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Sand Creek Massacre:

 To secure the _______ fields and the routes leading to them, the government
renegotiated with the Cheyenne and Arapaho.
 The Treaty of ________________ was signed in _______.
 This treaty relegated the Cheyenne and Arapaho to an area ________ of the
original size in eastern Colorado, called the __________________ Reserve.
 This new treaty caused a _____________ within the tribes between those who
wanted to fight for control of their land, and those who preferred peace.
 Since the land was not very good and ____________ were scarce, they began
raiding nearby trails and settlements for food and supplies.
 The _____________ militia urged the Cheyenne and Arapaho to stay on the
 General __________________ sent a telegram to Colorado militia Colonel
____________________ that said, “I want no peace until the Indians suffer
 At dawn on November 29, 1864, approximately _____ troops under Chivington
attacked the village of about ______ Cheyenne and Arapaho at Sand Creek.
 Some of the ___________ of the village were out hunting that morning.
 The ones that were left tried to hold off the troops as long as they could by
whatever means necessary.
 Unfortunately, the terrified women, children and elderly never stood a chance.
 Over the course of the day, the troops killed over _______ of the Cheyenne and
 There was a group of about ______ soldiers that did not take part and resisted
orders. They realized what was being done was not right.
 Afterwards, some of the soldiers involved in the attack mutilated the bodies of the
 After the Sand Creek Massacre, ______________ was treated as a hero in his
hometown of ___________, Colorado.
 Initially, Chivington and his men were not charged with any __________.
 However, after an investigation, Chivington was forced to __________.

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