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The performer couldn’t get up on stage because he felt sick.

There was a lot of social drama around the OJ Simpson case.
Nowadays alterity has become more accepted by society.
Romanian is a gendered language.
Virtual classrooms seemed to be very effective during the pandemic.
Video games are the main form of escapism for the youth.
Last week I watched a documentary on ancient ritual songs and dances.
Archaeologists have recenly discovered a new site covered in apotropaic symbols.
Human behaviour has been studied for less time than you would expect.
Orality has helped preserve a great number of folktales.
In Greek mythology a psychopomp was the equivalent of the Grim Reaper.

1.Have you heard the news?The scientists discovered a new vaccine yesterday.
2.I am going home now,I am already too tired.
3.My mother grew up in Transylvania.
4.He found his phone just now!How lucky!
5.When I was little I often visited my grandmother’s village.Now I barely go there.
6.Please,shut up!I am writing a very important letter and you’re annoying me!
7.We were having dinner when he called.He wanted to tell us the good news.
8.I have been to London before.I don’t really like the place.
9.How are you doing today?Is everything alright?

Imagineaza-ti ca ai o masina a timpului.Daca esti ca si mine, sunt multe timpuri si locuri pe
care ti-ar placea sa le vizitezi.In majoritatea din ele,totusi, nimeni nu vorbea engleza.Daca nu
ti-ai putea permite calatoria profunda de sase luni in, sa zicem, Egiptul antic, ar trebui sa te
limitezi la un timp si loc unde ai putea vorbi limba.Considera, poate, o calatorie catre Anglia.
Cat de mult te-ai putea intoarce in timp si inca ai putea fi inteles? Sa zicem ca mergem in
Londra in anul 1400 A.D.
In timp ce iesi din masina timpului, o buna prima fraza pe care sa o spui, ceva linistitor si
usor de recunoscut, ar putea fi fraza de deschidere a rugaciunii Tatal Nostru.Prima fraza a
unei versiuni conservatoare, de moda veche a englezei standard moderne ar fi ‘Our Father,
who is in heaven, blessed be your name’(Tatal nostru care esti in ceruri,sfinteasca-se numele
Tau). In engleza anului 1400, asa cum este vorbita de Chaucer, ai zice ‘ Oure fadir that art in
heuenes, halwid be thy name’. Acum da cadranul inapoi inca patru sute de ani in anul 1000
A.D si in engleza veche, sau anglo-saxona, ai spune ‘Faeder ure thu the eart on heofonum, si
thin nama gehalgod.’ O conversatie cu Alfred cel Mare ar fi exclusa. Cele mai normale limbi
vorbite sufera de-a lungul a o mie de ani destule schimbari incat vorbitorii de la fiecare capat
al mileniului , incercand sa comunice, ar intampina dificultati in a se intelege reciproc.
Limbile precum latina ecleziastica sau indiana veche (cea mai veche forma a limbii
sanscrite), pastrate in ritual, ar fi singura ta speranta pentru o comunicare eficienta cu oameni
ce au trait cu mai mult de o mie de ani in urma. Islandeza este un exemplu citat frecvent al
unei limbi vorbite ce nu s-a schimbat mult intr-o mie de ani, dar este vorbita pe o insula
izolata in nordul Atlanticului de catre oameni a caror atitudine privind legendele vechi si arta
poetica este apropiata de reverenta religioasa.

1. Where are you going?
2.Do you watch television every evening?
3.How long have you been living here?
4.Did you have a nice time?
5.Have you seen Julie recently?
6.What was she wearing?
7.Have you been waiting long?
8.How long does it take you to get to work in the morning?
9.Are you done with that magazine yet?
10.Have you ever been to the United States?

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