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Center Navel Sat Kriya

October 10, 1973
San Francisco, CA

… This is a perfect organization. The beauty of this nature around us is it has created a tremendous
variety, variety is so well established there are not two things produced on this universe. No two
things agree at all, if that does not surprise you there is nothing else which can surprise you. No two
human beings, no two minds, look into this world, no two plants. There is nothing produced on this
planet, in this universe, in the entire nature which is alike, nothing, but still everything is organized,
everything in this universe has rhythm, organization and time schedule, that is where man finds
difficulties, man disobey organization, rhythm and time schedule. Moment a man disobeys rhythm,
time schedule and organization he is at war with the surrounding nature and that is going to mess
him up, whether he follows a yogi or a swami or he doesn’t follow any Tom, Dick, and Harry,
doesn’t mean a thing, clash is clash and everything is fair in love and war.

Out of all creativity in the nature man is only one creature who has his instinct under his control.
Period. Everything else is controlled, organized by time schedule of time organization, but this is
one creature, which is given an amount of energy and then let it free and he is allowed to make it or
mess it up.

Now we are talking about the most important center of consciousness, the navel point, the
bellybutton; they say, even the Kundalini is dormant there. It is true to a great extent because you
have to understand the facts of life.

Spermatozoa knows that when he enters and it kisses the egg then it has to go eight times around it
to secrete enough secretion to penetrate into the egg. You know, even your spermatozoa has that
knowledge, it is said when the spermatozoa start taking those circles and if egg moves, pregnancy
cannot take place, even at that little area a slip can exactly happen, so it is not very convenient and
very easy. Now when the conception takes place you start growing, the navel point is a one area
through which you are fed all the way.

Your entire basic development, we call it stage of sprouting happens from the navel point and still
you don’t lose or leave any residue, therefore it is the center of pure energy. The blood of the
mother carries everything which is required for the development of the body of the being through
that point and this is one pipeline which provides you everything and makes you develop, you are
perfect as a total basic elementary human being and when you come out of it only then you start
breathing, in the womb of the mother you don’t breathe. So you develop, you live perfectly as a
human being, but, but without breath.

So this is such a pure center of energy that a man can live without breath if he knows how to tap the
center. Whereas I am talking about the purity of center so much it represent a earth center, it is a
center where your greed is centered also, when the consciousness is at that center, at navel point you
totally become one-pointed, you can become so one-pointed, all wisdom of the earth cannot shake
you, we call it idiot walk, you can become so selfish when the consciousness is at this center that at
that time what you know is that’s all you know, until the consciousness is not moved from the third
center of consciousness there is no way to reach the man, he has a wall against everything.

That is why in ancient India when a disciple comes with a question Guru will say, “Okay, wait a
minute, go in that room, meditate on the third eye point for half-an-hour and come and talk to me.”
Because sometime they don’t want to waste their energy and time, they don’t want even to talk to
the guys, they say, go and change your center of consciousness, then come and reopen and you will
listen. It is possible how a mighty and powerful a Guru may be if the guy is coming with a third
center consciousness he is not going to listen, you may hang yourself for him. And in this country
which is United State of America eighty percent people consciousness remains on the navel point,
that is one basic area where consciousness normally sits around because that is a very familiar area
to consciousness because it is where the man started to begin with, it is where it flourished, it is
where it grew, it is where it developed, and it is where it was when he came first and he cried and
yelled and screamed all for mama’s milk.

And you know from third center is the fourth center, the chest or the breast whatever you want to
call it, this is the breast which turns the blood into a milk to provide him security. Nature made him
to relate above third point of center to the fourth center of consciousness right on the very first day
for his need, that was the first lesson given by nature itself, that poor child now relate to fourth
center and above, but you know he relates to lower center time and again all the time, that is where
he find security.

Man finds great security, great zeal, great effort, great push when the consciousness on the third
point, there is a entire ego involved-I am going to do it, I am going to have it, I am very burnt, I am
very jealous, it hurts me, I am in pain, all that I am, I am, I am business, we call it a goat
consciousness, Aries consciousness, goat consciousness, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, my apology
somebody may be Aries here, there is no better consciousness in ego than a goat. That is why this
fire sign is represented by a goat symbol, I am, I must have it; it’s my saucer, it is my saucer, it is
my tea, it is my room, it is my book, it is my this, it is my picture, it is this, I, I, I, I, I all the time.
This I is a good consciousness, but remember when you deal with anybody else moment you say
three times I, the fourth time that guy wants you out. They said when this I consciousness from
person vibrates one length, second length and third length.

Your aura is when you are in a beautiful Auric state of consciousness you are only nine feet from
your skin, that’s all. So each time when you vibrate your I covers three feet, so moment you cover
nine feet and your I reaches the other guy you know what he wants-either he wants you to be seated
or he wants you to quit, or the other person doesn’t want to do anything whether he is your husband
or he is your son or he is your child or daughter or your girlfriend, whatever you want to call your
relationship, relationship doesn’t mean a thing at all in that. I can repel anybody within a nine feet
moment it gets out of your aura it is so dangerous.

You know why we communicate with each other? Because we are all sick, we are all sick, we help
each other. Otherwise man is so delicate and so touchy and so powerful, once he knows this man is
an I, I, I, he immediately wants to repel him, you know what focuses him to face it? The fourth
center, the compassion, the heart Chakra. He say well he is a idiot, let me not be a idiot, let me try,
let me, let me, let me, let me, let me, as mother changes her blood into the milk to feed the child,
you know what a priceless thing it is. Can’t you understand the woman whom we turn her blood
into the milk to just raise that little egocentric maniac.

Students: (Laughter.)

YB: No, no, no, no on the, on the, total stage of philosophy, now we are discussing the total basic,
basic self of the nature of the being, if you don’t understand this nature of the being you don’t
understand anything about the human being. He is great when he is in the womb of the mother,
when he comes out he is a totally selfish person, he wants to know where he is, he doesn’t know.
You know why every time crying? He is out and he is insecure, the immediate security the mother
gives is from the breast, turns her blood into the milk, puts that man to the warm of the chest and
tells him don’t worry, I will take care of you and this egocentric maniac put his nose all the time in
her breast, make it a soul. You know the mother knows what is going on and still she pockets it.

That is the first introduction of the male with the female which he never forgets, all he wants is then
woman, woman, woman, up to the death he is for a woman; first as a mother, then as a girlfriend,
then as a egocentric perverted maniac, then as a husband, then as a divorcee, then as a re-dating guy,
you go to the end. Man is never without woman in any direct or indirect form, in indirect he is
perverted, in direct he is direct anyway, but you can never imagine a man without a woman.

I was once invited by a group of people, they were very lesbian and the greatest leader in United
State of America is my student, she is not a lesbian, but she is a professional lesbian. You
understand what I mean. She trained people how to be a good lesbian and she is horrible and she
says she is horrible, I have never seen any horror in her, but I, I know she is she that’s all I know.
And she once asked me in her private house, she was sitting with me, she was very affectionately
sitting, she said, “Yogiji, I trust you.”

I said, “Forget it, how can you trust me.”

Students: (Laughter.)

She said, “Tell me why I can’t trust you.”

I said, “You want to ask me the question, why you are lesbian, isn’t true.”

She said, “Yeah, how you know?”

First you know, a normal question, how you know, I said, “I know the first day you were trusting
me for that reason to know the correct reply and that can be the only question you can ask me.”

She said, “How you know that?”

I said, “Look, I have visit to your house, there is a not a book on wisdom which you don’t have and
there is not a single book on wisdom which you have not read, you understand the tragedy.”

That is one woman, which has done all her life one thing, she has read books on all knowledge and
it was essential for her trade she has to be extra wise and she quotes scriptures and I asked very

I said, “Do you want the honest truth in reply or you just want me to just, you know answer you to
skip yourself.”

She said, “No I really today ask you a honest answer.”

I said, “The truth and the answer is you love a man and you need a man to love you at the same
level of consciousness because you couldn’t find one, therefore you turned against men. Each one
you had a bad experience, each time a brick of walls got created, finally you are now so much
against men and it is nothing but a perverted love, it is nothing but a perverted love because law of
polarity must prevail-a man needs a woman and a woman needs a man.”

I said, “Simple situation, but you learned all this knowledge and you turned every woman to be a
lesbian so that you can hurt men.”
That is her trade; she goes, she becomes a friendly with that cozy family who has a great
understanding and then she becomes very friendly with the wife of the person, then she finds areas
where she has grievances, then she puts little Woodstock under those areas and burn a little fire and
then she fans it, she caters to that woman in those areas and develops that great woman to be a very
hateful wife. I have never seen if she zeros on a family that in six months divorce doesn’t happen. I,
I watch her all the time. Hardly any married couple has got out of her, at least I don’t know anyone
and then she turns the wife to be alike her and the other thing she does which is very kind for her if
the wife gets separated with children and they are sons she will suggest her to give them to the
foster, foster, what they call it?

Students: Foster home.

YB: Foster home and that is her satisfaction.

Now you can hate her, you dislike her, but I don’t, I love her, I always advise her, I always tell her,
“One day you will find a man and you will forget all these things.”

And she said, “Well, that day will come pray for me.”

It means she is still hooked on a man, she is such a revengeful woman. Who made her revengeful?
Then you have to go in her life history. First her own father raped her, the first man she trusted most
was her dear father, he raped her, she told her mother and mother got mad at her, that that is
impossible, then she allowed her to get raped and to prove to her mother, then mother really felt the
situation is very bad, she send her to uncle, then the great uncle did it and then three friends of the
uncle did it and then the neighbors did it, she had seventeen to twenty rape stories to tell, when she
tells then there are big tears in her eyes.

Now, if that woman is doing what she is doing you can’t blame her, she really has the right to be
mad and she really feels. You know you once kept those red what they call it? Eyeglasses, now what
you are going to see everything? Red.

She one day told me very honestly, she said, “Yogi, I believe in you, but sometime I tell I am
cheating myself, after all you are a man.”

And I could understand the deep, deep pain in her words.

The worst thing a man does to a woman is he makes her insecure and he exploits her and that we do
as rape, as rape as men and then we suffer through the byproduct of the woman.

I do not know what you people are talking in America, I think you have all gone crazy, that through
the test-tubes we will have children and woman is a lesbian or woman is going not to this new front
they have open up what they call them? Woman lib and all that stuff, I agree what you people are
talking about. All what you are talking is so shallow, all this woman lib front and all she doesn’t
want this and all she wants to be a male and whole jazz is just a byproduct of the time, there is
nothing real and what is not real what is just a byproduct of the time you valued so much, you say,
“Well this is all it is.” Yes that is the present time that’s all it is, but deep in heart just check up any
woman if she is not a woman. I can go hundred percent with you woman doesn’t want to be called a
woman, I can hundred percent go, I agree with you all what you want to say, but that is the product
of the time.
I will still like to know one man on this earth who is not a born of a woman. I mean to say anybody
of you here came direct from the blue sky? Anybody of you who has not been directly or indirectly
influenced by woman? Anybody of you who can just say that in future you will not be influenced by
a woman? It is just like a tree or a plant telling I have got nothing to do with the earth and vice-

Woman is saying I have got nothing to do the men, men are crazy, men are this, why? Well, mama
you produce them and now you tell them they are crazy. You know where we freak out? We never
produce a good man for the future woman, that is where the woman falters, I blame her very much,
I never blame men, men are innocent to me, they are raw and I am not very untrue about it, this is
how the humanity through all saints and sages who could lift themselves above the egocentric
values could say, they said, “Men are innocent raw and they are the products of the woman and as
she will deliver them in future that shall be the society.”

A woman through all her experience has to build a man for the future, if a woman cannot deliver a
man in the future, woman cannot be happy in the future she shall, this is a vicious cycle and to stop
that vicious cycle, there is only one individual who can concentrate on the navel point and that is a
woman, that is why if a woman navel point is out she is out from every job and every work because
her ovaries, her sex organs are inside, men has all that stuff outside hanging, so man is little free,
she is not. Moment her navel point moves about more than two millimeter she is a mess.

Her all knowledge doesn’t mean a thing if navel point is little up, God you know what can happen,
if it is little here same thing, just it has to go around, not in the center because which side it has
moved that side it will pressure, that pressure will change her total nervous impulse, her nervous
impulse is changed, her functional, her thinking, her attitude, her everything change, then man says,
“Friday she was my woman, Saturday she is not.”

He is right, she is not because Friday her navel point was at zero, on Saturday it is ten degrees off,
so she is ten degree off, if it is twenty degree off it is twenty degree off, if it is total off she is total
off, you are finding a woman who you knew Friday, she is a woman who is in Saturday, there is
going to be mess and normally they don’t tell, that’s a one area in a woman she will never tell, she
will never find the reason in her self because she thinks she is so perfect. She will always find the
woman will… This is the nature of the woman you see you are going to deal with a woman, write it
somewhere, don’t be idiots.

Woman always finds her fault in another person that is her nature because she wants to find the
seed. Now let us talk a total on an animal kingdom, where is her seed? In the male, right, is it true or
not? So she has to find the seed of everything, where? In a male, right or wrong? So faults and their
seeds are in the male, she is absolutely pure. Everything wrong is done by the man and she is the
poor victim of it, do you know why? Because in her subconscious mind she know who is the seed
of her is in the male, therefore all problems must be blamed and the seed of the entire blame is in
the male, that’s it. So male is an idiot and she is the wisest.

He couldn’t deliver the goods, he couldn’t do a thing, he is not right, he is a junky, he got more in
his work, he doesn’t take care of her, he doesn’t come home in time, he is this, he is that, he is that,
he is this, he is a brush, he is a broom, he is this, he is that, all is he, she is nothing and this is a basic
nature you can never change. Even you should not argue about it. When a woman blames you
accept it straightaway that is the best way to zero her, when she says you are a fool. You say, yeah I
am could you make me little wise today.

Students: (Laughter.)
YB: You can flat any woman in this way, otherwise never fight a woman just turn her around.

There is a big story and it’s a very junky story, but I have to tell you. There were two people living,
they ran away from the house, so they wanted to find a place to themselves so they went into a very
deep forest in the mountains and they wanted what they wanted and they had what they had, no
other work, but to have each other all the time. Well you know it cannot go for a very long time.

So one day there was no food, all their supplies were out and this woman turned around and said,
“Hey, you are so selfish just to, just to chew on my flesh you brought me all and telling me all how
beautiful it will be and since morning I am hungry and I am cold and you have done nothing, all
you need me, need me, need me, that’s all you are.”

Guy was really very intelligent, he said, “That is true, I did a blunder and really I can’t think of
anything, you know I even cannot recognize you, I am so weak I can’t even recognize you, I don’t
know what I have done to myself,” he immediately turned himself into a baby.

She said, “Is it, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,” she was shivering, she took her blanket and gave it
over him, she ran out to get some food and wood, she brought the food, she brought the wood, she
lit the fire, she warmed the area, she fed him, she gave him massage and she said “Ji, do you look

And he grabbed her again, he said, “Sure.”

Students: (Laughter.)

YB: That was one book I wanted to read when I read that story I left it there, I think still the page
sign will be there, I never read further.

Idea is however in a rage a woman may be and whatever your relationship may be if your turn
yourself into a innocent baby before her you can play on her up to time infinity, nothing else she
cares. Woman is so complete within herself she doesn’t care, only thing she cares is her breast, her
breast is out, your male organs are out that is a difference. If anybody wants to hit a man hit him
below the belly, if you want to hit a woman hit her above the belly, moment you can reach a woman
in her heart center she is willing to die so that you can live, she is a total sacrifice, her all wisdom
collapses, right falls like a wall, she is willing to do anything and everything for you just you prove
that you are a little innocent baby.

It is a very, very old story. About twenty thousand years ago there was a sage living in the northern
part of the Himalayas and he was married to a very, very pure, beautiful, enchanting, enlightened
woman. One day through his Sadhana he started meditating on the third center and through couple
of days he got totally engrossed and became very selfish, in the deep stage of selfishness when he
was wandering away in the jungle he saw a woman with a herd of sheep, his sex mentality you can
call it, whatever you want call it, overtook him and he through his personality, persuaded that
woman to have sexual intercourse with him.

Now this enlightened woman could see in her mind what is going on. So she saw this whole story
and she ran to see with her own eyes, find the facts; moment she came nearer and nearer in
vibration, after all he was a sage, he felt the danger too and he just thought what to do and that’s
what he did, when he was really in action and he ejaculated, naturally man becomes weak at that
time, he started shivering as I told you to shiver yesterday and he started crying and weeping.
Meanwhile this woman came on him and she looked at him and she was in a rage, she saw what he
felt, she said, “What?”
And he didn’t reply, he started crying and shivering, so immediately her motherhood came into
play, she pulled him out, she covered him up, she kissed him, she took him into lap, she wiped his
tears and she said, “What happened?”

He said, “I am ruined, my all Bhakti is gone, look what this woman has done to me, look what a
sage I was, she has put such a spell I am really incomplete,” he started yelling, crying, you, you
know all that stuff.

You know what she did, she laid him with rest, she immediately had some cheese hanging around
because that’s what those days, she put a cheese in his mouth, she took a stick and she started
beating the other woman, she blamed the whole thing on her that her husband was a sage, perfectly
the enlightened one and she is a devil of all devil and she could suck him into that action and she
said, “Darling, in future I will take care of you,” and she carried him on her back all the way to their

So you can well imagine from all these old stories in mythology that woman has a very, very weak
area and that is her motherhood, her motherhood for the sake of children you can exploit her, for the
sake of children you can tell her anything or she will do all the way, but so long the children are
children, when they become grown up she becomes again the same thing what is to begin with.

So it doesn’t work indefinite, but this whole behavior pattern of a human being is based with the
third center of consciousness which is a navel point, that is why the sage said that anybody who
shall do Sat Kriya and shall stimulate this center will never fall into the pit of selfishness to the
extent that he will act or behave unwise. You follow this story? That is a one Kriya which is meant
to stimulate the third center of consciousness and it brings the vibration to all the way of up so that
man may not become slave to any temptation on this earth enough that he can suffer in his life.
That’s why we always say if you cannot do anything, do Sat Kriya each day so that you can be a
new man again and again.

Before we talk further, let us put ourselves into Sat Kriya really as it should be, not the modern
version of it. Sat Kriya is a one Kriya, which is done by sitting on the heels.

Student: (---).

YB: You are absolutely right, yeah, heels means heel, we don’t say sit on the feet or the sole, we say
sit on the heels. Now when you sit on the heel just you lock your hands all the way up like this, like
this or like this it is same thing, but this is a better posture because sometime you have done some
stimulation, extra stimulation, so we always like you to lock and put two fingers that is, these two
fingers up straight, now a true Sat Kriya is where elbow is straight and the hands are going over the
ears. This is the perfect posture in which a person or a sadhu is supposed to sit, then you have to
create the sound Sat at the navel point, Sat and then at Nam you let it go. So the vibration comes all
the way from the lower point of navel through the top of the being and one goes on and on in it and
with this there is a regulated breath that takes automatic control of it and let us see whether you can
do it. Be in the posture please, Sat Nam.

Students: Chanting ‘Sat Nam…’

YB: Hook the navel in…

Side – B
Only these few lines has been taken from the tape 10/10/73-7

Inhale deep,

(The chanting stops.)

Stretch your body all the way all the way spine, please stretch exhale. Relax.

It is such a powerful Kriya that not only it can cure any disease in the physical body of the person, it
can cure all the mental diseases in the body of the person. There is a saying if Sat Kriya demon does
he turns to be a God that is the sloka, which I am translating for you

And continued from here in the tape 10/10/73-000076 – 1 of 2

…. Cure all the mental diseases in the body of the person, there is a saying if Sat Kriya even done
he turns to be a God that is the sloka, which I am translating to you. They say if an evil spirit
practices Sat Kriya it turns onto be a God, there is not saying that it turns around to be a good
disciple or blah-blah-blah, whatever you want to call it. The idea of doing Sat Kriya is the navel
point goes in and provides a jerk, with that all the organs in the body get a massage and they get
stimulated, all that stimulation change the entire metabolism of the person and person reaches a
stage of ecstasy in consciousness; it is difficult to do it, I have seen many of you, but if you really
do it your body from here does like this.

Student: (---).

YB: No, the sound will reverse automatically.

Student: That’s ok.

YB: No, no, it is not, they are asking, they are calling Sat Nam, but when you hear on the sound it
will be Nam Sat there is change in the polarity.

Student: (---).

YB: You anybody will do it, that’s the way it will be.

Student: Okay.

YB: You can’t get out of it. After a certain time when you look people chanting and you will see
they are chanting Nam Sat Nam, so actually they are chanting Sat Nam, Sat Nam, that is one magic
you can see in this Kriya, there is not a single point in your whole system, there is not a single
nervous system in your whole system which does not change, I mean to say you are consciously
calling Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Sat Nam, actually it looks like you are saying Nam Sat Nam, Sat Nam,
Sat Nam, even the reversal polarity in the sound happens when you do this Kriya actually for a time
being. Yeah.

Student: Some people moving hips back and others keeping hip still and spine straight which way
should it be done?

YB: It is if you concentrate on navel point the whole body will get a shape.

Student: (---).
YB: Oh spine will have a such a flex, actually this is not, you know it’s very simple, it’s a very
simple organization and about two three minutes thereafter you will not like to shake anything, but
slowly, slowly if you practice in this you will grow and grow and grow and you can…. Actually
speaking fact with you if you really want to have a mastery on Sat Kriya the navel point can touch
the back of the spine, it can go so back in.

Student: (---).

YB: Sat, Sat you exhale, Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Sat Nam Sat, Sat Nam Sat.

Student: (---).

YB: But it is very good to do in that position provided your hands do not fall apart, that’s why we
say people who have used drugs should always lock their hands because sometime they can get into
a hallucination. This Kriya can bring a hallucinated brain effect also, but that doesn’t mean

Student: (---).

YB: Sat Nam, Sat Nam, go where? It goes to infinity anyway.

It is too very hot or I am feeling very hot.

Student: (---).

YB: Sometime the air supply here is very short. Please make little air.

Students: (---).

YB: Naturally when you, when you try to do on the navel point and you cannot do it right you will
take the help of the root lock also, you will do, then you will take the diaphragm lock also. That’s
why normally it seems like you are putting those locks, but actually in Sat Kriya they are automatic
involvement. In, in Sat Kriya if you apply the root lock you must apply the diaphragm lock because
root lock can raise your blood pressure to a unknown specification, you can sneak out any doctor,
you will apply a root lock and tell somebody to take your blood pressure he will fall flat, the lower
will be hundred sixty or about two hundred, the higher will be two hundred eighty or something,
you say, oh he is dying, he is going to have this, he is going to have that, but if you apply the
diaphragm lock you can show him the lower is seventy-two or sixty-one whatever you want to call
it and the upper is hundred ten, so that meter will fluctuate so heavy, to bring in a balance it is, it is
applicable that both locks should be applied.

Student: Sir, sir you say when you pull the navel in and it is automatically pull from the navel.

YB: Yeah that’s why I am saying is, that’s what I am saying that if you just do Sat Kriya with a root
lock you are raising your blood pressure, if you are doing with a diaphragm lock you are lowering
your blood pressure, so therefore the corrective statement is that you should only do it from the
navel point and all both lock should become little help as automatics.

Student: (---).
YB: Yes just, just, just to ignore what do we diagnose? If it is diagnose thank God, just put right
there in the office of the doctor.

Student: The person has chronic high blood pressure…

YB: Yeah, diaphragm lock and it will go down, runaway.

Student: Will that be okay to do for that as a therapeutic exercise?

YB: We don’t use that word, but it does.

Students: (Laughter.)

Student: Thank you.

Student: (---).

YB: Who taught you that? I never said it. Sat Kriya is a very pure simple Kriya meant for simple
people, it is not a garbage of the intellectual brains and nothing should be added with it and nothing
should be subtracted from it, it’s one Kriya which I like to give it to America as pure and it should
remain pure. I know you are an intellectual (?), you do horrible things to do, but keep your hands
and brain off from hip bone.

Students: (Laughter.)

YB: No amendment, no teaching and no thing should be added to it, it’s a complete thing, it’s a
diamond, no addition, no subtraction is required with this thing. Yes dear.

Student: (---).

YB: Oh, oh this is one Kriya, this is one Kriya, which a child does, where you are beginning now?
A child cannot grow without Sat Kriya. You know those little children they say (?), that is Sat Nam,
Sat Nam, Sat Nam…

Students: (Laughter.)

YB: Actually, that is a fact you can take the sound current effect it is same effect and this is what
they do and mom says, oh he is getting taller, he is getting, what they call it here?

Students: (---).

YB: When they that he get those kind of hi-cups?

Students: (---).

YB: Aah.

Student: (---).

YB: No, not that, you call that a hicup.

Students: (---).
YB: Aah.

Students: (---).

YB: No, no all children do hey mom, you got a kid, what happen on a little ones sleeping does it
(?), all the time automatic. There is something special we call it.

Student: (---).

YB: No (?) business you did it, your mom told you are burping.

Student: (---).

YB: In the orient we call Andarvadani, it means the child is growing, child is expanding, that is a
signs of the expansion, all children do it. Eighty-four postures you do in the womb of the mother
and Sat Kriya you do in three years, first three years, every child must do it and how much Sat
Kriya he does that measures how much tall he shall be, there is no other way. The length of the
child how big a man he will be depends on how much Sat Kriya he does and every individual on the
earth born as a human being does it.

Student: (---).

YB: Yeah, go ahead.

Student: (---).

YB: It is connected with every gland, Sat Kriya works with your nervous system right from the toe
to the very top of your hair because the breath and the circulation is regulated with it. Yes.

Student: (---).

YB: At the navel point, it is between navel and this point Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Sat. Yeah.

Student: (---).

YB: Maximum thirty-one minutes.

Student: (---).

YB: You inhale automatically with it, this is one Kriya where from Pranayam is automatic.
Normally when you start doing Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Sat you will have half of the air
through the nostril, half of the air through the mouth because the nostril will support your lungs
capacity for the circulatory effect and the tongue will support because there your nervous system
has need special pranas.

Students: (---).

YB: You should start like Sat Nam, Sat Nam, separate those two words and continue that, but
normally people become very quick, then very (?), then again they become rhythmic, that is where
the nervous system and the muscular system and the body goes through changes, everybody goes
through changes, but the rhythm has to be a very complete rhythm, Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Sat Nam,
Sat, slower the better, but who can do it? Even I know it when we used to get beaten up this was the
one Kriya where we were beaten up, we will not maintain the rhythm, we all have punishment to
take and days in and days out we were supposed to do it.

Student: (---).

YB: After Sat Kriya?

Student: Yeah.

YB: Your forefather cannot walk you have to relax right away there and then right on the spot.

Student: (---).

YB: Normally not even more is better.

Student: (---).

YB: For an hour will be best and you should have a blanket around your side and you have a big
sheepskin under you, after you do it you can possibly sweat a lot and you can turn yourself in on the
sheepskin and take a blanket over and go into it. It will be very much appreciated, if you want to do
nothing about yoga, you don’t want to become wise, you don’t want to do anything, for your own
life do Sat Kriya, this is a one direct hammer which can change your shape whether you like it or

It is said when a Sadhak starts doing Sat Kriya he is cleaning his negativities at a faster rate than he
can think to clean by any other ways. Fear, self-rejection, self-criticism, self-indulgence, there are
so much negative things about self which man does to self, they all get eliminated automatically,
that is the power of this Kriya. Page after page in the, in the first the Sat Kriya is explained and then
page after page its beauty, its usefulness, how it helps the man, it works, it is a most important and
most powerful Kriya in the entire Kundalini yoga, if I say it is the heart of Kundalini yoga I don’t
think it is wrong to say.

You will be surprised if you are totally depressed, you feel very bad sometime, get to your own
room and do this Kriya for three, four minutes, come out and see the difference right on the spot,
there is nothing which can change a person mood so fast in this Kriya. You feel any time deficient
in any manner, in your life you have no energy, you do not know what to do, you can create self-
help within yourself. Now what else a man can give you?

You know, when I learned and we qualified something and we were all very glad and my own
experience was that anybody who knows Sat Kriya on this earth knows Sat, if anybody knows Sat
Kriya knows truth, it is a true Kriya, it is a true doing, Sat means truth. And normally we always try
that people should meditate on this Kriya and if they cannot do it for a longer time at least for three
to five minutes everybody should do each day.

Student: (---).

YB: Yeah that’s a relaxing, then after that you do anything with it, it does give you a good breathing
posture. All the mantras in the Kundalini yoga whether it is a long Sat Nam or it is a Guru Gayathri
or it is a Adi mantra or it is a Mool mantra or it is Shakti mantra, all are Ashtang mantra, even in
English they are Ashtang, God and me and me and God are one, they are meant to regulate your
breathing. All mantras have a rhythm in Pranayam, all, none has without, none is given. That’s why
we can give it totally, we don’t make any secret about it we know anybody Tom, Dick and Harry,
who is going to chant this, is going to get that Pranayam with it he is going to (?). Now this navel
point can have lot of problems and when the disease starts around navel point death is inevitable,
but there is a very great process to cure yourself and protect yourself and I tell you in the food
kingdom what suits with us. Three people are very friendly to this navel energy, onion, turmeric and

Student: (---).

YB: Onion, turmeric, and ghee. How you spell turmeric?

Students: Turmeric.

YB: It is available, it is a yellow thing available in all stores. Now there is a dish which you can
make it, Dr. Mishra makes it when he invites me to food and today he made it very beautifully and I
was so shy I wanted to eat that, but other dishes were very pretty, so I end up having that little.
There are four ways of doing it, one is sauté the onion and the turmeric in ghee and when you sauté
them add some yogurt with it that you can eat. The other is to take some buttermilk and put in
buttermilk, garbanzo flour and then you put onion and turmeric in it and let it boil. What you ate
today is instead of onion there was (?), that’s all, otherwise that’s what it is.

Student: (---).

YB: Yeah without garbanzo flour you never make that.

Student: (---).

YB: No buttermilk.

Student: (---).

YB: Buttermilk, garbanzos, and then turmeric and onion that’s all.

Student: (---).

YB: Lemon you, you put just to taste, that’s all it is, then (?) and all that you just put for taste, I am
talking of it, it is very delicious I know that, it’s a very delicious dish. If you really make it then you
can get hooked on it, but it is such a powerful thing that no wound inside can remain which cannot
get cured, turmeric is so powerful, you put on any wound it will cure and if you have what they call
it wound inside muscles get pain, you start eating turmeric it will, it will help, it helps curing that.

And people who suffer arthritis pain, this curry is par excellence and par excellence, for people in
arthritis that curry is specially prepared like this; they sauté onion, turmeric, black pepper, caraway
seeds and fennel seeds in one pot and then when the garbanzo flour and the buttermilk is well
prepared with water and they add also their turmeric too, they do turmeric here, they do turmeric
there and they join them both and they let it boil for couple minutes, let it become little thicker, first
you eat it with rice you will love it, but put fresh lemon when you have, you take the pain off, so lot
of vitamin C can go in your body without knowing what is happening, but you will be all happy.

Student: (---).

YB: The little ones.

Student: Yeah.

YB: The little ones are pretty.

Student: (---).

YB: No, no onion is onion is any form and shape, rather in India when they make this kadhi they
use little onion, the little one because first of all they are cheaper, here they may be costly, but there
those little onions are cheaper and they just peel them up and then they shove it in and they really
make a very beautiful tasty curry and they use this curry with rice. They give people when there is
an internal bleeding or internal wounds or any kind of internal problems, because turmeric is very
healing for the body. They give people when they have accidents, they have joint problems they
have pain, arthritis and those kinds of situations.

Student: (---).

YB: No, no you first take buttermilk and then you take garbanzo flour and put in it, reasonable
amount, then make it little thick and then you can put green pepper in it, you can put anything you
like, you can make as good of it as you like.

Student: (---).

YB: That you separate, that is, that is the pot which you sauté separately because that is what is
going to be matter, that is a way of eating, it is a process.

You must know one thing, in Indian civilization everybody thinks the food is a curing situation;
food is a medicine to a man there, oh you have a wind, take this tea, oh you have night dream take
that tea, oh you are feeling sick, take that food, prepare that dish, as we prescribe people here the
medicine people in India tell what to eat because it’s a very powerful philosophy that brain cures
everything they say and the tip of the tongue has a nerve which is directly connected with the brain
and when the taste of the tongue changes, everything changes.

That’s why if you don’t believe me I don’t want you to believe, but fact remains you can turn your
tongue inside, turn tongue and start breathing in couple of minutes whatever temperature you have
it becomes normal, hell with it, that’s it, no fever can stand, no fever. When I say no fever I mean no
fever that is the power of the tongue. But when you suck on your tongue if anybody as studied ever
with Guru Maharaj, he is a little boy, they tell everybody to suck tongue, please if you need any like
that who is hanging that his pictures there tell them to do shoulder stand in the morning with that
muscle, that is a one part he tells the other doesn’t that is a problem.

Whenever you turn your tongue and you suck it will give you a divine nectar and it can turn into a
very tasteful habit, you can digest even stones with it, there is no problem, it’s very powerful thing
and it’s very curing. When there is no cure left to a man, this can cure a man. It may take long time.

In scripture it is said, “If you can turn your tongue and you can suck on it and God does not take
you away from this earth and give you a time gap then He can never take you anywhere.”

So therefore people have that habit to turn their tongue and suck may be for five minutes to keep the
habit going, but also you must take shoulder stand with it, you know shoulder stand, so that all the
blood can come in this area.
Student: (---).

YB: No, no sometime, it is not same time.

Student: (---).

YB: No roll it back, when you want the temperature down directly then this will cool the
temperature. If we do it at hundred five temperature, hundred four temperature if you want to get rid
I, I once did it to just go to a movie, she knows it, what was that empire? Roman empire. We were
in which town? Somewhere in Amsterdam and I was teaching the class and I saw a movie Roman
Empire, I wanted to see it, I was having a heavy fever, so in fifteen minutes I got rid of it, went, saw
the movie, came back, got the fever back, had a good night.

Students: (Laughter.)

Student: (---).

YB: No the tongue goes with the top all the way back. Curl your tongue that’s all, turn your tongue
that way.

Student: (---).

YB: Yeah, now if you want to know fight the poison in your body, what was, what is that?

Student: (---).

YB: No I am telling the breathing I am telling now, now all of you can sit down and taste this thing,
this is a very situation, which you must take.

Sit down normally like yogis or whatever you are and take your tongue out like this and lock it with
your teeth in the halfway, take it out as much you can, everybody will be tongue out, so no problem.

Students: (Laughter.)

If you do it one thing cannot happen to you that is cancer and I am saying it again and you might
not be hearing, take the tongue out and lock it with your tooth that’s what you don’t do
haaaaaaaaaaa, that’s not the way.

Student: (---).

YB: Through the mouth. Take your tongue out, you can stretch it long time you are tall man I know
you are cheating.

Student: (---).

YB: Exhale through your mouth, inhale through your mouth, tongue will become very bitter. On the
side you will see so bitterness and that is the poison in the body, immediately the poison in the body
is released, any anti has bacteria is killed right there and then. Out, out, out sneeze out, take it out,
but you have got such a long tongue, yeah take it out you are shy, that’s all haaaaaaaaaa, that’s it…

Students: (Laughter.)
Yeah lock it now and now inhale and exhale. Can you believe this country nobody knows how to
take his tongue out. I don’t know what we are producing in this country, lot of guns. I mean, don’t
feel shy everyday do it, all diseases, I will not guarantee, one disease I am pretty sure, well that man
can never die of a cancer because cancer and this tongue Kriyas are enemy to each other.

Teach her well; that’s a best way the husband can teach the wife, wife can teach the husband, but
your teeth must sit on the tongue. On the side the tongue will become bitter like a hell, don’t worry
about it. You will be surprised mostly you will be breathing from the navel point, that is where the
breath from the navel point I said breathe through the navel point that is where you breathe through
the navel point. When the tongue is out it is locked by teeth and you take a breath in and out your
navel point automatically starts breathing, then they say there is nothing in human body which
cannot be cured, nothing actually means nothing.

All right now I give you the interval, intermission, you can do what you have to do, drink water, go
to bathroom, then because I am going to put you to certain exercise about the third point and you
are going to yell and scream at me, but I don’t care because I love you very much.

Students: (Laughter.)

YB: Which can open up this plug hole too. You know there are two holes in your body, which are
plugs, do you all know which are those? One is the navel point and one is the center of the skull.
You see the little child, that’s very soft, after couple of month it gets plugged too, that’s all is the
story of the man is about, but as the time in the heaven is changing circumstances will bring here
the great teachers, they will not come from the east, they will be the western people that is what it
is. That’s why I get mad of these swamis and yogis, that teach these people to become greater than
you, don’t make them disciple. If I make a disciple out of you it’s a useless trip, if I make a teacher
out of you and let you grow and watch it you grow and you really grow it will be asset to the entire
western hemisphere. But there are teachers they are afraid of their disciple, they say, oh he is going
to say about, what he is going to say about? Thank God he takes over your feeling, so they are sick.

First of all society is sick, people don’t have patience to learn, people don’t want to learn, all that
problem and then somebody wants to learn or not taught because of the jealousy, then things can’t
happen that way. It is obligatory on the part of teacher to create another teacher better than him and
a good disciple is always a good teacher, but people are very emotional. That is why I always tell
who knows the crown of spirituality will sit on which head and I made that biggest joke with Dr.
Mishra that day, I said, “When I pass my bad wind somebody’s Kundalini get raised.”

What it matters? This is a God problem it is never my problem.

You know, this people build a castle around them and whole thing, that is not what a teacher is
required to, teacher has to be totally naked, what does he lose, once you put yourself in the form of
a teacher what can you lose, tell me.

Student: Nothing.

YB: Yeah somebody will learn from you or somebody won’t, if he won’t he won’t anyway, if he has
to, he has to. That is a simple phenomena, that’s a simple feeling of ecstasy that teacher is nothing
but a teacher and in the destiny in heavens those who have to study from him shall only study other
can’t come to him. It is impossible to talk about God, only when He wishes He let people talk about
You know (?), “Sir, registration is very weak, you know I did many thing for (?), we couldn’t
propagate perhaps right.”

I said, “You that’s ok, I am coming for five days, I am going to see those who wants to learn shall
learn anyway.”

I have taught in YMCA class there was only one student, he was Yogi Bhajan and one teacher, he
was Yogi Bhajan.

Students: (Laughter.)

YB: I’ll go, sit 7 o’clock and I will teach and I learn and at 8 o’clock exact time may the long time
sunshine upon you.

Students: (Laughter.)

And one day that clerk told me, he said, “There are no students why you sit here.”

I said, “No I teach myself, I learn myself, but I will come every Wednesday exact that time and go
exact that time.”

In that YMCA there have been so many great people and contact you can’t believe it, they never
told me who they were, but I tell you the greatest mystery of life, in somewhere something wrong
was going to happen to me, somebody said, “You know this guy is terrible.”

He said, “Who is this guy?”

He said, “I don’t know, he is some yogi, we ask him the certain information he said, my God knows
the information I don’t know anything. And I don’t know what is wrong with this guy is, I am going
to reject his registration.”

He said, “Oh yeah, aren’t you are talking about that yogi who is tall and he teaches in that YMCA.”

He said, “Look fool, he is not only my teacher, he is the teacher of our head. Let us go and talk to

So they went to the head of the department and they told him, moment he heard my name, he said,
“What is wrong with it?”

He said, “Sir we asked for information he said only my God knows about it.”

He said, “Can I certify it.”

He wrote with his pen, he is a great master, his existence is his all qualifications, I vouch for him he
signed it. I got the letter your thing is approved bah-bah-bah. They wanted a certificate from me that
I am a yogi. What certificate I can give I am a yogi or not?

Students: (Laughter.)

YB: So I gave my certificate, I Har Bhajan Singh Puri also known as Yogi Bhajan certify that I am a
great yogi.
Students: (Laughter.)

Then I gave it to them and he got mad at me of doing it.

I said, “Well I am myself what do you need, I am certifying myself what else you want.”

He said, “I can’t accept your certificate.”

Then I notarized it and gave it to him.

Students: (Laughter.)

YB: When you have a bank of America of account they don’t even charge you a dollar isn’t it, so I
went to the notary and I told him I said, “Would you please stamp it.” So he put all those (?) on it
and I just gave him, “you want a certificate I am a yogi here it is.”

What, what you can do? I told him, “I am a yogi, I know it, and I have experienced it so what do
you want?”

He said, “Somebody should certify it.”

I said, “Hell with it. But can God get certified by somebody else, nobody can certify me, I will
certify myself.”

He totally got upset, he got mad at me he couldn’t believe, he said, “You got to get me a certificate
within three days otherwise you have no chance.”

I said, “Okay I’ll give you certificate don’t get mad at me.”

So I went, I gave the certificate, he said, “What is this? This is your certificate.”

I said, “Wait a minute, I got it notarized, I came back again and said here it is.”

He looked at me like something that I am mad and he said, “Nothing more?”

I said, “Sure, this is a certificate and keep it on that file and then let me know you have approved
and hear me carefully take care of it.”

That made him to talk about it, otherwise he would not have talked about it.

So sometime deal with this world, as you want to deal. Because this world is equally your as you
belong to this world. That one thing we all forget and that is very painful thing that this world also
belongs to you as you belong to this world, so there is nothing to worry about.

You know when I came here I asked for immigration they gave me (?), I said, “Wait a minute I am
(?), do you want the test or I have to send it to Canada, decide between the two, I have no

“Oh no that’s okay.”

I said, “Okay.”
So when you have an attitude that you can relate to the universe, then universe can also relate to
you, that is the law of consciousness, law of polarity is this, when you can love anybody, the other
person must love you. Sat Simran she didn’t believe in the beginning that I love her, now she
doesn’t disbelieve I love her, I tell her on face, not my first telling meant anything nor my second
telling meant anything. You understand what I am saying. Because telling is the time knowledge,
but there is a real knowledge beyond the time knowledge. These gimmicks, no, no I can make
somebody to look things, I can make things, these are gimmicks, these are all time knowledge, I can
get from the earth, I say (?), this is a diamond, it won’t work, it’s a time thing, but you do to me
something which is infinite, that is scripture said,

‘Jay parmeshwar jani hay jay ratna (?).’

‘Those men are God on the tip of their tongue lives the God.’

Because that is where John said,

‘In the beginning there was a word, word was with God and word was God.’

The greatest power still lies in the world and this tongue creates that word. This boneless thing, you
know, there are two boneless things in your body, which creates all problems and that is a great
truth. If anybody knows how to use these two boneless things in the entire body you can stay out of
trouble all his life.

So all right, let us do now an exercise.

Student: (---).

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