Mid - Term Test N°1: Listening

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DATE: Monday, Nov. 24th, 2020 TEST N°1 Teacher: Mr Ferdjany

NAME: ………………………………………………CLASS: ……………………..GROUP:…………N°: …………


1) Listen and circle the correct option. (1 mark)

The listening passage is a : a) A song b) A conversation c) A letter

2) Listen and complete the table with the missing information. (2 marks)

Name Departure DAY Event Place

Lisa ____________ International Short Story ____________
3) Listen and circle the right option. (2 marks)

* What is Lisa holding in her hands? a) A book b) A letter c) A newspaper

*Lisa looks very: a) excited b) sad c) miserable

4) Listen and complete the missing words. (1 mark)

“ It is nine o’clock in the morning, Lisa and her parents are at ____________ . Lisa’s mother and father
are having breakfast in the ____________.”

5) Listen and write the function of the following statement. (1 mark)

“ This is really wonderful news!”  Expressing _________________
6) Circle the words you hear. (1 mark)

week weak

listen lesson


Task 1: Fill in the gaps with words from the box. Be careful! There are two extra words. (3 marks)

Big Ben – middle – of – there – opportunity – usually – 1703 – capital

London is about 2000 years old. It’s the ____________ of England. When you visit it, you can’t miss the
____________ of going to the famous clock: ____________. It’s part of the Westminster palace. But the most
known one is the Buckingham palace. It’s where the royal family lives. It was built in ____________. Another
famous landmark is the statue ____________ Lord Nelson. It’s in the ____________ of Trafalgar square. There
are four bronze lions around it.
Task 2: Match the utterances with the right functions. Be careful! There is one extra function. (3 marks)

Utterances Functions Answers

Jamie: Hello, Oliver. a) Asking about time
Oliver: Hi Jamie. How are you?
Jamie: I’m well. And you? b) Asking about place 1+…
Oliver: I’m fine. I’m excited about my trip next week.
Jamie: Where are you going?(1) c) Greeting 2+…
Oliver: I’m going to Brazil.
Jamie: Great!(2) Wonderful! When are you leaving?(3) d) Expressing surprise 3+…
Oliver: I’ll take the 9 a.m. plane on Monday.
Jamie: What are you going to do there?(4) e) Expressing ability in the future 4+…
Oliver: I’ll be able to meet my Brazilian friends, do
some sightseeing and enjoy the amazing beaches.(5) f) Asking about information 5+…
Jamie: Lucky you! Don’t forget to bring us some
souvenirs. g) Taking leave 6+…
Oliver: I won’t.
Jamie: OK. Take good care of you. Good bye.(6)
Oliver: Good bye buddy.

Task 3: Circle the right option. (3 marks)

Dear Jenny,

Thank you for the letter you sent me. I (receive / received / is receiving) it yesterday. I am very (sad /
happy / angry) to tell you about my trip to Paris.

First, I went to the Eiffel Tower. It’s a very tall tower. Actually, it’s 324 meters tall. How amazing!
(Second / Third / Fourth), I went to the palace of Versailles. It’s surrounded by breath-taking gardens. Third, I
miss the chance of going to the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris to admire its gothic style. It’s (impressed /
impression / impressive). Tomorrow, I (visit / will visit / visited) the Louvre museum. Da Vinci’s famous
portrait of the Mona Lisa is there. Finally, I hope to leave enough time and money to go shopping in the
Champs Elysees.

My friend Marc is waiting for me. (He / We / They) is going to take me to an interesting place.

With love,


Task 4: Provide the correct tense or form of the words between parentheses. (3 marks)

My favourite teacher is Mr Smith. He is my teacher of (England) ____________. He is about 40 years

old. He is usually serious but also (friend) ____________ and helpful. He is always ready to explain again if
needed. He speaks the language (fluent) ____________. He has a British accent. In the classroom, he keeps his
pupils captivated with (interest) ____________ lessons. At the end of the year, they (improve) ____________
a lot with his guidelines and mentoring. (He) ____________ pupils admire him a lot. One day, I would like to
be just like him.

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