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Valmiki (Sanskrit: , v lm ki) (ca. 400 BC?)[1]is celebrated as the poet harbinger in Sanskrit literature.

He is the author of the epic Ramayana, based on the attribution in the text of the epic itself.[2] He is revered as the AdiKavi, which means First Poet, for he discovered the first loka i.e. first verse, which set the base and defined the form to Sanskrit poetry. The Yoga Vasistha is attributed to him. A religious movement called Valmikism is based on Valmiki's teachings as presented in the Ramayana and the Yoga Vasistha. At least by the 1st century AD, Valmiki's reputation as the father of Sanskrit classical poetry seems to have been legendary.Ashvagosha writes in the Buddhacarita, "The voice of Valmiki uttered poetry which the great seer Chyavana could not compose." This particular verse has been speculated to indicate a familial relationship between Valmiki and Chyavana, as implied by the previous and subsequent verses.[3][4]

, vy sa) is a central and revered figure in the majority of Hindu Vyasa (Devanagari: traditions. He is also sometimes called Veda Vyasa ( , vedavy sa), (the one who compiled the Vedas) or Krishna Dvaipayana (referring to his complexion and birthplace). He is the author as well as a character in the Hindu epicMahabharata and considered to be the scribe of both the Vedas, and the supplementary texts such as the Puranas. A number of Vaishnava traditions regard him as an Avatar of Vishnu.[1]Vyasa is sometimes conflated by some Vaishnavas with Badarayana, the author of the Vedanta Sutras. Vy sa is also considered to be one of the seven Chiranjivins (long lived, or immortals), who are still in existence according to general Hindu belief. The festival of Guru Purnima, is dedicated to him, and also known as VyasaPurnima as it is the day, which is believed to be his birthday and also the day he divided the Vedas.[2][3] K lid sa (Devan gar : "servant of Kali") was a renowned Classical Sanskrit writer, widely regarded as the greatest poet and dramatist in the Sanskrit language. His floruit cannot be dated with precision, but most likely falls within 4th Century CE.[1] The place bestowed to Shakespeare in English literature is considered akin to that held by K lid sa in Sanskrit literature.[2] His plays and poetry are primarily based on Hindu Puranas and philosophy. Jayadeva (Odia: Bengali: zSanskrit: ) was a Sanskritpoet circa 1200 AD. He is most known for his composition, the epic poem Gita Govinda, which depicts the divine love of Krishna-an avatar of Vishnu and his consort, Radha, and it is mentioned that Radha is greater than Hari, and is considered an important text in the Bhakti movement of Hinduism.[1] He was born to an Kama bajrajanaBuddhist family [2] Sri Krishna Deva Raya (Tulu: Telugu: , Kannada: , ) also known as Krishna Rai in some inscriptions was

the famed Emperor of the Vijayanagara Empire who reigned from 1509 - 1529 CE. He is the third ruler of the Tuluva Dynasty. Presiding over the empire at its zenith, he is regarded as an icon by many Indians. Emperor Krishna Deva Raya earned the titles Kannada Rajya Rama Ramana ( ), MooruRayaraGanda ( : meaning King of three kings) and Andhra Bhoja ( ). Krishna Deva Raya was one of the greatest statesmen which medieval South India had produced. Much information about his reign comes from the accounts of Portuguese travelers Domingo Paes and FernaoNuniz. Krishna Deva Raya benefited from the able prime minister Timmarusu, who was regarded by the emperor as a father figure and was responsible for his coronation. Krishna Deva Raya was the son of Nagala Devi and TuluvaNarasaNayaka,[1] an army commander under SaluvaNarasimha Deva Raya, who later took control of the empire to prevent its disintegration and became the founder of the Tuluva Dynasty, the third Hindu Dynasty to rule Vijayanagara. The emperor's coronation took place on the birthday of Hindu God Krishna, and his earliest inscription is from July 26, 1509 CE. He built a beautiful suburb near Vijayanagara called Nagalapura in memory of his mother, Nagala. Advantages n dis advantages of computer

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Computer.

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