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Go down the pan: fail completely

= go down the tubes: fail completely

Go dơn like a lead balloon: be very unsuccessful; not be accepted by people

On the rocks experiencing difficulties

A chill goes down one’s spine: sởn gai

Tie the know = go down/ walk down the aisle

Go down a bomb: be very successful

Go down the drain: be wasted

Go down in history= make history

Have a lot/too much on one’s plate = as busy as a bee = to have your hands full with sth = Up to one's

ears/eyes/neck on st = very busy =

to be up to your eyes/eyeballs/ears/neck in work: công việc ngập đến mắt/tai/cổ (dùng khi muốn diễn tả

có một khối lượng công việc rất lớn cần làm)

to be snowed under with sth: be overwhelmed by the amount of work you have

be slammed with work

to be tied up (with something): busy with

to be hard at work on something: If you are hard at work on something, it means that you are busy with

a certain task.

to be as busy as a beaver/bee: very busy

To have your hands full with sth = To have a lot on your plate: Công việc bận đến mức lấy hết thời gian

của bạn đến mức bạn không thể làm được việc gì khác

Chase your (own) tail = Run (a)round in circle = Run around like a headless chicken: Bạn rất bận rộn

nhưng không quản lý tốt để có thể đạt được hết mọi thứ

Step up to the plate: take action để xử lý 1 tình huống nào đó

Worked oneself into a rage: nổi giận

Worked oneself into a lather: rất buồn

One’s face is dark / white/ purple/ red with rage

Be beside yourself with rage: be so angry that can’t control yourself

Be boiling/burring/seething/incandescent with rage: giận sục sôi

Trembling/shaking with rage: giận rung người

Be rigid/stiff with rage: giận đứng người

Be in a towering tage: giận giữ điên cuồng

Be in blind/uncontrollable tage: giận mất kiểm soát


contain/control/swallow/supress/repress one's anger/Repress/Supress sb’s

anger/annoyance/resentment/matter/restrain one’s anger/temper: nén giận

A world of difference: sự khác biệt rất lớn

See the difference between sb/st: distinguish = tell sb apart

A dog-eat-dog world: thế giới đầy competitive

Bury one’s difference = bury one’s hatchet: dẹp bỏ những cãi vã, bất động, mâu thuẫn với

nhau, đi đến giảng hòa, làm lành với nhau

Sink one’s difference = settle one’s difference: forget your disagreement

In the same boat: cùng hội cùng thuyền

Miss the boat bỏ lỡ cơ hội

Float one’s boat: be what sb likes

Rock the boat: do or say st that upset sb ỏ cause problems

At /from the out set of st: at/ from the beginning of st

From scratch

be quick/slow on the uptake

satb sb in the back = betray

a pat on the back for st: praise ỏ approval for that you have done well

know st like the back of one’s hand: biết rõ, nắm rõ như long bàn tay

get/put one’s back up: irritate sb = get on one’s nerves

like water off a duck’s back: nc đổ đầu vịt

back on track:  get my life back on trạc

push st to the back of one’s mind: try to forget about st unpleasant

say bad things anout sb hehind one’s back : nói xấu ai

Stock up on/with st: mua đồ tích trữ, dự trữ

Cash in on: to gain an advantage for yourself from a situation, especially in a way that other

people think is wrong: lợi dụng cơ hội để kiếm chác

Bank on sb/st = rely on sb/st = depend on sb/st = count on sb = lean on sb/st = hinge

on/upon st (action,result) = rest on sb/st = be subject to st = hang on st

Every cloud has a silver lining: trong cái rủi có cái may, sau cơn mưa trời lại sang

A blessing in disguise: st that seems to be a problem at first

Pun on ice = delay

A big cheese

A big fish (in a small pond) an important person in a small community

Have a big mouth

Raise one’s awareness about/ of st

Raise / increase/heighten/foster/develop/promote one’s awareness about/of st

Ruling party: đảng phải cầm quyền

Carry/win the day: be successful against sb/st

Carry a torch for sb: yêu người mà người đso không yêu mình (yêu đơn phương. Thầm

thương trộm nhớ)

Carry weight with sb: have influence with sb

Carry the can for sb: chịu/gánh vác/ nhận lạnh trách nhiệm về cái gì khi đso không phải là

lỗi của mình

Unrequited love

Catch sb in the act of doing st : catch sb red handed: bắt quả tang


Aggravate (ngoại v) = worsen st = ex

Stab sb: to push a sharp , pointed object, especially a knide, into sb killing or injuring them

Bite căn châm đốt of insect /snale ) to wound sb bt making a small hold or mark in their

skin prick st (on st) to make a small hole in the skin so that it hurts or blood comes out
Impairment: suy giảm


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