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Time flies Articles * Determiners * Hot words —life, time Linking and commenting 1 —— grandfather with the correct article. Tell the story to a partner. 1 My grandfather used tobe __judge 2 He retired ___ year before last. 3 He decided to goon sea cruise. 4 He enjoyed __cruse very much, 5. Hesaledaliround world 6 Hemet attractive widow. 7 Helnvitedtier to have dinner with hin, Q How would you describe your 8 They got on realy well with another. pace of life? 9. My aandathersaysyoucanfind love at any age ineeerfertee jist ris Veer inceree 10 They weremaried by ——catan ofthe ship. 1 Quite fast, but leave enough time fr elaxatio ‘Attimes frantic, a imes relaxed. 2 Listen and check. What extra information do you hear? a:iaeacp MRO ds ee oa @ How do you tackle all the things you THE PACE OF LIFE have to do each day? Articles and determiners ‘2 Ido those things 1 feel like doing. b I prioritize, Ido the important things and put ff all the seat. 1 Do the quiz. Discuss your answers with a partner. Turn to p16s. eaters cis wot a tee Or oveialing ‘Whit kind of person are you? Do you agree? est eth ot eet sw 2 Find these highlighted words in the quiz. Underline th this dificult eat Ee aeterey ait 4 Thave a daily ‘to do' lst that I tick off after each item is completed. enough thewhole all each plenty agreatdeal every tow m i ‘any sever no none le most | How many things have you begun [ose seal efor ies ie et] and not finished in the last few years? Piero age Toe ns EH cat ot etinbesirpuliea eae’ Hardly any, just one or two minor things. 3. Find the lines in the quiz that mean the same as lines 1-12. ‘What are the differences? 1 eave sufficient time fr reartion ; : 2 Non-stop ll ofthe time. See Set ea aes we 3 More than enough hig. hie ws 4 Lotsof enthusiasm If, Lee each of my projets through before 5. Nery fo jnt a couple of ine things Tes 6 There aren't any uncompleted projets. 7 see everyone of my projects through Qwhen do you switch off your 8 I don't have any patience. mobile phone? 9 hae hardly any hobbies or esure time, aerate one etna ables 10 Inquite afew ways. forgetting to switch it on! 1 inal kins of may tee teeters 12. Nearlyallof the time by ema peace and quiet ¢ Notas often as I should. 94 Unit 2 + Time ties only tft have 10. 4 What is the difference between these pairs of sentences? ‘have afew hobbies. ‘have alittle leisure time ‘have few hobbies. ‘have litle leisure time, 5 Istherea difference in meaning between these sentences? Icompleted each project. {completed every project. Which can mean yam had only twa projects? Which can’t ‘mean you had only two projects? Which can mean you had lots of projects? eNrars Determiners hel identify nouns and express quantity 1 Look at the examples Which determines zo with which nouns? ‘Which group expresses quantity? both the other an, another exch/every | ool ee file” | books vow all time sucha aca the whole no re Determiners can join a noun using of + the/my/our/this/that, etc. Which expressions can you make from these examples? ‘2 Doing a bit ofthis and that. I don’t know where time goes. b Trecharge my batteries with a few hobbies and ‘being with friends. ¢ Ikeep trying different things that people suggest, ‘but nothing really grabs me, 4 Thave few hobbies and litte leisure time. I try to ‘put the whole of my life to good use. PRACTICE @ How do you keep in touch with Talking about you friends? 1 Complete the sentences with determiners which make ‘I wait for them to get in touch with me. them true for you, 1b im eoveral waye ~ amie, Facebook, txting, but also [like to phone them for a proper chat. 1 Thave ____time to relax. ¢ Inany way I can -butit can be difficult. {think 2 iy friends think I work too hard. aa Bain Ua iraaeainceese 3 ___ my teachers think I work hard. 4 Most ofthe time text. Its quick and efficent. 4 Tspent___weekend relaxing, @ Which of these is closest to your 5 Theve exests and Lobbies philosophy on life? 6 my hobbies are sports. & Whatever wil be willbe. y sy parents look: like me. b Lifeis nota dress rehearsal. 8 ay family have fair hair Gfisecr aan Ninh 9 Myaunt gives__us birthday presents. 10. My grandparents watch T" time Unit + Time fies 95

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