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This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the Marketing

Strategy for Pepsi. Methods of analysis include Market
Segmentation, Market Targeting, and Market Positioning of Pepsi.
Into this analysis we have tried to show how Pepsi segment their
market basing on different variables. Their target market which they
serve. We also discuss about Pepsi’s internal and external
environment. Their Position in the market and how do they
differentiate themselves to make a position in their customer mind,
their strategy of positioning in market we tried to give a positioning
statement of Pepsi and ended the whole report with a conclusion
and a recommendation

PepsiCo is one of the two leading carbonated beverage brands in the
industry. It was founded in 1965 by the merger of Pepsi and Frito-
Lay. The brand continued to perform well during the recession.
PepsiCo's current CEO is India Lanui, and under its leadership, the
brand continues to grow its business and transform its product
portfolio. 2017 was a healthy growth year for the brand as PepsiCo
achieved 2.3% core organic sales growth. [1] Even after the
recession, the soda brand continues to struggle as the world's
industry as a whole undergoes drastic changes.
The soda industry is highly competitive and beverage brands are
investing heavily in marketing and product innovation to achieve
faster growth. Pepsi is known for creating exciting marketing
campaigns. There are $ 20 billion brands in the portfolio. Grocery
revenue continues to grow, with brands generating 53% of their
sales from food and 47% from beverage products in 2017. The
United States remains Pepsi's largest market, generating 58% of
Pepsi's sales in 2017 [1]. However, brands are also investing in
international markets to grow faster. We have organized our
business into six reporting segments. Brands are also investing
heavily in technology for superior growth and marketing. Marketing
is one of the main drivers of Pepsi's business growth. The soda giant
has invested billions of dollars in advertising and promotion. The
closest competitor is Coca-Cola, and both brands are in a fierce
battle. Everyone invests heavily in marketing and product innovation
for growth.
Marketing Strategies we can learn from Pepsi:
PepsiCo has a very good position in the market for its brands and
products. With 22 brands in its current portfolio, PepsiCo offers
snacks and beverages that include low-calorie, nutritious alternatives
in addition to regular soda products. As a
brand, Pepsi has established itself as an embodiment of young
energy, which can be seen in their marketing and advertising
campaigns. Pepsi's customers are primarily 13 to 35 years old and
have a busy and modern lifestyle, ranging in age from middle to
upper class. Their prices reflect this and remain affordable for
different classes of millennials. They have released smaller soft drinks
to make them more attractive to those who need quick drinks to
quench their thirst and thirst.
Traditionally, PepsiCo has always invested heavily in marketing to
grow in the market and generate more sales. However, according to
Pepsi's annual report, global marketing and advertising budgets in
2019 increased by more than 12%. Many are currently used in digital
marketing and advertising. Pepsi is still spending money on
traditional advertising methods like TV advertising, but over the
years there have been many changes. With digital technology still
growing, it would be wise to invest more in digital marketing, as
Pepsi does.
It's important to connect with your customers online, but it's also
important to have a good digital marketing strategy. One of the
reasons Pepsi is still at the forefront is that digital campaigns always
impress the target market. For example, her 20-minute Bring Home
Happiness campaign has become so viral that people have watched it
over a billion times.
Pepsi uses social media as a channel to interact with its customers,
but it's important to note that it also uses the power that
accompanies it to run campaigns. This is very important for building
loyalty and customer loyalty in today's world.
Pepsi continues to invest in product packaging and quality to make
its products memorable. They also expanded their product offerings
by adding more nutritious options for health-conscious consumers.
Their diverse product portfolio, with a wide range of delicious and
nutritious choices and flavours, is part of their excellent marketing
strategy. As the
Pepsi continues to innovate, the packaging and quality deserve
special mention. By updating the design on a regular basis, we were
able to attract new customers and satisfy them. They do this because
they know that attractive packages and more options can help
increase sales. After all, people's needs change on a regular basis,
and adapting to those needs is an important focus of Pepsi


Apart from advertising campaigns, Pepsi relies heavily on
partnerships and sponsorship for brand awareness. In particular,
they have invested heavily in sports marketing and are working with
various sports federations around the world to promote in key
markets. For example, in 2015 they formed a partnership with the
National Basketball Association (NBA). In 2016, they formed a
partnership with the Cricket Management Board of India. And in
2017, we formed a second partnership with the UEFA Champions
League to promote several brands.
No doubt there is a lot of competition today. Therefore, it is
important to continue to innovate and experiment over time. Pepsi is
doing this well, constantly growing over time, adapting its product
choices to the needs and budgets of each new generation.
Strategizing and expecting the best is no longer enough. If you want
to grow and prosper like Pepsi, you need to make continuous efforts
to be more aggressive and competitive.

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