Rang Dong Entering The North America

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Rang Dong Entering the North America (USA)

1, Marco Market analysis

 Company: Rang Dong is proud to confirm its No.1 position among Vietnam’s LED lighting
manufacturers. exporting lighting products to more than 20 countries and territories,
 Country: The USA contributed immensely to the founding and development of
institutions such as the United Nations, World Bank, and international Monetary Fund. It
is an economic and political superpower It is a highly developed country with a great
reputation for its infrastructural and technological brilliance. In terms of nominal GDP, it
is the largest economy in the world.
 Political: stable political environment
 Massive criticism : war on terror policies
 Attracts major FDI
 As the world’s largest economy, which is recovering faster than much of the rest of the
OECD, the US is set to remain an indispensable business destination. Policies towards
private enterprise and competition are open and transparent. Apart from certain
security-sensitive sectors, such as energy, foreign investment faces few restrictions. The
country’s labour market is flexible and the overall standard of infrastructure is solid.
Financial markets have recovered their depth and liquidity, but are undergoing changes
driven partly by industry trends and partly by an updating of the regulatory regime.
Despite this, the US shows amongst the greatest mix of scores across the main
categories that comprise the business environment rankings. Its overall global position is
7th for the 2014-18 period (up one place from 8th in 2009-13). Although the US remains
an inviting business environment overall, concerns about security risks, strained
international relations, the sharp ideological split between the two main political parties
(which makes it difficult to pass legislation) weigh on the country’s relative ranking.

Advancement in LED technology and continued innovation are contributing to the increase in LED
lighting sales in North America. The application of LED technology in horticulture has reduced
energy wastage as it regulates a different spectrum of light according to the various stages of plant
growth. Furthermore, the emergence of smart light filling technology is anticipated to present
potential opportunities in the market. For instance, Signify Holding introduced the GreenPower LED
Interlighting Gen 3 technology for efficient development in crops. Such developments are expected
to pave the way for new growth opportunities in the region.

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