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The Gerontologist Copyright 2008 by The Gerontological Society of America

Vol. 48, No. 6, 793–801

Exploring the Effects of an ‘‘Everyday’’ Activity

Program on Executive Function and Memory
in Older Adults: Experience CorpsÒ

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Michelle C. Carlson, PhD,1,2 Jane S. Saczynski, PhD,3 George W. Rebok, PhD,1
Teresa Seeman, PhD,4 Thomas A. Glass, PhD,1 Sylvia McGill, BA,5
James Tielsch, PhD,1 Kevin D. Frick, PhD,1 Joel Hill, MS,1
and Linda P. Fried, MD, MPH2,6

Purpose: There is little empirical translation of multi- relative to matched controls (ps , .10). EC partic-
modal cognitive activity programs in ‘‘real-world’’ ipants with impaired baseline EF showed the greatest
community-based settings. This study sought to improvements, between 44% and 51% in EF and
demonstrate in a short-term pilot randomized trial memory at follow-up, compared to declines among
that such an activity program improves components impaired-EF controls (ps , .05). Implications:
of cognition critical to independent function among Short-term participation in this community-based pro-
sedentary older adults at greatest risk. Design and gram designed to increase cognitive and physical
Methods: We randomized 149 older adults to activity in a social, real-world setting may train
Experience CorpsÒ (EC) or a wait-list control arm. memory and, particularly, executive functions impor-
Participants randomized to EC trained in teams to tant to functional independence. This community-
help elementary school children with reading based program represents one potentially effective
achievement, library support, and classroom behav- model to bring high doses of sustainable cognitive
ior for 15 hr/week during an academic year. We exercise to the greatest proportion of older adults,
compared baseline and follow-up assessments of particularly those sedentary individuals at elevated
memory, executive function (EF), and psychomotor risk for health disparities.
speed at 4 to 8 months by intervention arm, adjusting
Key Words: Cognitive activity, Executive
for exposure duration. We observed a range of EF
dysfunction, Activity intervention, Health
abilities at baseline and stratified analyses according
disparities, Community-Based
to the presence of baseline impairment using estab-
lished norms. Results: Overall, EC participants
tended to show improvements in EF and memory In response to the health needs of a growing aging
population, Healthy People 2010 (U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, 2000) has established
This work was supported in part by funding from the following goals over the next decade to increase the quality and
sources: The Erickson Foundation, the Johns Hopkins Prevention
Center, the Retirement Research Foundation, and the Baltimore City years of healthy life and to further eliminate health
Public Schools. disparities that appear to magnify with age. Although
Address correspondences to Michelle C. Carlson, PhD, Department
of Mental Health, Center on Aging and Health, The Johns Hopkins the last half-century has realized many improvements
University, 2024 East Monument Street, Suite 2-700, Baltimore, MD in health care, preventive medicine, and healthy
21205. E-mail: behaviors important to increase years of life, the
Department of Mental Health, Bloomberg School of Public Health,
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.
aggregate risk for cognitive and functional disability
Center on Aging and Health, The Johns Hopkins University, has also increased. Increased risk is not uniform
Baltimore, Maryland.
Division of Geriatric Medicine and Meyers Primary Care Institute, among older adults. Persons with low education and
University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, Massachusetts.
4 low income are at elevated risk for cognitive and
Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics, University of
California, Los Angeles, California. functional impairments (Stern, Albert, Tang, & Tsai,
The Greater Homewood Community Corporation, Baltimore, 1999; Tang et al., 2001; Zsembik & Peek, 2001), with
School of Medicine and Gerontology, The Johns Hopkins inner city middle-aged African Americans at partic-
University, Baltimore, Maryland. ular risk relative to suburban African Americans or

Vol. 48, No. 6, 2008 793

Whites of similar age (Miller, Wolinsky, Malmstrom, The findings above collectively offer challenges and
Andresen, & Miller, 2005). The combination of insights into potentially important features for novel,
poor cognitive and functional health often results in innovative approaches to cognitive intervention by
dementia, a looming and costly public health target taking activity out of the laboratory or gym and into
for prevention given its current irreversibility. In the one’s daily life, thereby exercising EF skills. First,
United States, the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease is researchers have examined cognitive, physical, and
expected to rise fourfold, to 8.6 million, over the next social activity independently for effects on cognition;
50 years (Brookmeyer, Johnson, Ziegler-Graham, & when combined, these may offer additive cognitive
Arrighi, 2007). Effective interventions are critically benefits. Second, experts have yet to design interven-
needed to help slow declines in both cognitive and tion programs that effectively influence a range of
independent functioning and to bring prevention to cognitive abilities beyond improving a trained target

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the greatest proportion of the older population, task; to address this, training interventions could
particularly those at elevated risk for health dispar- target and train complex, real-world functions.
ities (Adler, 2003). Third, a major translational challenge is ‘‘incentiviz-
Epidemiologic, observational studies have sug- ing’’ sedentary individuals to adopt and maintain new
gested that leisure time cognitive, physical, and behaviors. A ‘‘hook’’ or enticement is required that
social activities help maintain cognitive and func- extends beyond the typical appeals to personal health
tional health (for reviews, see Fratiglioni, Paillard- promotion. Interventions that offer ‘‘real-life’’ mean-
Borg, & Winblad, 2004; Studenski et al., 2006). In ing, and environments and tasks that can be applied in
the absence of formal cognitive activity intervention varied settings, may promote better adoption, in-
trials, experts have learned substantially from terest, and adherence.
laboratory-based cognitive training studies and trials The Experience CorpsÒ (EC) program offers one
showing that older adults demonstrate immediate such model through a high-intensity, volunteer
and reliable cognitive gains following brief exposure senior service in elementary school settings designed
to targeted training (e.g., Ball et al., 2002; Willis & to address the issues above. It was created to provide
Schaie, 1986; for a review, see Rebok, Carlson, & a context within which older adults could become (a)
Langbaum, 2007). However, these training effects motivated to be engaged through the opportunity
are often highly task specific (e.g., word list memory) to ‘‘give back’’ and make a difference in the success
and show limited transfer to other tasks or to of the next generation; (b) cognitively active through
everyday functions (Kliegl, Smith, & Baltes, 1989), reading with children and library service; (c)
with the exception of promising findings from the physically active through daily transit to and service
ACTIVE trial (Willis et al., 2006). These findings in schools; and (d) introduced into new social net-
provide important knowledge about next steps for works, which include other team members, children,
developing novel training methods that have the teachers, and staff in the school community. We now
potential to boost cognitive abilities broadly, per- describe this new model and how it was designed
haps by training to an array of tasks simultaneously to enhance physical, social, and cognitive activity
(Floyd & Scogin, 1997; Verhaeghen, Marcoen, & simultaneously and, in doing so, to exercise memory
Goossens, 1992). Such cognitive interventions could and EF, in particular.
extend beyond memory to incorporate executive As outlined in Figure 1, EC program goals were
planning and organizational skills important to main- to harness the social capital of a larger proportion of
taining functional independence (Carlson et al., the older population through ‘‘health promotion’’
1999; Grigsby, Kaye, Baxter, Shetterly, & Hamman, programs that offer generative opportunities to give
1998) and that appear to be particularly vulnerable meaning to one’s life through the transfer of
to decline at later ages (Carlson, Xue, Zhou, & knowledge and wisdom to younger generations in
Fried, in press). One can infer the optimal inter- one’s own community (Erikson, 1959). This service
vention through merging findings from observational could simultaneously provide an important vehicle
activity and targeted laboratory trials. To date, little for motivating and sustaining social, physical, and
is known about the efficacy of community-based cognitive activity to promote long-term health bene-
cognitive and physical exercise programs for im- fits that may exceed those associated with inter-
proving a range of cognitive abilities (Studenski ventions targeting any one dimension of activity (for a
et al., 2006). Engaging in complex work and leisure review, see Carlson, Seeman, & Fried, 2000). To be
environments has been associated with improved successful as a potential large-scale intervention, EC
mental flexibility over the long term, particularly was designed to appeal to those sedentary individuals
among older adults (Schooler & Mulatu, 1999). who typically do not volunteer. Core features of
Complex environments impose cognitive challenges the EC program designed to yield high retention and
through the diversity of stimuli and the number of high ‘‘doses’’ of preventive exposure included placing
decisions required. As a result, people may exercise a critical mass of volunteers in trained teams of 10 or
organizational, inhibitory, and working memory more in schools; having them fulfill meaningful roles
skills, all of which are encompassed by the term to meet school needs in literary development, library
executive function (EF; Shallice, 1994). support, behavioral conflict resolution, and parent

794 The Gerontologist

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Figure 1. Hypothesized causal pathway of the Experience Corps: Baltimore program effects on cognitive health in older adults.
IADL = instrumental activity of daily living.

outreach; requiring a commitment of 15 hr/week over test for the cognitive efficacy of such programs when
an academic year; and providing an incentive re- placed in everyday settings (Stine-Morrow, Parisi,
imbursement to offset volunteer expenses (e.g., trans- Morrow, Greene, & Park, 2007). The EC study
portation, meals). Seniors worked with children in represents, to our knowledge, the first known short-
kindergarten through third grade, an age range in term randomized controlled trial of an everyday
which such support can be most beneficial to future activity intervention to boost cognitive health, and
academic success. one that does so among those at greatest risk for
This multimodal EC activity program targeted health disparities in cognition. As summarized in
memory and components of EF by exercising working Figure 1, we hypothesized that these intermediate
memory skills through reading and comprehension improvements in cognition would lead to down-
exercises with children; library organization skills stream benefits in the maintenance of instrumental
through use of the Dewey Decimal Classification activity of daily living function. In this study, we
system to help children locate and select age- examined whether EC participation during an
appropriate books that they could enjoy; cooperative academic year had any short-term impact on in-
problem solving with team members, students, and termediate cognitive outcomes. Participants in this
teachers; and mental flexibility through regular shifts short-term trial had sociodemographic character-
among these roles. We hypothesized that the summary istics that placed them at great risk for age-related
effects of these roles would result in measurable gains cognitive impairment. It was important to evaluate
in, or maintenance of, EF and memory. whether this intervention had the potential to
We evaluated whether the EC program could prevent or delay further declines in cognition in
increase activity levels in older at-risk individuals these at-risk individuals.
through a short-term pilot randomized trial of EC
in Baltimore, Maryland (Fried et al., 2004). This
‘‘everyday’’ activity program increased physical Methods
activity and improved physical objective measures Intervention Design
of function while also decreasing sedentary behav-
iors (e.g., lying down and watching TV; Fried et al., The EC program was initially designed and imple-
2004), particularly among the most inactive at base- mented in the mid 1990s (Fried, Freedman, Endres, &
line (Tan, Xue, Li, Carlson, & Fried, 2006). Effects Wasik, 1997) and core components substantially
of the program on participating children and schools refined and developed in 1999, through program
have been promising and are elaborated upon in refinement and evaluation in a short-term pilot ran-
a separate paper (Rebok et al., 2004). domized controlled trial in Baltimore, Maryland
Although the EC pilot randomized trial demon- (Fried et al., 2004; Glass et al., 2004; Rebok et al.,
strated short-term improvements in activity and 2004). In October 1999, we initiated this pre–post
physical function, the objectives of this study were pilot trial in six Baltimore public schools, random-
to examine the EC program’s short-term impact on izing three schools to participate and three schools to
EF and memory. Researchers are now beginning to wait-list and receive the EC program the following

Vol. 48, No. 6, 2008 795

year, and randomizing older volunteers to EC or to vided elsewhere (Fried et al., 2004). Briefly, to be
a wait-list control. The program was implemented in eligible, individuals had to be 60 years or older;
partnership with the Greater Homewood Commu- be able to read; be willing to travel to the schools; be
nity Corporation, a community development organi- cognitively intact, with a Mini-Mental State Exam-
zation of 40 community groups in Baltimore City. ination (MMSE; Folstein, Folstein, & McHugh,
The primary cognitive intervention can be divided 1975) score 24 among those with more than 12
into two parts: (a) an intensive preparatory training years of education, or, if the MMSE score was
course followed by (b) senior service over the ensuing between 20 and 23 and education was 12 years or
academic year, which is described in greater detail less, completion of the Trail Making Test (TMT)
elsewhere (Glass et al., 2004). Seniors trained collec- Parts A and B (Reitan, 1958) within the allotted time
tively and interactively over a 32-hr, 2-week period to (Part A = 240 s and Part B = 360 s); be willing to

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acclimate themselves to the school culture, learn to commit 15 hr/week during the school year, and be
work as a team, and have the tools and training able to pass a criminal background check required
for three standardized intervention roles. The three by the schools. Eligible individuals agreeing to
roles were developed specifically for EC members participate were administered a 2-hr baseline evalu-
in collaboration with experts in childhood literacy ation of cognitive and physical functioning that
development and education: (a) Literacy support included questionnaires assessing depressive symp-
provided a comprehensive training for volunteers in toms, self-efficacy, activity, and health habits. Half
reading stories to children, listening to children read, were subsequently randomized to the intervention
and helping children develop oral language skills. The group and half to the control group.
training included a detailed manual, opportunities to In all, 149 eligible individuals agreed to participate
model appropriate reading behavior, and guidelines and were randomized in three replicates of approx-
for selecting appropriate books for young readers; (b) imately 50 into one of three public elementary
library support and management training, developed schools in eastern Baltimore, Maryland. Immediately
by one of the coauthors (SM), included familiarization following randomization 21 dropped out, leaving
with the Dewey Decimal Classification system, co- 70 in the intervention group and 58 in the control
ordinating effective systems to catalog, and helping group. A greater number of those in the control than
to maintain and open closed school libraries and to the intervention group may have dropped out upon
reshelve books; and (c) ‘‘I to I’’ messages and materials learning that they were wait-listed for participation.
taught children conflict resolution skills inside and Recruiting volunteers in replicates allowed schools
outside of the classroom. to absorb and integrate seniors more effectively.
Volunteers were trained in three successive groups Those randomized to the program underwent
of approximately 25 and then placed with teams in training and placement (see ‘‘Intervention Design’’).
one of three local elementary schools closest to their All were asked to return for follow-up evaluation in
residence. A full-time program coordinator was June through early July 2000 following 4 (March
responsible for program startup in collaboration entry), 6 (January entry), and 8 (November entry)
with teachers and principals and worked with each months of exposure. A total of 62 of 70 intervention
school’s team of volunteers and the school staff to group members completed follow-up evaluations, as
help solve problems, conduct weekly team meetings, did 48 of 58 controls. Those who completed follow-
and ensure intervention adherence to program goals, up evaluations differed from those lost to follow-up
procedures, and protocols. Principals and teachers in that they were more often younger, female, and
trained in working with EC volunteers, including Black (Fried et al., 2004). Participants randomized
understanding the roles volunteers were trained to to intervention received a reimbursement for daily
perform and what volunteers were not allowed to out-of-pocket expenses (lunch, travel) of $150 per
do (e.g., not permitted to solely manage or oversee month. Controls received an honorarium of $15 per
a class). evaluation and were placed on a wait-list for cross-
A number of approaches were developed to over into the EC program the following year.
enhance recruitment and retention, such as the use
of incentive stipends to reimburse expenses; team Evaluation
building, which promoted strong social networks;
and feedback to the volunteers on their successes Tests included timed and untimed measures of EF,
throughout and at the end of the school year. verbal and visuospatial memory, and psychomotor
speed. The two EF tests included the TMT and the
Sample Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (CFT; Lezak,
1995). The TMT comprises two timed parts
From October to December 1999, recruitment emphasizing speed and accuracy: Part A required
efforts targeted community groups and churches in one to use a pencil to connect the numbers 1 to 25
the neighborhoods around the chosen schools, senior randomly arrayed on a standard-size page in an
events, job fairs, sidewalk recruitment, and a local ascending sequence. This part served as the psycho-
AARP mailing list. Details of recruitment are pro- motor speed and visual search control condition for

796 The Gerontologist

Part B. Part B required one to connect randomly Table 1. Demographic and Health Characteristics by
arrayed letters A through L and numbers 1 through Intervention Status
13 in an ascending alphanumeric sequence. The
Rey-Osterrieth CFT presented a detailed nonsensical Intervention Control
figure at the top of a page and tested one’s ability Variable (N ¼ 70) (N ¼ 58)
to copy the figure on the lower half of the page. Age, M (SD) 70.1 (6.42) 68.4 (5.15)
Nonverbal memory was assessed as delayed recall Education (years), M (SD) 11.9 (2.54) 11.2 (2.66)
of the CFT following a 15-min filled interval. Verbal Baseline MMSE score, M (SD) 24.96 (3.45) 25.3 (2.60)
learning and memory were assessed over three Annual income ,$15,000, % 65 82
learning trials by reading to participants a list of Black, % 94 95
Female, % 83 93
20 common words from the Iowa Established

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Married, % 24 28
Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly Number of health conditions 2.6 (1.7) 2.6 (1.3)
project (Cornoni-Huntley et al., 1993), immediately
Persons with health conditions diagnosed by a physician, %
after which they verbally recalled as many words as
Myocardial infarction 6 0
possible in any order (maximum recall = 60 words). Angina 11 10
Following a 15-min filled interval, participants were Congestive heart failure 8 5
asked to recall as many of the words as they could High blood pressure 68 73
remember. Psychological function was assessed by Diabetes 30 24
using the Geriatric Depression Scale (Yesavage et al., Stroke 5 0
1982), the results of which were reported by Fried Arthritis of knees/hip 43 40
et al. (2004) and did not differ at baseline or follow- Arthritis of hands 26 41
Cancer 9 5
up by intervention status.
Note: MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination.

Statistical Analysis Results

We first examined descriptive characteristics at Table 1 presents demographic, income, and health
baseline by intervention status. We compared base- characteristics of the sample stratified by intervention
line and follow-up assessments of cognitive function status and illustrates the sample’s socioeconomic
in each group by using t tests and within-subjects diversity relative to most volunteer samples. The
repeated measures analysis of covariance, adjusting sample averaged 69 years of age and was primarily
for age, education, and exposure duration (4, 6, and female (90%) and African American (95%), with most
8 months). Baseline demographic and health char- earning less than $15,000 annually. Participants had
acteristics did not differ by exposure duration. obtained an average of 11.5 years of education, with
Exposure duration was not associated with change 38% receiving less than a high school education. The
in performance, and controlling for it did not alter mean MMSE score at baseline was 25.1. Approxi-
the patterns of intervention effects observed. This mately 28% obtained an MMSE score below 24,
finding may reflect the high doses of exposure asso- typically suggesting possible cognitive impairment
ciated with even the shortest period of exposure (Crum, Anthony, Bassett, & Folstein, 1993), but
(15 hr/week over 4þ months = 500þ hr). We there- successfully completed the TMT. Participants re-
fore removed exposure duration from the final ported an average of 2.6 chronic diseases from among
models. In secondary analyses, we stratified by the 16 surveyed, with frequencies for the more common
presence of baseline impairment on a measure of diseases listed individually in Table 1. These charac-
EF, the TMT Part B. Performance on the TMT teristics did not differ by intervention group (ps .
Part B declines more rapidly than memory with .05). Overall, this sample included disproportionately
age (Carlson et al., in press) and is associated with more African American older adults with low incomes
functional independence (Carlson et al., 1999; and education than other volunteer samples.
Grigsby et al., 1998). We defined baseline impair-
ment by performance in the poorest tertile (.203 s). Intervention Versus Control Groups
This cutoff corresponded to a 1.5 SD cutoff on
external norms (Ivnik et al., 1999; Lopez et al., 2003), Table 2 presents age- and education-adjusted
indicative of cognitive impairment. We subdivided mean intervention and control group cognitive and
the intervention and control groups into those with physical function data at baseline and follow-up.
baseline EF impairment and those without (un- There were no group differences in cognitive per-
impaired). Baseline impairment was equally repre- formance at baseline. On the TMT Part A, both
sented across intervention (n = 22 of 70) and control groups showed comparable improvements at follow-
(n = 16 of 58) groups. We compared intervention up. On the TMT Part B, the intervention group
effects within EF impaired and unimpaired sub- showed a modest 8% improvement (1.3 s), whereas
groups to determine whether those at greatest risk controls showed a 13% slowdown (–21.7 s). This
for EF deficits would show any short-term benefit. group difference at follow-up was statistically

Vol. 48, No. 6, 2008 797

Table 2. Adjusted Mean Baseline and Table 3. Adjusted Mean Baseline and Follow-Up
Follow-Up Performance Performance Stratified by the Presence of Baseline
Impairment in Executive Function Using the
Intervention Control Trail Making Test, Part B

Cognitive Outcome Baseline Follow-Up Baseline Follow-Up Intervention Control

Trail Making Test Variable Baseline Follow-Up Baseline Follow-Up
Part A (s) 68.7 52.8 66.6 56.3 
Part B (s) 174.3 160.7 169.6 191.3* Trail Making Test
Word list memory Part A (s)
Impaired 95.2 56.5 90.2 55.2

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Immediate recall 20.7 20.3 21.0 20.8
Delayed recall 5.6 6.1 6.3 6.3 Normal 56.3 51.1 55.0 56.8
Rey-Osterrieth Part B (s)
Copy score 19.5 17.9 18.8 17.0 Impaired 297.5 173.0 260.4 237.0
Delayed recall 11.0 12.0 11.4 10.3* Normal 118.7 154.7 127.5 170.4*
Word list memory
Notes: Analysis of variance was used to assess interactions.
*Cross-sectional group differences significant at p  .05. Immediate recall
Main effect of time significant at p  .05. Impaired 19.3 20.9 21.6 19.6
Normal 21.4 19.9 20.7 21.3*
Delayed recall
significant (p , .05). Similarly, on the Rey-Osterrieth Impaired 5.0 7.0 6.4 5.6
CFT Delayed Recall, the intervention group showed Normal 5.9 5.6 6.3 6.6*
a 9% improvement (1 point) at follow-up, whereas
controls showed a 10% decline (1.1 point). This
Copy score
group difference at follow-up was also marginally
Impaired 18.4 17.8 16.5 15.2
significant (p = .05). In the analysis of covariance Normal 20.0 17.8 19.9 17.9
models, these two interactions were indicative of
a treatment effect (ps , .10) but did not reach Delayed recall
significance at p , .05, probably because of the small Impaired 9.1 12.8 10.6 8.0
Normal 12.0 11.5 11.8 11.2
sample size and heterogeneity in treatment response.
Note: *p , .05.

Stratifying by Baseline Impairment in EF that any changes at follow-up were due to regression
To understand the source of heterogeneity in to the mean, or practice. Practice effects often mask
improvements in higher functioning individuals over
treatment response, we also examined intervention
brief periods. Such practice effects are typically less
effects according to the presence of baseline EF
evident in lower functioning individuals, making the
impairment. As seen in Table 3, the EC subgroup
observed improvements in those at elevated risk for
with baseline EF impairment showed a clinically
cognitive impairment all the more striking.
significant 42% (124.5 s) improvement on the TMT
Part B relative to EF impaired controls. One cannot
simply view this improvement as regression to the Discussion
mean, as the corresponding EF impaired control
subgroup showed only a 9% (23.4 s) improvement. This short-term pilot randomized controlled
The EF impaired intervention subgroup also showed trial evaluating an everyday activity intervention
an approximately 40% improvement in immediate that operated along multiple activity pathways and
and, in particular, delayed word list recall, whereas targeted a range of cognitive abilities related to
the corresponding EF impaired controls showed functional independence yielded cognitive benefits
declines (12%). We obtained a similar trend for among persons at greatest risk for health disparities.
memory on another untimed measure, the Rey- Short-term results of this pilot trial of EC demon-
Osterrieth CFT Delayed Recall (p = .07). The EF strate clinically meaningful, intervention-specific
impaired group exhibited consistent intervention- improvements in EF and memory among those with
specific gains on all tests, with the exception of the borderline to impaired EF at baseline. These findings
TMT Part A. Those in the unimpaired intervention are consistent with past cognitive intervention work
and control groups showed no appreciable changes showing that individuals with the most to lose have
between baseline and follow-up scores. Baseline the most to gain from such training (Willis & Schaie,
performances in the unimpaired groups were be- 1986). In addition, we observed intervention-specific
tween 9% and 60% better than those in the impaired cognitive improvements over a relatively brief
group. These performances were average to above period in a sociodemographically high-risk sample
average according to established norms, suggesting of older individuals. Specifically, participants were

798 The Gerontologist

predominantly African American, low income, and This everyday cognitive activity intervention
low in formal education and often presented with an represents an effort to reconcile the sometimes
MMSE score below 24, the score typically used to equivocal findings in epidemiologic studies with
screen for cognitive impairment. Our promising those of controlled laboratory studies, in which little
short-term findings among individuals at risk for generalized benefit occurs within or across domains
cognitive impairment suggest that this type of high- of ability (Kliegl et al., 1989; Oswald, Rupprecht,
impact activity intervention may offer immediate Gunzelmann, & Tritt, 1996; Willis & Schaie, 1986).
benefit to those at highest risk and may be a successful Everyday activity interventions such as this appeal to
approach to help ameliorate the life-long accumula- an older adult’s desire to remain socially engaged
tion of risk factors that promote health disparities. post-retirement and to give back and be generative,
These initial findings further suggest that a ‘‘real- rather than appeal solely to personal health pro-

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world’’ intervention can be successful by integrating motion motives. Numerous activity interventions
the individual effects of increased cognitive, social, have demonstrated that the latter approach is
and physical activity into daily life, thus allowing consistently associated with poor retention and
for large daily doses of stimulating activity. The fact adherence, perhaps because rewards are not imme-
that such doses were well tolerated, and even ex- diate or substantial enough to warrant continued
ceeded, in individuals at elevated risk for major effort (Pate et al., 1995). Furthermore, these inter-
chronic diseases suggests that, with expansion of ventions are conducted primarily among persons of
such community-based health promotion programs higher socioeconomic status and with greater access
(Center for Healthy Aging Model Health Programs to resources. By comparison, the present context led
for Communities, 2006; Schneider, Altpeter, & to high retention (Fried et al., 2004) and adherence
Whitelaw, 2007), physicians may be able to offer as well as large weekly doses of exposure over
their patients a greater array of options than games a prolonged period, in part because activity was an
and crossword puzzles when asked to recommend essential and habitual component of program partic-
efficacious sources of cognitive stimulation. ipation. Another component of everyday activity
These promising findings in a small sample over interventions that may mediate their effectiveness is
two test occasions spanning a 4- to 8-month period via exercising of broad abilities rather than specific
are preliminary and beg the question as to the full skills, with the expectation that such an approach
potential effects of this intervention among those would be generalizable to independent function (see
with higher baseline function. As with other inter- right side of Figure 1). This idea is consistent with
ventions (Rapp, Brenes, & Marsh, 2002), maximal earlier work observing long-term generalized in-
benefits following this generalized intervention may tellectual benefits of environmentally complex work
only be evident in higher functioning participants and leisure activities (Schooler & Mulatu, 1999).
with more extended follow-up evaluating effects on It remains to be understood whether the desire to be
mitigating rates of cognitive decline. In nondemented generative and make valued contributions to society
older adults, it is extremely difficult to move abilities served only as the hook to spur older adults out of bed
over a 6-month study interval. For example, the well- each morning and into consistently high doses of
powered ACTIVE trial observed modest treatment- cognitive, social, and physical activity in the form of
related improvements in cognition over a 2-year service (left side of Figure 1), or whether it represented
interval. Furthermore, practice effects often mask an independent component contributing to the
improvements in higher functioning individuals intervention’s cognitive efficacy (Fried et al., 2004).
over brief periods. In the short term, benefits among In other words, cognitively stimulating activity that
high-functioning adults may be better observed generates a valuable commodity by providing services
using sensitive, computerized tests of EF and inter- of economic value, much as pre-retirement occupa-
mediate biomarkers of brain plasticity, such as tional activity, may confer benefits that exceed
that observed following physical activity (Colcombe those of nongenerative activity (Morrow-Howell,
et al., 2004) and juggling training (Draganski et al., Hinterlong, & Sherraden, 2001). As such, EC may
2004). A next-level pilot study using functional have value both as a health promotion program to
neuroimaging in a subset of EC participants and delay and compress morbidity in later years (Fries,
matched controls is providing initial evidence of 1980) and, simultaneously, as a powerful, low-cost
intervention-specific gains in EF and associated pre- educational program to harness the wisdom of an
frontal regions over a 6-month interval (in prepara- experienced generation. In addition, the idea that EC
tion), similar to those observed for physical activity appeals to generative motives in later life may speak to
(Colcombe et al., 2004). Targeting EF represents the program’s success in recruiting and retaining older
a neurobiologically important goal, as this region adults (Kahn, 1994). Thus, this program and other
appears to be particularly vulnerable to volume loss community-based models like it (Schneider et al.,
with age (Buckner, 2004; Raz, 2000). In the longer 2007) have the potential to impact profoundly on the
term, one can expect benefits to be evident in the social capital, both young and old, in any neighbor-
mitigation of age-related cognitive and everyday hood, with particular impact on those impoverished
functional declines. urban neighborhoods in critical need. The older give

Vol. 48, No. 6, 2008 799

back to the young, and the young give to the older stantially from participating in this and other
through purpose. The long-term success and sustain- primary prevention programs but who may nonethe-
ability of evidence-based community programs such less be prematurely excluded, or who may not elect
as EC require collaborative research–community par- to volunteer at all. As a result, such screening helped
tnerships. This collaboration of resources has oc- us intervene upon an atypical volunteer sample
curred at the foundation (Erickson Foundation), state representing a high-risk segment of the older adult
(U.S. Department of Education), Baltimore city, and population with low likelihood of accessing physical
community levels and has since expanded to include activity or other health promotion programs. One
federal support through the provision of Americorps can extend to clinical settings the application of
funding to support senior volunteer service. measures targeting EF important to independent
function in order to identify those most at risk, and

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Limitations therefore those most in need of and likely to benefit
from remediation strategies (e.g., EC) for EF and
Numerous limitations of this short-term random- related instrumental activities of daily living.
ized trial warrant consideration. First, the sample Given the current and projected health care costs
was small and the study interval brief, limiting the associated with managing functional disabilities
power to observe intermediate cognitive changes in (Brookmeyer et al., 2007), population-based strategies
higher functioning participants relative to controls. A that can even modestly shift their onset and course by
longer trial would allow us to further examine 6 months to 1 year have tremendous potential to
whether such intermediate improvements lead to reduce burden at the level of the individual, the family,
downstream benefits in the maintenance of indepen- and society. In order for such a public health strategy
dent function, as hypothesized. Second, although the to have high impact, it would in particular need to
sample represented an important and often under- be inclusive of those historically at greater risk for
studied segment of the aging adult population, we cognitive impairment—namely, those with poor
have yet to determine whether this program enhances access to health care and other resources. Evidence
or maintains cognition among more ethnically and suggests that older adults in minority groups and with
socioeconomically diverse individuals. Finally, this lower incomes are less likely to enroll in health
study design did not allow us to definitively discern promotion programs or interventions (van der Bij,
whether the effects of this intervention on cognition Laurant, & Wensing, 2002). The consequences of
function were mediated primarily by cognitive or these factors would be to increase health disparities
physical pathways, or whether benefits represent the into later ages, unless programs can explicitly attract
synergy of increased activity in all domains. Un- these populations (Adler, 2003). The cognitive data
derstanding the mediating source may not be as presented here suggest that EC offers one such model
critical as observing that a multiple-pathway ap- by which to disseminate widely encompassing and
proach set in the community is associated with high broadly effective cognitive intervention programs
doses, good retention, and short-term effects span- to those at high risk for onset or progression of
ning many abilities in persons most at risk. functional disability. They further suggest that these
individuals have substantial cognitive resilience and
Conclusion plasticity following relatively brief exposure to an
enriching environment, a finding that holds promise
Briefly, we observed that those cognitive abilities for the future design of community outreach and
most impacted by aging were those abilities that health promotion programs.
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