2407 Cleveland Plain Dealer 1904-10-28 12

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28, WO*.

R.ain C o a t s
W e call your special attention t o our large and c o m p l e t e line of W o m e n ' s rain coats. Last season w e did a very large business in this line. T h i s season finds us way ahead on o u r sales. T h e n e w plaid back materials are a little heavier in weight. E x c e p t i o n a l v a l u e s aft J f J J Q . O O , $15.00, $19.50, $25.00. Deputy Supervisors' Contracts

LOOK'S G.OOD FOR CI.KVE * '" li-i.M.V.,,leitihitiiirtui-n j

The Williams & Dodgers Co.

SUPERIOR ST. ** SENECA ST. Come t o t h i s s t o r e F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y . T h e s e e n d of-week S p e c i a l s m e g r e a t m o n e y s a v e r s w h i c h y o u c a n n o t afford t o miss. Store,open until 9 p. m. Saturday. * w-8M\
Special in ready-to-wear Hals In the season's most approved' modes. made to sell at fG.fii), 58.00, special $4.50 and Another lot in black, brown, navy and red.. wc advertise this well known lace, worth Sc a yard. sale price, yard



Do Not Require Madigan's 0. K., Baker Says.

Auditor Must See Expenditures Are Kept in Limit, However. FOURTH POWER STATION.


The Grand Prize in Life is Success. It. is what we all strive forand it happens to have come Our Way. The recognition of the merit of the Browning, King & Co. Clothing by the Superior Jury of the Universal Exposition at St. Louis is a fact that ought to interest our Friends. We congratulate ourselves upon the fact that in the competition in which T H E GRAND PRIZE was awarded to Browning, King 8c Co. our rivals for this honor were so worthy. We feel that it is a fine distinction to have won this prize over some of the best manufacturers in the country.

.$4.00 .$2.98
<>* ^ Q

18-Inch black plumes,

worth $4.00, special Handkerchiefs and

^ L V O Neckwear. lace

P t Do Faric Laces, with edgings and insertions to match, also insertion Mechlin Lace, all wide widths: will make one lot of both finalities. The laces were never sold for less than !2 l-2c; sale price, per yard





S u p e r i o r S t . , P u b l i c iScjuare


Cupid Was Blind and Unhappy Lovers Delayed Their Wedding and Soon Found ThemWoman Sought Freedom selves in Court. in Divorce Court. Should Have Expected Such Interesting Complications and Some Excitement Followed Climax to Romance, Judge the Postponement. Told Her.

The Cleveland PJIcclric railway inlciuls to construct in Newbury one of Us large storage battery stations tov equalizing Ihc power situation there at the extreme end of Us lines. The necessary authority for the officers to so ahead and mskf 1'.) contract for the slaiiasi and the c'sulpmeii! was uiven at. '.hi- recent merr'.iiii: of the direciors. audi ihc Station will lie completed nod in operation ('.urinx the whUCI'. Tins makes the fourth storr.S'-' 'aaiicry

Tourist Suiting In Mannish effect! 75c value. Special price Melange Suiting. 56-inch, all wool. Si.00 value, g n Another lof. of Ladies' plain white special price O o C and colored bordered hemstitched SllkS for shirt waist suits, large har.dkorchleft. assortment of choice designs and each at coloring, regular 75c i O quality, special price T O C Don't miss the bargain tables in Ladies' $1.50 Oneita A Q , our busy basement. You will find Union Suits " O t it a great money saving place. p-*-* Men's 50c Fleece Shirts and 300 dark gray Melton Skirts at Pfi*Ov 660 Broadcloth Skirts in Blue. Special sale of ladies' Venice Stock Collars In white and cream. 25c values

.10c ,3c


Ladies' and Gents' Underwear.

Ladies' 35c Fleece Vests and P a n l s , e a . Misses' Fleece Union Suits, each


Ladies' SI.25 Mannish Gloves, per pair Ladies' Gloves, pair 50c per Black

the ends of the

39c $5.00 25c Jack" at"" $13.50 Jackets In Tourists and 50c S . T 8 $10.00 $20.00 Suits lii plain and mixtures, 85c $14.50 Cashmere a T " ' Bis sample line of Muslin Clowns, ..29c advance styles in laces and embroideries; you can buy the same
for a third off regular price; prices ranging down Afarfrom $3.00 to ^"VC Rest. Flannelette Gowns, nice full width, fast colors and all sixes. something specrA/-rial at O U C Will place on sale for Friday and Saturday only two very good patterns in Venice Lace Collars. One lot Misses' Collars in Venice, worth $1.50; sale price while eacn'aSt: $1.00 Extra fine Florentine Lace Collar in the bertha effect, cream a n d white, all new designs, worth and sold everywhere for S6.ft0. our



Police Judarc, Forgattlng Standi* by ihc Old <in
rein IIIKI n Bone or Contention

Corsets. Another lot of those ?L00 Corsets with front and side HCbrhose supporters, only / VCHow to save money on hosiery. Come to our store Friday or Saturday. Ladies' 25c fleeced lined tO/-* hose, per pair BVC Gents' 25c black and brown wool Socks, per


Reports that the Democratic contingent

Children's 20c Cotton Stockings, per p a i r Will place on sale another lot of English Torchon Lace. The trade know what to expect when t Judfic Flc had got safel;

15c 15c


$4.00 10c Men's Winter Underwear

Underwear that fits the body and your purses too R O O T ' S T I V O L I - C a m e l s h a i r and Natural W o o l Underwearmedium a n d heavy weightnon-shrinkabkpriced a t $1.00 and $1.50 per garment NORFOLK AND N E W BRUNSWICK Natural Woolfull fashionedmedium a n d heavy weightpriced at $1.00 to S2.00 per garment SPRING NEEDLE RIBBED UNDERW E A R i n ecru and blueclose-fitting garmentspriced at $1.00 per garment U N I O N S U I T S o u r line includes t w o of the standard makesSterling and Superior in the right and proper weights for the seasonprices range from $1.50 t o $9.00 STUTTGARTER SANITARY UND E R W E A R c o m p l e t e assortment.

Sale of Candy for Friday and Saturday.

Another lot of those 30c Chocolate Chips at 10c per box. Frc? mellows. Peanut Brittle. Chocolate and Vanilla Fudge. Wlntergreen Creams, Chocolate Creams, Taffy Kissse, etc

couiinoiiced a %


WhiH I>o ThouKhi* Look M k c f Siereoptleon lecture by Ijoadbealer light a 1 Pythian Temple, 2Sc. .


i'k Policemen nml Brldse Hon I

roir.:;ir,nfl''i- Hnefh-'L'neher 0* the Snlrntton tinny will arrive In Clevfuiii'l today nt 12:20 p. m. from Buffalo, and will coli'h:<'!: t!ie (iienioriat service of Oo;i-ar nnolliTveker in [lie ei'.ndc-l auditorium, corner Kric iind Ka^lr suei'is, at S p. in. It is Just o:ir year :<> loday il'.ar O n s-.:l H(ml:(-Ti:rki-;- nitt !HT di-allt in a milway ::i.'ciiioiil. Her <l>:<\:\\ Is ITJI-

Che Strauss B w s . Co,

49-51-53 Euclid Ave.


inc::'->r:.li'(l hy snee'.ul s.-.'vice^ tonight all T!'..* foilowin^' staff ncctinipnnlrs the eoni" mai! Irr: ;.i. -.;. i...,l. ,,:u\ M:f. i;;:"f..:-i: v! S>'\v Yfii'U. Ueut. Col. Mrs. ll'.i-ks. na;;.)inil tn-asiirci- -if thy Salvation iwiny; I.lent. Col. \V. T. Seott, 11101111,-::::,: dirceior of t.li" S;:',vai.;t.:i Arn-.y Im'.r.s; :ial ili-ir.ics Co.; I,!i-\t. c'(i*.. Annie US1:ITII'\ 1;-ie!'--.:;; 1 'if !! S:ilv;i:ir>i< Army National 1 Tiif;-'.'" 1

High Grade F u r s Specially Priced.

ir. l > s-.atn. i;xccleb?" lie turned toward an impertinent Inter"Jtuiicnsiein? Good old Itcliy? No qi:''silcri ahout him at all. h've."vL:i;'!v wants k.ui to stay. No (.Ispule at all. Won't he." said Judge Fiedler. "Yes. Ooer.i mac. !t;)>y. Nice fellow." said Judge Whelaa. cheerily, and ho turned h;s aitenlloa again to the. fish





The second atcreoptlcon Iccturo by C. w. ivfjilhcAtor. the Loudon ihco:-r.-'li::~;. will : n -iv.-n .it I'.ir Pythian :cn;:I- to > BlgbL The Dubject will bo 'TjiOUSbt T-orras." The pictures to bo tlirown upou the canvas will Geplct In colors oncl goo:nc:r!':.".'. fornix iln> [:!ro.v.>[ hlcal idra o C ROtU.lt thoughts an Uicy c;ti;uiiit> U 0:11 the h:m:;i[; brain.

We have just received a very large shipment of stylish Furs in Natural Squirrel, Sable Squirrel. Natural and Blended Mink. Baum Marten, Persian The following: numbers are specially priced for a few days: Sable and Isabella Fox Scarf magnificent quality, 2i yards in length, specially

Children's Coats and Dresses

N e w arrivals this week in popular, girlish stylesBlue, B r o w n and Mixturessizes 6 to J6 years. Prices range f r o m . . $5.00 to $37.50 Children's School Dresseslarge assortment popular in style arid priceSailors, Russian and Peter Thompsonsizes 4 to 18 years priees range from $5.00 to $18.50 Mailorder* The Daylight StOK. P^neO-^


now.. When

"c Tried


ire AIBO F e n





The oaths trod by the police clerli aro not alwavs roseate. In Cleveland one of his chief duties is the deciphering: of names - Unitarian. Polish. Russian and FinnishU:a; .vo'.ild malic the titles of the Renerals in the far cast look like characters in primer. Ycslrdav short- was an a^.-ai;:*. and hat
'..rvy w.-r in iioiii".- C.CKV . ana' it l-volvel

af Ced ....$15.00

C F r i d a y and Saturday only we'll hold a special sale of 25c soft mousseline ribbons at 17c a yarda third off! ^ T h e y ' r e J>^ and 6 inches widethoroughly good value at the regular price. T h e color-range is complete. It contains navy and the browns that are so much wanted, and that have been conspicuously absent from some ribbon sales. Besides these, there are burnt orange, maize, emerald and reseda green, scarlet, cardinal, black and white, as well as numerous other shades. W O O L T E X COATS FOR GIRLS AND CHILDREN <U_lt frequently happens, in selling other than Wooltex garments, that we're asked to make changesto put in a lining across the shoulders, and perhaps to enlarge the sleeves. We do it, but it costs money, and, worse yet, takes time. <fTThat sort of thing doesn't happen with Wooltex coats. They're made right to start with. In the first place, every thread of the City Trosi surer Ouriniievry ycs-cr^iy cloth is pure wool proved so by chemical tests. In the second asked Solicitor Bnkcr for nu opinion us 10 llifl validity of t!ic Crafts law, nas&od place, the making conforms to Wooltex standards. T h e garioglslauirc, rpfi'.iirinw all city jsulmol and other oflicinis ments are cut amply full in every dimension; nothing is skimped. surely comp;fy bonds ami proThe facings in front arc broad enough to give additional viiUui,' fur: her '!:.<[ \\w prritiluiii fur them by 'ho warmth and to permit setting the buttons over when the girl must be paid of the alty or con my. ofThe bonds city nml .schitu] grows. The Wooltex yoke adds a fitting climaxgives perfection to the set of the shoulders and warmth back of the shoulders, ihi'in renewed and. the City bus paid protecting the lungs where they are most susceptible to cold. ^1 The workmanship also is practical perfection. Girls' Wooltex nlid. Other courts IKIVI Hi oxamlno garments are just as carefully tailored as arc those of" their olllciiils. mothers. In short, wc don't know of another line of children's 1-1,1 \i;F.l> Tlllt O O II WIXOOW. H garments anywhere that approaches Wooltex excellence. { [ F o r girls from six to fourteen years of age Wooltex coats are priced as low as S6.75, and from that upward. They're made of .lolin Tensing, sign painter, of No. 791 plain kerseys or heavy /inclines in colors and in fancy tweeds. Clark avenue, nearly hied to death yesThey have the season's style-features carried out in keeping with terday afternoon from the result of a ;';;ii irov.sh a ni.Uc niass window at the Wooltex ideals. Koi-os; City house. *TFor girls of fourteen and sixteen years we're selling more coats than wc ever have before, perhaps because the styles are prettier and more varied. Coats 42 and 45 inches long seem to be the LViist was i-r-vciTd. UysuiiKli-:':; irarrl*''! llilil 10 Mrivs!i;ili's .in;- sU>n\ ;u;i OS;; I in. favorites. Prices run from $7.50 to $20.00. Hirer 1. ar.-l the blo^lnr; was chuckedT H E W I L L I A M T A Y L O R S O N & C O . * ' > . H.-! w.i:-. ;iilL-- .r>i :.ik.M: 10 iaro:i ii'xeoL
p rti

upon Deputy Clerk Douglas to call the witnesses. '.l..!i:i W'hi^! rr-\;in-:n-m-:t:," said :i., ar.d William Pollstow-br-r-rr-r-um-m-m." He Stopped diSgUBtod. "Those fellows. .io.se;;li Somebody and Willi;-;] So^cixidy o!he, a!', step fovward," he concluded at a run. Thi:; liroa-i:: down a s(o:-:n ai iia^i:;er from the courtroom. "Mr. Cl.-rk." said Judge Fiei'.h-r. wj-.r. severity. "Ileafe' those names right. Givo tli..1 payer to me." The Jtnlee studied the document a 'Joshepurn. lie witiieases step forward." said

Sable and Isabella Pox Boas Fine bushy tails, $13.50 values



,: : ::'., :> " '


AT OD Mil.!..

Dynamos, Crocker-Wheeler m a k e for firms w h o w a n t to furnish their o w n light. G o o d line. C o m e in, phone, wire, write. ERNER ELECTRIC CO.

So built in Last, I/Cather and Mioc Making that ihoy D o n ' t expect a boy to play or work all day to k e e p warm. a T h e r e o u g h t t o b e an overCoinpliicenl snlisl'ncti slvles. a11 sizes, coat t o help h i m out. T h e r e ' s a good lot of t h e m h e r e t o choose from. Russian Overcoats, $5.00 u p Belt back Overcoats, $5.00 u p 97-93 EUCIIO AV. T h r e e - f o u r t h s length,S5.00 up j Double-breasted ^ ^ [ j g ^ ^ fa

appear l CouctCnplas Orilercil. A cnplas was ordered In police court stcrdny for Jnmos c. Wilson of Youngswn. Thursday was the dale of his trial 0 1 two serious charges, and he failed 1 otter was produced in court from

Nc-ws of the death of Josep Biennan. irother of (i'meral Passrn^or gent L. J. Traction ; rod tr.:ll at Moiie;;&c:i. t'a aken to Emer;:^n'.:y aos;>i".al ;i and hv Ijndertakir:- it,.cha:>:-

$3 5@anu$4, W HEKSJAN
C J B j5>//an5' ^K

.11. wnlv.m; ar;i;>ara;!cr and ON;IVMS.

II;L; his willingness to pay any One ac:.-;.'). 'I'hia ivaa nol rogardod as strictly
',i'^al ;iro.!'dure hy J>L.U;.Whrlan. and

\'aine church. To Improve Cnr 5 P I cc.

W.hs-v.-.'-. iipini w.is ordfi-ed inrte !*-(<!. Wilson .- wn-al'liy and well known resi> of Yoiingstowu. Ml.ACTION KIV OPPZCBR9 Deforc NAMED. Ronrd f

I ' m n o t afraid of t h e truthany time, any place. I test eyes and furnish glassesdon't want y o u r m o n e y w i t h o u t your good will.
N o charge for testing eyes.


second floor,


L o n g T o u r i s t Coats, $8.00 up T a k e elevator, 2nd floor.

Tho appointments of judges and clerks I'leeiion hive been completed by the aid of elections and the officers are iw appearing at the hoard rooms for 0 jmrpose of qunllfylng, * Registrars were .ilso furaished supplies ^lerday 01 the n-Rifiratlon of today :,:i<l r(t:corr.:*v. These i w days an- tinist upoi wai.ili -V,;".' '..'.ndors may havo Ohio l * ot l.nmb : ^ l - ^ c lb. 1 opportunl-y to rsgister. Special all lliis wee*. GoUine bus/! ry week, on phone orders especiall I.. O. T. M. SllCOlnl Review. K pot loo busy lo give Ihem careful a A special review of Idonlon hive. L. O. ntlon. V. E. Cadlo, 3S6 Brie St. . M.. liaa been called at Lady Davis", OI1I0 l.eiTot l.niull 11! l-2c l b . Special Friday and Saturday. Gettiti busierfcveryweek, on phono orders cspi it j;:e:it;ou. I'" 1!. oliJIe. 3M l i r e :. or wade Park

w e have j u s t made up 500 books ot UNIFORM BILLS LADING and have established a price that will interest you. We have the plates In stock and can furnish hooks with your own imprints at very little more than the price of stock books. S. BARKER & SONS. Superior and Bank Sts.

i.icli,: a.l I r. ri Ci c

Bennet & Fish

39-43 Euclid.
In t h e L u n c h R o o m s Friday.

Those n e w p a t t e r n s i n ; Playing Cards a r e very p r e t t y W h i s t S e t s also j -in fact, e v e r y f e a t u r e iu Cards very prominent;

Blue Points. 1-2 shell 20 Clam Chowder 10 Whitefish. Mashed Potatoes 25

(li-eamed tiuet Cml> M e a t 25 10 Sauce..10 Oc";u::od C a u l i f l o w e r I'mlciiiiLv S a b a y o u

itli us.

For Men $3 Always.


bosplul in Black & Wright's ambulance.

Pumpkin Pie 5 The Chandler & Rudd Co.



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