DISS LAS No.16 Week-16 Q2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – BICOL



Name: ____________________________ Grade Level: 11/12 Quarter: 2 Lesson:

Week/Date: _________________________

Analyze the practical uses of Social Sciences in addressing social

concerns and phenomenonphenomena.

Social sciences basically study society, specifically human behaviour and the
structures and institutions that make up society.
In this learning activity sheet, you will learn to understand the different
approaches in social sciencsocial sciences approaches and be able to generate
analyseis used to address social concerns and phenomena.

Different Approaches in Addressing Social Concerns and

In response to the increasing complexity and chaos brought about by the
continuing changes and diversity of the society, there are four ways by which the
different social sciences come together to solve social problems and issues.
Disciplinary An approach that relies only oin one discipline that to
Approach analyzeanalyzes the problems existing in a society using its
methodologies and theories.
It is sometimes called as the monodisciplinary approach,
where all attention is given to one element or relationship.
Multidisciplinary An approach on the other hand that relies on the perspective

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Approach of two or more disciplines to come up with adevelop better
solutions in addressing social problems in the society.
It is where disciplines are considered side by side and usually
arranged by an intuitive notion of connections.
The multidisciplinary approach is where more than one
disicpline is connected side by side to deal with a particular
Interdisciplinary An approach that integrates two or more perspectives from the
Approach different disciplines.
It is where disciplines are strongly connected, usually
by way of a systematic framework.
Transdisciplinar It is cConsidered as the high form of analysis whichthe highest
y Approach form of analysis that focuses on a certain issue and uses
different theories and methodologies from the different various
social sciences disciplines.
It is where different elements of disciplines form a discipline.

Application of the different approaches used in addressing

Social Concerns and Phenomena
1. The Philippines had a population of 106,651,922 people in 2018, which
represents an increase of 1,731,922 people compared to 2017. With its 1.72 percent
average population growth rate every year, the Philippine population is projected to
reach 142 million by 2045. With about 21.6 percent of the Philippine population living
below the national poverty line based on a 2015 survey, life for the poorest of the
poor, especially for those living in big cities, could only get worse, especially those
living in big cities, could only worsen.
On tOhe issue of overpopulation in our country can be solved using a
disciplinary approach wherein only one discipline analyzes the problem using its own
methodologies and theories. As such, a such as the sociologist may be are being
employed to analyze the growth of populationpopulation growth in a certain particular

2. According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, poverty is a major social problem

in the Philippines, with 21.6 percent of the Filipino population earning an income
below the poverty line.
The use of he multidisciplinary approach in this particular issue uses multiple
perspectives and studies where relevant social sciences are being consulted.
Combined explanations from the different fields such as sociology, economy, and
sometimes political science are usedwherein mulitple perspectives and studies from
relevant social sciences are being consulted and combined explanations from the

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different fields such as sociologist , economist and sometimes political scientist in
order to come up withdevelop a better soulution to this particular problem.

3. In the United Kingdom (UK), a new variant of Corona Virus called B.1.1.7 has
emerged with an unusually large number of mutations. This variant spreads more
easily and quickly than other variants. Currently, there is no evidence that it causes
more severe illness or increased risk of death. ItThis variant was first detected in
September 2020 and is now highly prevalent in London and southeast England. It
has since been detected in numerous countries around the world, including the
United States and Canada.
The use of IAn interdisciplinary approach is to solve solve this problem by
combining experts from various disciplines in social sciences . Experts from the
different fields of disciplinefields were consulted in order to have a better
assessmentassess better and come up to an accurate conclusions of the matter
such as the governement headed by the Department of Health,social and clinical
scientistdevelop accurate conclusions of the matter, such as the government headed
by the Department of Health, social and clinical scientists, and others.
4. The dispute over the South China Sea involves several countries that lay different
claims over the area. The issue in which the Philippines has a particular interest
involves China’s continued exploitation of the Spratly Islands and the Scarborough
Shoal, which fall within Philippine territory or the at area referred to as the West
Philippine Sea.
The use of he Transdisciplinary Approach focuses on the issue and uses
different theories and methodologies from the the different various social science
disciplines in an integrative way.


DIRECTIONS: Your task is to identify whether the problem or issues stated below
can be addressed using either a dDisciplinary , mmultidisciplinary, interdisciplinary,
or transdisciplinary approach inI social sciences. Write D for Disciplinary, MD for
Multidisciplinary, ID for interdisciplinary, and TD for Transdisciplinary Approach.
Write your answer in on a separate sheet of paper.

1. _____ President Rodrigo Duterte recently approved the recommendation of the

multi-agency task force created to probe the alleged corruption activities
in the Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) and to file criminal
and administrative cases against people concern.

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2. _____ According to the Department of Labor and Employment, about 180,000
Filipinos lost their jobs in the country due to the coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) pandemic.
3. ______ China has moved to name five undersea features within the exclusive
economic zone (EEZ) of the Philippine Rise (Benham Rise).
4. _____ _ The total COVID-19 caseload as of January. 16 was 498,691, of which
28,674 are active cases. Among the new cases are 406 patients who
recovered and eight patients who who died, bringing the tally of
recoveries and fatalities to 460,133 and 9,884, respectively.
5. _______ The world is in the midst ofamid a COVID-19 pandemic. As WHO and
partners work together on the response -- tracking the pandemic,
advising on critical interventions, distributing vital medical supplies to
those in need--- they are racing to develop and deploy safe and effective
vaccines. There are currently more than 50 COVID-19 vaccine
candidates in trials. WHO is working in collaborationcollaborates with
scientists, businesses, and global health organizations through the ACT
Accelerator to speed up the pandemic responseo speed up the
pandemic response through the ACT Accelerator.


DIRECTIONS: Your task is to examine the differences and similarities (if any) of the
different approaches in social sciencsocial sciences approaches used to address
social issues using the given graphic organizer. Write your answer in on a separate
sheet of paper.

Disciplinary Approach vs. Multidisciplinary Approach

Interdisciplinary Approach vs. Transdisciplinary Approach

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DIRECTIONS: Your task is to collect an example of the current social issues we are
dealing nowadays and be able towith nowadays and compile it according to the
different approaches discussed above. Do it in on a clean bond paper


DIRECTIONS: Your task is to generate an analysis of the given phenomena/social
issue. How can a certain field of discipline in social sciences address and and
possibly solve the issueproblem. Write your answer in on a separate sheet of paper.

“An audit in the Philippines has shown that the country uses a shocking
amount of single-use plastic, including nearly 60 billion sachets a year.”

CATEGORY Poor Fair Good Excellent SCORE

(2 points) (3 points) (4 points) (5 points)
Introductory The introduction does The introduction The introduction The introduction is very
paragraph not clearly state the states the topic clearly states the interesting, clearly states
topic topic the topic that will be
developed in the essay.
Content The writer is unclear The writer shows an The writer has a The writer demonstrates
about the topic he or understanding of the good control of the a superior
she is writing about. topic, but some topic he or she is understanding of the
The discussion is not ideas are not fully writing about. Main topic he or she is writing
focused. developed. ideas are about. Main ideas are
adequately fully developed.
Conclusion The essay does not The essay has a The essay has a
contain a detailed conclusion restating The essay has a detailed conclusion
conclusion. The the main points. The restating the main points
detailed conclusion
meaning of the conclusion is not restating the main and wrapped up the
discussion is not clear. fully clear. paper satisfactorily.
Application of Unable to apply ethical Student ethical Student ethical Student ethical
Ethical perspectives/concepts perspectives/concep perspectives/concep perspectives/concepts is
Perspectives/Co . ts application is ts application is accurate, and is able to
ncepts towards accurate but does consider full implications

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the given issue inaccurate. not consider the of the application.
or situations. specific implications
of the application.
Sources: https://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?code=V4W3C7&sp=true&
Numerical Score Interpretation
Score Numerical Rating Interpretation
10 100% Excellent
9 98%
8 96% Very Good
7 94%
6 92% Good
5 90%
4 88% Fair
3 86%
2 84% Needs Improvement
1 80%

PRACTICE TASK NO.1 MATCHMAKER! 1. Rational Theory 2. Psychoanalysis 3.

Feminism Theory 4. Institutionalism 5. Human-Environment system
PRACTICE TASK NO. 2. BE CONCISE! – The answers may vary.
PRACTICE TASK NO. 3. – LET US EXAMINE IT -The answers may vary.
may vary.

Mary Grace I. Petronio, DISS Quarter 1 Module No.16: Analyze the practical uses of
Social Sciences in addressing social concerns and phenomenon, 2020.

Michael Anissimov. “What are the Social Sciences?”. Wisegeek. Accessed on September 9, 2020,
from https://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-social-sciences.htm.
Jensen DG. Mañebog. “The Nine Social Science Disciplines”. Our Happy School. Accessed on
September 9, 2020, from https://ourhappyschool.com/ap-social-studies/nine-social-science-disciplines
“Today's issues”, h Accessed on January 17, 2021., from ttps://www.pwc.com/gx/en/issues.html.

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“The Philippines Corruption Report”, Accessed on January 17, 2021 from
“THE STATE OF PHILIPPINE MEDIA: Relentless Attacks And Threats Online, On Ground, Across
the Nation”, Accessed on January 17, 2021 from https://cmfr-phil.org/press-freedom-protection/the-

Conditional Cash Transfer. https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/programs/conditional-cash-transfer/
Social Science. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/social-science.asp
Social Problem. https://open.lib.umn.edu/socialproblems/chapter/1-1-what-is-a-social-problem/
Phenomenon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenomenon
Phenomenon. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/academe

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