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Critical Hit/ Critical Fumble Chart

How to Use These Charts Penalties

If a limb is unusable or removed, generally doubling the
Critical Chart negative effects on the target works well in addition to
When it is determined that a critical hit is made, roll 1d20 to obvious effects, such as the inability to run in the case of a
determine what area is struck. In 5e and Pathfinder Second lost leg.
Edition, critical damage is unchanged, but in Pathfinder the
area may dictate increased damage.
Multiple hits in the same
Fumble Chart
When a natural 1 is rolled in combat, roll on the fumble chart area
to determine the effect. This is generally used for attack rolls, The second hit to the same area will deal damage as the first,
but you may find that it works for some other activities in but further hits beyond this will not have any effect (apart
combat as well. from damage) unless the area is made unusable.

If the Roll Does Not Apply Attacking Helpless

These charts, particularly the critical hit chart, refer largely to Opponents
humanoid opponents. It also assumes that your attack can
reach any of the critical areas. If one or more of the areas is When a helpless combatant is attacked using these charts, a
unreachable or does not exist on the target, you may either PC or NPC may choose to attack a specific area to cripple the
reroll the area or assign one more appropriate to the opponent to prove most advantageous to them.
encounter. Otherwise, follow rules for attacking helpless opponents
outlined in the various rules systems.

Lingering Effects
Optional Rule: Maximum
Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
If a critical hit or fumble does not give a duration in its
life loss
description, it lasts until the target is returned to maximum Cutting off a hand or foot is unlikely to kill an opponent
hp. outright, and for realism your combat may benefit from
limiting the maximum HP loss from a crit to the hand, elbow,
Pathfinder foot, or knee to 50% of the target's maximum hit points.
If a critical hit or fumble does not give a duration in its
description, it lasts until the effects are removed via sleep or
magic per normal rules.
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
If a critical hit or fumble does not give a duration in its
description, it lasts until the effects are removed via sleep or
magic per normal rules.

As an additional alternate rule, you may declare limbs cut off
or useless if they suffer too much damage. Generally this is
done if the limb suffers 25% of the maximum life of the target
in the case of hands or feet, or 50% in other cases.
Bleeding damage may be assigned in the case of most limb

Alexander Petty (Order #22220983)

Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
Critical Hit
Roll Area Effect
1 Foot, left -5' move speed, disadvantage on Dexterity saves.
2 Foot, -5' move speed, disadvantage on Dexterity saves.
3 Knee, left -10' move speed, disadvantage on Dexterity saves, -2 AC.
4 Knee, -10' move speed, disadvantage on Dexterity saves, -2 AC.
5 Hip, left -10' move speed, disadvantage on Dexterity saves, -2 AC, 1/2 carrying capacity.
6 Hip, right -10' move speed, disadvantage on Dexterity saves, -2 AC, 1/2 carrying capacity.
7 Groin Constitution save DC 8 + 1/4 damage dealt or stunned for 2 rounds.
8 Stomach Constitution save DC 8 + 1/4 damage dealt or you may only make move actions for 1d4 turns due to severe
9 Liver 1 bleeding damage/round and disadvantage on Constitution saves until healed.
10 Hand, Disadvantage on all attack rolls and skill checks involving affected hand.
11 Hand, Disadvantage on all attack rolls and skill checks involving affected hand.
12 Elbow, Disadvantage on all attack rolls and skill checks involving affected arm. Disadvantage on Strength checks and
left saves.
13 Elbow, Disadvantage on all attack rolls and skill checks involving affected arm. Disadvantage on Strength checks and
right saves.
14 Shoulder, Disadvantage on all attack rolls and skill checks involving affected arm. Disadvantage on Strength checks and
left saves. Suffer 1 damage each round for using arm in combat.
15 Shoulder, Disadvantage on all attack rolls and skill checks involving affected arm. Disadvantage on Strength checks and
right saves. Suffer 1 damage each round for using arm in combat.
16 Lungs 2 bleeding damage/round and disadvantage on all Constitution saves, ability checks, and skills.
17 Spine Constitution save DC 8 + 1/4 damage dealt or paralyzed.
18 Heart Constitution save DC 8 + 1/4 damage dealt or be brought to 0 life. If the damage from this attack brings the
target to zero life, they begin with two failed death saves.
19 Neck 3 bleeding damage/round.
20 Head Disadvantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saves and checks. Target must then make an
Intelligence save DC 15 or act as if under the "confusion" spell for 1 minute.

Alexander Petty (Order #22220983)

Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
Fumble Chart
Roll Area Effect
1 Backpack slips Disadvantage on all physical skill checks. Move action to fix.
2 Armor locks up -10' move speed, disadvantage on Dexterity saves, -1 AC. Move action to fix.
3 Roll ankle -5' move speed, disadvantage on Dexterity saves, -2 AC.
4 Overlunge All combatants in melee may make an opportunity attack against you.
5 Stumble Move 5' in a random direction. This may provoke attacks of opportunity and you may not make a move
action until your next turn.
6 Lose Disadvantage on reflex saves and -4 AC for one turn.
7 Expose handle If in melee, the opponent you are attacking may choose to try and disarm you. You and the opponent
make attack rolls. If the opponent ties or beats your roll, your weapon is on the ground.
8 Trip You fall prone. Opponents may recieve an opportunity attack.
9 Hyperextension Suffer 1 damage. Disadvantage on attack rolls for 1 hour or until healed to full life.
10 Scenery related Effect varies by DM discretion and environment.
11 Weapon gets You may make no more attacks with this weapon until you pull it out of whatever it gets stuck in.
stuck Strength save DC 14 to pull out weapon (DC may vary based on what wepon is stuck in).
12 Poor All attacks against you have advantage until the beginning of your next turn.
13 Drop/throw Your weapon is dropped or thrown (1d6 x 5') based on actions and DM discretion.
14 High exertion Gain two levels of exhaustion.
15 Something Disadvantage on Perception checks and attack rolls for 1d4 rounds.
suck in your
16 Sprained joint If you do a combination of three or more of the following actions during your turn, you suffer 1
damage: Movement, action, reaction, bonus action. This lasts until you take a long rest.
17 Hit friend You hit a friend with the attack you just made.
18 Hit self You hit yourself with the attack you just made.
19 Critical hit You critically hit a friend with the attack you just made. Roll on the crit chart.
20 Critical hit self You critically hit yourself with the attack you just made. Roll on the crit chart.

Alexander Petty (Order #22220983)

Critical Hit
Roll Area Effect Multiplier
1 Foot, left -5' move speed, 2 Dexterity damage. -
2 Foot, -5' move speed, 2 Dexterity damage. -
3 Knee, left -10' move speed, 3 Dexterity damage. -
4 Knee, -10' move speed, 3 Dexterity damage. -
5 Hip, left -10' move speed, 4 Dexterity damage, 1/2 carrying capacity. -
6 Hip, right -10' move speed, 4 Dexterity damage, 1/2 carrying capacity. -
7 Groin Fortitude save DC 10 + 1/4 damage dealt or stunned for 2 rounds. -
8 Stomach Sickened for 1 hour. -
9 Liver 2 bleeding damage/round until healed. -10 penalty on saves vs poison for 6 hours. -
10 Hand, 2 Strength damage and -4 on skill checks involving affected hand. -
11 Hand, 2 Strength damage and -4 on skill checks involving affected hand. -
12 Elbow, 3 Strength damage and -4 on skill checks involving affected arm. -
13 Elbow, 3 Strength damage and -4 on skill checks involving affected arm. -
14 Shoulder, 4 Strength damage and -4 on skill checks involving affected arm. Suffer 1 damage each round for -
left using arm in combat.
15 Shoulder, 4 Strength damage and -4 on skill checks involving affected arm. Suffer 1 damage each round for -
right using arm in combat.
16 Lungs 3 bleeding damage/round and -4 on Fortitude saves, ability checks, and skills. +1
17 Spine Constitution save DC 10 + 1/4 damage dealt or paralyzed. +1
18 Heart Constitution save DC 10 + 1/4 damage dealt or be brought to 0 life. If the damage from this +1
attack brings the target to zero life or less, the target is immediately killed.
19 Neck The target suffers 1 bleeding damage for every 5 damage dealt by this attack. +1
20 Head 4 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage. Target must then make a will save DC 10 + 1/4 +1
damage dealt or act as if under the "confusion" spell for 1 minute.

Alexander Petty (Order #22220983)

Fumble Chart
Roll Area Effect
1 Backpack slips +4 to armor check penalty, -2 to hit, and -4 to CMD. Move action to fix.
2 Armor locks up -10' move speed, no 5 ft steps. Move action to fix.
3 Roll ankle 2 Dexterity damge. Reflex save DC 15 or fall prone (provoking attacks of opportunity).
4 Overlunge All combatants in melee may make an attack of opportunity against you.
5 Stumble Move 5' in a random direction. This may provoke attacks of opportunity and you may not make a move
action until your next turn.
6 Lose -4 AC and -8 on Reflex saves for one turn.
7 Expose handle If in melee, the opponent you are attacking may choose to try and disarm you with a +2 bonus.
8 Trip You fall prone. Opponents may recieve an attack of opportunity.
9 Hyperextension Suffer 1 damage. -2 on attack rolls for 1 hour or until healed to full life.
10 Scenery related Effect varies by DM discretion and environment.
11 Weapon gets You may make no more attacks with this weapon until you pull it out of whatever it gets stuck in.
stuck Strength check DC 16 to pull out weapon (DC may vary based on what wepon is stuck in).
12 Poor -4 AC, reflex saves, and attack rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
13 Drop/throw Your weapon is dropped or thrown (1d6 x 5') based on actions and DM discretion.
14 High exertion 2 Constitution damage. Become fatigued until the encounter is over.
15 Something -8 on sight-based Perception checks, -2 AC and -2 to hit on attack rolls for 1d4 rounds.
suck in your
16 Sprained joint 2 Strength damage. If you make a full-round action during your turn, you suffer 1 damage. This lasts
until you take a full night's rest.
17 Hit friend You hit a friend with the attack you just made.
18 Hit self You hit yourself with the attack you just made.
19 Critical hit You critically hit a friend with the attack you just made. Roll on the critical chart.
20 Critical hit self You critically hit yourself with the attack you just made. Roll on the critical chart.

Alexander Petty (Order #22220983)

Pathfinder Second Edition
Critical Hit
Roll Area Effect
1 Foot, left -5' move speed, 1 sluggish until you complete a full rest.
2 Foot, -5' move speed, 1 sluggish until you complete a full rest.
3 Knee, left -10' move speed, 2 sluggish until you complete a full rest.
4 Knee, -10' move speed, 2 sluggish until you complete a full rest.
5 Hip, left -10' move speed, 1/2 carrying capacity, and 2 sluggish until you complete a full rest.
6 Hip, right -10' move speed, 1/2 carrying capacity, and 2 sluggish until you complete a full rest.
7 Groin Fortitude save DC 10 + 1/4 damage dealt or stunned for 2 rounds.
8 Stomach Sickened 2 for up to one hour.
9 Liver 2 bleeding damage/round until healed to max HP or DC 18 Medicine* check is made. -8 penalty on saves vs
poison for 6 hours (even if bleeding is removed).
10 Hand, 1 enfeebled and -4 on skill checks involving affected hand until you complete a full rest.
11 Hand, 1 enfeebled and -4 on skill checks involving affected hand until you complete a full rest.
12 Elbow, 2 enfeebled and -4 on skill checks involving affected arm until you complete a full rest.
13 Elbow, 2 enfeebled and -4 on skill checks involving affected arm until you complete a full rest.
14 Shoulder, 2 enfeebled and -4 on skill checks involving affected arm until you complete a full rest. Suffer 1 damage each
left round for using arm in combat.
15 Shoulder, 2 enfeebled and -4 on skill checks involving affected arm until you complete a full rest. Suffer 1 damage each
right round for using arm in combat.
16 Lungs 3 bleeding damage/round until healed to max HP or DC 20 Medicine* check is made. -4 on Fortitude saves,
ability checks, and skills while bleeding persists.
17 Spine Constitution save DC 10 + 1/4 damage dealt or paralyzed.
18 Heart Constitution save DC 10 + 1/4 damage dealt or be brought to 0 life. If the damage from this attack brings the
target to zero life or less, the target is immediately killed.
19 Neck The target suffers 1 bleeding damage/round for every 5 damage dealt by this attack. A DC 20 Medicine*
check will remove the bleeding.
20 Head 4 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage. Target must then make a will save DC 10 + 1/4 damage dealt
or act as if under the "confusion" spell for 1 minute.

*Medicine checks listed are at +4 DC if a healer's tools are unavailable.

Alexander Petty (Order #22220983)

Pathfinder Second Edition
Fumble Chart
Roll Area Effect
1 Backpack slips +4 to armor check penalty, -2 to hit, and -4 on Reflex saves. Move action to fix.
2 Armor locks up -10' move speed, no 5-foot steps. Move action to fix.
3 Roll ankle Clumsy 1 until the end of combat. Reflex save DC 15 or fall prone (provoking attacks of opportunity).
4 Overlunge All combatants in melee may make an attack of opportunity against you.
5 Stumble Move 5' in a random direction. This may provoke attacks of opportunity and you may not make a move
action until your next turn.
6 Lose -4 AC and -8 on Reflex saves for one turn.
7 Expose handle If in melee, the opponent you are attacking may choose to try and disarm you with a +2 bonus.
8 Trip You fall prone. Opponents may recieve an attack of opportunity.
9 Hyperextension Suffer 1 damage. -2 on attack rolls for 1 hour or until healed to full life.
10 Scenery related Effect varies by DM discretion and environment.
11 Weapon gets You may make no more attacks with this weapon until you pull it out of whatever it gets stuck in.
stuck Strength check DC 16 to pull out weapon (DC may vary based on what wepon is stuck in).
12 Poor -4 AC, reflex saves, and attack rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
13 Drop/throw Your weapon is dropped or thrown (1d6 x 5') based on actions and DM discretion.
14 High exertion Drained 1 and become fatigued until the encounter is over.
15 Something -8 on sight-based Perception checks, -2 AC and -2 to hit on attack rolls for 1d4 rounds.
suck in your
16 Sprained joint Enfeebled 1. If you make a full-round action during your turn, you suffer 1 damage. These conditions
lasts until you take a full night's rest.
17 Hit friend You hit a friend with the attack you just made.
18 Hit self You hit yourself with the attack you just made.
19 Critical hit You critically hit a friend with the attack you just made. Roll on the critical chart.
20 Critical hit self You critically hit yourself with the attack you just made. Roll on the critical chart.

Alexander Petty (Order #22220983)

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Alexander Petty (Order #22220983)

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Legal Stuff 52
Alexander Petty (Order #22220983)
Legal Stuff
Compatibility with Pathfinder Second Edition requires
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Alexander Petty (Order #22220983)

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