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॥ श्री गणेशाय नमः ॥


Q.1 A) MCQ’s, Match the following 5M

1) Carbon Dating Method measures the radio-activity of ___ and ratio of __________ present in
the organism’s body
a) C12, C12 to C14 b) C14, C6 to C7 c) C14, C14 to C12 d) C12, C14 to C16

2) As per the message on mRNA, amino acids are supplied by tRNA. This is called as _______
a) Transcription b) Translation c) Translocation d) Transportation

3) Match the following

4) Similarities in the initial stage indicate the _____ evidence.

5) Transfer of information from molecule of DNA to mRNA is called as ______


a) Transcription b) Translation c) Translocation d) Mutation

Q.1 B) Answer the following 5M

1) Write true or false

The decaying process of C-14 occurs continuously in dead organisms only.

2) Match the following

Column A Column B

1) Appendix a) Cattles

2) Muscles of ear pinna b) Ruminants

c) Monkey

3) Find an odd one out.

Leaf venation, Size of seeds, Leaf petiole, Leaf shape

4) Which process is shown in the following diagram and define in short?

5) Complete the correlation

Theory of evolution : Darwin : : ____________ : Lamarck

Q.2 A) Give Scientific Reasons (Any 2) 4M

1) Vertebrates have slowly originated from invertebrates.
2) Some of the characters of parents are seen in their offspring.
3) Why did the huge animals like dinosaur become extinct?

Q.2 B) Answer the following (Any 3) 6M

1) Complete the following Diagram

2) Write names of some vestigial organs in the human body and write the names of those
animals in whom the same organs are functioning.

3) Observe the picture and answer the following questions.

a. The given picture indicates which principle?
b. Explain that principle in your language.
c. What is the meaning of acquired characteristics?

4) Distinguish between Transcription and Translation

5) What is the concept of Darwins and What are objections raised against Darwin's theory?

Q.3) Answer any one of the following (Any 1) 5M

1) Complete the following paragraph with the words given in brackets.

(Cro-Magnon, brain, fire, agriculture, Cultural, homo-sapiens, wise man)

Evolution of upright man continued in the direction of developing its ________ for the period
of about 1 lakh years and meanwhile it discovered the __________. Brain of a 50 thousand
year old man had been sufficiently evolved to the extent that it could be considered as a
member of the class _______. Neanderthal man can be considered as the first example of
_______. The _______ man evolved about 50 thousand years ago and afterwards, this
evolution had been faster than the earlier. About 10 thousand years ago, wise-man started to
practice the _______. It started to rear the cattle-herds and established the cities. _______
development took place.

2) Write the answers to the questions by observing the figure below.

i. Write the name of the animal ‘(a)’ in the figure.

ii. Write the name of the animal ‘(b)’ in the figure.

iii. Write the name of the animal ‘(c)’ in the figure.

iv. Which evolutionary evidence is illustrated by this figure?

v. Write the definition of that evidence for evolution.

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