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Ingles II - UNIVERSIDAD TECNÓLOGICA NACIONAL Facultad Regional Tucumán -Prof.

Edith Dufour

Use conditional sentences to describe situations that have a condition, using “IF”

If one X happens (CONDITION), X follows (RESULT)


If students practise hard, they learn

• The ‘if’ clause of this sentence may or may not happen. The second part is
• There are 4 types of conditional sentences: 0, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, there are also
mixed conditionals.

When we use the Zero Conditional…

To express:

• general habits
• permanent truths/facts

If I’m hungry at work, I call the delivery. (What I usually do.)

If you heat iron, it expands. (Scientific fact.)

• In both these eIxamples I’m talking about a general time, not now or the

The structure of the zero conditional is:

If + present simple, present simple

“If you put water into the freezer, it freezes”

Present simple if + present simple

“Food freezes if you put it into the freezer”

Ingles II - UNIVERSIDAD TECNÓLOGICA NACIONAL Facultad Regional Tucumán -Prof. Edith Dufour

• It’s useful to know that you can replace ‘if’ in the above sentences with ‘when’
in a situation in which you’re certain the action happens. For example,

E.g: “When I have a lot of work, I stay in the office until late”

“When it rains, the ground gets wet”

• Remember that 0 conditional cannot be used to refer to a particular time, like

the future or the past. It’s only used for general facts…

When I am tired, ____________________________

_________________________ if you don’t follow the safety rules
If you drop a glass on the floor, _________________________
________________ when we evaluate workplace environments
If you don’t sit properly in your office chair, _____________________
Workers are safer when _____________________________
___________________ if you train the employees and employers
I feel happy when ______________________________________
__________________ if people don’t use their hardhats in a correct way
When someone doesn’t wear protective gear, ______________________

What happens if you don’t check hazardous environments?

Ingles II - UNIVERSIDAD TECNÓLOGICA NACIONAL Facultad Regional Tucumán -Prof. Edith Dufour

What happens when you don’t know the rules to prevent accidents
at work?

What happens if someone doesn’t wear masks at hospitals?

What happens when you don’t ensure the workers are following
the safety standars and government regulations?

What happens if you don’t report the accidents at work?

Ingles II - UNIVERSIDAD TECNÓLOGICA NACIONAL Facultad Regional Tucumán -Prof. Edith Dufour

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