Experiment of Free Vibration: Natural Frequency of Spring-Mass System Without Damping

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Program Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering Technology with Honours

Course Dynamics of Machinery
Code MEK453

Group EMK2M1A

MEK453 – Laboratory Report

Title: Experiment of Free Vibration: Natural frequency of spring-mass system without damping

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Laboratory session
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*By signing above, you attest that you have contributed to this submission and confirm that all work you have contributed to this submission
is your own work. Any suspicion of copying or plagiarism in this work will result in an investigation of academic misconduct and may result
in a “0” on the work, an “F” in the course, or possibly more severe penalties.

The experiment illustrates Newton's Second Law, the basic idea of free vibration. We
must determine the natural frequencies and theoretical and experimental spring constants for
this experiment. A spring's rigidity and solidity are measured by the spring constant.
Depending on whether the gadget has sufficient damping, natural frequency can be damped
or left unaffected. This experiment does not diminish the spring mass mechanism's natural

No Content Page
1 Title
2 Abstract
3 Table of Contents
4 List of Tables
5 List of Figures
6 Introduction
7 Theory
8 Experimental Procedure
9 Results
10 Discussion
11 Conclusions
12 References
13 Appendices and Raw Data

Table 1 E.g. Specimen dimension Page 10


Figure 1 E.g. Force versus deflection Page 10


Free vibration is vibration that takes place when a system oscillates under the action
of forces inherent in the system itself. The system under free vibration will vibrate at one or
more of its natural frequencies, which are properties of the dynamics system established by
its mass and stiffness distribution
The collapse of a structure or a mechanical process brought on by induced vibrations
at a system's resonance frequency is referred to as a resonance tragedy in mechanics and
construction, hence this research is crucial for engineers. Physical characteristics are discrete
values, and the behaviour is defined by ordinary differential equations. Natural frequencies in
a continuous system are limitless, whereas they are finite in a discrete system.
While in a continuous system, physical characteristics are a function of spatial
coordinates and system behaviour is defined by partial differential equations, which have an
unlimited number of degrees of freedom, the system has a finite number of degrees of
When an external force applied to the system is withdrawn, a system will vibrate as it
attempts to return to its equilibrium condition. As a result, the system starts to move
periodically. One of the easiest vibrations to study is an undamped free vibration with one
degree of freedom. Without damping, there are no energy losses with each movement, hence
the system may vibrate for a very long period without the need for an extra external force.
When a system has one degree of freedom, it can only move in one direction either
along the x or y axes. The systems with multiple masses and directions of vibration also have
multiple degrees of freedom. The vibration in this experiment occurs in the y axis.

Figure 1: Single Degree of Freedom System

A law known as Hooke's Law is used to determine a material's elasticity. Robert Hooke
developed this law in 1660. According to the law, an object's deformation, which results in
displacement, is directly proportional to the force or load that is given to the item. The item will
resume its original length or shape after the applied force has been withdrawn or eliminated.
This is a phenomenon known as elasticity.

Figure 2: Graph Representative of Elasticity Region

Figure 1 shows that if the force and extension remain in the elastic area, it is possible
to calculate the spring constant. The theoretical value will be compared to the experimental
value in this experiment. The spring constant's theoretical value, k = 1.710 (N/mm), had
already been given.

Based on all theoretical above and the information have we collected here’s the mathematical
calculation that we can provide:

F =kχ
F = External force applied to the spring (N)
k = Spring constant (N/mm)
χ = Length of deflection (mm)
In static equilibrium the equation will be provide as below:

Based on the equation above, the equation that will use in vibration is:

By substituting the equation from the static equilibrium into the vibration equation:

The comparison equation between equation above and vibration equation:

The angular natural frequency of the system is:

Vibration apparatus which includes:
1) Base
2) Carriage
3) Adjuster
4) Helical spring
5) Guide roller
6) Additional mass
7) Guide columns
8) Mechanical recorder
9) Ruler

Figure 3: Labelled Diagram of Vibration

Procedure 1: To determine the spring Constant K
1) Paper is fitted and the pen has been plotted.
2) The weight has been removed from carriage.
3) The adjuster is used to set carriage such that plotter pen is on 20mm line on paper.
4) The spring has been loaded by placing weight on carriage.
5) The recorder is started after the weight is added.
6) The stepped curve is obtained from which the individual steps can be read.

Procedure 2: To determine natural frequency

1) Paper is fitted and the pen has been plotted.
2) The additional mass is attached and is secured with knurled nut.
3) The adjuster is used to set height of carriage such that stylus is centred on paper.
4) Recorder is started.
5) The carriage is deflected downwards by hand and is allowed to oscillate until it
comes to rest.
6) Recorder is stopped.
7) Experiment is repeated with other additional mass.
Theoretical spring constant k = 1.635 (N/mm)

Figure 4: Deflection of Spring with Static Force

Mass Deflection Extension

Load (Nm)
(Kg) (mm) (mm)
0 0 0 0
2 19.62 32 12
4 39.24 44 24
6 58.86 56 36
8 78.48 68 48
10 98.1 80 59

Table 1: Determine Spring Constant

Load (N) vs Extension (mm)






1 2 3 4 5 6

Load Extension

Figure 5: Graph Load vs Extension

Calculation for Spring Constant, k:

To determine spring constant, k (Experimental) :

Spring Constant, k = (y2 – y1)

(x2 − x1)

k = (78.48 − 58.86)
(48 − 36)

k= 1.635 N/mm

To determine the spring constant, k (Theoretical):

k = (8 − 2)(9.81) = 1.635 N/mm

(48 – 12)

Percentage Error, % = (Theoretical value − Experimental value) ×100 %

Theoretical value

= 1.635 – 1.635 x 100%


= 0%
1) Mass of carriage, 1.25Kg
2) Recorder speed, 20mm/s

Figure 6: Graph Oscillation of spring with load 1.25Kg

Figure 7: Graph Oscillation of spring with load 3.25Kg

Figure 8: Graph Oscillation of spring with load 5.25Kg

Figure 9: Graph Oscillation of spring with load 7.25Kg

Figure 10: Graph Oscillation of spring with load 9.25Kg

Figure 11: Graph Oscillation of spring with load 11.25Kg

Mass Total Length for 5 Percentage
Natural Frequency (Hz)
(Kg) Mass (Kg) oscillations (mm) Error, (%)

Theoretical Experimental
0 1.25 18 5.7 5.6 1.8
2 3.25 29 3.5 3.4 2.9
4 5.25 35 2.8 2.9 3.6
6 7.25 44 2.4 2.3 4.2
8 9.25 47 2.1 2.1 0
10 11.25 52 1.9 1.9 0
Table 2: Data of Respective Length for Oscillation, Period, T(s) & Natural Frequency

To determine the natural frequency (theory) and natural frequency (experimental):

For total mass = 1.25kg

1 𝑘
Natural Frequency, f (Theory) = √
2𝜋 𝑚
1 1635
= √
2𝜋 1.25

= 5.7 Hz

Natural Frequency, f (Experimental) =

= 5.6 Hz
It is evident from the results that the percentage error for both the natural frequency
and the spring constant is less than 10%. This indicates that the experiment's findings were
accurate. The results demonstrate that the experiment was carried out properly to reduce the
amount of produced value mistake.
The experiment's spring exhibits no signs of failure during the experiment. This
indicates that the overall force placed on the spring does not exceed its elastic range. This is
in accordance with the Hooke's Law idea, according to which the length of the spring will bend
depending on the amount of load given to it, but it will return to its original shape once the
external force is withdrawn from the body.
Calibration mistake is an error that could happen during the experiment. The calibration
in this experiment that calls for a very precise approach is the chart setup. The recording of
data for the spring constant is not problematic, however the recording of data for the natural
frequency exhibits issues. To get an accurate result, the button used to move the charts must
be pushed precisely when the load is released. If not treated appropriately, it can end up
producing useless results. Additionally, human error is a possibility, particularly when
transferring data from the chart to the table. As a result, the result might have a greater error
value than it ought to.
Given that the experiment was carried out according to plan and produced a result with
a respectable degree of accuracy, the outcome was satisfactory. Researchers should be able
to use it to assess its durability and potential use in the automobile sector. Automakers are
working to create an affordable vehicle that can go across any terrain without losing comfort
as technology advances.
The experiment was carried out using a minimum of high-tech data collecting. But this
method is also beneficial because it encourages students to participate actively in the
experiment. This made it easier for the student to concentrate and pay attention to the
As it helps to determine the spring constant and natural frequency value to be
compared with the theoretical value, the experiment's results should be considered
satisfactory. The results show an no inaccuracy and an average error of 2.1% for the natural
frequency for the free vibration experiment.
It is suggested that you use a lot better pen for future research and development to
allow better data capture and increase readability later on during the translation of data. To
prevent any error while interpreting the data acquired, it is also advised to utilise a fixed chart
with a standard dimension.
In conclusion, the experiment was successful because its entire goal of figuring out the
spring constant and natural frequency of the experiment's spring was accomplished.

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