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EER The Manager dma a aes punjab bank Wig ahaa et) * Hore mention te pores of Lease, jae docecs wt er ee 78 a wet + Sttko out he lessae isnot a Ci, Company, & Soci. at efter, Re) ane ee a wee, oer omen ated ea AL we ‘pas anory abe afeae eerec area? HET “Here mention Chi, Society of Company a8 tne caso may be. In the casa of Che, Company emai o2 oR / PA are ota i ar aeton a —_—— ah ae « & Pg" Fe Fe, ot tat ke der ein le ———— ora @ fret afr Taotec at rd ge / Hehe d nee ee OTA, ese eA ea UR aw ete ay een af eal oe re Ta aaa Prat ate eel Bemen eee 8 Be ex erer a des TTR ee TAP fer a ated ert cere a eee 2H By an ora lease, we have (hereinafter refered to as Lessee(s)) have already taken on. rent Punjab National Bank’s (hecenafor rolered to a8 "Banks locker No." tho key of wich has been dalivered 0 the 1e5860(8) end recat of which is Bank's premises fora periodic __ —____ payatie' in acvance, subject to the terms ‘and conditons mentioned Nereatter. Lessee) having Understood the said terms and conditions undertake to fil tho ‘same, and also any change that may frem time to time be made ‘thereunto by the Bank. & Society, the form must be Signed by ekg —————— 93 gf tas § —————— + gy (Chaieman / President ard the Secretary. Sra rt ten te ater cae rete te ts 2 ref a fed fraser ‘+A cetted copy ofthe Resolution No, opted by" inthe 99 GA ore eal ae tl Frere fer t, & PETE ‘The ters and conditions on which the locker i rented by Lessee(s) rea fotows:- 1. BRRCRY ahead at afer Pee ‘Acces tothe lockar shal be held; : ‘ad dle Png cower eater re oe Preven RATT ST Te GIT eae aT Where locker ie hired by an Individual, access to the locker shal be held by the Lessee or his /her duly appointed autonsed person. ae al eter 2 firs ate gre fice we fer erg, etic eT ET MA IT aT racigee eva mtepe evet wea ‘Where locker fe hired by more than one individual, access to the locker shal be held by al the lessees joint or duly suthorised person joint appokntad by lessees together. "aOR te wa ae rr ae fre rb, al ge edt #8 who wom} seat Sarees! cee er Mea snk Ae Ger ageN aS ee ATG ea feet ar Where locker is hired by more than one individual, aocess tothe locker shall be held by anyone ofthe join lessees or by duly appointed authorised person of joint lessees together and in the case of death of any cf the joint lessees by the survivor (3) of them. + en Bea Hot ec afro te oh fir “er ert) a ae one de are sa See neraat aren anaemia = meen" bare x du) tomrmdan tree /waiaien atacante nh Tothe first named ess08 SMe ws (Cale forme) ois duly constvted authorised person arin tha case of death ofthe former, by the survivors). During the He tm ofthe former, he sure) shal have no interest in the contonts oth locke Nor can he hy Sop operation ofthe lock or nsue ony insu tothe Sok ‘wal fa/ Provided furter that: 9) aie eer weet ice rn, wes eet & sa we ber me een 8 fed Acoess to the locker shall be held by Authorised Person if such authority in his /her favours duly recorded in the books of the Bank. > SER Reet a ath ar era gh ak A, deere Secafieh (3H) / Premeas (#8) a are dur eft, des wi cafinka AF ar qe ater ea PR eft ara are & fee, et Ie TO OG 8 RATT edhe ea ere ers wesc wg aT In case of death ofthe Lessee o ast surviving lessee out of the joint lessees, only be. nominee) executors) or scinistratrs of he deceased esse shalbe recognized by the Ban. The Bani sha, however, have hil euhory and ‘bsoliecacreton to aspense wih Bie production of probate letra dminietratign. upon auch terms and cndions 38 {onder oF otherwise, aa tmay tink proper. . 5) ese we ee, erga e288 Rw ey BA eH wet BY local A igen ese Ey BA Fe eh es aces eer fr Frat goa aT > re aera a afin Peat gar at, 8 a ol Rather igetetrnmen a ager eter, tert eeeT eae ge eTa ae a aA AR TET {n case of death of one of the joint essoes without survivorship clause, where such hires have nominated one or more person fo whom inthe eventof death of suc joint hirer rire acoeas tothe locker may be slowed, the Barkin the event of death of such Joint hier or hires may give access to Such nominee (8) tothe locker jointly with the surviving joint her or foint trea, a8 te case may be. ‘44 / PNB 80-87113 (100) 86 & a 2 10 ag Rea afro ars 1940 5 mee argu ae Aero rai el 1905 age Pies ar fra Ta ae hed ete cetera ell ou wey a fm, Ue gh ed (a) aor Be aT Access ote locker shallbe alowed such nominee (only, where such nomination is made, o8 Per provi Regulation Ac, 1949 and is made the prescribed manner as per the Banking Companies (Nomination) Ri uly held Fecorded inthe Bais recor Hypa ea aga A et eT ae HM aT ire ee ‘Aeznmuneaten stay finan or auorse person sale deemed chav ben uy set tenet ss re rere an fr, IC / eer ee ate igea eA TD “The abit for payment of ret ofthe locke isha ofthe lessee(s), only and several ‘Beek gata Barve falta nch ato ea fd eon le tas ela oe Bee aT TT wa fren eget are oe he sfee aha wT The Bank eserves ho nght ot ing the werking house vault making changes therein without any previous note oF inbration, Access tothalecker maybe hadby ie lessee ori duly sppobsed auhorzed person dung such working hous ay ih ea hr, wT / eB ga ew fan Ra a RTP / ATT ba an we Te tere or eH el a tae ra ara aia ‘During the continuance ofthe ease, lessee) undertakes to operate the locker mandatory atlegstoncerna yest! or at seg rea eqns eee Br ol ne an eden re ae: toy Sate 3 (a) aga em ee Pe TE le - TH AH, eT wee OT af ‘Here 38 eh we dy aor CT Roe BTA Te, eA a Ref le age ake be ae eget ween oe ng aegaH Hea 8 cag Hcg Te ET, TF FTE TT Frais Fa fret a Incase failure o operate locker as mentioned a per (a) above. even afer having been advised by the Bark, or on faire on he part oflessee(s) to submit reasons for on operation (othe satisfaction of Bank, Bank wilhave the ightto teminate the lease ofthe locker and break open the locke, even ifthe rentis paid regulary, and deal withthe ates {ound as per clause 9. gear SCRA a aT re Te af TAR TA BA TG a a wore gre, a A 3 fe scar = “The Bank shall not be able for any damage of loss resulting rom delay caused by fature ofthe vat doors or locks to operate Fete, a aa fe ae OL AYE, se aA, cea Rs ARR A ee eH TT ATE aaa eee eee wh eae ra a sae 8 vem ab aya we Aah eee ety TG Tt sac ara ‘The tessee(s) shal give the Bank his/her thei signature and thatofhs her authorized person, should he ehe appoint {ny and such signatures shall be concusive evidence ofthe lessees knowledge of / and assent to the terms and

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