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Subject : Business Statistics

Maximum Marks : 60 Maximum Duration : 2 Hours

April, 2022 Examinations

A . Attempt any 2 from Q1 – Q3 , each carrying 5 marks 10 marks

Q1 . Explain different methods of primary data collection.

Q2. Construct a frequency distribution with suitable class interval size of marks obtained by 50 students
of a class given below:

23, 50, 38, 42, 63, 75, 12, 33, 26, 39, 35, 47, 43, 52, 56, 59, 64, 77, 15, 21, 51, 54, 72, 68, 36, 65, 52, 60,
27, 34, 47, 48, 55, 58, 59, 62, 51, 48, 50, 41, 57, 65, 54, 43, 56, 44, 30, 46, 67, 53.

Also calculate mean .

Q3. What are different types of graphs used for data presentation.

B Attempt any 1 from Q4 – Q5 , each carrying 10 marks 10 marks

Q4. Following are the wages of 8 workers of a factory. Find the range and coefficient of range.

Wages in ($) 1400, 1450, 1520, 1380, 1485, 1495, 1575, 1440.

Q5. The Wheat production (in Kg) of 20 acres is given as: 1120, 1240, 1320, 1040, 1080, 1200, 1440,
1360, 1680, 1730, 1785, 1342, 1960, 1880, 1755, 1600, 1470, 1750 and 1885. Find the quartile deviation
and coefficient of quartile deviation.

C . Q6 is compulsory and carries 10 marks

Q6. Calculate standard deviation from the following distribution of marks-

Marks Frequency
1-3 40
3-5 30
5-7 20
7-9 10
Total 100
D. Attempt any 2 from Q7 – Q9, each carrying 5 marks 10 marks

Q7. What are the total number of ways of simultaneous throwing of (i) 3 coins, (ii) 2 dice and (iii) 2 coins
and a die?

Q8. In how many ways 4 men and 3 women can be seated in a row such that women occupy the even

Q9. What is difference between T test and paired t test ?

E. Attempt any 4 from Q10 – Q13 , each carrying 5 marks 20 marks

Q10. Explain type I and type II error?

Q11. What are the uses of z test ?

Q12. Explain types of hypothesis .

Q13. Explain different types of probability sampling techniques.

Q14. Differentiate between correlation and regression.

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