is hydropower with a maximum electrical output of 5 kilowatts (kW), sufficient to power light bulbs, radios, televisions, refrigerators and food processors. Hydropower systems of this size benefit over the larger systems in terms of cost and simplicity of design. Recent innovations in pico-hydro technology have made it an economic and versatile source of power even in some of the worlds most resource-poor and inaccessible places. Standard AC electricity can be produced and distributed throughout a village to power electrical appliances, or it can charge large batteries for households. Recently, many researchers have been studied about the pico hydro scheme in order to help people in the remote area to get access with the electricity. Pico hydro has negligible environmental effect since large dams are not involved, and the scheme can be maintained and manage by the local village. In the third world country especially in the remote areas, another electrification sources such battery system and solar home system mostly only affordable for upper and middle class households only and the cost

8 very expensive and inefficient to be use in the communities in the remote area. (Maher and Williams, 2003) The suitable site for pico hydropower is usually the lowest cost option for offgrid rural electrication, and is environmentally sustainable. The technology has been developed for a wide range of site conditions, but the design, even for such small schemes, is usually site specic. In order to achieve low installation cost per unit power output, and hence low energy costs, it is necessary to select the components of the scheme to reduce cost and increase efciency. For example, analysis of penstock diameter shows that design for less than 10% head loss is likely to give the optimum economic choice. Design guidelines have now been developed for most aspects of pico hydro technology and will soon be made available for low-head turbines. There is now a need to build up technical and organizational capacity at a local level so that the benets of this technology can be brought to rural populations. (Williams 2006) Several researcher had found that pico hydro propeller (PHP) has many problem and cannot be used in certain topography area that has limited areas where the head meets this requirement and also the cost of the PHP system is to higher due to theres no local manufacture in certain country. Ramos (1999) on his paper also stated the same thing the Mariano, and have conclude that by using pumps as turbines seems to be a good alternative to dissipation of excess flow energy that, in normal conditions. Williams on his paper has stated even pump as turbines (PAT) has many advantages over others pico hydro turbine too, but it difficult to predict accurately the turbine performance. Even though from previous researches many researchers have found that the PATs is the most efficient and suitable turbines for pico hydro scheme, but there are also agreed that for the low head, low flow and also for the low cost application, propeller turbine is the most suitable turbine that is meets these criteria. 2.1.1 Components of Pico Hydro.

Figure 2.1- Component of Pico hydro (Maher 2001a) The figure shows the flow of the pico hydro system operation which normally consist some of components as shown above and each of the components have their own function. The details of some components of pico hydro are described below; a) Water supply The source of water is a stream or sometimes an irrigation canal. Small amounts of water can also be diverted from larger flows such as rivers (Maher 2001b)

a) Forebay Tank / Reservoir

10 The source of water is a stream or sometimes an irrigation canal. Small amounts of water can also be diverted from larger flows such as rivers. This reservoir is very useful to store water (Maher 2001c). a) Penstock The water flows from the reservoir down a long pipe called the penstock. At the end of the penstock it comes out of a nozzle as a high-pressure jet (Maher 2001d). a) Turbine The power in the jet, called hydraulic power or hydro power is transmitted to a turbine runner which changes it into mechanical power. The turbine runner has blades or buckets which cause it to rotate when they are struck by water (Maher 2001e). a) Generator The turbine is attached to a generator. Then the generator is convert rotating power into electrical power (Maher 2001f). a) Electronic Controller An electronic controller is connected to the generator. The function of the electronic generator is to stop the voltage from going up and down (Maher 2001g).

a) Distribution System

11 The Distribution System connects the electricity supply from the generator to the houses. This is often one of the most expensive parts of the system (Maher 2001h).

2.2 WATER TURBINE THEORY 2.2.1 Water Turbines for Pico Hydro There are several different types of water turbine. Each type operates over a limited range of site conditions in terms of head and flow and the main classification depends upon the type of action of the water on the turbine. These are; (i) (ii) Impulse turbine Reaction Turbine.

Typical pico hydro generators have outputs of 10 kilowatts (kW) or less and can generate either DC or AC current depending upon the design. Impulse Turbine Impulse turbine is the turbine whereas all the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy in the nozzles. The impulse provided by the jets is used to turn the turbine runner. The pressure inside the turbine is atmospheric. This type is found suitable when the available potential energy is high and the flow available is comparatively low and this type also calls as tangential flow units (Water Turbines 2010a). There are few types of impulse turbine that usually used for hydro system which are; Turgo Turbines

12 A Turgo turbine is an impulse type of turbine in which a jet of water strikes the turbine blades. The structure of a Turgo wheel is much like that of airplane turbine in which the hub is surrounded by a series of curved vanes. These vanes catch the water as it flows through the turbine causing the hub and shaft to turn. Turgo turbines are designed for higher speeds than Pelton turbines and usually have smaller diameters. (Water Turbines 2010a) Pelton Turbines A Pelton turbine is also an impulse turbine but in this type of turbine the hub is surrounded by a series of cups or buckets which catch the water. The buckets are split into two halves so that the central area does not act as a dead spot incapable of deflecting water away from the oncoming jet. The cutaway on the lower lips allows the following bucket to move further before cutting off the jet propelling the bucket ahead of it. This also permits a smoother entrance of the bucket into the water jet. (Water Turbines. 2010b) Cross-Flow Turbines A cross-flow turbine, also called as Michell-Banki turbine is a turbine that uses a drum shaped runner much like the wheel on an old paddle wheel steamboat. A vertical rectangular nozzle is used with this type of turbine to drive a jet of water along the full length of the runner. (Water Turbines. 2010c) Reaction Turbine

13 In reaction turbines the available potential energy is progressively converted in the turbines rotors and the reaction of the accelerating water causes the turning of the runner. These are again divided into radial flow, mixed flow and axial flow machines. Radial flow machines are found suitable for moderate levels of potential energy and medium quantities of flow. The axial machines are suitable for low levels of potential energy and large flow rates. Reaction turbines are acted on by water, which changes pressure as it moves through the turbine and gives up its energy. (Water Turbines 2010a) There are few types of reaction turbine that usually used for hydro system which are; Francis Turbine The Francis type of turbine is a reaction type of turbine in which the entire wheel assembly is immersed in water and surrounded by a pressure casing. In a Francis turbine the pressure casing is spiral shaped and is tapered to distribute water uniformly around the entire perimeter of the runner. It uses guide vanes to ensure that water is fed into the runners at the correct angle. (Water Turbines. 2010d) Propeller Turbine A propeller turbine is a runner that has shaped just like a boat propeller to turn the generator and it is usually has three to six blades. A variation of the propeller turbine is the Kaplan turbine in which the pitch of the propeller blades is adjustable. This type of turbine is often used in large hydroelectric plants. An advantage of propeller type of turbines is that they can be used in very low head conditions provided there is enough flow. (Water Turbines. 2010e) Turbines Selection

14 By comparing this type of the turbines, it shows that the more suitable turbine can be used for low head and low flow operating parameters which can produce power up to 10kW is propeller turbines. The figure below shows the summarized of the power produce by water turbines in term of head and flow rate.

Figure 2.2 Head-ow ranges of small hydro turbines (Paish 2002) Low Head Propeller Turbine Low head pico-hydro turbines are simple machines with relatively few component parts. In particular, it was found that over 70% turbine efficiency can be achieved without the need for expensive materials or manufacture. However, care must be taken with the design of the turbine components and matching of the design parameters Figure below shows an example of exploded view of a pico-hydro turbine manufactured by Hydrotec in Vietnam.


Figure 2.3 Exploded view of low head pico hydro turbine (Source;, (2001))

2.2.2 Turbines Technology Since each potential site for small-scale hydropower scheme is unique turbine selection is based mostly on the water head and the available flow rate. As the scheme head reduces, the flow rate should be higher. It is important that steps are taken to find successful approaches to provide standardized equipment, engineering designs and implementation methods specifically for a particular location. The power produced by hydropower turbine can calculate using the following equations (Williams 2008); P= HQ H=h-hf (2.1) (2.2)

16 hf=fLV2D2g =turbinegenerator Or approximately P=7.8HQ (2.5) 2.2.3 Euler Turbine Equation The fluid velocity at the turbine entry and exit can have three components in the tangential, axial and radial directions of the rotor. This means that the fluid momentum can have three components at the entry and exit. This also means that the force exerted on the runner can have three components. Out of these the tangential force only can cause the rotation of the runner and produce work. The axial component produces a thrust in the axial direction, which is taken by suitable thrust bearings. The radial component produces a bending of the shaft which is taken by the journal bearings. Thus it is necessary to consider the tangential component for the determination of work done and power produced. The work done or power produced by the tangential force equals the product of the mass flow, tangential force and the tangential velocity. As the tangential velocity varies with the radius, the work done also will be vary with the radius. The moment of momentum theorem is used for this purpose. It states that the torque on the rotor equals the rate of change of moment of momentum of the fluid as it passes through the runner. Let u1 be the tangential velocity at entry and u2 be the tangential velocity at exit. Let Vu1 be the tangential component of the absolute velocity of the fluid at inlet and let Vu2 be the tangential component of the absolute velocity of the fluid at exit. Let r1 and r2 be the radii at inlet and exit. The tangential momentum of the fluid at inlet = mVu1 (2.6) (2.3) (2.4)

17 The tangential momentum of the fluid at exit = mVu2 The moment of momentum at inlet The moment of momentum at exit Torque, = mVu1r1 = mVu1r2 = m (Vu1r1 Vu1r2) (2.7) (2.8) (2.9)

Depending on the direction of Vu2 with reference to Vu1, the sign will become + ve sign. Power = and = 2 N 60 Whereas N is in rpm. Power = m 2 N 60 (Vw1r1 Vw1r2) But 2 N 60 r1= u1 and 2 N 60 r2= u2 Power = m (Vu1u1 Vu2u2) (Eulers Turbine Equation) (2.12) (2.13) (2.14)

(2.11) Components of Power Produced

The power produced can be expressed as due to three effects. These are the dynamic, centrifugal and acceleration effects. Consider the general velocity triangles at inlet and exit of turbine runner, shown in figure 2.4 below.

Figure 2.4: Velocity triangles (Kothandaraman 2007) V1, V2Absolute velocities at inlet and outlet. Vr1, Vr2 Relative velocities at inlet and outlet. u1, u2 Tangential velocities at inlet and outlet. Vu1, Vu2 Tangential component of absolute velocities at inlet and outlet.


From inlet velocity triangle, (Vu1 = V1 cos 1) (2.15) or From outlet velocity triangle (Vu2 = V2 cos 2) (2.17) (2.18) or (2.19) Substituting in Euler equation, Power per unit flow rate (here the Vu2 is in the opposite to Vu1) (2.14) V12-V222 is the dynamic component of work done V12-V222 is the centrifugal component of work and this will be present only in the radial flow machines. V12-V222 is the accelerating component and this will be present only in the reaction turbines. The first term only will be present in Pelton or impulse turbine of tangential flow type. In pure reaction turbines, the last two terms only will be present. In impulse reaction turbines of radial flow type, all the terms will be present. (Francis turbines is of this type). In impulse reaction turbines, the degree of reaction is defined by the ratio of energy converted in the rotor and total energy converted. (Kothandaraman 2007) (2.20) (2.16)

(2.21) The degree of reaction is considered in detail in the case of steam turbines where speed reduction is necessary. Hydraulic turbines are generally operate of lower speeds

19 and hence degree of reaction is not generally considered in the discussion of hydraulic turbines.(Kothandaraman 2007)

2.2.4 Free vortex theory Propeller turbine is classified in the category of incompressible axial ow turbines, thus the free vortex law is suitable to be use for the analysis. Punit has used the free vortex theory for the design his propeller runners. The origins of free vortex law come essentially from the law of conservation of angular momentum. The primary conditions like irrotational ow and constant axial velocity need to be satised for this law. Equation 2.22 represents the nal form of the free vortex law. (Punit, 2010) Cu.r= Constant (2.22)

The free vortex law calls for maintaining the product of tangential ow velocity and the radius vector constant all along the inlet region and the exit region of the blade as given by equation 2.23 (Punit, 2010) and (2.23)

The constants of equation 2.23 are not same in magnitude. In general for an axial ow turbine the constant (K inlet) at the inlet depends on the hydraulic (Euler) head to be realized on the shaft. In order to maximize the energy transfer, the exit tangential velocity is taken as zero (i.e. Cu,exit. = 0) all along the exit blade prole and hence K exit = 0. Further, the radius vector of the axial ow turbine increases continuously from the hub to the tip, which causes the Cu component to decrease. This causes uid to enter each radial section with a different swirl angle, a. Moreover, since every radial section has a different the tangential blade velocity (u), the blade angle (or relative ow angle, b) should also change from the hub to tip (refer to velocity triangles in figure 2.5 and 2.6). The same holds true for the exit blade section despite (Cu,exit. = 0) (Punit, 2010)


Figure 2.5 Inlet and exit velocity triangles at the runner hub. (Punit, 2010)

Figure 2.6 Inlet and exit velocity triangles at the runner tip. (Punit, 2010)

2.3 DESIGN CRITERIA FOR BLADE PROPELLER TURBINE. The variation of number of blades and pitch angles has marginal effect on the energy efficiency, when operating in water. It is possible to improve efficiency for impellers operating in highly shear-thinning viscous non-Newtonian uids to achieve increased velocities at a given power input and tank diameter, via optimizing impeller geometrical parameters. The smaller the Reynolds number, the greater is the potential percentage improvement in the ow energy efficiency. (Jie Woo, 2005)


Low head hydro sites (2 to 10m) have an even larger potential for providing electricity in rural areas of developing countries but the harnessing of this potential is severely hampered by the lack of an appropriate turbine design. Fixed geometry propeller turbines are one of the most cost-effective turbine options for low head pico hydropower. (Simpson and Williams, 2006) A sensible improvement of the turbine performances has been obtained using an optimal design technique to redesign the runner. The adopted optimization strategy is well adapted for this type of small hydro turbine. The parameterization method used fits with a good accuracy the initial proposed geometry. (Kueny and Lestriez, 2004)

2.4 COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS 2.4.1 Introduction The computational fluid dynamic (CFD) is the field of study that uses numerical methods and algorithms to solve and analyze problems that involve fluid flows through use of computer. Compared to experimental fluid dynamics, CFD offers in general many advantages. Firstly, it is usually more economical and faster; secondly, it provides a complete set of results, even in circumstances where experimental measurements would be difficult and thirdly, it in principle allows to investigate situations for which experiments would be impossible.

2.4.2 CFD Analysis By defining a small variation range around design parameters provided during the fitting step, corresponding computational domain meshes of good quality were generated automatically. Then automatic calculations and post-processing was

22 performed. The proposed objective function corresponds to summation of the hydraulic losses in the computational domain and the kinetic losses at domain outlet. This objective function forces the optimized turbine to presents its BEP at the flow rate imposed at turbine inlet. Introducing step by step the design parameters, it was possible to improve the whole turbine shape in about 60 CFD runs. (Kueny and Lestriez, 2004) In one researches conducted by Simpson and Williams (2006), they have used ANSYS CFX software to study the performances and the characteristic of the propeller turbines including modeling, meshing, solving and post-processing of the results. Figure 2.4 shows their results from the original rotor simulations plotted for a constant speed of 600 rpm. Maximum turbine efficiency was predicted to be approximately 55% with a head of 3.1 metres, flow rate of 256 l/s and corresponding power output of 4.2 kW. However, available flow rate at the site was measured to be approximately 180-220 l/s and therefore, a more accurate operation point would be at a head of 2.0 metres, flow rate of 210 l/s and output power of 1.7kW. These results therefore confirmed the problems encountered during initial operation of the turbine with the water in the forebay tank emptying from a potential four metres gross head to only two metres.


Figure 2.7 CFD results for original rotor at a speed of 600 rpm From further inspection of the original rotor design it was concluded that this was due to a mismatch between the rotor blade angles and the available flow rate at the site. The original rotor blades had a very steep angle (relative to the tangential direction) and a low solidity ratio and in order to improve the turbine operation it was decided to design a new rotor with flatter blades and a higher solidity ratio. So they have design back new propeller and then made an analysis and comparison between the old propeller and the new design propeller. The old propeller have same diameter with with the new design propeller but the new design propeller have an improvement on the blade angle. For the new propeller simulations a mesh was created of the same size and quality as the original propeller passage and the CFD simulations were performed using the same boundary conditions and turbulence model described in the previous section. Figure 2.5 shows the original design and the new design propeller.

Figure 2.8 Comparison between old (left) and new (right) rotor designs From the result, it is shows that the geometry of the turbine blade has increased the performances of the power and the flow rate over the operating speed. Also from the analysis, the result shows that the turbine have an overall mechanical efficiency of 65% after modifications were made. The new rotor geometry produced a significant reduction

24 in the flow rate needed for a given power output and the power curve demonstrated a much flatter characteristic over the speed range than the original rotor. Graph below shows the result of their finding.

Figure 2.9: Graph of CFD result for constant power and flow rate 2.4.3 CFD for Turbomachinery Turbomachinery CFD analysis often demands a highly accurate flow prediction. The designer is looking for the overall machine performance, as well as for subtle effects such as the change in efficiency for a small change in the geometry of the blade. This place a wide range of demands on the CFD meshing needed for turbomachinery analysis. Depending on the demands of the analysis, and the balance between computing time and designer time, various meshing strategies may be adopted. The turbomachinery analysis required the highest quality mesh for the least number of nodes, which usually translates into a hexahedral meshing strategy. ANSYS TurboGrid is a highly customized hexahedral mesh generator specifically for blade passage meshing. TurboGrid is intimately connected to the ANSYS BladeModeler

25 geometry definition, but can also be used to read geometry files directly from other blade design software.

2.4.4 CFD (Fluent) There are essentially three stages to every CFD simulation process: preprocessing, solving and postprocessing.

Figure 2.10: CFD Process (Fluent) Preprocessing This is the first step in building and analyzing a flow model. It includes building the model within a computer-aided design (CAD) package, creating and applying a suitable computational mesh, and entering the flow boundary conditions and fluid materials properties. The preprocessing tools that can be used in this step are Gambit, TurboGrid and GambitTurbo. CAD geometries are easily imported and adapted for CFD solutions in GAMBIT, Fluent's own preprocessor. 3D solid modeling options in GAMBIT allow for straight forward geometry construction as well as high quality geometry translation. Among a wide range of geometry tools, Boolean operators provide a simple way of getting from a CAD solid to a fluid domain. A state-of-the-art set of cleanup and conditioning tools prepares the model for meshing. GAMBIT's unique curvature and

26 proximity based "size function" produces a correct and smooth CFD-type mesh throughout the model. Together with our boundary layer technology, a number of volumetric meshing schemes produce the right mesh for your application. Parametric variations are also inherent to the process. Solving The CFD solver does the flow calculations and produces the results. FLUENT is used in most industries. The FLUENT CFD code has extensive interactivity, so it can make changes the analysis at any time during the process. This enables to refine the designs more efficiently. The graphical user interface (GUI) is intuitive, which helps to shorten the learning curve and make the modeling process faster. It is also easy to customize physics and interface functions to your specific needs. FLUENT's make adaptive and dynamic mesh capability, and this capability makes it possible and simple to model complex moving objects in relation to flow. Postprocessing This is the final step in CFD analysis, and it involves interpretation of the predicted flow data and the production of CFD images and animations. Postprocessing tools can provide several levels of reporting and it satisfiesthe needs and interests of all design process and high resolution images and animations will shows the detail about the analysis.

2.4.5 CFD (CFX) ANSYS CFX is high-performance computational fluid dynamics analysis software that has been applied to solve wide-ranging of fluid flow problems. ANSYS CFX is the advanced solver technology and the key to achieving reliable and accurate solutions quickly and robustly. The modern, highly parallelized solver is the foundation

27 for an abundant choice of physical models to capture virtually any type of phenomena related to fluid flow: laminar to turbulent (including transition), incompressible to fully compressible, subsonic to trans- and supersonic, stationary and/or rotating devices, single fluids and mixtures of fluids in one or more phases (incl. free surfaces), and much more. Meshing is an integral part of the computer-aided engineering (CAE) simulation process. The mesh influences the accuracy, convergence and speed of the solution. Furthermore, the time it takes to create a mesh model is often a significant portion of the time it takes to get results from a CAE solution. Therefore, the better and more automated the meshing tools, the better the solution. From easy, automatic meshing to a highly crafted mesh, ANSYS provides the ultimate solution. Powerful automation capabilities ease the initial meshing of a new geometry by keying off physics preferences and using smart defaults so that a mesh can be obtained upon first try. Once the best design is found, meshing technologies from ANSYS provide the flexibility to produce meshes that range in complexity from pure hex meshes to highly detailed hybrid meshes. ANSYS has a range of meshing tools that cater to nearly all physics. While the meshing technologies were developed to meet specific needs in the areas of solid, fluid, electro-magnetic, shell, 2-D and beam models, access to these technologies is available across all physics.




3.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the guideline and the method that will be implemented on the project will be explained. This chapter will discuss the sequence of overall project path which from the beginning of the project until the project completed. The process that involved on this project are analyze and study the current design of propeller turbine, design the propeller turbine with several improvement of the geometry, analyze the new design of propeller turbine using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software,

29 fabricate the scaled model of propeller turbine and lastly testing the scaled model. The sequences processes of this entire project are shown on figure 3.1.



Literature review

Methodology Study and analyze current design of blade propeller turbine PSM 1

Pass RedesignAnalysis and discussion the propeller CFD Simulation Existing Design Fail End CFD Simulation



Figure 3.1: Flow chart of the project

3.3 LITERATURE REVIEW. Literature review is one of the important parts in doing the research and thesis writing. From there, all information and analysis that has been studies will be gather and used in implemented the project. The literature review is done by studies the various journals, books, technical paper and all articles that related on research project.

3.4 3D MODELING The propeller turbine will be designed by using CAD software which is SolidWorks 2010. SolidWorks is a 3D mechanical CAD (computer-aided design) program which is a Parasolid-based solid modeler, and utilizes a parametric featurebased approach to create models and assemblies.

3.4.1 Propeller turbine (current design) .

31 The current design of propeller turbine is redraw back by referring the original dimension and design. The pictures of original propeller and design propeller are shown on figure 3.2 and 3.3.

Figure 3.2 Current Propeller Turbines

Figure 3.3 Current Propeller Turbines (Redraw)

3.4.2 Propeller turbine (New design) The propeller turbine will be designed using SolidWorks software with improvement on the design such height, blade angle, blade width, any added features and so on. Thus it can boost the performance of the turbine compare to previous design. The proposed design propeller with nose cone added is shown on figure below.


Nose cone

Figure 3.4: Proposed design of propeller 3.5 COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (CFD) 3.5.1 Analysis of propeller turbine. The current design and the propose design of propeller turbine will be analyze and simulate using ANSYS CFX 12.1 software. Below is the example of cfx workbench that consist several process of analysis. The sequences of the analysis are shown on figure below.

Figure 3.5: CFD process


Figure 3.6: CFX Workbench

3.5.2 Design Modeler. Design Modeler (DM) is a component of ANSYS Workbench and a CAD like modeler with analysis modeling goals: Importing SolidWorks file i) Open the design model on SolidWorks software. DesignModeler session iii) iv) v) File>Attach to Active CAD File Maintain bi-directional associatively. Bidirectional Refresh Refresh the geometry using parameter values from the source CAD package Refresh the geometry using parameter values the CAD parameters in DesignModeler's Details View. v) Save the file.

ii) When a CAD session is currently open, this automatically imports the model


Figure 3.7: Attach CAD file

Figure 3.8: Bidirectional referesh

3.5.3 Turbo Grid Turbogrid has basic geometry pre-processing to intersection blade and hub/shroud geometries, as well as defined periodic cut surfaces and tip clearance. If the blade geometry is particularly complex or involves special detailed 3-D geometry, ANSYS Hexa can be used to create a custom hexahedral blade passage mesh. Both the Turbogrid and Hexa mesh generators are programmable and can run in batch, which is needed when building an automated turbomachinery meshing system.


3.5.4 CFX Pre By using workbench, after the file for turbo grid application had been save the mesh file in CFX- Pre application will be generated automatically. To define the simulation, the outline trees from top to bottom are followed. Some of the items are optional, depending on the simulation. Procedures to prepare the CFD simulation are state as below; i) Open CFX- Pre.

ii) Define domain properties. iii) Create boundary conditions on a domain. iv) Define solver settings. v) Write Solver File.

Figure 3.9: Domain properties

Figure 3.10: Boundary conditions on domain


Figure 3.11: Solver setting

3.5.5 CFX Solver The ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager is a graphical user interface used to define a run, control the ANSYS C FX-Solver interactively, and view information about the emerging solution and export data.

3.5.6 CFX Post In CFX-Post, the features will be demonstrated are Auto Initialize of Turbo Components, Modifying Turbo regions, Displaying Hubs and Blades using the 3D view, Create vector and contour plots using the Blade to Blade View, Create vector and contour plots using the Meridional View, Use of Turbo Charts and Macros and Table creation and viewing using the Table Viewer

3.6 ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION The simulations result will be analyzed to examine the improvements that have been made and the percentage of improvement that achieve for all type of the design of propeller turbine.




4.1 INTRODUCTION The simulations have been carried out for numerous cases propeller turbine design turbine which for existing turbine design, the simulation have varied for several ranges of mass flow rate value and meanwhile for redesign turbine, the simulation have been done by varied to the three design criteria which are; i) ii) iii) Angle of blade Nose cone Tip to tip length.


38 4.2.1 Existing Design The existing design of propeller turbine is design by referring the actual turbine design of the Pico hydro project at National University of Malaysia (UKM) lake. However, the design has been simplified in appropriate shape for CFD simulation purpose which required simplicity of the design. Figure 2.1, figure 2.1a and figure 2.2b shows the 3D model and details design of the propeller turbine.

Figure 4.1: Isometric view of propeller turbine

Figure 4.2: Details drawing of propeller turbine (whole body)


Figure 4.3: Details drawing of propeller turbine (blade) 4.2.2 Optimize Design The current propeller turbine are been redesign in order to optimize the design in term of performance and efficiency of the turbine particularly for the low head and low flow rate Pico hydro application. Design Type 1; Modification of blade angle For this type of design, angle of and are varies in seven case as shown on table 4.1 below which are in the range of 45 to 55. The figure 4.3 below shows the angle of and for the design. Table 4.1: Angle of and Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Angle () 45 45 50 50 55 55 55 45 50 45 50 45 50 55


Figure 4.4: Design Type 1

Figure 4.5: Design Type 1; =45, =45

Figure 4.6: Design Type 1; =55, =55 Design Type 2; Modification of blade angle and add nose cone. For this type of design, type 1 design is optimize by adding nose cone into the design which, the most efficient type 1 design will be combined with the nose cone as shown on the figure 4.5 below.

Figure 4.7: Design Type 2


Figure 4.8: Design Type 2 (details design)

Figure 4.9: Design Type 2 (isometric view) Design Type 3; Modification of blade angle, add nose cone and modification on tip to tip length. For this type of design, type 2 design is improved by varies the length between tip to tip. The length are varies in the range of 165 mm to 180 mm in increment of 5 mm as shown on table 4.2 below .

Table 4.2: Tip to tip length Case 1 2 3 4 Length (mm) 165 170 175 180


Figure 4.8: Design Type 3




5.1 INTRODUCTION The simulations of the propeller turbine have been carried out by using Ansys CFX 12.1 software. There are two major simulation have been done for the propeller turbine which are existing design and optimize design of propeller turbine.

5.2 CFD SIMULATION 5.2.1 CFD simulation for existing design. In the simulation of the existing design, the variable parameter have been used is the mass flow rates which have been varies in the range 20 kgms-1 to 50 kgms-1 in increment of every 5kgms-1. Simulation results

44 1. Mass flow rate = 20kgms-1, 2. Mass flow rate = 25kgms-1

Figure 5.1a: Mass flow rate = 20kgms-1 Maximum velocity = 5.627 m/s. 3. Mass flow rate = 30kgms-1

Figure 5.1b: Mass flow rate = 25 kgms-1 Maximum velocity = 6.207 m/s. 4. Mass flow rate = 35kgms-1

Figure 5.1 c: Mass flow rate = 30 kgms-1 Maximum velocity = 6.464 m/s.

Figure 5.1d: Mass flow rate = 35 kgms-1 Maximum velocity = 6.492 m/s.

5. Mass flow rate = 40kgms-1

6. Mass flow rate = 45kgms-1


Figure 5.1e: Mass flow rate = 40 kgms-1

Figure 5.1f: Mass flow rate = 45 kgms-1

Maximum velocity = 6.496 m/s.

Maximum velocity = 6.550 m/s.

7. Mass flow rate = 50kgms-1

Figure 5.1g: Mass flow rate = 50 kgms-1 Maximum velocity = 6.671 m/s.

Table 5.1: Simulation results - Existing design

46 Maximum Velocity (m/s) 5.627 6.207 6.464 6.492 6.496 6.550 6.671

Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Flow Rate (kgms-1) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

5.2.2 CFD simulation for optimize design. CFD simulations have carried out for 3 different type of design which is; i) ii) iii) Type 1 design The simulation for several angles of blade. Type 2 design The simulation for added features design. Type 3 design The simulation for numerous length of tip to tip length. Simulation results (Type 1) Figure 5.2: Graph mass flow rate vs. maximum velocity Constant parameter = mass flow rate, Variable parameter = angle of blade 1. Case 1: = 45, = 45 2. Case 2: = 45, = 50

Maximum velocity = 6.676 m/s Maximum velocity = 6.692 m/s

Figure 5.3a: Angle = 45, Figure 5.3b: Angle = 45, = 50 = 45

47 3. Case 3: = 50, = 45 4. Case 4: = 50, = 50

Figure 5.3c: Angle = 50, = 45 Maximum velocity = 6.658 m/s 3. Case 5: = 55, = 45

Figure 5.3: Angle = 50, = 50 Maximum velocity = 6.781 m/s 4. Case 6: = 55, = 50

Figure 5.3e: Angle = 55, = 45 Maximum velocity = 6.776 m/s 5. Case 7: = 55, = 55

Figure 5.3f: Angle = 55, = 50 Maximum velocity = 6.561 m/s


Figure 5.3g: Angle = 55, = 55 Maximum velocity = 6.908 m/s

Table 5.2: Simulation results (design type 1) Angle () 45 50 50 55 55 55 55 45 50 45 50 45 50 55 Maximum Velocity (m/s) 6.676 6.692 6.658 6.781 6.776 6.561 6.908 Performance (%) 0.075 0.31 -0.19 1.65 1.57 -1.64 3.6

Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

For Case 7, Maximum velocity = 6.908 m/s Performance = 6.908-6.6716.671100%=3.6%

Figure 5.4: Graph maximum velocity vs. case Simulation results (type 2)


Constant parameter = mass flow rate L = 162 mm Maximum velocity = 6.940 m/s

Figure 5.5a: Simulation results (Isometric Performance = Performance = 6.940-6.6716.671100%=4.03% Simulation results (type 3) 1. CASE 1: L = 165 mm view)

Figure 5.5a: Simulation results (Front view)

Maximum velocity = 7.015 m/s

Figure 5.6a: Simulation results case 1 2. CASE (Isometric view) 2: L = 170 mm

Figure 5.6b: Simulation results case 1 (Front

Maximum velocity = 7.064 m/s view)


Figure 5.7a: Simulation results case 1 (Isometric view)

Figure 5.7b: Simulation results case 1 (Front view)

3. CASE 3: L = 175 mm

Maximum velocity = 6.918 m/s

Figure 5.8a: Simulation results case 1 (Isometric view)

Figure 5.8b: Simulation results case 1 (Front view)

5. CASE 4: L = 180 mm

Maximum velocity = 6.880 m/s

Figure 4.15a: Simulation results case 1 (Isometric view)


Figure 5.9a: Simulation results case 1 (Isometric view)

Figure 5.9b: Simulation results case 1 (Front view)

Table 5.3: Simulation results case 4 (design type 3) Case 1 2 3 4 Length (mm) 165 170 175 180 Maximum Velocity (m/s) 7.015 7.067 6.918 6.880 Performance (%) 5.16 5.94 3.70 3.12

For case 2, Maximum velocity = 7.067 m/s Performance = 7.067-6.6716.671100%=5.94%

Figure 5.10: Graph maximum velocity vs. tip to tip length


52 The simulation for the propeller turbine have been done using cfx fluid flow whereas the mesh that generated for this simulation are using automatic mesh method and using low mesh in order to save computational time for the simulation. The simulation have been carried out by using single rotating domain motion also because to save computational time for the simulation. The rotating speed for the simulation is assumed at 600 rpm whereas it is the rotational speed range of propeller turbine at low head and low flow rate condition. The setting for mesh, cfx pre, cfx solver manager and cfx post are same for all simulation except the value of mass flow rate for existing design simulation.

5.3.1 Existing Design The simulation for the existing propeller designs are varies from range 20 kgms1 to 50 kgms-1 in increament every 5 kgms-1. At certain value of mass flow rate, the maximum velocity are only increase slightly because of the size mesh have been used for the simulation is to low and it resulted inaccurate result. The graph mass flow rate versus maximum velocity shows that the maximum velocities are increase in proportional rate in every increment of mass flow rate.

5.3.2 Optimize Design For type 1 design, the effect of tip and blade angle is studies in 7 different cases. The angle of at the bottom of tip and the angle of at the top of tip is varies in 7 different cases. From the simulation result, it is shows that the alteration of the tip and blade angle was increase the performance of the turbine at rate 3.6 % where the angle of and equal to 55. From the graph maximum velocity versus case (figure 4.12), it is

53 shows that if angle of less than angle of , the performance of turbine will drop and if the angle of higher than angle of , it will increase the performance of the turbine. For type 2 design, the simulation is carried out with the most efficient type 1 design combine with the nose cone. From the simulation result, it shows that this design increase the performance of turbine at rate 4.03%. For type 3 design, the simulation is carried out by modifying the tip to tip length. The effect by modifying tip to tip length is studies in 4 different cases which are from 165 mm to 170 mm in increment of 5 mm. From the simulation result and the graph maximum velocity vs. tip to tip length (figure 4.18), it shows that when tip to tip length is modified to 165 mm and 170 mm, it increase the performance of turbine at rate 5.16% and 5.94 % . However, when tip to tip length is modified to 175 mm and 180 mm, the performance of turbine is suddenly drop. This due to the gap between blade tips to domain wall become closer. From overall simulation for all type of design, it is found that the most reliable design for propeller turbine in this study is type 3 designs which is tip to tip length equal to 170 mm, where it give the performance 5.94 %. However, the simulation result can be improve by refined the mesh setting to high mesh quality and using multiple domain that consist rotating and stationary domain. By using this, it can give better simulation result for the propeller turbine. Unfortunately as it gave good result, it required more amount of time and high performance computer to doing this simulation.




6.1 Conclusion In this research work, an understanding on the pico hydro electric especially on propeller turbine was archived through the research and simulation studies that have been done. The goal of this project is to optimize the existing design of propeller turbine by using ansys cfx software. The design criteria of the propeller turbine such blade angle, nose cone and tip to tip length can increase performance of the propeller turbine.

55 In conclusion for this project, from the simulation studies that have been done, it is proven that the type 3 design are the most reliable design as it gives maximum velocity of 7.067 m/s which is 5.93% more efficient than the existing design. Therefore, the objective of this project has achieved and successfully fulfilled. 6.2 Recommendation The percentage of improvement of the propeller turbine performance is slightly low. For future works, some recommendations have been listed based on the problems in order to improve the performance. 1. Domain This project only used single domain which is rotating domain in doing the analysis of propeller turbine. To get high accuracy of the result, it recommended using multiple domains that consisted stationary and rotating domain in doing the analysis. 2. Mesh The high quality mesh is highly influence the accuracy of the simulation result which can provide better result compare to by using low quality mesh 3. Design Criteria There are so many design criteria that can be use to optimize the performance of propeller turbine such variation of blade numbers, blade shape, thickness of blade and so on. For future works it is recommended using these criteria to optimize the propeller turbine. 4. Computer

56 CFD software is the software that uses a lot amount of memory (RAM) and CPU processes especially for complicated simulation. It is suggest that for future works, using high performance computer to doing analysis or using computer that connected to server that have parallel processing that combine a few computer. By doing this, the computational time can be save. 5. Training Mostly student have hard time to learn the CFD software due to unfamiliar with this software or lack of expert staff in this field. It is recommended to university to provide CFD training for student.


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Gantt Chart PSM 1 & 2


Gantt Chart PSM 1


Gantt Chart PSM 2


APPENDIX B Pico Hydro (Propeller Turbine)


Propeller Turbine (a)

Propeller Turbine (b)



3D Modeling of the propeller turbine

Assembly of the propeller turbine


APPENDIX C Detailed Drawing of Propeller Turbine

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