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After studying tllt fflllUrial in this chapUr, yo11 5/ro11/d 1H able 10.-
♦ Identify varioUJ types of matrices.
♦ Add, subtract and multiply maJrices.
♦ Distinguish between matrix and determinant.
♦ Compute the inverse of a matrix UJing adjoint.
♦ Solve systems of linear equan·o~ by matrix inversion method.
♦ Solve systems of 1fnear equalio,is by Cramer S nJfe (Determinant metlwd).

The s ubject of matrices bas had its origin in various t~s of Line,ir Problems, the most
importaotofwhichcODCcms tbenatun=ofroJutionsofanyg ivensys1emoflinearequation s
and Linear Trt1nsfonnation in Geometry. Today, the subject of matrices is one of the most
important and powerful tools in Matbcma1in which h11.1 found applicatiow 10 a vrry large
numbn of disciplines JIICh q Engin«Ting. Economics, Statiscic.,, Physics. Chemisll)', Biology
ctc.Thctheoryofmatrice1 i1u1en#w:/yuscdinthcsol utionofapplicdbusineuand
· d "lprobl useofdctmninanuitinthesol utionofsimullaJICOW
. syoternof
orlll~ cohm1111 endoKd liy • paicofbnock,m I J. such as
1.~ ES
~ n.. t,. rec1angular arrangement of m11 numbers (real or co ,np~ into .,N h on "zonta J ll?$ S
and II vertical columns cuc!osed by a pair of 5rndfets { ], such~
• _.,. J v, ou sin es s Studies

a11 a12 ... al n

a21 a22 .•••
a2 n
. • •
. •
. . •
am \ am \ ••• amn
is called an m x n (read ''m by n")
matrix or a matrix of order m x n. Pa
commonly used to enclose numbers rentheses ( ) are also
constituting matrices.
rrhe numbers forming a matrix are ca
lled elements or entries of the matrix.
first su bs cr ip t i specifies the row For the entry aU' the
and the second subscriptj, the colum
appears. It m us t be no te d that even n in which the entry
though an m x n matrix .contains mn
matrix should be considered as a sin elements, the entire
gle entity. In keeping with this point of
de no te d by single capital letters su view, matrices are
ch as A, B , C and so on.
- ,- = - -- - ---- ----- .,, .


Definition. Two matrices A and Bare said to be-equal, -writ(enA = B, if they are ofthe same
order and if all corresponding entries are equal For example,

~ ~ ~~ ~-~1
2 3
[~ . ~] = [ ; 2 2 bm l2 _ 21 * '·

Exa,mple 2. Fmd the values of x, Y, z and w which satisfy the mat . .

nx equation

[;x~: ::::]=[-~ ~3]

Solution. Since the corresponding elements of two equal matrices are equal, therefore
x..:.... y = - 1, 2x + z = 5, 2x - y = 0, 3z +-w = 13
ions,:we obtain ~ .= 1, y = 2, z = 3 and w = 4.


ertain types ·o f matrices, which play important roles in matrix theoty, are now considered.
Row Matrix. A matrix that has exactly one row is_c_alled a row matrix. For example, the matrix
A =-(5 2 -1 4]
is a row matrix of order I x 4.

Column Matrix. A matrix consisting of a single column is called a column matrix. For
example, the matrix

B = rn
is a 3 x I column matrix.
Zero or N_ufl M_atrix . An m x n matrix whose entries are all O is called the m x n zero or
null matru-; It zs usually denoted by Om x nor more simply by O. For example,

O = [O O O OJ
0 0 0 0
is a 2 x 4 zero matrix.

~q~are Matrix . An m ·-x n matrix is said to be a square matrix of order . _ .

if zt Jias the same number. of columns as rows. For example, n if m - n. That zs,

are square matrices of order 3 and 2 respectively.
In a square matrix A= (a ..) of order n the ent'
u ' rres a 11, a22, •···, ann wh.1c h 1·1e on the ct·1agonaI
Mathematics for Business S d'
tu 1es
extending from the left upper comer to the lower right comer are called the main d'
entrie§_ or more simply the main diagonal. Thus in the matrix •agonal

[! ~ ~]
the entries a 11 = 3, a 22 = 6 and a 33 = 8 constitute the main diagonal.

Diagonal Matrix. A square matrix is said to be diagonal if each of its entries not falling on
the main diagonal is zero. Thus a square matrix A = (a;_) is diagonal if aiJ = 0 for i ;t! j. For

is a diagonal matrix.
Notation . A diagonal matrix A of order n _with diagonal elements a Jl' a2i, .... , ann is denoted
A = diag (a 11' a22 , ...._, ann).
Scalar Matrix. A diagonal matrix whose all the diagonal elements are equal is called a
scalar matrix. For example,

is a scalar matrix.
Identity Matrix or Unit Matrix. A square matrix is said to be identity matrix or unit matrix
if all its main diagonal entries are J s and all other entries are Os. An identity matrix of order
n is denoted by or more simply by I. For example,
Matrices a n d
D e te r m i-n a n
1 0 0
I 1 0
=== 0
0 0 1
is identi~
x~ d e r 3.

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