War of Hearts

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war of hearts

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/33101821.

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Lunar Chronicles - Marissa Meyer
Relationship: Jacin Clay/Winter Hayle-Blackburn, Jacin Clay & Winter Hayle-
Character: Jacin Clay, Winter Hayle-Blackburn
Stats: Published: 2021-08-08 Words: 764

war of hearts
by sapphicswirlz (playfullywitty)


A quiet night, a request to stay, and a kiss.

written for tlc ship weeks 2021 winter x jacin, day 4: song lyric day!


the song is War of Hearts by Ruelle (highly recommend the acoustic version)

Come to me

In the night hours

I will wait for you

And I can't sleep

'Cause thoughts devour

Thoughts of you consume

“Come to me,” Winter had said to him once, when he was standing guard outside her room.

Jacin’s face stayed emotionless, but a slight twitch of his eye showed her he’d heard.
He had always had thoughts of spending the night with Winter in her room, simply to lie next to
her and feel the heat of her skin touching his. And yet, now that he was here, he knew he’d never
be able to sleep with her so close to him.

He could hear her breathing. He turned his head and he could see the thick curls of her hair splayed
out underneath her head on the pillow, could smell something like flowers on her. It made him
think of an old Earthen fairy tale he’d heard once. A princess who’d been poisoned by her evil
stepmother, encased in a glass case that her loyal dwarf friends had made for her, waiting for her
prince to kiss her and wake her up.

I can't help but love you

Even though I try not to

I can't help but want you

I know that I'd die without you

He wished he could stay, but it was nearing midnight, and there was a guard down the hallway that
usually passed by him at this time, and she would surely notice if he was missing. He kissed the
tips of his fingers and pressed them to Winter’s cheek. Softly, like a single snowflake falling from
the sky, so as to not disturb her.

She woke up anyway, round eyes blinking lazily at him, a slow smile spreading across her cheeks.

“Hi, Jacin.”

“Hey, Winter.”

She noticed his position, sitting on the edge of the bed, one foot already on the ground. “Where are
you going?”

“I have to leave. I’m sorry.” Jacin made to get up, but she caught his arm in a surprisingly strong

Stay with me

A little longer

I will wait for you

Shadows creep

And want grows stronger

Deeper than the truth

“Stay a few more minutes?” When he didn’t seem convinced, she added, “If anyone asks, I’ll say
you’re helping me get rid of the monster under my bed.”

How could he say no to that?

“All right, Winter, I’ll stay a little longer.”

Winter lay back down, satisfied, and Jacin sat by the side of her bed, leaning his head back to look
at her. Even in the dark, he could see her lips quirk up as their eyes met.

“I can’t sleep with you looking at me like that.” She admitted.

“Like what?”

“Like this.” Winter sat up and leaned forward, and suddenly their faces were just centimeters apart.
Jacin’s breath caught. I want to kiss her, his stupid, traitorous heart thought, and suddenly he was
sure she was thinking the same thing because she brought her own face closer. Her eyelashes cast
shadows on her cheeks, and the stars outside were reflected in her eyes. Her breath tickled his

For a moment, all was silent as they stared at each other in the dark.

I can't help but love you

Even though I try not to

I can't help but want you

I know that I'd die without you

I can't help but be wrong in the dark

'Cause I'm overcome in this war of hearts

I can't help but want oceans to part

'Cause I'm overcome in this war of hearts

They moved forward at the same time. Winter’s lips were soft, and she sighed into his mouth,
closing her eyes as if she’d wanted this for as long as he had, like she’d been holding back too. Her
hand tugged him closer, until there was no space in between them. Jacin felt like she’d lit every
nerve of his on fire.

In that moment, the world disappeared, and it was just the two of them. He wished it would last
forever, that Levana and all their problems would just wash away like the sand on Earthen seas
every time a wave passed.

Then they parted, both breathing heavily. Winter ducked her head, suddenly shy, and Jacin could
feel heat blooming across his cheeks, his heartbeat pounding in his chest.

He glanced at his watch. “I should go.”

She nodded, solemn, then smiled, tucking a loose curl behind her ear. “Good night, Jacin.”

Jacin knew he was grinning like an idiot as he closed the door behind him.

“Good night, Winter.”

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