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We use simple present

tense to talk about

things that are true,
giving directions, and
talking about routines.
Subject(ornoun)+Verbto be+Compliment

Subject(ornoun)+Verbtobe+ not+Compliment

For simple present

we use:
Pronoun Form of to be
He Is
She Is
It Is
I Am
You Are
We Are
They Are
Pronoun (singular) Pronoun (plural)
He They
She We
It You

Indefinite articles are I. A “A” I. A “An”

used indicate something Used for nouns that Used for nouns that
in singular. We cannot start with a start with a vocal:
use it to talk about consonant: An architect, An
more than one thing A teacher, A student engineer
▪ An and A mean the same thing. They are
both the same article, but are used
▪ Pronoun I is the only pronoun to use the
“am” form of the verb to be.
▪ Orthography: It’s and Its do not mean the
same. We us It’s as a contraction for It is. To
say “Its a pilot” would be incorrect.
▪ We’re and Were do not mean the same.
We use we’re as a contraction for we are.
Were is a verbal tense.

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