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Carrera de Ingeniería Ambiental

Curso: “Remediación y Restauración

IGA 094
Msc. Karen Eckhardt Rovalino

Objectives of the session:

I. Review the national legislation referring to soil decontamination.

I. Know how to apply the Guide for the Development of PDS of the Ministry
of the Environment (2017).
What is environmental remediation?

Set of processes through which it seeks to recover the natural

conditions and characteristics of natural spaces (at the scale of
landscapes, ecosystems, plant formations, patches, etc.) over which
considerable environmental damage has been generated.

Remediation technologies must consider the physical, chemical and

biological characteristics of the environment and the contaminant.
¿Qué es un sitio contaminado?
Soil whose chemical characteristics have been negatively altered by the presence of
polluting chemical substances deposited by human activity, in concentrations such
that, depending on the current or planned use of the site and its surroundings, it
represents a risk to human health and the integrity of ecosystems (DS 002-2013-
MINAM) (DS 012-2017-MINAM).

Impacted site (Hydrocarbons):

Geographical area that may include abandoned wells and facilities, effluents, spills,
leaks, solid waste, emissions, waste deposits, contaminated soils, subsoil and / or
surface of water whose physical, chemical and / or biological characteristics have
been altered negatively as a consequence of Hydrocarbon Activities (D.S. Mº039-
2016-EM, reglamento Ley 30321, Fondo de Contingencia para Remediación
The direct or indirect putting in, through human activity, of substances, vibrations, heat or
noise into the atmosphere, water or soil, which may have detrimental effects on human
health or the quality of the environment, or may cause damage to material goods or
deteriorate or impair the enjoyment or other legitimate uses of the environment (art 22,
apartado 2, de la Directiva 2010/75/UE, sobre las emisiones industriales).

Soil contaminated (RD 9/2005):

Soil whose characteristics have been negatively altered by the presence of dangerous
chemical components of human origin, in such a concentration that it reports an
unacceptable risk to human health or the environment, and has been declared so by

Real Decreto 9/2005, «BOE» núm. 15, de 18 de enero de 2005 Referencia: BOE-A-2005-895. La Agencia Europea de
Medio Ambiente (AEMA)
I. Remediation of Soils in the National Legislation
D.S. N° 012-2017-MINAM: Approve criteria for Contaminated Site Management
Remediation of Soils in the National Legislation
• It guides the correct analysis of
determination of sites of interest.
• Focus sampling efforts.
• Presents the cases in which the
sampling application is excepted, under
certain criteria

Manual de Procedimientos y Lineamientos - MINAM has provided guidance to the industrial

owner in the application of ECA SUELOS. Howeveer, this guidance has not been made
D.S. N°011-2017-MINAM, ECA SUELO
Remediation of Soils in the National Legislation
D.S. N°011- 2017-MINAM: Aprueban Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) para
Regulated substances – ECA Suelo (D.D 011-2017-MINAM
Government institutions involved in the problem of soil
II. Preparation of the Soil Decontamination
Plan MINAM, 2014
1. Identification Phase
1.1. Preliminary evaluation
- Historical research
- Technical site survey
- Initial conceptual model
1.2. Identification Sampling
1.3. Background Level Sampling
1.4. Contaminated Sites Identification Report

2. Soil Decontamination Plan

2.1. Characterization phase
2.2. Proposed Remedial Actions
2.3. Content of the Decontamination Plan
Fase de Implementación (D.S 002-2014-MINAM)
Flowchart of the Soil Decontamination Plan

MINAM, 2014 . Guía para la Elaboración de Planes de

Descontaminación del Suelo
MINAM, 2014 . Guía para la Elaboración de Planes de
Descontaminación del Suelo
Fase de Identificación
Fase de Caracterización
Fase de Elaboración del PDR
(Plan dirigido a la remediación)
I. Identification phase
Why is an identification phase required?

To determine if a site exceeds or not the ECA- Soil or background levels.

¿What needs to be done in the identification phase?

A preliminary evaluation must be carried out that includes the historical investigation and
the technical survey of the site, on this basis the identification or exploratory sampling is
carried out.

MINAM, 2014 . Guía para la Elaboración de Planes de Descontaminación del Suelo

1.1. Preliminary evaluation

The objective of the preliminary evaluation is to collect, complement and validate

information required to determine:

- The areas of potential interest,

- The parameters to be analyzed in the soils,

- The sampling efforts.
1.1. Preliminary evaluation

- Confirm the indications that classify the site as potentially contaminated (complaints, use of
industrial land or disposal of waste, etc.).

- Know the operations developed on the site to define the nature of the potential contamination,
contaminants, the different routes, routes of exposure and the adverse effects observed in the
environment or the potential effects that may arise.
- Delimit areas that may be contaminated and require an Identification Sampling (MI) and its scope.

- Prepare recommendations that guide the following stages as well as specific recommendations for
technical investigations (characterization).
1.1. Preliminary evaluation

Historical Research

Technical Site Survey

Initial Conceptual Model

MINAM, 2014 . Guía para la Elaboración de Planes de Descontaminación del Suelo

1 Historical Research
2 Technical Site Survey


MINAM, 2014 . Guía para la Elaboración de Planes de Descontaminación del Suelo.

3 What is an initial Conceptual Site Model?

o The Conceptual Site Model (CSM) is an iterative, ‘living

representation’ of a site that summarizes and helps project
teams visualize and understand available information.

o It also encourages the creation and revision of a CSM as a

primary project planning and management tool.

o The ability to efficiently access and interpret data is essential

to guiding project teams through the entire cleanup process,
from project planning to site completion.
Initial Conceptual Site Model
The conceptual model includes:

- Source of selected critical pollutants.

- Receptors of pollutions.

- Routes of exposure (transport mechanisms).

- Exhibition routes.

- Possible migration of contaminants from one physical medium to another and their possible
migration outside the limits of the study site.

- Other stress factors different from the pollutants evaluated.

- Factors that modify the effect of contaminants on receptors, for example, temperature,
salinity and pH of the medium, presence of organic matter, sediment supply, among others.
Elements of Conceptual Site Model
Conceptual Site Model CSM

Pathway Receptor Network Diagram or CSM, the pathway receptor network diagram is used to ensure
the incorporation of human and ecological exposure information in project planning and implementation.
Riks associated with contamination
Riks associated with contamination
Riks associated with contamination
Riks associated with contamination
1.2. Identification Sampling

The aim of the identification sampling is to investigate the existence of soil contamination,
through the obtaining of representative samples in order to establish if the soil exceeds or
not the soil ECAs and / or the bottom levels according to what is established. in the DS
No. 011-2017-MINAM.

The design of the sampling plan according to what is established in the Guide for soil
sampling, must provide information to:

a) Identify the total number of samples needed to collect in an area under specific
Estimated distance from the pollution source,
Geographic location,
Weather conditions.

b) To characterize in a preliminary way the dispersion of the contamination.

1.3. Background Level Sampling

The objective of this sampling is to determine the concentration of the

chemicals regulated by the ECA Soil in sites contiguous to the
contaminated area, which can be found naturally in the soil or were
generated by an anthropogenic source other than the one considered in
the study.

MINAM, 2014 . Guía para la Elaboración de Planes de Descontaminación del Suelo.

1.4. Contaminated Sites Identification Report

The report records the results of the preliminary assessment and identification

In the event that the results of the identification sampling indicate that the ECA
values ​for soil and / or bottom levels have been exceeded, the report should be
complemented with a proposal of activities for the execution of the characterization
phase, which It may include the risk assessment study for health and the environment

MINAM, 2014 . Guía para la Elaboración de Planes de Descontaminación del Suelo.

Content of the Report according to the PDS (MINAM, 2014)
II. Soil Decontamination Plan
When the existence of a contaminated site derived from extractive, productive or
service activities is determined, the owner must submit the Soil Decontamination
Plan (PDS), which is approved by the competent authority. The PDS covers the
characterization phase and the proposals for remediation actions.

MINAM, 2014 . Guía para la Elaboración de Planes de Descontaminación del Suelo.

II. Preparation of the Soil Decontamination
Plan MINAM, 2014

1. Identification Phase
1.1. Preliminary evaluation
- Historical research
- Technical site survey
- Initial conceptual model
1.2. Identification Sampling
1.3. Background Level Sampling
1.4. Contaminated Sites Identification Report

2. Soil Decontamination Plan

2.1. Characterization phase
2.2. Proposed Remedial Actions
2.3. Content of the Decontamination Plan
2.1. Characterization Phase

Strategy for the Characterization Study


- Determine the depth and extent of contamination of the site under study.

- Check or rule out suspicions of contamination (substances and outbreaks)

outside and inside the site.

- Feedback the Conceptual Model considering the routes, routes of exposure and
the effects on the receivers.

- Know the possibility of contamination from other sources not associated with the
Detail Sampling


- Obtain representative soil samples to determine the area and volume (horizontal and vertical
distribution) of soil contaminants in the areas of interest determined in the identification

- Quantify and delimit the areas affected by the soil and the propagation plumes in the surface
or underground water, both in space and time
- .
- Characterizes the media in relation to factors that influence the release, migration and
behavior of pollutants.

- Delimit and quantify the sources of contamination.

- Determine the probable routes and routes of exposure, considering the possible points of
exposure in the event that an ERSA is carried out.

MINAM, 2014 . Guía para la Elaboración de Planes de Descontaminación del Suelo.

ERSA Health and Environmental Risk Assessment


- Define if the contamination existing in a site represents a risk for both human
health and the environment, as well as the specific remediation levels (NR) of the
site based on the acceptable risk and the remediation actions that are necessary.

- Determine the need to execute remediation measures.

- Determine suitable remediation techniques to mitigate the risks to health and the
environment to an acceptable level.

- Establish specific remediation levels, as well as other measures aimed at

reducing risks to acceptable levels for health and the environment.
2.2 Proposed remediation actions
• Direct physical actions (treatment, removal or destruction of pollutants).

• Other solutions for risk management (such as the construction of physical barriers for the
isolation or containment of pollutants, monitored natural attenuation, etc.).

For the choice of remediation actions, the viability of the possible remediation alternatives must
be evaluated and determined based on:

• Analysis of the technical improvements available.

• Analysis of sustainability of alternatives.
• Eco-efficiency analysis.
• If applicable: results of laboratory tests and / or pilot test.
• Cost / effectiveness analysis.
2.2 Remediation Techniques
Set of operations carried out in order to control, reduce or eliminate the present contaminants.

Remediation techniques in situ and ex situ

- The techniques in situ are lower cost, low induced environmental impact but there are many
doubts about the final results.

- Ex situ techniques are characterized by their effectiveness, given that the contaminated soil is
physically eliminated and the new soil that is incorporated is homogenized with the previous one
that is not contaminated, and the process can be better controlled. One of its main advantages is
that it avoids interaction with climatic variables (eg rains). High cost techniques
2.3. Content of the Soil Decontamination Plan
... more

Con la información que se proporciona a continuación desarrolle los

aspectos del Plan de Descontaminación de Suelos PDS:

• Evaluación diagnóstica
• Modelo conceptual de sitio
• Evaluación de caracterización de sitios contaminados

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