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EL Bassatine Prep.

School End Of Term Test N° 1 English Teachers

2019/2020 Duration: 1 hour
Name:…………………………………………………… Class: 9th Forms……… Mark:……………/ 20
The Text:

Tony went home again without having eaten. As usual, one of the older boys had taken
his packed lunch, threatening to beat him. On his way, Tony stopped at the park and sat on a
bench, trying to control his anger. He was a sensitive and intelligent boy, he enjoyed admiring
the plants and the flowers. He suddenly saw a wasp (an insect) flying among the rosebushes,
and it frightened him.

While getting away from the roses, a thought came into his head. How is it that
something so much smaller than himself could frighten him like that? That was just what he
needed to do himself against the older boys!

By the time he arrived home, he understood that a wasp could never fight a person, but
everyone was so afraid of it. He decided to frighten the boys. Next day, Tony seemed like a
new boy. He felt strong, brave and self-confident. He was ready to face anyone.

He put an extremely hot sandwich in his bag. The boy who usually stole it ended up crying
and coughing. When a bully wanted to hit him, Tony didn’t run away. He warned him that he
will tell his parents and the teachers, instead. He managed to keep them away from him.

In the end, the tactic worked and the boys stayed away from Tony.

I – Reading Comprehension (6 marks)

1- Choose a title to the text. Tick the right option. (1mk)

a- Generation gap b- School life c- A brave boy

2- What did Tony learn from the wasp? (1mk)


3- Complete the table with information from the text (2mks)

How did Tony solve his problems?

Problem Solution
1- A bully stole his lunch. …………………………………………………………………………….
2- A bully wanted to beat him. ………………………………………………………………………………
4- What does the underlined word in the text refer to? (1mk)

-himself (§ 2)=………………………………………………

5- If you were Tony, What would you do? (1mk)

If I were Tony, I would ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

II- Language (8 marks)

1- Fill in the blanks with 6 words from the box. (3mks)

Choose – family- on- trying- children- safe- and- support- that- divorce

Being a supportive parent means having your child’s best interests at heart but also being
present, involved and helpful. The influence-1- …………………………………you have over your child is
more dependent -2-…………………………a trusting relationship than it is on how much authority
you dish out and how many lectures you give. It may feel like they’re-3-…………………………….to
push you away, but they’re actually trying to push themselves away from you to -4-
…………………………… a direction in life, and to shape an identity for themselves as a separate,
independent person. 

Love, support, trust-5- …………………………optimism from their family make them feel -6-
……………………… and secure, and are powerful weapons against peer pressure, life’s challenges
and disappointments.

2- Circle the right option (3mks)

Hello! My Name is Annie, I’m sixteen years old and I live in Houston, Texas .We must
(follow-following-followed) a lot of rules in our school. We must listen to our teachers and
be (rude- naughty- polite). We (should- must- mustn’t) fight! We mustn’t be late and we
mustn’t sleep in class! We are not allowed (in- to- on) listen to music in the classroom or in
the corridors, (and –because - but) we can listen to music in the playground. Finally, we
have to behave (myself -yourself-ourselves) and respect our teachers and classmates.

3- Put the bracketed words in the correct form /tense (2mks)

It was a golden period of my life when I was a school-boy. For me, sweet are the
memories of the school days. I used to attend the school regularly. I used to study all the
subjects (equal) ………………………... But mathematics was my favourite subject. I used to get
(high) ………………………marks in it and never missed my top ranks. I was interested also in
sports. I participated in football matches. I (win) ……………………………………many trophies. I was
the favourite student of my teachers. When I (pass) …………………………………… my final exams,
they came to my home to congratulate me.
II- Writing (6 marks)

Your friend is suffering from bullying. He asks for advice. Write a letter to support
him/her and to advise him/her how to stop it.





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