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Natasha Suber

Essay Two
English 2567
Prof. Beki Test

Mrs. Femininity

Client name: Mrs. Femininity

Address: New York City, United States of America

Description of client: Mrs. Femininity was from Mississippi the state where women gained the
right to ownership in the past. She appeared to be a middle-aged woman but she looked rather
young for her age. Mrs. Femininity never shared her age with anyone so no one really knew her
age. She was shaped like an hour glass and always wore a skirt with blouse. High heels with her
hair and make up perfectly done. Soft spoken and used perfect grammar all of the time. She
swiftly pulled into her parking space with her pink BMW right on time for her appointment. She
walked through the door gracefully in her three-piece skirt suit with Louis Vuitton heels. The
room filled with her scent leaving a fragrance of flowers and vanilla. Though she appeared to not
have any flaws she was suffering from fatigue and depression. She always felt the weight of so-
cial views and expectations of gender rolls but this was a different feeling for her. The recent
news of Roe v. Wade triggered her into a depression after the decision was made about women’s
abortion rights. She was exhausted as she kicked off her 4 inch heels and laid back on the small
loveseat sofa.

Presenting problem: Mrs. Femininity has been depressed and had trouble sleeping. She had a
right to be tired meeting was everyone’s feminine expectations all of the time. Plus she had been
fighting for women’s rights since the 1920s when women first gained the right to vote. She is a
strong woman that is constantly fighting for equality but she was suffering from depression since
the decision the United States government had made about women’s reproduction rights. Mrs.
Femininity was tired of the old gender roles that constantly suppressed women. She wiggled
back and forth on the loveseat she was trying to get comfortable. Fed up with not being able to
find comfort she set up reached inside the back of her blouse and pulled the string from the girdle
she was wearing. A gut and love-handles were released and protrude from the girdle. Mrs. Femi-
ninity would prefer to wear sweats but her job would never let her.

History: Mrs. Femininity was born 1839 in Mississippi during the time women had gained the
right to own property in the United States. She also fought for women’s right to vote in the
1920s. She had come from a strong family that did not rely on gender roles to hinder her from
being the strong woman she is today. Mrs. Femininity worked hard at her job and she was pro-
moted to the head position along with two other men. Though she shared the same position as the
two other men the men received a higher income. She knew her job would never pay her the
same as the men and these are the constant challenges that suppressed women. She could relate
with other women and she knew that women are not objects or property and deserve equality.
Mrs. Femininity values women’s rights and she attended and helped form all the feminist move-
ment from the 19th to the 21st century.

Personality and structure: Exhausted Mrs. Femininity took out a pack of face wipes from her
designer bag and wiped her make up from her face. She advocated for issues associated with
women’s rights, body integrity and self ownership. Along with self determination over women’s
body is what she stood for over 100 years. She reminisced about women’s past achievements.
She thought about how women have come so far since 1848 in New York when 300 people
signed the Declaration of Sentiments to end discrimination against women. Mrs. Femininity
knows we have come so far but we still have a lot of fighting to do for women. She ran her fin-
gers through her hair and removed her wig. She liked to be comfortable in her own skin and the
way she dressed for work was only for work. Mrs. Femininity excused herself and headed to the
bathroom with her bag. When she returned she had changed into a gray sweat suit. She looked
totally different from when she first walked in. She took off all the things that social gender roles
considered a woman should look like.

Diagnosis: Psychological/emotional stress, high levels of stress causing depression and anxiety.

Personal strengths: Mrs. Femininity is a strong advocate for women’s rights and she continues
to be loving and nurturing as well. Though she had changed her appearance no one cannot take
away from the woman she is. She understands about the social construction that sets gender roles
for women. Constantly working hard to change these norms that have been forced upon us
through social views and social construction. Fighting for women’s rights and discrimination to-
wards women from 1839 till the present. She will always continue to fight for change and equal-
ity for women.

Treatment plan: Mrs. Femininity needs to rest because her fight for women’s rights will con-
tinue until women receive equality. She has to recover from all the fighting she has done for
women in the past. The fight for women’s rights is constant for women to gain equality amongst
men. She doesn’t have to fight alone there are women support groups that advocate for women’s
rights. The National Organization for Women is a group that can help focuses on issues like dis-
abilities, reproductive rights, family justice women face. Mrs. Femininity has to understand the
fight is not easy and it is constant. Another ally she has is The American Association of Univer-
sity Women this is another advocate for equality in education, philanthropy and research. She
has to stop indulging in the current media and surround herself with women empowerment. Dur-
ing therapy meditation and relaxation is important while she reminisces about her past achieve-
ments and milestones women have made.

Progress milestones: As the client recovers she will be rejuvenated. Ready to apply herself
where she felt fatigue before. Her anxiety will decrease helping her have clear thoughts to advo-
cate. As she progresses she will no longer feel depressed or anxious. Mrs. Femininity will be
able to think and process better giving her a clear way to analyze and build with other women or-
ganizations. This will give her a clear mind to continue to help fight for women equality as she
did in the past.

Prognosis: Once she is done with therapy she will continue with meditation and relaxation exer-
cises. Therapy will help her regain strength. Mrs. Femininity will be ready to fight and advocate
better than before. This will help her open new doors for women empowerment and gain the
equality that women deserve.

Respectfully submitted Dr.Natasha Suber

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