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Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul.

/2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

64/128 QAM-MLCM

Field Commissioning Tests


Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 1/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero


Section Description Page

1 Purpose of the Document 3
2 Equipment Band & System Type 3
3 Relevant Documentation 3
4 Operating system presetting 3
5 List of Instruments & Accessories 4
6 PC Management Software 5
7 System Presetting 5
8 Local Measurements 6
8.1 RF Output level at Tx Output 6
8.2 RF Output level at antenna circulator 8
8.3 PC Indication 9
8.4 Tx Spectrum Mask 10
8.5 Tx L.O. Frequency 10
9 Feeders Measurement 11
9.1 Waveguide Return Loss 11
9.2 Cross polar antenna decoupling 13
9.3 Space diversity equalization 14
10 Hop Measurements 19
10.1 IF frequency response 19
10.2 Received power level 23
10.3 BER VS Receiver 23
10.4 Background BER Test 26
10.5 Service channel test 28
11 Switching Test 29
11.1 Tx Switching test 29

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 2/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

1. Purpose of the Document

Purpose of this document is to define the guideline to be followed to perform the
commissioning and line up tests of SRT-1F radio equipments.

2. Equipment Band & System Type

Verify the Frequency Band and System Type of the Equipment under test and sign the
corresponding fields on Test Report.

3. Relevant Documentation

• Equipment Factory Test (shipped with the radio equipments)

• SRT-1 F Equipment Manual (UMN)
• LCT SW Manual (OMN)
• Field commissioning test Sheets

4. Operating System Presetting

Please refers to the software manual (OMN) to install the LCT software program on the PC.

The operating system required for the LCT are Win NT/XP.

To establish a proper connection between the PC and the radio equipment set the parameters
in the Control Panel→Regional Settings menu as follow:
In the Number menu:
• Decimal Symbol “.”
• Digit Grouping Symbol “,”
In the Currency menu
• Digit Grouping Symbol “.”
In the Time menu
• Decimal Symbol “.”

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 3/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

5. List of Necessary Instruments & Accessories

• Personal Computer

• SDH Signal Analyze (with S1 byte facility)

• Frequency Counter

• Power Meter (optical if necessary), with Properly Power sensors

• Spectrum Analyzer

• Link Analyzer TX & RX with analog phase detector or HP8593E with MLA option
code 11770A

• Fixed & Variable Attenuators (in Proper Band)

• LCT Sw program

• PC RS-232 serial cable

• RF &IF cables and Adapters (in Proper Band)

• Directional Coupler with accessories (in proper band)

• RF Sweep Generator (in proper band)

• Wave Guide to coax Transition

• Optical Signal Analyzer (if required)

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 4/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

6. PC Management Software

To check the LCT version release run the LCT software program and click on "ABOUT"
push-button. The "About LCT" window appears.
This window indicates the Software Release and the Release Date.

WARNING: The operating system required for the LCT are Win NT/XP.

7. System Presetting

Personal Computer with the LCT software program


Connect the PC to the SRT1-F radio equipment and run the LCT program.

1. To control the System type choose the Provisioning→System→Set System parameters

menu and the Set System Parameters dialog box appears.
Select the Action Retrieve and click OK.

2. To control the frequency of each channel choose the Provisioning→Facility→Set

Radio interface→Set Radio Channel menu and select the MSTU unit. The Set Radio Channel
dialog box appears. Select the Action Retrieve and click OK.

3. To control the BER Alarm Threshold choose the Provisioning→Facility→Set Radio

Interface→Set RSPI menu and select the MSTU. The Set RSPI dialog box appears.
Select the Action Retrieve and click OK.

NB: The advisable BER ALM Threshold is 2(1x10-3).

4. To control the synchronization settings choose the Provisioning→System→Set

Synchronization→Set Sync Parameter menu and the Set Sync Parameter dialog box appears.
Select the Action Retrieve and click OK.

NB: Remember that the sync. parameter should be in according to the sync. planning

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 5/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

8. Local Transceiver Measurements



Power meter with high power sensor, cables and fixed attenuators.


Disconnect the TX coaxial cable from the MSTU unit and connect the power sensor to the
MSTU output (see fig.2).
Performing this measure with ATPC HIGH and ATPC LOW.
To modify the ATPC status perform the following operations:
• Choose Provisioning→Facility→Set Radio Interface→Set Automatic Transmit Control.
• Click a selectable unit, then click anywhere else on the shelf. The Set Automatic
Transmit Control dialog box appears (fig. 1).

Fig.1 Set Automatic Transmit Control dialog box

• Select the Action Edit and the TPC value and then click OK

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 6/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

BRU Top view of MSTU Adapter

SMA Connector







Fig.2 TX output power test bench

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 7/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero



Power meter with high power sensor, proper waveguide coupler, adaptors, cables and fixed


Switch off all the MSTU units and disconnect the waveguide from the TX/RX antenna
circulator (indicated in the following picture as MAIN).
Connect an adapter at the TX/RX antenna circulator.
Connect the Power meter to the adapter and switch on only the MSTU under test.
Check that the MSTU Output Power respects the limit indicated in Test Report .
If the MSTU power does not comply with the limit check the calibration of the power sensor
and repeat the measure. If the MSTU power still does not comply with the limit, replace the
MSTU unit. Perform this measure for each MSTU unit.

NB: Switch on only 1 MSTU at a time.

Fig.3 Example of BRU

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 8/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero


Check the TX and RX levels indicated by LCT in Display Current Level menu.

• Choose Status/Control→Analog Monitoring→Display Current Level.

• Click a selectable unit, then click anywhere else on the shelf. The Display Current Level
dialog box appears (fig.4).

Fig.4 Display Current Level dialog box

• Select the Monitor Type

• Click OK to displayed the value.

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 9/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero



Spectrum Analyzer, proper waveguide coupler, adapters, RF cable and fixed attenuators.


Switch off all the MSTU units and disconnect the waveguide from the TX/RX antenna
Connect an adapter at the TX/RX antenna circulator.
Connect the Spectrum Analyzer to the adapter and switch on only the MSTU under test.
The Spectrum Analyzer settings are reported in the Test Report. Check that the MSTU
emitted spectrum respects the mask shown in the Test Report.
In case the MSTU emitted spectrum does not comply with mask insert a fixed attenuator
(10dB or similar value) at the input of the Spectrum Analyzer in order to reduce the inter
modulation. If the MSTU emitted spectrum still does not comply with the mask, replace the
Perform this measure for each MSTU unit

NB: Perform this measure with DTA instrument connecting to the channel under test



Frequency-meter and RF cable.


Connect the Frequency-Meter to the Local Oscillator Monitory Point in the front side of
MSTU units and check that the measured value respects the limit.

Important: The LO frequency is 844MHz distance to the RF nominal value.

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 10/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

9. Feeders Measurements


- RF sweep generator
- RF flexible cables
- Spectrum Analyzer
- Directional Coupler with Circulators, Short Circuit and Adaptive Load
- Plotter or Camera


Switch off all MSTU units and disconnect waveguide from the N3 rack. Connect the
Waveguide Directional Coupler ports respectively to short circuit, RF generator and Spectrum

Verify that no other radio systems are transmitting in the RF sweep band under test.

1) Set a test bench as shown in the fig. 3.

2) Use the RF sweep generator to send a sweep signal in the working frequency bandwidth.
Set the instrument with the sweep time to 0,01 s.
3) Set the spectrum analyzer as follows:

Residual Bandwidth Filter: 1 MHz

Video Bandwidth Filter: 100 kHz
Sweep Time: 15 s.

4) Connect the short circuit to the coupler terminal flange (see fig. 5).
5) Connect the RF generator to the directional coupler input and the spectrum analyzer to the
6) Memorize the received trace on the spectrum analyzer display.
7) Remove the short circuit from the coupler terminal flange and connect it to the wave guide
under test (see fig. 6).

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 11/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

8) Check that the amplitude difference between the actual and the previous trace is comply
with the limit reported in the test sheets document.
9) If required plot the traces on the spectrum analyzer display.

Spectrum Analyzer

RF Generator Circulator

Directional Coupler
Circulator Short Circuit

Fig. 5: Return Loss measurement phase 1.


Spectrum Analyzer

RF Generator Circulator

Directional Coupler Wave Guide


Fig. 6: Return Loss measurement phase 2.

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 12/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero



RF Generator, Spectrum Analyzer, adapters, RF cable and fixed attenuators.


Switch off all MSTU units and disconnect the waveguide from the N3 rack.
Verify that no other radio systems are transmitting in the RF sweep band under test. On
the contrary perform this measure only in the channel bandwidth of the Transmitter.
Set the RF Generator instrument to transmit a sweep signal in the complete RF band of the
Transmitting the sweep signal from the local station on H polarization and check in the remote
station the received signal on same polarization antenna port with the Spectrum Analyzer.
Please store this trace as reference. Connect the Spectrum Analyzer to V polarization antenna
port and compare the received signal with the previous one. If the difference is not comply
with the limit rotate slightly the antenna illuminator until the limit is respected. Perform this
operation in a both stations.
Repeat this measure transmitting the sweep signal on V polarization antenna port.

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 13/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero



Link Analyzer with analog phase detect or HP8593E with MLA option code 11770A,
Spectrum Analyzer, adapters, IF & RF cables, fixed & variable attenuators.


1. Connect the Tx Link Analyser to “70M IN” of MSTU in the remote station and the Rx
Link Analyser to “XPIC OUT” of MSTU in the near-end station , set as follow :

Link TX Settings
Base band Frequency 250 ÷ 500KHz
Deviation 250 ÷ 500KHz
Sweep width ±2.0 MHz
IF Frequency 70.00 MHz
IF Level –10.0 dBm

2. Control in the remote station that the ATPC function is OFF (ATPC HIGH or LOW)
(Provisioning→Facility→Set Radio Interface→Set Automatic Transmit Control).
3. Change the status of Rx equipment from “In service” to “Maintenance” by LCT.
• Choose Status/Control→Maintenance Radio Interface→Change Maintenance
State and select the MSTU unit. The Change Maintenance State dialog box appears
• Select RSPI and the action Maintenance and click OK.

Fig.7 Change Maintenance State dialog box

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 14/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

4. Set the Frequency Measurement in the Rx equipment by LCT.

• Choose State/Control→ Maintenance Radio Interface→Radio Physical Interface.
Select the MSTU unit and the dialog box appears (fig.8).
• Select the Action Operate and the Item Frequency Measurement and click OK.

Fig.8 Radio Physical Interface dialog box

5. Set the ITEM No. rotary switch in position “B” in the Rx station.
6. Confirm that the following output level is within the limit:
• XPIC OUT –10dBm±1db
7. If the output level is not comply with the tolerance adjust the level by LCT
• Choose Status/Control→ Maintenance Radio Interface→RSPI adjustment.
• Select the Adjustment Item RX IF GAIN to modify the XPIC OUT.
• Select the UP/DOWN and the Mode as required and click OK.
8. Set the “SD DADE ON ” (to active the internal oscillation) and “EPS OFF” (to turn
off the automatic phase adjustment) by LCT in Rx station.
• Choose State/Control→ Maintenance Radio Interface→Maintenance for SD.
Select the MSTU unit and the Maintenance for SD dialog box appears (fig.9).
• Select the Action Operate and the Item SD DADE ON and click OK.
• Select the Action Operate and the Item EPS OFF and click OK

Fig.9 Maintenance for SD dialog box

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 15/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

9. To display the two tracks on the Rx link analyzer turn the ITEM No. rotary switch in
position “0” and after than in position “B” again. The difference between the 2 tracks
displayed represent delay T between Main and diversity’s received signals (due to wave
guide path difference).
Confirm that the delay difference displayed on the Microwave Link Analyzer is less
than 2 ns.
If the delay difference is not less than 2 ns, change the delay line with SD DADE so as
to achieve the difference of 2 ns. The green jumpers are used to introduce the delay on
Diversity way. The green jumpers in default position (vertical) does not introduce
delay, put it in horizontal position to introduce the delay. Please refer to following
picture (Fig. 10):

Fig. 10

10. Enter in the Maintenance for SD dialog box by LCT and select the Action Release and
the Item SD DADE ON and click OK. In the same dialog box select the Action Release
and the Item EPS OFF and click OK

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 16/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

This chapter describes how to equalize the amplitude of the two received path. They must be
executed on the Main way when the Div receives a negligible power and vice versa.
Please performing this test at PRX<-50dBm

1. Remove the SD RX RF input cable.

2. Confirm that the following output levels are within the limits:
• MN 70M OUT –10dBm±1db
• XPIC OUT –10dBm±1dB
3. If the output levels are not comply with the tolerances adjust the levels by LCT
• Choose Status/Control→ Maintenance Radio Interface→RSPI adjustment.
Select the MSTU unit and the RSPI Adjustment dialog box appears (fig.11).

Fig. 11 Radio Physical Interface dialog box

• Select the Adjustment Item RX RF GAIN to modify the MN 70M OUT.

• Select the UP/DOWN and the Mode as required and click OK.
• Select the Adjustment Item RX IF GAIN to modify the XPIC OUT.
• Select the UP/DOWN and the Mode as required and click OK.
4. Replace the SD RX RF input cable and remove the MAIN RX RF input cable.
5. Confirm that the following output level is within the limits:
• XPIC OUT –10dBm±1dB

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 17/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

6. If the output level is not comply with the tolerance adjust the level by LCT
• Choose Status/Control→ Maintenance Radio Interface→RSPI adjustment.
• Click a selectable unit, then click anywhere else on the shelf. The RSPI Adjustment
dialog box appears.
• Select the Adjustment Item SD GAIN to modify the XPIC OUT.
• Select the UP/DOWN and the Mode as required
7. Set the ITEM No. rotary switch in position “0”in the Rx station.
8. Enter in the Radio Physical Interface dialog box by LCT and Release the Frequency
9. Change the status of Rx equipment from Maintenance to In service by LCT.
10. Replace the MAIN RX RF input cable.

Repeat the same procedure for all MSTU units equipped.

Important: In the SRT1F equipment is possible to compensate a static delay between Main
and Diversity antenna only to insert a delay on diversity way. The max delay compensable
is 120nsec.

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 18/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

10. Hop Measurements



Link Analyzer, adapters, IF & RF cables, fixed & variable attenuators.


Connect the Tx Link Analyser to “70M IN” of MSTU in the remote station and the Rx Link
Analyser to “XPIC OUT” of MSTU in the local station as show in fig 12 , set as follow

Link TX Settings
Baseband Frequency 250 ÷ 500KHz
Deviation 250 ÷ 500KHz
Sweep width ±12.0 MHz
IF Frequency 70.00 MHz
IF Level –10.0 dBm

Change the status of Rx equipment from “In service” to “Maintenance” by LCT.

• Choose Status/Control→ Maintenance Radio Interface→Change Maintenance State
and select the MSTU. The Change Maintenance State dialog box appears.
• Select RSPI and the action Maintenance and click OK.

If Space Diversity system is applied, this test should be done for MAIN receiver and SD
receiver independently.


1. Remove the SD RX RF cable.

2. In the received side set the ITEM No. rotary switch to “B” position.
3. Set the Frequency Measurement of Rx side by LCT. Choose State/Control→
Maintenance Radio Interface→Radio Physical Interface. Select the MSTU unit and
the dialog box appears.
4. Select the Action Operate and the Item Frequency Measurement and click OK.
5. The amplitude response and the group delay curve are displayed on RX link analyser.

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 19/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

6. If the RX link analyser is not locked only, confirm that the XPIC OUT level is whitin
the limit (–10dBm±1dB). If the output level is not comply with the tolerance adjust the
level by LCT as describe in the chapter 9.3.6.
7. In absence of fading and reflections, check that the amplitude response and the group
delay of the main receiver are within the limits.
8. If the amplitude response does not comply with the limits, use the INCR/DECR push-
button on the front panel of the MSTU until the amplitude is within the limits.
Performed this operation with ITEM No. rotary switch in the “B” position.
9. If the group delay response does not comply with the limits, use the INC/DECR push-
button on the front panel of the MSTU until the amplitude is within the limits.
Performed this operation with ITEM No. rotary switch in the following position:
• ITEM No.2 : DELAY-HIGH (for adjustment of higher frequency)
• ITEM No.3 : DELAY-MIDDLE (for adjustment of middle frequency)
• ITEM No.4 : DELAY-LOW (for adjustment of low frequency)
10. To memorize the new value set the ITEM No. rotary switch in “9” position and push
the INCR/DECR buttons simultaneously. After that, reset the ITEM No. rotary switch
to “0”.
11. Connect the SD RX RF cable.
12. Enter in the Radio Physical Interface dialog box by LCT and Release the Frequency
11. If the diversity is not applied, change the status of Rx equipment from Maintenance to
In service by LCT.


13. Remove the MN RX RF cable.

14. In the received side set the ITEM No. rotary switch to “B” position.
15. Set the Frequency Measurement of Rx side by LCT. Choose State/Control→
Maintenance Radio Interface→Radio Physical Interface. Select the MSTU unit and
the dialog box appears.
16. Select the Action Operate and the Item Frequency Measurement and click OK.
17. The amplitude response and the group delay curve are displayed on RX link analyser.
18. In absence of fading and reflections., check that the amplitude response and the group
delay of the diversity receiver are within the limits.
19. If the amplitude response does not comply with the limits, adjust it by LCT.
• Choose Status/Control→ Maintenance Radio Interface→RSPI adjustment.
• Click a selectable unit, then click anywhere else on the shelf. The RSPI Adjustment
dialog box appears
• Select the Adjustment Item SDSLOPE to modify the IF response.
• Select the UP/DOWN and the Mode as required and click OK.

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

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Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

20. If the group delay response does not comply with the limits, use the INC/DECR push-
button on the front panel of the MSTU until the amplitude is within the limits.
Performed this operation with ITEM No. rotary switch in the following position:
• ITEM No.2 : DELAY-HIGH (for adjustment of higher frequency)
• ITEM No.3 : DELAY-MIDDLE (for adjustment of middle frequency)
• ITEM No.4 : DELAY-LOW (for adjustment of low frequency)
21. To memorize the new value set the ITEM No. rotary switch in “9” position and push
the INCR/DECR buttons simultaneously. After that, reset the ITEM No. rotary switch
to “0”.
22. Connect the MN RX RF cable.
23. Enter in the Radio Physical Interface dialog box by LCT and Release the Frequency
24. Change the status of Rx equipment from Maintenance to In service by LCT.

Important: In the 128 QAM system, the IF adaptive equalizer D-EQL is used according
to the BRU system. Please refers to the following table:

CH arrangement Adjacent Channel D-EQL code

Interleaved None CT DLEQ-1161-SOSHIN
Co-Channel One adjacent Upper CT DLEQ-1235-SOSHIN
Co-Channel Two adjacent CT DLEQ-1234-SOSHIN
Co-Channel One adjacent Lower CT DLEQ-1236-SOSHIN

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

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Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero


Microwave Link



DADE setting for SD

Microwave Link
XPIC OUT (Receiver)

Fig. 12 Test bench for IF FREQUENCY RESPONSE

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 22/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero


Measure the PRx on main and diversity receiver by power meter.

Verify that the Nominal Received Signal (hop calculation) and the PC indication is in according
to the measured values.



SDH Data Transmission Analyzer, BB cables, variable & fixed attenuators, RF cables,
adapters, Power meter with High sensibility sensor.


To perform this test the variable attenuator could be insert in TX side or RX side.
Note that attenuating on Rx side only the MSTU unit is tested, instead attenuating on Tx side
also the presence of RF interferences are considered in the measure.
In presence of interfering system verify that the measured value is comply with expected one.
Measure the PRx reference level considering the Rx filter attenuation with power meter .
Increase the attenuation and check that BER 10-6 and BER 10-3 points respect the limits.
Performing this test in single Main (i.e. disabled the SD) and in Combined (i.e. enable the SD)
to check the Space Diversity improvement.

Important: To disable the SD remove the DADE jumpers.

N.B. To perform this test in combined condition one variable attenuator in Tx side or
two variable attenuator in Rx side are needed.

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 23/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero



SDH Data Transmission Analyzer with S1 byte facility, BB cables


Connect the DTA instrument to the SRT-1F radio equipment in the local station and put a base
band loop in the remote station.
Please select the following settings on the DTA instrument:
STM-1 signal - VC4 unframed - 140 M/s payload
Set the correct synch settings by LCT on the radio equipment and start the measure.
The measurement time should be in according to the customer requirement (12h or 24h).
If the measure fails remove the base band loop and connect to the radio equipment another
DTA instrument. This operation is helpful to locate which direction is critical.

Caution: The radio equipment should be synchronize before to perform this test.

To synchronize the hop performing the following step:

• In the local station connect the DTA to the radio and set the byte S1 to 0010 (G.811)
• In the local station by LCT choose Provisioning→Set Synchronization→Set Sync
Mode and the following dialog box appears (fig. 17).
• Select the Action Edit and the SYNC Mode 1 and click OK

Fig. 17 Set Sync Mode dialog box

• Choose Provisioning→Set Synchronization→Set Sync Parameter and the following

dialog box appears (fig. 18).
• Select the Action Edit and set the CLK MODE = TCU and EC Priority 1 = GP1-W1-L
(STM1 channel1) and click OK.
• In the same dialog box select the action Retrieve and click OK to control if the radio
equipment is sync. to the STM1.

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 24/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

Fig. 18 Set Sync Parameter dialog box

• In the remote station by LCT choose Provisioning→Set Synchronization→Set Sync

Mode fig.17 appear.
• Select the Action Edit and the SYNC Mode 1 and click OK.
• Choose Provisioning→Set Synchronization→Set Sync Parameter and the fig. 18
• Select the Action Edit and set the CLK MODE = TCU and EC Priority 1 = GP1-W1-R
(DEM channel 1) and click OK.
• In the same dialog box select the action Retrieve and click OK to control if the radio
equipment is sync. to the DEM 1.

Caution: The above parameter is used only to perform the Background BER test. Every
in service equipment should be configured according to the sync. planning.

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 25/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero



No instruments.


To configure the EOW settings in according to the customer requirement used the following
Provisioning→System→Set Orderwire→Set OHB: to enable/disable the drop/insert of E1/E2
byte in the line (Tributary conference) or radio side.
Provisioning→System→Set Orderwire→Channel select: to select which channel manage the
E1/E2 byte.
Provisioning→System→Set Orderwire→OW Function: to set the group and station number.
Provisioning→System→Set Orderwire→OW Extension: to enable/disable the EOW external

Perform a selective and omnibus call and verify that the EOW works well
To perform the selective call dial #XXYY
To perform the omnibus call dial #XX**

NB: “XX” is the group number, “YY” is the station number


In the back to back terminals configuration the E1/E2 transit should be done by EOW
external extension or Tributary Conference.
When Tributary Conference is enable no EOW external extension to other SDH eqpt.
must be used to avoid signal loop.
To enable the EOW external extension choose the following menu:
Provisioning→System →Set Orderwire→OW Extension
To enable the Tributary conference choose the following menu:
Provisioning→System →Set Orderwire→Set OHB

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 26/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

11. Switching Test


To be performed in all protected Configuration.


SDH Data Transmission Analyzer, BB cables


Connect the DTA instrument to the SRT-1F radio equipment in the local station and put a base
band loop in the remote station.
Please select the following settings on the DTA instrument:
STM-1 signal - VC4 unframed - 140 M/s payload
Before to perform this test select the Provisioning→System→Set Radio Protection
system→Set SW initiator menu by LCT and set Y on each channel.

1. To simulate the B-SW (bipolar switch) turn off the MSTU under test. Confirm that the B-
SW has occurred by DTA instrument and by LCT (Choose Status/Control→Radio
Protection switch→Group 1/2 and the dialog box in fig.19 appears). This test is not errors
2. To simulate the U-SW (unipolar switch) insert a variable attenuator in Tx side (remote
station) and increase the attenuation. Confirm that the U-SW has occurred by DTA
instrument and by LCT. This test is not errors free.
3. To simulate the Sw switch enter in the Radio Protection Switch dialog box and select the
MSTU under test ( click on the B-SW or U-SW green button). To switch the MSTU under
test on Protection channel press the button Manual or Force in the dialog box. Confirm
that the U-SW/B-SW has occurred by DTA and by LCT. Remember that only the U-SW is
errors free.

NB: Remember that the B-SW is not hitless because occurs for HW faults.

CAUTION : The Radio Protection Switch dialog box does not have the automatic refresh in
the default configuration. Click the button Refresh in the dialog box to have the actual status
of the equipment.

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 27/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02
Rep. 1740 Data 05/2002 Ed. 6 Em.Var. Jul./2003 Firma Escudero

Esec. Elifani / Mariani Contr Escudero

Fig. 19 Radio Protection Switch dialog box

Field Commissioning Test Procedure 909-024/12 PI

SRT 1 F - 28/28-
Copyright by: Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A
Mod. 151-204/66
Ed. 02

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