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Module Title: Module Leader: Assignment Title: Submission Deadline:

Aviation Contact No.: Out of class assignment Week 9 check e vision for the actual date. Weighting: 50%

*=Assessment Must be Passed in Order to Pass the Module

Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the module the student will be able to: Appraise and evaluate environmental perspectives in aviation, including the respective frameworks and relationships that are involved, the perceptions held, and the social and economic factors for consideration [A2 and A3] Evaluate current trends and approaches in terms of compliance, strategy, and planning for a sustainable future [A2] Form an opinion on how trends and approaches, including new technologies may impact and influence future relationships and direction in aviation [A1, A2 and A3]

Task I. From the perspective of the UK government assess the most important data that would need to be generated to establish the significant environmental impacts of a proposed NEW LONDON AIRPORT in the Thames estuary (Heathrow on Sea). II. In other words what are the main types and sources of information (data) that would be required by the Minister for Transport to allow an environmental impact assessment to be concluded on the benefits and dis-benefits of this proposed development. The answer should include the following aspects: a) Key environmental data essential for the evaluation of this proposal b) Key social data essential for the evaluation of this proposal c) Key economic data essential for the evaluation of this proposal N.B. THIS IS SET AGAINST THE BACKGROUND ASSUMPTION OF THE DISAPPROVAL OF A 3RD RUNWAY AT LONDON HEATHROW. IT WILL ALSO BE ASSUMED THAT THE GOVERNMENT WILL DISAPPROVE FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS AT GATWICK AND STANSTED. IT CAN BE ASSUMED THAT A CONSORTIUM OF INTERESTS ARE PREPARED TO UNDERTAKE THE BUILDING OF THE NEW AIRPORT AND THAT THIS NOW HAS THE FULL SUPPORT OF THE MAJOR UK AIRLINES INCLUDING B.A., BMI AND VIRGIN ATLANTIC. IT WOULD BE WORTH PROVIDING SOME SORT OF OVERVIEW OF WHAT TYPE OF AIRPORT YOU ENVIASGE E.G. TWO RUNWAYS AND A TERMINAL ABLE TO HANDLE 30-40 MILLION PASSENGERS PER ANNUM. THIS WILL OBVIOUSLY BE BASED ON YOUR REASONABLE ASSUMPTIONS. * See assessment criteria for a detailed break-down on the marking scheme for this question (below).

Format The Semester Paper must be: Report style : No longer than 2,500 words in length (+/- 10%). Report style means using headings and sub-headings to address key aspects of your answer. PLEASE PROVIDE AN ACCURATE WORD COUNT AT THE END OF THE DOCUMENT (Before references or appendix section) PLEASE SUPPLY AN ELECTRONIC COPY OF THE REPORT SO THAT YOUR ORIGINAL DOCUMENT CAN BE RETURNED TO YOU WITH COMMENTS ON etc. Assessment Criteria Generic criteria and marks awarded:
Grade 70%+ -Distinction -1st Assessment Criteria Required knowledge and understanding are comprehensive in terms of breadth and depth, and ability to contextualise and interrelate relevant theoretical concepts is significant. Analysis and application are outstanding, and answers are characterised by independent thought, reflection and clarity. Overall output is highly literate, focused, with sustained arguments, and technically fluent. A broad range of highly relevant industry examples is used and sources of information are accurately referenced. Required knowledge and understanding are relevant and of a very good level. Ability to contextualise and interrelate theoretical concepts is also very good but broad in nature. Analysis and application are effective and answers are clear, indicating independent thought and reflection. Overall output is literate, focused and coherent, but arguments are not consistent at the required level all of the times. A range of very relevant industry examples is used and sources of information are well referenced. Required knowledge and understanding are reasonable, awareness of relevant theoretical concepts is indicated, but ability to interrelate is restricted. Analysis is limited and application superficial. Overall output is characterised by assertion rather than valid arguments and grammar/spelling occasionally lapses. A range of fairly relevant industry examples is used and sources of information are fairly well referenced. Required knowledge and understanding are limited, as is awareness of relevant theoretical concepts, but with some degree of accuracy. Analysis and application are superficial, and overall output is characterised by lack of focus and poor grammar/spelling. Industry examples are used and sources of information are referenced. There is no evidence of required knowledge and understanding, appreciation of relevant theoretical concepts is absent, analysis and application are non-existent, work has little accuracy, if any, and overall output is wholly inadequate. Industry examples are rarely used or lack relevance, and the referencing of source material is poor.

60-69% -Merit -Upper 2nd

50-59% -Good -Lower 2nd 40-49% -Pass -3rd 0-39% -Fail

The following submission instructions apply and must be strictly adhered to. A hard copy of the Semester Paper must be submitted to The Undergraduate Centre (Moorgate Room 102) as indicated. A Coursework Cover Sheet that is completed in full and signed by the student must accompany the Semester Paper. The Undergraduate Centre will also sign the Coursework Cover Sheet and will record the time and date of submission. Please ensure that you keep a copy of the Coursework Cover Sheet as it provides proof of submission. Failure to adhere to the submission instructions will result in a score of 0.

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