Dresden'S Demons: An Adventure For 5th To 7th Level Characters

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An adventure for 5th to 7th level characters

by Alex of TavernTales
Maps by Tom Cartos
An adventure for 5th to 7th level characters

resden shouts for folxi to get back
as he focusses his energy on the abyssal
portal that slowly begins to tear itself Dresden's tower sits atop a rugged hill, accessible through
open in front of him. Years of work have a narrow, winding path up the hillside. If the party is not
culminated in this most dangerous step of already familiar, its precise location can be easily determined
his research. How else to acquire demon by following the signal that has been displayed directly above
blood than to summon and dominate a demon? A wicked it. At the top of the climb, a signpost stands beside a bench
creature of fang and claw begins to climb through the and an unlit brazier at the base of the tower. The sign reads:
wound in reality. Behind it, other beasts of horror follow "Please do not disturb. I am very busy. No longer accepting
close. Dresden's vision starts to cloud and his limbs stiffen new apprentices." A large, locked oak door restricts entry
as the power of the summoning quickly drains his energy. into the tower, adorned with a heavy brass knocker carved
Tragically, unexpectedly, he collapses unconscious. Folxi, to resemble the head of an owl. If the adventurers knock on
panicked, but remembering Dresden's instructions in the the door or call out in any way, the door opens and they are
case of emergency, races downwards from the top floor hastily greeted and ushered inside by Folxi, a female gnome
towards the Forceful Containment Contingency Device. and Dresden's last remaining apprentice.
Quickly scrambling down the winding stone steps, she soon
finds the embossed bronze lever in the first floor living
room and yanks it downwards with all of her might. There
is a sound of rushing wind as carvings etched into the walls A. Main Floor
come alive, sealing the upper levels of the tower with a
Folxi leads the adventurers through a small vestibule and up
powerful wall of force spell and activating its residual defence
a small set of stairs into the main floor of the tower; a cozy,
mechanisms. The stillness of night is suddenly interrupted
ornately furnished room that acts as a common area. Two
by the near-blinding flash of an elven rune emblazoned high
tall stone statues, one of a male elf and the other a female,
into the sky. It can be seen for miles, its harsh purple light
stand silently beside the entryway. Across, embers smolder in
basking the treetops in an eerie glow and forcing the wildlife
a brick fireplace. A set dining table, wardrobe, liquor cabinet,
awake with its message — a clear signal for those who can
and coffee table flanked by three chairs fill the room, as well
interpret it: "help".
as other scattered end tables holding oddities and curios.
Adjacent to the staircase leading upwards, a crackling ball of
Adventure Hooks blue light is housed atop a granite pedestal, surrounded by a
symmetrical arrangement of bronze bands that hum softly. A
• The players may have seen the tower's distress signal and lever extends from the pedestal in the downward position.
have come to investigate the area.
• The players may have been looking to seek the aid of a Introduction. Folxi, hurriedly, thanks the adventurers for
wizard on their own accord and have arrived just in time coming. She introduces herself and explains, to the best of
to help. her knowledge, what has happened and what must be done
to help. She reveals any or all of the following information:

• Dresden was trying to summon and

Overview imprison a demon so that he could drain its
blood for research.
Demons have been let loose inside Dresden's tower after
• He prepared for this summoning for years,
a failed summoning ritual. Dresden, who secretly suffers
and prepared Folxi in the event of his
from a magical ailment, hoped that demon blood held the
key to his cure. Including the basement and roof, there are
• The energy of the summoning drained
ten levels to the tower in total. Levels two through nine,
him and Dresden lost consciousness,
comprising everything between the basement and the roof,
allowing the portal to remain open and
are circular rooms 40 feet in diameter. Ceilings are 20 feet
for uncontrolled abyssal horrors to filter
high. Two adjacent sets of winding stone staircases provide
through it.
access between floors. The tower is constructed of hewn
basalt and smells faintly of aged whisky and jasmine, courtesy
of incense burners that Dresden keeps on all floors. Unless
otherwise stated, the tower is kept lit by ever-burning
torches. Doors are made of thick, polished oak and open
inward on their hinges.

• Now unconscious or dead at the top of the tower, Dresden last page is headered with the word "ACCESS" in big, block
had instructed Folxi to run downstairs and activate the lettering, and contains three hastily written, brief notes:
Forceful Containment Contingency Device (the ball of
light on the pedestal), which summons a wall of force spell • "In times past - third from top, second red"
to quarantine the lower level of the tower and enable • "turn the world on its head"
back-up locking mechanisms between floors. • "bildebubby"
• Using an old notebook that Dresden keeps in the liquor
cabinet to help them navigate through the tower's The first two notes are two separate clues for rooms E and
defenses, the adventurers must ascend the tower, slay any F that provide instructions for how to bypass their defenses.
beasts they encounter on their way, close the portal, and if The third note is the password for the arcane lock that
possible, rescue Dresden. protects the door to area D.

When they are ready, Folxi will temporarily deactivate

the Forceful Containment Contingency Device, which will B. Basement Living Quarters
drop the wall of force from the ascending staircase and allow
their advance. This floor is divided into four smaller separate rooms: two
bedrooms (each with two beds), a kitchen area, and a pantry.
A character who makes a successful DC 15 Wisdom The bedrooms are mostly bare; desks and wardrobes are
(Insight) check will reasonably determine that Folxi is empty. Three of the beds are neatly made, the other untidy.
withholding some information. If pressured, she will reveal A sealed window looks out from the north bedroom.
that this was actually a second, riskier summoning attempted
by Dresden, and that he already keeps a demon imprisoned in This floor used to house Dresden's other apprentices,
the tower's basement from an earlier successful summoning. but they agreed with Dresden to mutually part ways as he
Folxi is terrified of what lurks above, and is reluctant to became more dedicated to demon summoning. Folxi is the
accompany the adventurers. She may be convinced with a only one that remains. A trapdoor in the pantry leads to the
successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check. She uses cult dungeon below. The door is locked and protected by a glyph
fanatic statistics. of warding, which activates if anyone tries to open the door
and which a character may notice with a successful DC 13
Dresden's Notebook. At Folxi's instruction, the adventurers Wisdom (Perception) check. The door's lock can be picked
can find an old leather notebook tucked behind bottles with a successful DC 16 Dexterity check using thieves' tools.
of whisky in the liquor cabinet. Many of the pages are
indecipherable arcane scribblings and random notes, but the

C. Holding Cells E. Library
Much of the tower dungeon is divided into individual The staircase from the main floor ascends to a smaller
holding cells, all of which are currently empty of inhabitants vestibule area that connects to the tower's library — a
and shrouded in darkness. Characters exploring the cells who densely-packed network of nooks and crannies stacked
succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check can find a tightly with shelves upon shelves of tomes and scrolls. In
small pile of bones inside an iron cage in the northern cell. A the middle of the library, a two armchairs are pushed into
DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check reveals that the bones are a circular wooden desk littered with parchment, quills, and
goblinoid. Dresden originally used to these cells to hold and inkwells. Six quasits currently inhabit the library. Three are
experiment on goblins and other smaller, chaotic creatures, standing on the table in the middle of the room, kicking over
but Folxi eventually convinced him to stop. the inkwells. The other three have made themselves invisible
and are pulling books off of shelves with reckless abandon.
After descending the tower to chase after Folxi, they were
D. Bound Barlgura locked into the library once she activated the Forceful
Containment Contingency Device. They attack immediately
The door to this chamber is sealed with an arcane lock and fight until they are destroyed.
spell (the password is "bildebubby") and protected by a
glyph of warding that can be noticed with a DC 15 Wisdom Secret Door. The library is divided into subject-specific
(Perception) check. Inside, four thick iron chains that glow sections. The middle bookshelf in the History section ("in
with a purple light sprout from equidistant points in the times past") is the key to access the upper floors. On the
room and shackle the limbs of a barlgura, restraining it. The third shelf from the top ("third from top"), there are two red
barlgura communicates telepathically with the adventurers books amongst various others. Pulling free the red book on
in the room, offering them "untold power" if they agree to the right-hand side ("second red") deactivates the defense
break its chains and free it, explaining that it "wants only mechanism, retracting a thick stone wall on the east side of
to destroy the wizard". The chains are enchanted with null the room and revealing the door leading to the ascending
magic, preventing the barlgura from using its spellcasting, staircase.
and each must be dispelled for it to be freed. A DC 12
Wisdom (Insight) check or a successful DC 12 Intelligence Treasure. Characters who make a successful DC 12
(History or Arcana) check can determine that the barlgura is Wisdom (Perception) check of the library will notice two
incredibly dangerous and highly likely to attack anything in spell scrolls placed conspicuously in the same bookshelf that
its path, regardless of the promises it makes. activates the secret door. The two scrolls — Dispel Magic
(6th level) and Banishment — were left there deliberately by
Dresden months ago in case of disaster.

of turning the globe in the centre of the sphere "on its head",
F. Laboratory or, more literally, completely sideways, at which point a loud
grinding can be heard as the wall retracts and reveals the
This floor of the tower serves as Dresden's laboratory. The
way forward.
room is in complete disarray — the quasits tore through
it on their way downstairs. A scaled world map has been
Treasure. The lab is mostly empty of immediately useful
painted on the floor to cover much of the middle of the
creations, though a character who succeeds on a DC 12
room, though is now partially obscured by shards of glass
Wisdom (Perception) check can find a single Potion of Greater
and a toppled globe that has been knocked off of a nearby
Healing that remains intact inside a desk drawer.
pedestal. Various surveying devices, including an astrolabe,
a compass, and an armillary sphere are mounted on other
pedestals throughout, many of which have sustained chips
and dents to their metal frames. Two desks, opposite each
other, line the north and south walls and hold notebooks,
small puzzle boxes belonging to Dresden, and various arcane
ingredients. Shelves hang on the walls and are mostly empty,
their contents having been knocked to the floor.

Blood vats. Along the north wall, steam whistles through

the top of four brass vats connected by networks of tubes.
Dresden is attempting to synthesize an artificial demon
blood in the vats but has not yet come close to success. The
liquid amalgamation inside is highly corrosive and stings
the nostrils.

Secret Door. A wall obscures the secret door leading to

the staircase above. The key to retracting the wall lies in the
armillary sphere. A character may infer this automatically
with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Adventurers must "turn the world on its head" — they can do
this by manipulating the joint on which the sphere connects
to the pedestal below to 0 degrees, which will have the effect

G. Conservatory H. Dresden's Room
This floor of the tower is used as a conservatory, where This floor, Dresden's personal quarters, has been left in
Dresden grows plants for purposes both mundane and similar disarray as the others. A double bed, desk, dresser,
arcane. The walls are lined with planters stuffed with foliage full-length mirror, and bathing tub fill much of the space.
of varying sizes and colors. In the middle of the room, an The floor is littered with books and loose parchment. A
immense red and white speckled flower with thick leaves doorway to the balcony beyond shimmers slightly in the
grows in an 8-foot diameter pot. A young, handsome looking light, protected by the Forceful Containment Contingency
man with silver hair is shaving trimmings from the flower Device. Characters who succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom
using a decorated dagger. (Perception) check find a leather-bound journal jammed
between the mattress and the frame of the bed. The journal
Arcanoloth. The man, named Rikken, is an arcanoloth belongs to Dresden. If characters take the time to skim it,
in disguise. A mercenary in the Blood War, he heard that a they may learn the following information:
portal had been opened to a wizard's tower on the material
plane and happened to be "in the neighborhood". He hopes • Dresden has been sick for some time with a mystical
to acquire anything of magical value that he can to further ailment that is slowly draining his physical and magical
his own interests. He is specifically curious about the red energies
flower, which he (correctly) suspects has been grown in • After much research, he believes demon blood may hold
demon blood. Rikken is not looking to fight the adventurers his cure. He hopes to reverse-engineer the demon blood
— he doesn't want to risk damaging what he has collected so that he may recreate its immortal properties free from
so far. If the opportunity arises, Rikken offers to cast helpful abyssal influence.
spells on the characters to aid in their upcoming fight against • He has been draining the blood of the demon kept in the
what lurks above in exchange for anything of value that they basement for months, which he summoned previously.
have acquired from the tower's lower floors. If the characters
offer him a spell scroll or similar item, he casts death ward on
each party member. He happily explains to the adventurers
that he is just "here for a quick visit" and means them no
harm. If attacked, Rikken escapes using dimension door after
one round. If left alone, Rikken disappears similarly once the
portal has been dealt with.

Flower. The flower has been grown in soil infused with

drops of demon blood. Dresden hopes that by slowly
ingesting pieces of the flower, he may receive benefits
of the blood's immortal properties and stem his ailment.
Creatures who ingest part of the flower must succeed a DC
16 Constitution saving throw or take 4d6 acid damage and be
poisoned for 24 hours.

I. Portal Conclusion
A sulphuric stench overpowers the senses as the adventurers The exact ending of this adventure, as well as the personality
ascend the staircase from Dresden's quarters. Characters of Dresden and how he reacts to the adventurers, is left up
who make a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check to the DM. Perhaps he is deeply ashamed of his mistake and
can hear abyssal chanting coming from beyond the door at is reluctant to share any information with the party. Perhaps
the top of the staircase. Inside, a hezrou and four quasits are instead, he believes that they may help him find a cure for his
attempting to call forth more demons through the portal that ailment. Perhaps he rewards them with a powerful magical
has been opened in the middle of the room, which radiates a item. The DM is encouraged to mold the adventure in the
stifling heat. Channels carved into the floor glow bright red way that best fits their game.
with magic. Dresden's body lies crumpled on the floor in the
eastern side of the room.

The Portal. The portal maintains a continuous connection

between Dresden's tower and the abyss and can be closed
with dispel magic (DC 16). If left undisturbed, 2d4 various
demons emerge from the portal every six hours.

Dresden. The energy required for the summoning ritual

has incapacitated Dresden. Miraculously, the demons have
left his body undisturbed. Dresden can be shaken awake but
is incredibly disoriented and weak. If Dresden receives at
least 15 points of healing, his brain fog clears, and he is able
to regain parts of his strength and senses. At this point, if the
characters have not been able to close the portal themselves,
Dresden dispels it.

J. Altar
The carcass of a goat lies on a stone altar atop raised dais
in the centre of the room, its surface stained with blood.
The floor is etched with abyssal runes that glow a soft red.
In the four cardinal directions of the room, metal braziers
burn fiercely with orange flame. Dresden used this room to
perform the sacrifices necessary to conduct his summonings.
The carcass is fresh, its throat slit, having been killed
just hours ago.

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Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. END OF LICENSE

Written by: Alexander LeFort of TavernTales
Map by: Tom Cartos
InDesign Base Template: Nathaniel Roux

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