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Question 1 NAEP national performance results in U.S. History at grade 12: 2010 Identify a quotation from Brown v.

Board of Ed.

# Rounds to zero. NOTE: These results are for public and nonpublic school students. Percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2010 U.S. History Assessment.

Question 2 NAEP national performance results in U.S. History at grade 12: 2010 What case did Brown v. Board of Ed. overturn?

NOTE: These results are for public and nonpublic school students. Percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2010 U.S. History Assessment.

Question 3 Complete - Student Response Based on the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the conditions that this 1954 decision was designed to correct. Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Based on the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the conditions that this 1954 decision was designed to correct. Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Scorer Comments: The responses explain the decision aimed to end legalized school segregation in the South. The answers use specific references from the quotation or other historical knowledge. The answers refer to "separate but equal" systems of schools. Partial - Student Response Based on the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the conditions that this 1954 decision was designed to correct. Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Based on the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the conditions that this 1954 decision was designed to correct. Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Scorer Comments: The first response mentions that having separate schools for African American and White students is supposed to be equal, but that it is not really equal. However, it does not say that the Brown case was meant to desegregate schools specifically, making this a partial explanation and not a complete explanation. The second response says that the Brown case was designed to correct segregation in schools, but it does not directly explain what that correction would be. Their reference to schools and segregation indicate a partial understanding of the question. Inappropriate - Student Response Based on the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the conditions that this 1954 decision was designed to correct. Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Based on the quotation and your knowledge of history, describe the conditions that this 1954 decision was designed to correct. Be as specific as possible in your answer.

Scorer Comments: This response does not provide enough information to indicate an understanding of the Brown case. The phrase separate but equal and word segregation are present, but the response makes no attempt to indicate whether the Brown case supported or struck down these ideas. The second response could just as easily be provided for a question about the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson. The response does not convey an understanding of what specifically the Brown case was designed to correct: segregation in public schools. Racism, prejudice, and injustice are vague references but this cannot be inferred based on the information provided.

NAEP national performance results in U.S. History at grade 12: 2010 What social problem was Brown v. Board of Ed. supposed to correct?

NOTE: These results are for public and nonpublic school students. Percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2010 U.S. History Assessment.

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