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and the coon is on the union. The more prominent dele- nn*st a stampede as to whether they with big, hairy feet gates include M. Daughters, Charles A. should go to work or not. Just a t ... .,. Baustian, R. J. Buckley, James S. that time I, who had begun to work that look like boxincr gloves, have taken up a position on the limbs and Baker, John Gayton and Secretarythe shops four days DEPARTMENT body of a fallen tree. Wolves, wild CHRISTIANS WILL HAVE TO PAY HING ABOUT THE GREAT Treasurer John E. Tonsing. prior to the walk Z O O L O G I C A L cats and mountain lions are congreTHE PENALTY SEEN AT THE FAIR. out, came around GATHERINGSThe delegates will pass resolutions gated here in a World's Fair convento the boys with a advocating governmental ownership tion, each telling the tale of his native petition and agreeof telegraph and telephone as well in e n t combined, Prof. Dvchc's Collection of Wild Ani- clime in a language plainer than that For Alleged Participation in Riots "To Culminate In a N a t i o n a l Convention as of railways, the restriction of imsetting forth that mals Form an Interesting Siglit for j found in the colored plates in books on WIU the United States and England f t h e Confederation of Labor in migration and the election of United each shop employe States senators by direct vote of the SpectatorsThe Protestor Mas Proved natural history. Here is to be seen Interfere With the Turkish Knler'a Chicago i n DecemberTrades Con- people. who would sign it the carcass of a buffalo, over which a Rftther Realistic. Sentence? *T- x- to ask for a charter number of wolves are fighting. Mr. s e n t ions Xow in P r o g r e s s . The only considerable body of p. $3 and agreed to beDyche found this carcass on the westwage workers in the world which is ern borders of Kansas and got three of , - [Special Correspondence.] come a member of f T r T Fair Correspondence.! V oK s prohibited b3' its constitution from what shall be [Special Correspondence-! EASTS OF PREY the wolves at the same time. There j taking part in strikes or from interHE IXTERFERknown as the Railhave no terror fo is just one animal in the collection E COUNTRY'S fering with or making a standard of ence of either EngL- 1- Dyche of Kan- j that is not classified as "wild. ' That Em_ .arious labor un- wages meets in national convention a t MISS AXXA n. WEI5S. way Shop land or the United sas. He has biv- j exception is '-Comanche," a s'urdy j ployes of America. I had some diffiI ions have begun a Cleveland from September 5 to the 9th States in behalf of o u a c k e d w i t h ' p o n y who alone survived the Custer fc-^^ series of gatherings inclusive, and is the National Associa- culty a t first to jret signers to this pethe seventeen Arbears, has chased j massacre. A few scars show under t h r o u g h o u t the tion of Stationary Engineers. The tition, b u t I was determined the men menians who were mountain lions to ! the bay hairs to tell the tale, and a country that will association has some 350 branches in should not be beaten if I could help it, sentenced to death their dens, treed \ placard at his forefeet finishes the and that day at noon I had forty-five continue until the almost every state in the Union, and aens for alleged particiend of the year, and this, the twelfth annual convention, signers. 1 appointed the next da\' for wildcats and has story. pation in the spring a meeting to organize them. When The visitor wholooks at these things culminate in a con- will be by far the largest and most run till exhausted riots a t Casarea clave of the Ameri- important in t h e order's history. the hour of meeting arrived there were atter panthers, Mr. is critical. He is quite sure that the and Marsovan has mustered nineteen out of fort3'-five rotten timber a pair of fighting moose can Federation of Should all the delegates, alternates, Dyche holds the been hitherto conLabor at Chicago in officers and committeemen elected at- signers and they were organized. chair of zoolog3' in are breaking into fragments was fidently anticipicked up on the Calumet bottoms. pated. The latest advices" seem to inDecember. The ta- tend there will be between S00 and "We have now nearly thirty lodges the Kansas state ble knife grinders 1,000 persons a t the sessions, not count- and are still growing." university and has killed and mounted j And the pile of rocks he is sure came j dicate that the hoped-for interposition from Lemont. There is no question j will come from England, and addi-inaugurated these affairs by a national ing spectators or visitors. Led by Grand Master Anthony and hundreds of wild animals, lie de-1 convention which opened a t WallingGrand Treasurer Whelan the dele- clares that the bear is much maligned, | about the trees and stumps and twigs. tional information derived from Arthere is where he makes menian residents i: fora. Conn., July 6, and in t u r n unions "The engineers are locking to in- gates expect to accomplish much be- and says that bruin is as gentle as a And If the critic could j this view. In re- this city supports of retail clerks, harness makers, en- crease thfir financial and social stand- fore the sessions at Indianapolis end. calf until ccrnered, when it will de- a mistake. go up on top and look down gard to the matter gineers, coopers, plumbers, tailors, ing, of course," says Secretary P. G. The month of October will witness fend its own life like any sensible he would find that the sturdy oak'. our government is machinists and every variety of man- Monroe, of the order, "but they are national conventions of cotton mule creature. ual laborers will successively have a endeavoring to do it by educational spinners at Boston and of railway Mr. Dyche has a large collection cf Whose bark is rubbed smooth by placed in a peculiar lathering in all the principal cities and legal methods, that is, by making trainmen in the same city and of ma- animals in the Kansas state building moose and .deer, is a hollow delusion position. from Boston to San Francisco. They themselves more valuable to their em- chine wood workers in St. Louis. I n a t the World's "Fair. Taken together mad of paper maehe. The p n e tree, | are so timed as not to interfere with ployers as a class and hence being in a November the electrical -workers will with the sheaves of wheat and the too, is made of the same material, and I The disturbances each other, while various measures consistent position to ask for an in- send delegates from all over the coun- bunchts of corn and sunflowers, this so are the ground and logs and rottintj at Marsovan culsocial, industrial and even p o l i t i c a l - crease of pay. These men constitute try to Cleveland. The journeymen exhibit compares favorably with that timber. Even the solid rocks are hol- minated in the dewill be taken up and disposed of in one of the most important, even the barbers do the same in December, but of any state on the grounds, not ex- low, and when Mr. Dyche wants to he struction of t h e "turn. most important class in the nation. their representatives assemble in Cin- cepting1 Iowa with her fine decorations opens one of them and disappears Girls' school buildA soluNot a wheel turns in manufactory or cinnati. in corn and grasses and state band down a mysterious passage. a surface ing, an institution' tion of shellac and giue gives erected a n d conThe retail clerks, salesmen and mill but what is under their charge." Finally, on Dec 11, the annual thrown in. The principal feature is to the paper pulp w hich has first been ducted bv AmeriThe Coopers' International union the collection of animals, and the vissaleswomenthat is whose national Mr. Dyche has cans. The Rev. Dr. gathers a t Milwaukee on September meeting of the American Federation itor catching a glimpse of blue skies skillfully molded. protective union 11 next. These men have an elaborate of Labor, a t which will appear dele- and mountain ranges as he enters the made the mountains and trees and tne G. T. Herrick of IXSTF.VCTORVEXIDES meets in Nashville, series of stamps and labels to put on gates elected at all these various con- doors does not pause until he has hi3 ground they stand in, showing the New York is its principal. RepresenTenn., on July il skill of a sculptor and the eye of an their work, and there will be consid- ventions, will assemble in Chicago, hands on the rustic railing. have not been genwith Samuel Gompers presiding, and art'st. The old-fashioned way of tations were at once made to the Porte erable argument erally considered organized labor's work for 1S9.S will In front is a towering cliff. Through stuffing a tanned hide full of hay has by our minister at Constantinople. Mr. over them among an o r g a n i z i n g end when it adjourns. the agency of a deceptive canvas and fallen into disuse in the Kansas state Thompson, with t h e result that an the delegates when -class. Neverthea bewildering lot of blue, with white university. Papier rnache models are irade was granted by t h e suitan, givthey settle down to i n g t h e college less they sent hunclouds scattered over it. this pile of made in molds, and over this is drawn business. The TRAVEL IN AFRICA. dreds < f delegates t h e s t a t u s of moss-covered rocks appears to be moun- the skin of the animal. Iron rods do union issues a l a t e l ~to the southern an officially recogtain-high- The artist has helped the for bones and orbs of glass for the I for slack work and city.and thousands Kailronil Journeying Is Xot a Flcasant deception by painting lofty peaks that eyes. nized institution Sharp needles and strong a stamp for tight of irale a r d female and declaring all carry the sight-seer beyond the bor- threads do the rest, and when finished work which are Pastime In Scnegambia. workers in retail its property free ders of the Sunflower state and plant the original animal is there in aH his recognized, the The first railroad built in the interior him at the feet stores, large and from taxation. the Rockies. This first by the millers of tropical Africa was the little line imaginary flightof made realistic by a glory and without his cares. small, all over the r n i L i p STE0KG. Steps were taken to is and the second by ninety miles long which connects the group of mountain sheep perched upon prosecute persons country, follow the proceedings with the brewers, disWhile modeling his trees and rocks towns of Kayes and Bafoulabe on the the ledge of rock. The top ledge is H believed to be retillers and others a member's interest. Senegal river in Senegambia. Steam- surmounted with a handsome buck, Prof. Dyche one day sat with his back sponsible for" t h e The tackmaKers had a gathering a t who use t i g h t FRED. J. AXTHox r. ers run up the Senegal from the ocean his heavy horns held lightly aloft as riots, among them, Boston July 15. This country and packages. There has been friction to Kayes. where the river becomes he gazes with a glittering glass eye at the chief of police, with employes here and there attend- unnavigable; and the railroad line to Canada was i-epresented by some 250 whose removal folthe World's Fair spectators. The nose delegates, whcse principal business ing the use of them, but the officers Bafoulabe is the first section of the ex- is natural. The professor believes in rr.OF. MAXiSAPjiAX.lowed. But in adand members of t h e union have been tension of steam facilities to the Niger was the settlement of the eight hour dition t o these disgraced officials a nature as he found it in the fastnesses, question and an election of represent- conciliatory in all negotiations, and ii river, which in time will give uninter- and, having mounted his own animals, number of Armenian christians were atives to the December convention of seems certain t h a t these matters will rupted steam communication between has succeeded in putting as much acarrested, includ n g Profs. Thomaian, be satisfactorily adjusted. General the sea and the upper Niger. A while the American Federation of Labor. Kayayan. Theokharides, Yenides, Secretary Philip Strong predicts a full ago a gentleman who traveled over this tion as possible into the paper pulp Manisadjian and Apastiades, instruct- . bodies. One ewe is in the act of climbThe saddle and harness makers se- attendance. railroad said that it was in a very ing up a huge bowlder that stands at ors attached to the college. These men, lected St. Louis for their national asshabby condition. At one part of the an angle of 45 degrees. The knees are seventeen in all, have been tried and sociation's meeting place on July IS. line a force of 100 natives, supplied sentenced to death a t Angora on a The order's affairs have attracted little The International Machinists' Union with long ropes, was employed to givo bent acd the body pushed forward in charge of having provoked the riots. the effort general attention, as the members do goes to the World's Fair city on Sep- a helpful tow to trains. A meeting was held in London on mot as a rule become involved in a tember IS. This is one of the new In all the cases the po:se is so SECTIOX O F r r . O F . DYCHE 3 E X H I B I T , J u n e 22 to protest against the execuserious disag r e e organizations, and its existence is due tion of these men and to urge action natural that the Easterner is tempted to the fact, to quote General Secretary K A N S A S ECIT-DEXG. ment with their on the part of the British government. to clap his hands to see the sheep N. Norse, "that the national organiemployers. jump down and alight upon their to t h e spectators carefully scrapping As the position in which the conThedog davs a t zation already in existence* refused to horns. With this horn theory Prof. the material from his finger-nails. demned men are placed is indirectly St. Paul will "be a strike out the color line in its constiDyche is disgusted. He says he has Sight-seers kept coming and going, traceable to the demand for reparation week ahead of the tution and afniate with the American seen mountain sheep in all their native but the profesrr moved not a muscle, made by the United States governJourneymen Tail- Federation of Labor." simplicity, has given them every op- apparently, so intent was he on his ment to the Subl roe Porte, and as the ors' union, which late secretary of the American legaportunity in the world to perform and task. The delegates will represent about meets in annual thirty-five local i-nions and thousands they have signally failed. Then, too, "WeP, this beats all I've seen yet." tion in Constantinople, Harry R. Newconvention there on of members. The settlement of t h e he has further exploded the theory by observed a gentleman, accompanied by berry, had even requested the AmeriAug. 7. President hours of labor difficulty and the adconsulting other well-known natural- several ladies. "Everything loois can college authorities to suspend t h e Frederick Jensen, justing of a uniform wage scale will ists, and they declare t h a t the story is true to life here." he continued, "ex- accused' professors, i t seems rather who has held office be the two chief topics before them. all wronjr. cept t h a t old codger over there on the difficult for this country to protest. for some v ears now, Some of the radicals want a change in Prof. Dyche did not stop at moun- log," pointing to Prof. Dyche. The WILLIAM H. COOK. w i l i doubtless be the apprentice system, and there is The question has, however, been retain sheep. When he made this collec- latter wore an old slouch hat daubed re-elected by the order. The sweat- talk of prohibiting strikes altogether. tion he had the pelts of i4T wild ani- with the material he had been using, peatedly asked within the past t e a ing system in larjre wholesale clothing Among the more notable men who and the rest of his a'tire had gradu- days in the British mals, most of them gathered by G I V I X G T H E TTtAIX A L I F T . factories, although much less crying will figure in the convention besides himself in the regions of the United ally assumed the co'orof the r'ocxs and house of commons an evil than formerly, will be rigidly N. Morse are John A. Smith, William Lieut- Jaime of the French navy, States. I t took him two years, and he stumps. As the professor caught the as t o whether the investigated and much, of t h e debate J. Thompson, A- H. Morden, George B r i t i s h govern|Of the sessions is to be on that sub- Heinzerling, Kudolph Stange, Fred who made a name by his trip to Tim- traveled from the sunny confines of remark he turned around. . buktu in a gunboat, confirms the re- Kansas to the snow-locked lakes of "Why, it's alive," said one of the ment intended to ject. Secretary John B. Lennon of Beher, Ernst Kuehne, C. J. Sostrom, port that the natives are used for Manitoba, taking in the Rocky moun- nartv, who hesitated, apparently un- interfere. Sir Edithe union, is also an executive officer Aug. Waidinger and Martin HilL draught purposes to eke out the in- tains on the way. decided "whether to stand her ground ward Grey, parliaof the American Federation of Labor, mentary secretary sufficient power of the locomotives. and the delegates who will go with In the northern part of "Wisconsin he or run. "The helots among the helots," as This picture is taken from t h e book of the foreign ofhim to Chicago in December are to be Henry Weissmann, of the Journeyman moose. This fice, replied that just published by Lieut- Jaime. I t shot a bull leading a longwas a pr'ze, chosen by the St. Louis meeting. chase, he is ILord Jfapier's WonndsBakers' and Confectioners* Union, says shows the train that took his party for besides there was no prob- ' his fellow craftsmen have - been con- over the road. He says that several the largest specimen ever mounted. Doctor Holmes says the lamp of a ability of the death, During the last ten years the tailors sidered in all ages and countries, have times during the journey the locomo- When killed he weighed 1,800 pounds. man's life has three wicksbrain, sentences b e i n g ; have been in nearly 1,000 strikes. Nat- chosen some three hundred delegates tive or one of the cars "was derailed, His antlers tipped t h e beam at 100 blood and breath, and to turn down carried out prior to urally the subject of disagreements to represent them in national conven- and hours were lost in boosting them pounds. His hide weighed 150 pounds j any one cf them makes the other two the further hearing IXSTRUCTOE with capital is to be a weighty one tion at Baltimore beginning Septem- upon the track again. Once in a while and his heart five pounds. The moose go out. The wounds a man will sur- of the case before 'when the tailors are all together. A ber 11. The chief difficulties these everybody on the cars would jump off, stands to the left of the little cyclo- vive; and even disregard, so long as his the Turkish court of appeals. T . I D E S . THEOKHA very large number of visitors will gentlemen hope to settle is the one in order to take a pull at the tow line rama. Mr. Dyche can stand straisrht head, heart and lungs are unhurt, have growing out of t h e following state- or apply their shoulders to t h e train. up and the top of his head just touches long been one of the wonders of war According t o several well-informed watch the convenment of grievances: tion's doings, and the whiskers on the lower jaw of the history. The London World mentions Armenian re -idents of New York, most of whom are now American citizens, the hotel keepers animal- A cow moose, riding down a one conspicuous example. "Our hours are excessively long, and excursion manpoplar tree, that her two calves may It has occurred to no obituary writer English interference, is certain in the A Modern Diogenes. ranging from twelve to twenty per agers are ready to browse off the leaves, stands in front to notice Lord Napier of Magdala's matter. One of these gentlemen, P . day or night. This system of overAn old gentleman, evidently a gath- of her liege lord. welcome the utter indifference to wounds, and the M. Ayvad, the son of an Armenian knights of the neework naturally produces a great army erer of statistics, but with a kindly Next the railing is a group of Vir- wonderful celerity of his recovery from newspaper proprietor and for years dle warmly. of unemployed a t any time anxious to face that shaded off to something like ginia deer, sleek and fat and fit for the them. Two of his wounds he had not resident in Constantinople, says that take the worst kind of a job. Then philanthropy about the edges, was cared to notice at all in his record of his countrymen have long anticipated The Brotherhood t h a t some definite action would be the system in vogue which compels gazing abstracted lv down the street. services furnished to Hart's army list cf Brass Workers taken in their interest by Mr. GladSuddenly he stepped up to a gentlemen to board with their employers sends its represenHe was severely wounded at Fero- stone, whose aversion to Turkish and eat food of the poorest quality, man who was awaiting a horse car,and, tatives to New zeshah, in December. 1845, but had re- methods of treating Christians is wellwhile the lodgings meet not a single touching him lightly on the shoulder, York this year,and covered in time to take part in the known everywhere. requirement of health and cleanliness said, ''Excuse me, but did you just Aug. 1 is the openbattle of Sobraon seven weeks later. drop a five-dollar bill?" at the same is very vicious." The American Armenians describe ing day of the "con- MISSMARY BVKKE. Before Mooltan, in the middle of ventioo. Secretary C. C. McGlogan is However, the union may congratu- time holding out in his hand the sum September, 1543, a cannct-shot all but the condition of affairs in their native There already on the ground making his- late itself on having done much to les- mentioned. The gentleman questioned took off his leg, but he was marching country as quite intolerable. plans, and President "William Ander- sen the evils complained of. One gazed a moment at the note, assumed and fighting agaiD-by these'.ond week are virtually no constitutional rights accorded to Christians. Trials are a son anticipates the attendance of 200 grievance continues. Journeymen bak- a look of excitement, made a hasty in November. delegates, to say nothing of visitors. ers arc engaged largely from the so- search of his pockets, and said. "Why, On Jan. 12, following, he was severe- farce. As an instance of this tbey so I did, and 1 hadn't missed it," holdThe brotherhood is only about two called " b a k e r s ' ing out an eager hand. It' wounded in the trenches, but he was quote the case of Maussa Bey, accused^ of assaulting a years old, but it has now over forty boarding houses," able to march several hundred miles A r m e n i a n girl local assemblies in the C'nited States The old man slowly drew forth a the proprietors of across the'country and fight at Gujrat, three yea-s a g o . and Canada. The apprenticeship note book and said, " I thought so." which, according one month later to a day. He was tried by a question will be. the vexed point with to the men, play He then took the name and address of He was shot in the leg at the first Turkish court and the delegates. The order is endeavorthe loser, and, putting the note in his into the hands of relief of Lucknow, but nevertheless acquitted. P o p u ing to estaolish a uniform system of the "bosses." The pocket, turned away. rode out next day and brought in the lar indignatien reapprenticeship in the trade through"Well," said the other, "doyou want Question of having rear guard, after which throughout the sulted in his being o u t the country. The subject is now bakers engaged at it all as a reward?" blockade he did continuous and ardupnt on trial for the being very amicably discussed by comthe union head"Oh. I did not find one," returned ous service. At the second relief he second time- A repmittees representing the men and their quarters instead of the benevolent old man, "but it struck was severely wounded, but this did not resentative of each employers. Indeed, the brotherhood a t these places will me that in a big place like New York hinder him from, taking up the active foreign power aci s committed to the arbitration of all be advocated and there must be a large quantity of duty of chief engineer at the Alumcredited a t the Suldifficulties whenever possible. Those strived for by the money lost, and upon inquiry I find bagh, a few days later. t a n ' s court was represented at the coming New York delegates. The de- you are the thirty-first man who lost BAECOXT O F T H E KAXSAS rxsTKtrcTOK AXAS- present a t the trial convention will be moulders,finishers, mand to be submitted on behalf of the a five-dollar note this very morning. C. C. M GLOGAST. BVII-PIXGTIADE3. and a SDeedy con; metal polishers, platers, chasers, vice men by the coming convention will be Ingenious Smngglins;. flint-lock rifle of Daniel Boone. Behands, rollers, chandelier makers and for a work day of no more than twelve Some ingenious methods are emtween the big moose and the mountain "the various branches of t h e brass in- hours and fourteen hours on Saturday; viction followed, b u t t h e culprit was Caught' His Man. are a number of caribou or mule deer. ployed for transmitting valuable ar- never imprisoned. dustry. The deliberations are expected that boarding with employers be abolThe other evening an eccentric-look- Below the ledge, upon which the ticles through the postoffice. Not long "to be over in a week. Such well ished, and for a few minor changes. The rapidity which distinguished ago a package from Germany was known labor men as James W. Mo- Charles Iffland, Peter Heinstadt and ing and slovenly dressed old man was heavy-horned sheep are standing, a found to contain a small roll of butter. the conviction of these Christian colloney, Neill McCallum. James J. Gat- C. G. Block are the pioneers in this sitting with his legs crossed in an arm mountain lion is just creeping out of A wire passed through it met with an lege professors is considered a corchair before the fire in the smoke-room her lair between two lowlders. She her and others 'will be present. movement. obstruction, which proved to be a tin responding case in the other direction. of one of the leading hotels in Ecston. has a half-grown whelp by her side. There is one law for the faithful and box filled with valuable jewelry. His trousers were somewhat drawn up A grizzly bear, with his fore paws on another for the infideL The carriage and wagon workers, "We propose t o go right along with the leg which he crossed, exposing to a log, is returning t h e gaze of the Probably a dozen silk handkerIn any action England may take she marshalled by the president of the-in- our work to help our brothers of toil," view a brilliant red, white and bine sightseer. Mr. Dyche well remembers chiefs are found wrapped up in news"temational union, William F . Stuart, :-s how (jrand Master Frederick J. An- striped stocking, and noticing two or that poise, for this was his first big papers in every mail from China. The is fortified by the sixty-first section of the Treaty of Berlin, and also by a a r e to assemble a t Chicago on August thony forecasts the proceedings a t the three of the company- looking a t it and game and this identical bear had his skill exhibited by the postal clerks in clause in t h e Treaty of Cyprus, or 14, and w h a t with debates over wages, coming national convention of Rail- smiling at each other,he lifted his foot white claws on top of a fallen tree in detecting such inclosures is wonder- Anglo-Turkish Convention, both of \;be settlement of way Shop Employes at Indianapolis, into full view, and said, with appar- the dense forests of the mountains ful. I t seems to partake of the nature which provided for the protection of strikes and the ad- which opens Sept. 24. Here, in the ently much satisfaction: when the bullet flew true to its mark. of intuition. They say they do not the rights of Armenian Christians. y visability of arbi- grand master's own words, is the scope "Grand pattern that, isn't it, gentle- A mammoth elk. 10 feet 9 inches' know themselves how they do it, but. Not long since Mr. Gladstone wrote a tration.not to men- of the movement: men? I'll bet there isn't another like from the ground t o t h e " tto of the i that a newspaper with a silk handker- letter to a prominent Armenian extion t h e World's pressing his determination to take up 'About July 18. J 891, a t the New it in the room." antlers, appears ready :o soring awav c l " e z m lfc ? " , * ? * O I n t t - v f e c " n S Fair, the adjourn- Mexico headquarters of the Atchison. the "whole question of Ottoman gov"I'll bet cigars all round that there upon a stretch of prairie to the right! ! W *S n f n ' P . n , a t e d ment will not come Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, a little is," replied one. ernment in Armenia as soon as the In front is a huge buffalo and by his! . *"lk stockings and lace are posted Irish home rule bill is out of the way. for m a n y days. trouble arose between shop employes "Done! "Where is it?" asked the old side a cow and little buffalo calf, over 1TPF\ France m the same manner. An T h i s i s ' a l s o a and the master mechanic which led man. which the women visitors go into ecs- 1 ?ad kind of smuggling ,s earned on young order, hav- to a strike of every man, although "On your other foot," said t h e bet- tasies. A rabbit nestles behind a tnft , n 1}}S country, wmen consists of the A bright story of Irish wit is related in ing been organized there was. only one branch of em- tor, with a triumphant laugh. It apo grass near the feet o the elk. * " * AS^SSl f f JUS? kin? \^ASVJSSSSSi ngur in IS'JI with 450 ployes organized, which were the "Tnat's just where you make a mis- Sight seers have to look twice before ! Wpears tnat an .nsuisu wunsi, * y C ^?"JaiV ,' Pears that an Enelish tcarist iwas shown members all told. machinists, and only half of them be- take," said the old man, with a know- they catch a glimpse of him. I d n ? d , and are much relished by the the sights by a guide one day. an d among the The members now longed to the union. On the morning ing smile. " I generally reckon upon gap" and Directlv in front of the railing is a ! Italians :n the Lnitea States. They places visited were the '"Devil'samount of an O E O R G E I - H 0 P . X . run into the thou- cf the second day those cf t h e finding one flat in a company, and so realistic 'bit of landscape gardening c ? m e ? a 1 1 bags, and are easily dis- the "Devil's bowl." "What Ireland!" said land the devil possesies in sands. They are a conservative body machinists who did not belong to the come prepared." that would tax the best endeavors of I Anguished oy smell. In an average the tourist: "he must be an important perand only two strikes have been union began talking of going back t o With that he pulled up the other leg Uncle John Thorpe t o equal. - ! year 25 00o unsealed packages are con- sonage in this country." "Your honor's inaugurated bv cbemonein Pitts- Vrork, and when the other employes, of his troupers, and. to the astonish- flowers are there, bnt the ground isi N 0 "seated in the 2sew York office, and right," replied the guide promptly; "bat, as! burg, Pa., and another a t Wheel- who had no organization a t all to ment of everyone but the, loser, ex- natural as mother earth. A hollow \ released on payment of fines which like the rest of the landlords, he's an abing, W. Va. Both were won by the back them, heard of' it there was al- posed to view a black stocking. sentee.rExchange. log shows the front entrance to the i a r e equivalent to duties.

KANSAS E X H I B I T . . f ^ t ^ ,






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