Exam 3

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1) Which of the following refers to the complexity and content of a message?

A) richness
B) reach
C) information density
D) interactivity

2) Which of the following is a characteristic of e-commerce during the Invention period?

A) mobile technology
B) earnings and profit emphasis
C) disintermediation
D) extensive government surveillance

3) Which of the following features of e-commerce technology allows users to participate

in the creation of online content?

A) ubiquity
B) global reach
C) information density
D) social technology

4) Which of the following refers to any disparity in relevant market information among
parties in a transaction?

A) information asymmetry
B) unfair competitive advantage
C) imperfect competition
D) dynamic pricing

5) Stickiness is an important attribute for which of the following revenue models?

A) advertising revenue model

B) subscription revenue model
C) transaction fee revenue model
D) affiliate revenue model

6) In general, the key to becoming a successful content provider is to:

A) own the content being provided.

B) own the technology by which content is created, presented, and distributed.
C) provide online content for free.
D) provide other services as well as online content.
7) Which type of investor typically becomes interested in a startup company after it has begun
generating revenue?

A) incubators
B) angel investors
C) crowdfunders
D) venture capital investors

8) The financial services, travel services, and job placement services industries typically use the
______ business model.

A) community provider
B) transaction broker
C) market creator
D) e-tailer

9) Which of the following is the core communications protocol for the Internet?

A) Telnet

10) Which of the following protocols is used to send mail to a server?


11) The backbone of the Internet is formed by:

A) Internet Exchange Points (IXPs).

B) Tier 1 ISPs.
C) Network Access Points (NAPs).
D) Metropolitan Area Exchanges (MAEs).

12) Google Cardboard is an example of which of the following?

A) virtual reality
B) artificial intelligence
C) augmented reality
D) chatbot
13) Which system functionality must your website have to be able to personalize or
customize a product for a client?

A) an ad server
B) a site tracking and reporting system
C) an inventory management system
D) customer on-site tracking

14) Which of the following is not one of the basic business objectives for an e-commerce site?

A) display goods
B) execute a transaction
C) provide production and supplier links
D) optimize system architecture

15) All of the following might be part of a website's middle-tier layer except:

A) a database server.
B) an ad server.
C) legacy corporate applications.
D) a mail server.

16) Which of the following monitors and controls access to a main web server, and
implements firewall protection?

A) proxy server
B) list server
C) groupware server
D) mail server

17) Which of the following is an example of an integrity violation of e-commerce security?

A) A website is not actually operated by the entity the customer believes it to be.
B) A merchant uses customer information in a manner not intended by the customer.
C) A customer denies that he is the person who placed the order.
D) An unauthorized person intercepts an online communication and changes its contents.

18) ____ is the ability to ensure that messages and data are only available to those
authorized to view them.

A) Confidentiality
B) Integrity
C) Privacy
D) Availability
19) Which of the following is not an example of malicious code?

A) scareware
B) Trojan horse
C) Bot
D) Sniffer

20) Asymmetric key cryptography is also known as:

A) public key cryptography.

B) secret key cryptography.

21) Which of the following forms of online advertising is expected to grow the most
between 2018 and 2022?

A) paid search
B) sponsorships
C) search engines
D) video

22) Which of the following is not a primary source of ad fraud?

A) browser extensions that insert ads into a premium publisher's website and then list the ads
as available on a programmatic ad exchange
B) ad targeting firms that create bots that imitate the behavior of real shoppers and then
charge advertisers
C) botnets hired by publishers to click on web pages to create phony traffic
D) native advertising that is displayed on a social media site

23) Which of the following statements about a free pricing strategy is false?

A) Free products and services can knock out potential and actual competitors.
B) The free pricing strategy was born in the early days of the Web.
C) It is difficult to convert free customers into paying customers.
D) Free products and services can help build market awareness.

24) Which feature of e-commerce technology decreases the cost of delivering marketing
messages and receiving feedback from users?

A) personalization/customization
B) universal standards
C) ubiquity
D) interactivity
25) Which of the following is not one of the methods used by traditional retailers to
develop omni-channel integration?

A) online catalog
B) online order, in-store pickup
C) online supply-push
D) online promotions for offline purchases

26) Omni-channel merchants are also referred to as:

A) virtual merchants.
B) bricks-and-clicks companies.
C) catalog merchants.
D) manufacturer-direct firms

27) All of the following are challenges for catalog merchants except:

A) high costs of printing and mailing.

B) building a credible website.
C) the need to bring staff in or manage new technology.
D) building sophisticated order entry and fulfillment systems.

28) Which of the following is not an example of a transaction broker?

A) a stockbroker
B) a real estate agent
C) an accountant
D) an employment agency

29) All of the following are aspects of content convergence except:

A) language.
B) design.
C) production.
D) distribution.

30) _ _ _ _ convergence describes the development of hybrid devices that can combine the
functionality of two or more existing media platforms into a single device.

A) Technological
B) Content
C) Media
D) Industry
31) Which of the following statements about piracy in the movie and television industry is not

A) Piracy still remains a threat to the movie and television industry.

B) The most common method of piracy uses bit cyberlockers/file hosting sites.
C) The monetary amount the movie industry loses as a result of piracy is unknown.
D) Public interest in pirated movies in the United States is declining.

32) Magazine digital advertising revenues are expected to ____ for the next few years.

A) remain relatively flat

B) more than double
C) grow over 20%
D) significantly decrease

33) Instagram is an example of a(n):

A) interest-based social network.

B) affinity community/social network.
C) general community/social network.
D) practice network.

34) The amount of time visitors spend on a site is a measure of:

A) reach.
B) loyalty.
C) conversation.
D) engagement.

35) Which of the following types of auctions "shields the brand" of the seller?

A) English auction
B) Name Your Own Price auction
C) Dutch auction
D) penny auction

36) A(n) _____, in which the highest bidder wins, is the most common form of auction.

A) Dutch Internet auction

B) Japanese auction
C) English auction
D) reverse auction

37) Which of the following is another name for a private industrial network?

A) industry consortia
B) EDI system
D) net marketplace
38) All of the following are weaknesses of EDI except:

A) EDI is not well suited for electronic marketplaces.

B) EDI lacks universal standards.
C) EDI does not provide a real-time communication environment.
D) EDI does not scale easily.

39) Which of the following is not a characteristic of the use of social networks in
B2B e- commerce?

A) It is typically unstructured.
B) It helps develop a more personal relationship between participants in the supply chain.
C) It enables participants to make decisions based on current conditions.
D) They are always private.

40) An ____ serves businesses that primarily buy direct goods on a contract purchasing

A) e-distributor
B) e-procurement company
C) exchange
D) industry consortium
1.) A – Richness
2.) C – disintermediation
3.) D – social technology
4.) A – information asymmetry
5.) A - advertising revenue model
6.) A – own the content being provided.
7.) D – venture capital investors
8.) B – transaction broker
9.) C – TCP/IP
10.) A – SMTP
11.) B – Tier 1 ISPs.
12.) A – virtual reality
13.) D – customer on-site tracking
14.) D – optimize system architecture
15.) C – legacy corporate applications.
16.) A – proxy server
17.) D – An unauthorized person intercepts an online communication and changes its
18.) A – Confidentiality
19.) D – sniffer
20.) A – public key cryptography.
21.) D – video
22.) D – native advertising that is displayed on a social media site
23.) B – The free pricing strategy was born in the early days of the Web
24.) B – universal standards
25.) C – online supply-push
26.) B – bricks-and-clicks companies.
27.) D – building sophisticated order entry and fulfillment systems.
28.) C – an accountant
29.) A – language
30.) A – Technological
31.) B – The most common method of piracy uses bit cyberlockers/file hosting sites.
32.) A – remain relatively flat
33.) C – general community/social network.
34.) D – engagement.
35.) B – Name Your Own Price auction
36.) C – English auction
37.) C – PTX
38.) B – EDI lacks universal standards.
39.) D – They are always private.
40.) D – Industry consortium

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