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x | (|Saae PSS Re IG PRP RY STICIS) |SddddIS IDIIIS ‘Bahasa Inggris SD/MIKls. IVSmt. 1 Dipindai dengan CamScanner Pr Pr Pn PE PT PE PF Pr PT PE Pr PE Pr PE Pr a b. Read the text below and then answer the questions! The Fruit Seller Unice Hohan is a fruit seller in Pasar Minggu. He sells many kinds of fruit. There are twenty five avocadoes, thirty-four oranges, three watermelons, fourty-six mangoes, twenty-seven bananas, and many more. Look at the picture! Uncle Johan is very busy. He is. preparing the fruits for customer. Uncle Johan talks to customer friendly. Answer the questions based on the text above! What is Uncle Johan? Where does he sell fruit? How many watermelons does he have? Does he have rambutans? Why is Uncle Johan very busy? Do like the example! Example: * How many dolls does Rina have? * She has three dolls. Bahasa Inger SD/MI Kis. VS 2 ——_—————$«) Dipindai dengan CamScanner * How many balls does Budi have? PARA RRA R AREA Le tel ‘+ How many ducks do Mia and Budi * How many pencils do the students have? f have? ; GOGO OOOO + How many apples does Dani have? eed How many balls do the children ome © How many'pinéapple do you have? ee sh ‘lot Howmany oranges does Linda have? eT” 8a ners SO/MI Ks. Smt Dipindai dengan CamScanner Study this dialogue and then Practice with your friend! Shopkeeper: Can! help you? Doni Shopkeeper : Of course, | need some apples, We have some kinds, which apple do you want? Doni | want malang apple. How much is it? Shopkeeper : Akilo of malang apple is Rp35.000. How many kilos do you need? Doni Two kilograms please. Shopkeeper : That is Rp70.000. setelah : 6, have memiliki before = sebelum how many berapa banyak busy sibuk . how much is it? = berapa harganya? friendly ramah shopkeeper penjaga toko fruit seller = penjual buah 0. talk berkata 1 2. Tina: ... Sussy have? : Nina: ... birds are there? Marty : Eight dolls. : Denny : There are two. a. how many dolls ease how b. how many dolls are there b. how many cc. how many dolls do chow do d. how many dolls does d. howis sana naps SOMK, VS ————————~) Dipindai dengan CamScanner 3. There are pineapples. a. 4 al What number is it? a. fifteen b. fiveteen c._ fivety d. 5. 1 Itis 08546757890. What is your phone number? What is you phone number? Is it your phone number? Is it you phone number? a b. c d. a Mirna : How many apples does Mrs. Hani have? Denny : a. She have fifty apples. b. She is have five apples. c. She has fifty apples. d. She has fifteen apples. bE6EE etoile Putri : How many books do you ...? Vina: | have twenty books. a. have b. has ©. are has d. are have This is a fruit seller. a = Bahasa IngrsSO/MI KI. V St 2 Dipindai dengan CamScanner . These are nine ducks a. Susy: that? Dyna: That is durian, a. How many . b. How ©. What 4. Who 10. 7 ue Spr, By? 4 : Ihave four cats. How many cats do you have? Are there your cats? Do you have cats? 11. This number is seventy. [] A 8 a, How many cats are there? b. ¢ a. Andi Krisna: Rp4.500 per kilo a. How much does it cost? b. How many is it? c. Howisit? ” en d,_ Is it Rp4.500 per kilo? b. thirty-one = is before six. \ five c. twenty-two a. four c. five d. thirty-two b. seven d. nine I. Rearrange these letters into correct words! i e-s ° i-h eae ashing S/M WS. ——————) Dipindai dengan CamScanner yeep eacas e-f-v- v-e-n- f-u-r- g-e-t- n-e-t Gh) 0 ee Tew 0 |cV 6. gm) eomeeaeeee ee eee 8. n-e-0 eo 9. w-o-t = 10. v-e-n-e-l-e = IM. Fill the cross word puzzle! T 7 7 7 + Ls 1 ¥ io 3 Cross: Down: 1 ‘ i 2. Tay | Thisisa.... This... is twelve. 12 CP ) 3. the night « al 4 Te Those are ten... ee Thisis an... “2. oO eeeee . 6. Thisis a. - This number is... A 11 He isa fruit... 2S Those are five ... d ea) sh Ope ee Thisis a... =~ ans 07M V3 Dipindai dengan CamScanner ~, Remedial iL a. Dolike the example! Example: 72 = seventy two 17 Pe ae 2. 30 7 79 = 3. 28 a 4. 55 bo, 9 = 5. 67 ~ $10, 1002 b. Translate into English! 1. Saya memiliki seekor kelinci. 2. Berapa banyak buku yang kamu miliki? 3. Pamanku memiliki sepuluh ekor sapr. Berapa ekor burung yang dimiliki Pak Taufan? Berapa harga sekilo jeruk? Project Assignment Make pictures of: ten apples seven roses eleven spoons twenty leaves % f__Bate__) _Seore _) (_Sion_) (_Notes M # hy _ Score Sign sahasa gg SO/MI Kl. Nn —_————4) Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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