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1. We will successful if we try hard, won´t we?

2. Dorothy must stop drinking, must not she?
3. Somebody has taken my dictionary, haven´t they?
4. Nothing can be done at this very moment, can it?
5. You have never seen that movie before, have you?
6. Don’t eat the whole chicken, will you?
7. There has been no rain for the last couple of weeks, has there?
8. Playing a musical instrument isn´t as easy as supposed, is it?
9. Please, let me know when he comes, will you?
10. She already cooks meat, does she?
11. They should have been informed long before, shouldn´t they?
12. You aren´t going to wear those funny glasses, are you?
13. A student who is lazy cannot accomplish anything, can they?
14. Hasan has been painting the walls since morning, hasn´t he?
15. He used to be a famous doctor, didn´t he?
16. Let´s have a morning walk, haven´t we?
17. Anybody who is eager is welcome, aren´t they?
18. I don´t suppose there is much damage, is there?
19. It´s so hoy in this room. Open the window, will you?
20. Now Mrs. Biggs, you usually have supper at eight, don´t you?
21. She will be able to tell him the truth, won´t she?
22. Don’t forget to put your name on the answer sheet, will you?
23. No one sent me a letter, did they?
24. You´ve never had a girlfriend before, have you?
25. There´s not much news in today´s paper, is there?
26. You´d like that, wouldn´t you?
27. He´s been very successful, hasn´t he?
28. Somebody told you the secret, didn´t they?
29. You will come to my party, wont, you?
30. You would like to have a look at my new car, wouldn´t you?
31. You used to love going out when you were young, didn´t you?
32. I should ring him up after our quarrel, shouldn´t I?
33. He´ll fall of the ladder, won´t he?
34. You never used to go to a pub, did you?
35. I´m afraid I´m a little early, aren´t?
36. He hadn´t met you before, had he?
37. He made you do it again, didn´t he?

Karina Edith Castañeda Morales 4° “D”

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