Improvement of Low-Profile Microstrip Antenna Performance by Hexagonal-Shaped SRR Structure With DNG Metamaterial Characteristic As UWB Application

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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2022) 61, 4241–4252

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal

Improvement of low-profile microstrip antenna

performance by hexagonal-shaped SRR structure
with DNG metamaterial characteristic as UWB
Saktioto a,*, Yan Soerbakti a, Romi Fadli Syahputra a, Moh. Danil Hendry Gamal b,
Dedi Irawan c, Emansa Hasri Putra d, Rizadi Sasmita Darwis d, Okfalisa e

Department of Physics, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Department of Mathematics, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Department of Education Physics, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Department of Telecommunication Engineering, Politeknik Caltex Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim, Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Received 25 February 2021; revised 29 August 2021; accepted 16 September 2021

Available online 01 October 2021

KEYWORD Abstract A metamaterial is any material engineered with a property not discovered in naturally
Metamaterial; occurring materials. Its existence is important in the development and application of modern tech-
Microstrip antenna; nology in this century. Furthermore, Its characteristics such as high sensitivity and gain can be
Hexagonal; potentially applied in antenna technology. In this research, the metamaterial implementation was
Double-negative; used to improve low-profile microstrip antennas as ultra-wideband (UWB) applications. The pro-
Ultra-wideband posed metamaterial consists of variations of one to four hexagonal shape split ring resonator (SRR-
H) elements. This study was carried out through simulation and experiments which were operated
in the frequency range 0.05–9 GHz. Based on the results, the proposed antenna with the variation of
the SRR-H elements provides increased performance than the without SRR-H. The highest double-
negative (DNG) metamaterial characteristic of the SRR-H four-element structure provides the
highest antenna performance compared to others. The given working frequency occurs at
5.98 GHz with an increase in bandwidth of 47.49% from without SRR-H. The antenna metamate-
rial structure also responds by providing an ultimate gain radiation pattern of 5.97 dBi at a 45-
degree angle in the Quadrant II region. Thus, the performance of the proposed antenna shows
the potential for use in UWB technology.
Ó 2021 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: ( Saktioto).
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
1110-0168 Ó 2021 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
4242 Saktioto et al.

1. Introduction antenna form of several pairs of symmetric C-shaped SRR

with a size of 14.5  22 mm2 [27]. In this research, innovation
Developments in this modern digital era required sophisticated for microstrip antennas is proposed by applying the symmetri-
antenna technology with high-quality performance. The cal structure of the hexagonal-shaped SRR metamaterial. The
advancement in the world of industry [1], medicine [2], agricul- aim is to obtain effective antenna performance with operating
ture [3], maritime affairs [4], and astronomy [5], which contin- frequencies in the UWB range for potential applications, such
ues to grow, cannot be separated from the contribution made as transmission signal amplifiers, detectors, and imaging.
by the application of antenna technology. This technology Therefore, this microstrip antenna proposed can enhance the
increasingly proves the ease of work, and just like work is car- performance of transmitter and receiver using metamaterial
ried out manually, it can be performed automatically with an structure design.
antenna detector [6,7]. Even expensive and rare medical imag-
ing technologies can be replaced by simple and uncomplicated 2. Configuration and characterization of metamaterials
antenna technology [8,9]. The amplification of the communica-
tion signal can also be improved and updated through innova- The metamaterial implemented on the antenna has two sepa-
tions and antenna technology innovations. rate and concentric hexagonal rings, also known as split ring
Antenna technology with simple specifications and low resonator hexagonal (SRR-H). It was discovered that the
manufacturing cost is called the microstrip antenna [10]. How- amplitude of SRR-H was smaller than the wavelength of the
ever, it has a narrow bandwidth, low gain, and a reduced radi- frequency acting on the structure to preserve the DNG meta-
ation radius [11]. The challenge that arises from this situation material properties [28]. A complete picture of the SRR-H sin-
is developing a multifunctional antenna technology by generat- gle element structure proposed in this study can be seen in
ing more than one frequency band with a large bandwidth, and Fig. 1.
Ultra-wideband frequency (UWB) antennas can meet this SRR-H element structure consists of FR4 as a substrate
challenge. Based on Federal Communications Systems regula- with a dielectric constant of 4.3 and copper as metal inclusions.
tions, UWB is a frequency band that has an extensive band- The dimensions of thickness, width, and radius of the ring are
width (>500 MHz) that operates at a speed of 3.1– shown in Table 1.
10.6 GHz and is commonly used in short-range communica- The proposed metamaterial structure has a combination
tion systems [12,13]. In contrast, the Infocomm Development variation of one to four SRR-H elements, as shown in
Authority, a spectrum regulatory body in Singapore, has set Fig. 2. Each combination of SRR-H elements has the same
the UWB frequency allocation at 2.2–10.6 GHz [14]. Over size, except the substrate length W1 for each combination of
the past five years, several UWB antennas have been applied one to four SRR-H elements, which are 7.4 mm, 13.6 mm,
in various communication and medicine areas. The research 19.8 mm, and 26.0 mm. The separation distance between
track record can be mentioned as follows, such as the mono- SRR-H for each combination has the same size as X3, such
pole antenna shaped I for breast cancer detection operating as the distance between the outer ring and the adjacent sub-
at a frequency of 3.22–11.92 GHz [15], a monopole antenna strate wall. Unlike common materials used for antenna design,
supplied by a coplanar waveguide (CPW) with a square struc- this microstrip structure is focused on geometry and structure
ture. The length operates at a frequency of 0.5–10 GHz for design imposed by metamaterial characteristics. Hence, optical
detection of brain tumors [16], then a spear-shaped antenna considerations are limited such as interferences, polarizations,
operating at 3.1–10.8 GHz for wireless communication [17], and refractions.
and a monopole CPW antenna, which works at 3–12 GHz with
triple band-notch at 3.4, 5.5, and 8.2 GHz for WiMAX,
WLAN, and X-band [18].
Although the UWB antenna performance is good, there is
no need to develop this modern technology with a larger
antenna size. Another solution designed is to place a metama-
terial in the antenna, which can reduce the antenna’s size [19].
Metamaterials can also increase the received power, band-
width, gain, and directivity [20]. Furthermore, they are artifi-
cial periodic structures made up of structural elements with
negative permittivity and permeability or the so-called double
negative (DNG), which carry sub-wavelengths at a specific res-
onant frequency [21,22]. They can be applied in sensing
because they offer high miniaturization, enabling the materials
to be sensitive to environmental changes and show their suit-
ability [23].
Meanwhile, there are several studies on the implementation
of metamaterials in the examined antenna structure, such as a
V-shaped and two rectangular slot antenna with a size of
27  33 mm2 [24], the antenna form of a complementary
split-ring resonator (SRR) with dimensions of 13.5  34 mm2
[25], then a Koch star fractal antenna with a circular SRR
Fig. 1 SRR-H element configuration: the front side (left) and the
structure with dimensions of 12  14 mm2 [26], and the
thickness side (right).
Improvement of Low-Profile microstrip antenna performance 4243

Table 1 SRR-H element structure size.

Parameter Unit Parameter Unit Parameter Unit
(mm) (mm) (mm)
R1 2.9 X1 0.43 W1 7.4
R2 2.2 X2 0.6 Ts 1.6
R3 1.7 X3 1.19 Tp 0.035
R4 1.0 L1 7.4 – –

Fig. 2 Several metamaterial were proposed from a combination of 1 to 4 SRR-H.

The characteristics of metamaterials are required to investi- Furthermore, the search for the characteristics of metamateri-
gate S-parameters, which consist of S11 (reflection spectrum) als in relative permittivity (er), relative permeability (mr), and
and S21 (transmission spectrum) [29]. This information can refractive index (n) can be carried out using the equation mod-
be generated from the simulation by constructing a wave gen- ified with the Nicolson-Ross-Weir method [32] as shown in
eration channel and the boundary conditions related to the below,
SRR-H element [30]. The generation channels in the form of
wave port-1 (input) and wave port-2 (output) are located in V1 ¼ S21 þ S11 ð3Þ
the x-axis direction, which has a transmission distance of
5.5 mm from the side of the SRR-H element. In addition,
V2 ¼ S21  S11 ð4Þ
the boundary fields of the perfect electric conductor (PEC)
and the perfect magnetic conductor (PMC) are placed on the
y-axis and z-axis, respectively [31]. An illustration of the instal- 2c 1  V1
er ¼ ð5Þ
lation of boundary conditions and generation channels can be j2pftm 1 þ V1
seen in Fig. 3.
It is necessary to process the data of the S-parameter to 2c 1  V2
obtain the characteristics of metamaterials. The spectral lr ¼ ð6Þ
j2pftm 1 þ V2
parameter information obtained from S11 and S21 has a value
in absolute and phase forms; therefore, it must be converted pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
into a complex number with a formula as shown in Eqs. (1) n ¼  er lr ð7Þ
and (2).
The frequency used is denoted by f, while the symbol c indi-
S11 ¼ jS11 jeih11 ð1Þ
cates the speed of light (3  108 m/s). The value tm represents
the distance between the input and output excitation channel
S21 ¼ jS21 jeih21 ð2Þ
through the SRR-H structure.

Fig. 3 Illustration of installation of excitation channels and boundary of PEC and PMC.
4244 Saktioto et al.

3. Analysis of metamaterial phenomena properties part, the resonant frequency (fo) of the SRR hexagonal struc-
ture can be determined as shown in Eq. (8) [33],
Characteristic of metamaterials with the variation of the SRR- 1
H elements consist of relative permittivity, relative permeabil- fO ¼ ð8Þ
Ls Ceq
ity, and refractive index. The proposed structure produces per-
mittivity and permeability with high negative resonance in the It is known that fo is the resonant frequency which depends on
500 MHz range, as in Fig. 4 (a) and (b). This is known as a the value of the inductance (Ls) and the total distributed
negative anomalous scattering event where the resonance capacitance (Ceq). By forming a series combination on the
drops drastically beyond the zero indexes, as a result of which SRR-H structure, the multi-element system has a parallel
the reverse propagation phenomenon occurs in the reflection capacitance component that can obtain a high price compared
and transmission waves in the metamaterial structure. Based to a single element. In addition, the resonant frequency is also
on these two optical material properties, the metamaterial influenced by the dimensions of the metal inclusions and the
gives a characteristics negative refractive index or is referred dielectric material used.
to as a DNG metamaterial, as shown in Fig. 4c. The electromagnetic field simulations on the distribution of
Metamaterials with one SRR-H element have a small reso- electric and magnetic fields are shown in Fig. 6. The resonance
nance with a near-zero refractive index (NZRI) in the range frequencies obtained are defined as the frequency of the electric
3.48–3.62 GHz. Simultaneously, the highest resonance is pro- and magnetic fields analyzed on the metamaterial structure of
duced by the four SRR-H elements with NZRI at 1.52– the SRR-H elements variation. In the structure of one SRR-H
1.97 GHz. In this case, the addition of the SRR-H element element, or as seen in Fig. 6 (a), the maximum electric field of
causes an increase in negative resonance, which indicates the 41,744 V/m is located in the upper metal space, indicating that
metamaterial is instructive. In addition, another phenomenon the space provides maximum resonance and other peaks vari-
that appears is a negative resonance shift towards lower fre- ations of the SRR-H elements. While the maximum electric
quencies of the one to four elements SRR-H structure. field distribution is provided for the metamaterial with two,
The equivalent circuit for one element of the hexagonal three, and four SRR-H elements located at the top and bottom
SRR structure is shown in Fig. 5. The circuit is composed of ends of the structure or as seen in Fig. 6 (b), (c), and (d). Fur-
several components such as total induction (Ls) which is thermore, it can be seen that the presence of an electric field
formed due to metal rings and distributed capacitance C1 follows the direction of the incoming electromagnetic waves
and C2 occurs due to gaps above and below the SRR structure. hitting the metamaterial structure. The high absorption of elec-
Meanwhile, the gaps in the inner and outer rings of the SRR tromagnetic fields in the metamaterial of one SRR-H element,
form the capacitance C3 and C4. So that from this component it should be noted that such a structure can generate an electric

Fig. 4 The characteristics of a metamaterial consisting of (a) relative permittivity, (b) relative permeability, and (c) refractive index.
Improvement of Low-Profile microstrip antenna performance 4245

Fig. 5 Equivalent circuit for hexagonal SRR.

Fig. 6 The simulation result of electric field distribution of (a) to (d); and magnetic field distribution of (e) to (h) from 1 to 4 SRR-H.

field of about 300% greater than the 16,628 V/m generated by

the four SRR-H elements. Besides, the dielectric density influ-
ences the electric field’s reduction due to the addition of the
SRR-H element. The electric field applied to the dielectric
medium causes the polarization of positive and negative
charges, thereby reducing the electric field of the metamateri-
als. Based on this, similarities are also provided by distributing
the magnetic field in the metamaterial structure, and the
maximum magnetic field exerted by one SRR-H element is
585 A/m or 600% greater than the 97.9 A/m generated by four
SRR-H elements. The magnetic field distribution in an SRR-H
Element is located in the space between the two metal rings, as
Fig. 7 Geometry of the microstrip antenna.
shown in Fig. 6 (e). Likewise, the maximum magnetic field dis-
tribution provides the two, three, and four SRR-H elements,
therefore it can be seen that the four SRR-H elements provide
the broader distribution of the magnetic field and this distribu- electromagnetic wave range. In addition, the antenna geometry
tion is more dominant in the dielectric medium. is also affected by the height (h) and the dielectric constant (e).
It can be calculated using the following Eqs. (9) to (11) [34],
4. Design of metamaterial antenna structure c
W ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffi ð9Þ
2fo eþ1
The type of antenna used is a microstrip made of radiating or 2

patch elements, a dielectric substrate, and grounding as shown   !

in Fig. 7. The antenna structure material consists of copper as c eeff þ 0:3 Wh þ 0:264
L ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi  0:824h    ð10Þ
a conductor or patch and ground, FR4 as a substrate. The 2fo eeff eeff  0:258 Wh þ 0:8
microstrip antenna has a width (W) and a length (L) on the
patch based on the operating frequency (fo) set within a certain
4246 Saktioto et al.
2 3
e þ 1 e  16 1 7
eeff ¼ þ 4qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
 h ffi5 ð11Þ
2 2 1 þ 12 W

In this case, the set operating frequency is at the mid-frequency

source of the 9 GHz working antenna. The given antenna
dimensions have a reflection coefficient well above 10 dB.
So it is necessary to initial process for optimization and char-
acterization of the proposed antenna configuration. Determin-
ing the geometry of the microstrip antenna structure consists
of several optimization segments as shown in Fig. 8. This step
is done by eliminating a part of the antenna structure which
seeks to obtain more effective performance.
According to Fig. 8, the patch portion of the antenna orig-
inally proposed at Stage 1, has a patch area of approximately
Fig. 9 Reflection coefficient for each optimization stage.
189.28 mm2, with the ground portion covering half of the
antenna’s dielectric medium. This stage has sub-standard per-
formance, wherefrom each working frequency point, the effec- of 7.5 dB. The addition of one SRR-H element on the
tiveness of the received power is lower with 10% more reflected antenna causes the bandwidth to expand by 41.33%, and when
power as shown in Fig. 9. In Stage 2 optimization, eliminating viewed from a perspective, antennas with one and two SRR-H
52.05 mm2 at the bottom of the patch, providing progress elements have similarities in the return loss profile. However,
towards power absorption. Meanwhile, in the Stage 3 opti- the differences lie in the magnitude of the return loss for two
mization, it only gets a smaller boost than before by eliminat- different resonance frequencies. Under the same conditions,
ing part of the feed line edge and the top center of the ground. the return loss profile in the antenna design with three and four
Furthermore, the final optimization on Stage 4 by partially SRR-H elements also possesses identical characteristics.
eliminating the bottom edge of the patch and the top edge of Therefore, it is clear that a different return loss phenomenon
the ground provides a drastic increase in power absorption occurs at the second resonance frequency for an antenna with
effectiveness from the previous optimization stage. Thus, it three SRR-H elements. This event is due to the discontinuity
provides the potential for higher performance when the between the transmission line and antenna structure due to dif-
SRR-H element is implemented in the antenna structure. ferences in input and load impedance. Subsequently, the cause
The proposed antenna structure has a wide patch shape of the difference in efficiency loss at the first and second reso-
used to implement one to four SRR-H elements, as shown in nance frequencies is given by the impedance factor, which
Fig. 10. Then it is simulated at a working frequency of influences the reflection coefficient of some of the proposed
0.05–9 GHz to get the performance of each of the proposed antennas.
antenna structures. In this regard, the highest performance is provided by an
Fig. 11 shows the simulation results in the form of return antenna with four SRR-H elements, and the return loss profile
loss for some of the proposed antennas. The antenna design provided is a bandwidth of 7.92 GHz with the first resonance
without SRR-H has a low profile with a narrow bandwidth band 25.17 dB at a frequency of 1.56 GHz and the second
based on the simulation results. When the SRR-H metamate- resonance band 56.85 dB at a frequency of 5.98 GHz. Based
rial implementation is applied, the antenna profile increases on the characteristics of the UWB antenna, the profile given to
with better bandwidth. The proposed antenna structure has the antenna with four SRR-H elements has excellent perfor-
two resonance bands at the operating frequencies during oper- mance with a wide bandwidth of 5.9 GHz at an operating fre-
ation, and an antenna design with one SRR-H element has a quency of 5.98 GHz. The antenna’s return loss with four SRR-
lower return loss than without an SRR-H with a difference H elements has the lowest peak of the other designs, which
means that the reflected power is very little from the transmit-
ted power. The proposed metamaterial antenna has a high
potential suitable for medical and communication
The complete parts of the metamaterial antenna structure
can be seen in Fig. 12. The shape of the structure has been
characterized and optimized to obtain high-quality perfor-
mance. The size of the antenna structure can be seen in
Table 2.

5. Investigation of the performance result

Fig. 13 shows that the measurement results are compared with

the simulation results of the microstrip antenna design with
one to four SRR-H elements. The measurements were carried
Fig. 8 Several stages of optimization of the proposed antenna out using a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA), which provides
structure design. only a working frequency source of 0.05–9 GHz. Based on the
Improvement of Low-Profile microstrip antenna performance 4247

Fig. 10 Several types of metamaterial antennas are proposed with front (patch) and rear (ground) side views for without and one to four
SRR-H element.

measuring instruments, making it difficult to control various

parameters during the measurement process. The antenna’s
measurement results with four SRR-H elements give a return
loss of 42.54 dB, which is lower than the simulation results,
and are located at almost the same resonance frequency.
Simultaneously, the specified bandwidth profile is 5.87 GHz
or 72.5% of the simulation results. Also, with a certain profile,
this antenna construction has a relatively good performance
and meets the requirements for use in UWB applications.
Fig. 14 shows the simulated current distribution patterns
for the antennas of each SRR-H element variation. Observa-
tion of the current diffusion phenomenon is focused on the
high resonant frequency generated by each antenna in the
UWB range. The antenna current distribution pattern given
at the resonant frequency appears to have varying current den-
Fig. 11 The simulation of return loss results for antennas sities in the feed line, metal inclusions (patch), and ground
without SRR-H and antennas with the implementation of multiple regions. This phenomenon is due to the different impedance
SRR-H elements. matches between the feed line and the transmission line for
each antenna structure. The density of the distributed currents
spreads to the center and resonates between the feed line and
measurement results, all antenna designs have a return loss ground. Interesting events occur with antennas with three
profile relatively the same as the simulation results at a given and four SRR-H elements, where the current distribution rel-
resonance frequency, except for the width of the bandwidth, ative to one and two SRR-H elements propagates through
which experienced an average shrinkage of about 50.52%. the structure of the metamaterial. This phenomenon indicates
However, the measurement results show the UWB criteria with that the implemented metamaterial structure provides superior
a minimum bandwidth of 500 MHz, and a fairly detailed com- sensitivity to the antenna profile. Generally, the best antenna
parison of the antenna with four SRR-H elements is given, as performance can be achieved with four SRR-H elements, as
shown in Fig. 13 (d). The manufactured antenna provides a shown in Fig. 14 (d). The current distribution at the frequency
suitable impedance for the resulting resonance frequency but of 5.98 GHz, the antenna absorbed more power or reflectance
not for the bandwidth profile. This is due to the fabrication of 0.0002% of the received power. The distribution pattern at
of the antenna with incompatible materials and limited the resonance frequency, the higher the current density, the

Fig. 12 The complete configuration of the proposed metamaterial antenna structure: the front side for the patch section (left), the
backside for the grounding section (center), and the side for the thickness section (right).
4248 Saktioto et al.

Table 2 Metamaterial antenna structure size.

Parameter Unit Parameter Unit Parameter Unit
(mm) (mm) (mm)
L2 26.4 W4 3 G3 5.25
L3 5.8 W5 1.5 G4 3
L4 13.2 X2 0.6 Tg 0.035
L5 0.8 X3 1.19 Ts 1.6
W2 26 G1 24 Tp 0.035
W3 24 G2 7.4 – –

Fig. 13 The comparison of measurement and simulation for antenna design with the implementation of (a) one SRR-H, (b) two SRR-H,
(c) three SRR-H, and (d) four SRR-H.

more distribution occurs in the entire antenna structure. The For all given operating frequencies, the antenna with four
maximum current density observed is seen in the feed line SRR-H elements provides a minimum gain peak of 1.85 dBi
and spreads to the metamaterial structure implemented on at 0.45 GHz and a maximum gain peak of 5.97 dBi at
the antenna. 7.65 GHz. The gain at the lowest resonance return loss is
The simulation of the gain measurement on an antenna 4.61 dBi at 5.98 GHz and higher than 2.12 dBi at 1.56 GHz.
with a structure of one to four SRR-H elements is shown in In the UWB band’s frequency range, the simulated gain
Fig. 15, and it can be seen that each proposed antenna pro- increases linearly with the frequency, which offers the advan-
vides a good gain value. Exciting monitoring can be seen at tage of high operating effectiveness. Therefore, it can make a
0.5–4.5 GHz, as each type of antenna has the same gain at considerable contribution to antenna radiation for distant
the same frequency. However, at the next frequency, each fields [26].
antenna’s gain, especially at one, two, and three SRR-H ele- The 3D gain simulation pattern on an antenna with one to
ments, is distorted and changes with apparent differences. four SRR-H elements is shown in Fig. 16. At the resonant fre-
When the resulting gain is the same at a particular frequency, quency, it can be seen that the gain has different 3D and 2D
the structures for all types of antennas have the same load radiation patterns for all antennas with various SRR-H ele-
impedance and receive power. Conversely, after a frequency ments, as shown in Fig. 16. It can be seen that at 5–7 GHz,
of 4.5 GHz, each type of antenna’s gain profile experiences the gain pattern is distorted with changes in the maximum
its characteristics. This is because the implementation of one radiation direction, pointing upwards towards the antenna
to four SRR-H elements provides different load impedances structure and ending at the feed line area. More specifically,
to the antenna structure. Based on these results, the antenna it can be seen from the 2D radiation gain pattern that changes
with four SRR-H elements had the best gain than the others. drastically for each proposed antenna type. The largest gain
Improvement of Low-Profile microstrip antenna performance 4249

radiation position is predominantly located at an angle of

45°in the quadrant II area with a maximum average of 4.78
dBi. This incident explained that the gain radiation pattern is
greatly influenced by the load impedance of implementing
one to four SRR-H elements into the antenna structure. Out
of all these antennas, implementing the SRR-H four elements
turned out to have high performance.
As shown in Fig. 16 (d), the resulting gain pattern has a
more effective electromagnetic wave radiation. The antenna
structure has the most increased resonance with a greater
receiving power. The gain radiation experiences distortion,
which forms a two-way pattern at a resonant frequency of
5.98 GHz with the highest gain of 4.63 dBi, namely at an angle
of 49.20-degree in front of the patch antenna. As a result of the
interactions in the metamaterial structure, the antenna gain
polarization tends to form a distorted omnidirectional pattern
with good performance in the UWB frequency band. The dif-
ferences affect this phenomenon of resistance or impedance
Fig. 14 The current distribution patterns that occur resonance
from the antenna structure to the transmission line, resulting
frequencies in UWB range at (a) 6.79 GHz, (b) 6.82 GHz, (c)
in a distortion of the radiation pattern [35]. The incidence of
5.25 GHz, and (d) 5.98 GHz.
polarization of Gain radiation in the YZ plane can be seen
in Table 3. The highest radiation arises because of the reso-
nance interaction between the transmission line’s impedance
and the antenna load, close to matching and occurs precisely
in the metamaterial structure in the antenna [36].

6. Comparison of metamaterial antenna in UWB applications

The performance of conventional microstrip antennas has

been widely developed in today’s modern technological world.
The planned development consists of implementing the
antenna in the UWB application, and the design of the
UWB antenna has also been the subject of extensive research
over the last decade. Furthermore, it is proven that the low
profile given by the microstrip antenna increases with a wide
bandwidth with a good impedance match. However, this
antenna has a significant drawback, namely the large
Fig. 15 Simulated gain increase for antennas with one to four dimensions of the structure, and it takes up enough space to
SRR-H elements. be difficult to use in certain fields. The researcher takes a

Fig. 16 The 3D and 2D radiation pattern simulation results from the gain at the resonance UWB frequency at (a) 6.79 GHz, (b)
6.82 GHz, (c) 5.25 GHz, and (d) 5.98 GHz.
4250 Saktioto et al.

Table 3 The polarization of the antenna radiation is based on the YZ plane.

Metamaterial antenna Frequency resonance Polarization-YZ
hR Gain (dBi) hL Gain (dBi)
1 SRR-H 6.79 GHz 53.25° 5.07 52.61° 4.98
2 SRR-H 6.82 GHz 51.57° 5.04 50.14° 5.00
3 SRR-H 5.25 GHz 50.98° 4.25 48.73° 4.37
4 SRR-H 5.98 GHz 49.20° 4.63 47.86° 4.57

Table 4 References of the metamaterial-inspired antenna as a UWB application.

Reference Model Dimension Bandwidth Gain
(mm2) (GHz) (dBi)
[37] SRR rectangle elements in an array 21  16 3.4–12.5 5.16
[38] A fork monopole antenna with CRLH 40  35 5.98–8.42 6.2
[39] SRR square eight planar elements 26  22 3.1–10.71 3.54
[40] X-shaped square knot and four slots 27.6  32 3.2–24 8.7
[41] SRR-R Array based on Fractal pattern 21  22 3.55–10.34 2.61
Proposed Metamaterial antenna with four SRR-H 26.4  26 1.08–9 5.97

unique material, namely a hexagonal metamaterial, which has delivers extremely high-quality performance. The resulting
the DNG characteristics phenomena it gives to be imple- return loss parameter is 56.85 dB with an increase in band-
mented in the antenna structure to solve this problem. The width of 47.49% of the antenna structure without SRR-H.
existence of metamaterials for the past five years can prove Also, this study has a high gain of 5.97 dBi at 7.65 GHz. This
that it can reduce the dimensions of the antenna. Besides, its proposed antenna provides an operating frequency at
high sensitivity and miniaturization can increase Gain and 5.98 GHz with a maximum radiation gain of 4.63 dBi at an
amplify the antenna’s radiation field. The following are some angle of 45-degree in the quadrant II area. In contrast, this
antenna studies on the implementation of metamaterial in antenna has an extensive bandwidth of 5.9 GHz for the
UWB applications that have been carried out over the last five UWB category. From some of the advantages mentioned ear-
years are shown in Table 4. lier, it can be concluded that the antenna with the implementa-
Table 4 presents a comparison of the UWB antenna with tion of this metamaterial has a high potential in UWB
different models of metamaterial structure. The antenna in this applications.
research uses a metamaterial structure with a hexagonal SRR
shape with DNG characteristics. The proposed antenna offers Declaration of Competing Interest
high performance and is better than several other studies, and
its dimensions are slightly larger than those of other authors The authors declare that they have no known competing
since the dimensions of the structure are derived from the financial interests or personal relationships that could have
wavelengths used at certain frequencies. The limitation of the appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
equipment also affects this study, in which the VNA used only
has a maximum frequency source of 9 GHz. To classify the
UWB antenna from this proposed model, the bandwidth
obtained is 5.9 GHz, and the operating frequency is
The authors expressed profound gratitude to the Ministry of
5.98 GHz. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the
Education and Culture of the Indonesian Government and
antenna under construction has a good performance and pro-
Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru, for providing financial support
portionally includes functional bands rather than existing ref-
and grant through the Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian
erences as UWB applications.
Kepada Masyarakat (Research Institution and Community
Services) Universitas Riau, 2021.
7. Conclusion
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