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1. Romeo and Juliet i hot acordng to Romeo does Juliet teach to burn bright? © according to Romeo teaches the torches to burn bright? — 3. Who according to Romeo seems to hang upon the cheek of night? 4. Whois compared to a ‘rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear’ by Romeo? e Who is compared to a ‘snowy dove’ by Romeo? 2 8, 9, ent ny Peles . Whom does Romeo address as ‘yonder lady’? - Whose beauty according to Romeo is too rich for use? i When according to Romeo would his hand be blessed? — . After the dance is over, Romeo intends to a) meet and talk to Juliet. AB} touch Juliet’s hand. ©). watch Juliet’s place of stand 10 Whose rude hand would be made blessed by touching Jliet’s hand? 11. What according to Romeo will happen when he touches Juliet’ hand? 12. What according to Romeo was not seen by him until he saw Juliet? 13, Who are compared to crows by Romeo? 44. What does Romeo want todo after the dance? (ZS) What does Juliet ask the loving, black browed night? _, 16. When does Juliet expect Romeo to come? A 6 op 17. Who according to Juliet wile upon the wings of night? 18, Where according to Juliet will Roméo lie upon? 19. Who according to Juliet is whiter than new snow? ><...” 20. Who according to Juliet is ‘day in night’? © 24. When does Juliet want Romeo to be cut out in litle stars? 22. What does Juliet want Romeo to be cut out into after her death? 23. What according to Juliet will Romeo make so fine? |» 24, When Romeo shines as stars in the face of heaven, the world will Capiod ae c of gre olnanu oI AN 0dn according to Juliet, a) worship the garish sun —b) fallin love with night ©) keep staring at the heaven 25. When according to Juliet would all the world be in love with night? 26. When would the world pay no worship to ‘the garish sun’ according to Juliet? 4 Mark Questions 1. How does Romeo glorify Juliet’s lawless beauty? 2. How does Romeo describe Juliet? 2 tultaabinanity wiae tan sch fre Hea Hews dnne Danan dneesthn a, ene Lol) Uni ean tate a if Coy c Zi. Name the Toy Kingdom’ pie eeetem dom mentioned in “To Dea! cred to asa rascal by the king in Too Dear!" ‘One Mark Questions 7. The King’s speci revenue in 2 gaming hor ve BamINg house. b. pol tx 2. How mach lt 10, Whereis Monaco stuseein-Too pear ee aac veer ve don te cia ayn Tea ea? t Lh would a guiletine and an x is 2: How mh wei glee nn eer gate Tepe orem rie Ten Be? pesca, 13, Whats the populton al Menecoin-Toobant? he 44. Who according to the Councl was a brother nonach io er morarh Toor? Vina cf 415, How much money did the italian Government demand mand to supply gulletine zr an exeeut ner? ASN RES 1B, Where di the criminal settle at leafter emigrating n'Too Dest? cases wnat eathe emia toca ungsternsrecocaTesoert? 19, 20, What was the new item of expenditure in Too Deat!"? 21. Which government is Republican and has no proper respec} for kngin Tos Dear! Who was a ‘Brother Monarch’ in Too Dear!"? he criminal receive as advance before leaving Monaco in Too Dear!" "/ 2. rentionedin Too Dea! vac 23, How much did t 24. Which was the only place of gambling in Europe 2s 25. Who fetched the criminals food Initially in "Too Dear"? yoo 2E. Where wes the criminals food fetched from in Too Dear? Fat wee Yh chr 27. in the prison in Too Deat!"? 2 0 28. What does 1 Princein Too Desr!"? 29. Who gains more from the 63 +30. How much land would each ik 31. What was unusual about the m 32. What work did the prisoner do after 33, The king had to find a special source of revenue b he income from the taxes was insuticent +. his people drank and smoked les c._ the people of Monaco gambled 22% 44, The death sentence in Too Dear! Ws alte a ag warted to snow merer@onre ct 1 A6 doing so would not Be expensive. oo ein to eee ect » How long was the criminal the keeper of the gaming house pay tot ring house in Too Dear? habitant getif all the land i vurder committed in Monaco in Teo Deer"? being released from the prison in Too Dest"? cause in Monaco were divides? ered because « re Scanned with CamScan 35. When the guard was dismissed, the criminal in Too Dear a. was happy and tried to run away. b. worried about the guard’s family. (“did not show any sign of running away. 36. The criminal in ‘Too Dear!’ agreed to go awa a he was offered pension. b. he was allowed to emigrate. c._ the guard was dismissed. = 'Y from the prison ate 4 Mark Questions 1. How does the Narrator describe the ‘Toy Kingdom’ in Too Dezr!’? 2. Why did the authorities in Monaco fail to carry out the death sentext”™ 3. What madasine Scanned with CamScan ed te eal om te dss the guard who wate tis, bu, therfore, ane) lopment, THis Would enable the 5 meses wsaendt eine - Teds cantor mercy <22CL_ it would come Crt ndapice_ 1 Nwaudsenegmny, tr wnewa ee Png Nec nan ti Howe nee a.onchien «ecenenaa ceu_omtatavetos he worn wr neta Het eae oo}9, 1 anosned heater OnSite spekF mR? LL Soe =) 2 move sons ana daughters ar iren according tote speaker inn Citren’? ie aecton Sm tee rer wat oben ee? a 2 Acorgttespaer Onc ot etbepmen eooceg | etm he SE 5. Who according to the speaker n‘On Children’ have their own thoughts? 10. What does Don Gonzalo use to brush the dust from his shoes in ‘A Sunny Morning’? once ‘on Gonzalo is one of his estates located in ‘A Sunny Morning’? 90016 c+ gin ‘A Sunny Morning”? si \c\ 35 Ox ovens 11, Where according to ates 12. What could Gonzalo show as evidence to prove his kl at huntin Scanned with CamScan "nce to prove her skill at hunting in ‘A Sunny Morning’? 9 mang What could Laura show as evde What makes pea 15. When gecsaerce Between Laura and Gonzalo in‘A Sunny Motring”? 25, How old does Gonsaig a® id he compose some versesin’ASunny Morning? Ys sy eee velo Say he was when he went to America the first time in‘A Sunny joming’? ix deas, 4 ‘ASunny Morning’? Ze ee ‘Sunny Morning? venue 38, Where according to Gonzalo did he mest campoaror in 2 foe iy according £0 Don Gonzalo is he a native of in ‘A Sunny Morning’ quan’. ans = id he spend his early youth in ‘A Sunny Morning’? v alan us Re : 'o Laura did she spend several seasons in ‘A Sunny Morning’? Hox cel c ie 22. According to Gonzalo where did the young man go after the duel? ¢ @,. “ 23. By what name was Laura Llorente known inher locality nA Sunny Morning’? $/ee Mad 24. Who was called ‘The Silver Maiden’ in‘A Sunny Morning’? cui W3¥ne-e 25. According to Gonzalo, the gallant lover in ‘A Sunny Morning! was his At cousin. 2 a) friend. brother. 26. Who according to Gonzalo was badly wounded in ‘A Sunny Morning’? Mass han 27. Where did the gallant young man take refuge according to Gonzalo in‘A Sunny Morning’? «bun FOUAt 28, Where according to Gonzalo did his cousin meet a glorious death in’ASunny Morning’? Mb 29. Where did the silver maiden write her lover's name according to Laura in ‘A Sunny Morning'?a04 in 20. Who according to Gonzalo did he run off to Paris with in ‘A Sunny Morning’? 4iA $2 '4'a aa What does Gonzalo pick up with a great effort before leaving with Juanito in‘A Sunny Morning’? 31 ww oll 4 Mark Questions . a 1. Why do Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura annoy each other in‘A Sunny Morning’? 2. What makes Laura feel in the beginning that Don Gonzalo is an il natured man in “A Sunny sme of his cousin in ‘A Sunny Morning’? : What fictitious etary did Gonzalo spin about himself in the na Scanned with CamScan (make pea 6, take reluge, play have) Kept a lose watch ne Sestny had decided to Pi _suse inthe fe Laur fee ] 3. Whose pala an ‘ses Gardener? 2) a young lady. P) anoid indy. alittle git {yp wien, according toe: 8) Accordingote os D. Who thoushtis dest 20. Wen eid Bash 2a. When acordingtoTe 2p. Who says he avenge ‘whe accerdingtoTs 224. Mo long does man 2. Who paints wel a 5: What des the speaker Fp the eaterin When ou Ne Ol nag tons lod acer a 7 Inthe en tke a hen ou hr wat ima ne en yen You Are Old’ many loved the lady's Qe! a) huge wealth. : o ¢ A) physical beauty. : pili out 8. Who according othe peaerin ‘When You eOM loved he bln 9. whose pil ‘a mark Questions 1 How oid the pon im soul? D8 = Gardener? 2, Why id the pas aw chone, the better orm Ce 3, How gid Tamm 44. Explain the inv 5. What did Base Su! did the speaker in ‘When You AO love? 04a 10. What did the speaker in “When You Are Ol love besides the pilrim soul?» 111, Who according to the speaker in'When You Are Ol! fled and hid his face? Ive 12, Where according to the speaker in When You Are Oid'didlve pace upon? 0+? 13, What according tothe speaker in ‘When You Are Old ilove hide arid 2 wd of star? foc ¢ 2 14. Where according to the speaker in ‘When You Are Oi di love hide his fe ‘Gmark Questions ee AL. The arrival of iat alate atinguih the speakesowe rom tat others? ete You Are Old’ ian, sient nature of beauty and pemarence te \ 2. 3, How does the poem ‘When 4 brings out the tran "when You Are Old! Scanned with CamScan 6 Mark Questions 1. ‘When You ay re Ole" 2. The speakerin-wacrRES the ‘be, en Yo loved 3. Whose love in U Are ong ein "When ; 'P You are oi fe Addressing yh PMN. Discuss, IMmortal? How doen Explain * the poem pre sent his? One Mark Questions 2. a 1. Where did the narrator he Gardener of Where was the coconsy vn Sardener Mt Br Ove in which 4 Meet the, What was tucked under he narrang 2M BY chance? 'e old man’s SOF of The Gardener’ Se 2. 3. 4. Who became lethargic after the nS 2M When th tan old qa oo Old man? Cheon aserne podria 5: Who became pore arrival oft HOF of The Gardener met hin? , 7. 8 9. 30, Whose cruelty and meanness aan 11. Who was felicitated as the best eee ones make a mention of in “Th 12, Who appointed a numberof persons tomer ye omEener? Tsrsog0eo 13, Whose palatial mansion looked dull and empiyart en eee? Beth 0s 14, When did Basavaih find the means ef surpassing omme nee Te arener b When would Basavaiah go on offering stitf competion ecsrcngto tomers ee fammanna in The When, according to the narrator of The Gardene’, does man lose his name? ok According to the old man, when did he conceive the story of Tammanna and Basavaiah? ania 1. 18. Who thought his death alone could destroy Basavaiah in ‘The Gardener’? 19. 20. When did Basavaiah pass away according to Tammanna in ‘The Gardener’? !\ 21. When according to Tammanna did he forget all his songs and ballads in ‘The Gardener? Nxt 22. Who says he avenged himself by becoming @ non-entity in‘The Gardener? | & Who according to Tammanna the old man, is not amenable to any advice in The Gardener? own 24, How long does man go on living for some revenge according tothe old mranin The Gardener 2 Who paints well according to the old man in “The Gardener’? 256 4.Mark Questions ; stem te 1. How did the plantation owner's life style change after the arrival ofthe old man 10 decide whether the old man’s arrival was for cdener’? 1e Gardener’ Gardener’? ' d te 2. Why did the plantation ow er’s wife find it har the better or worse in “The ne 3. How did Tammanna and Baseval2 aos Explain the invisible means by whic ne nary eani What did Basavaiah do to invest his fe their rivalry in the beginning in “The Gar : 1 destroy Basavaiah in Th cided t a dean The Garden’? BBN Gardener’? 4 5. vw is this brought ed both good and bad things. Ho\ a invisible 6 Mark Questions sn the garden caust . Scanned with CamScan wmmanna furigy,.™.*h waiah, = ‘One Mark Questions 1. What accord NB 0 the spe, 2, Mention one of the toe Hers th 3: According t0 the spegy {tthe apple? Clk ye * & Lhoe lve a 51 What is out of touch with re 0 he spety 6. Who feels out ite ke a tung CO te poem, “i Te Fontomig @ blind man in the oe T° the Foot 8. What are the toes Wid change the, ot Fom its Chey id Of the child com, SEW intoin To the Foot prev nn vege te ch the foot walks iT the ent Pv ng 13, Where did the foot descend after it ceased to be inTo the Fox rom tow a) rest or peace. DY love or sleep. 15. In To the Foot From its Child’, when descending underground, the fot finds eventing 6) death or cream eee dark. b) rough ) coarse. the contrast between llson and ‘Mark Questions . “To the Foot From its child’ bring ou How does the poem demned tov ina shoe as presented in Tothe Foot en itis conde i tio + portrayedin To the Foot Fa 8 mation 3 reality? send as depicedin Tome fearon happens to the foot wh chile’? .ges of the foot’ tra milarity between tht nsfor e foot's eary life an ana bit ofa person tated PY Scanned with CamScan

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