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Department of PU Education, Karnataka State

English Course Book for First Year Pre University Course

No. of
Sl. Name of Learning
Introduction Objectives Hours/ Evaluation Activities
No the Unit Periods Outcome
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

This unit aims to sensitise students Through

Students learn to
about oppression and colonisation teaching and
A fable with an relate the issues to Language
and make them relate these issues to testing questions
The underlying tone of the events familiar Exercises on
their surrounding situations in the given in the
1. Gentleman of irony; a comment on 05 to them and learn Word Class or
Indian context. It also aims to make comprehension
The Jungle imperialism which the use of language Parts of
students aware of the variety of part and going
curbs all resistance in a specified Speech
English as used in an African for extended
country like Kenya. activities

teaching, testing
A poem that speaks of Students appreciate
This unit aims to raise the awareness and inferential Activities
education system, the attitude of the
of students about the limitations of questions that based on the
The School formal/informal way boy who
2. formal education and make them 03 aim at bringing suggestions in
Boy of learning and joy of deprecates the
think in terms of life skills they can home the the ‘Extended
learning in and from authority and enjoy
obtain in the company of nature. aesthetic and Activity’
nature reading the poem
issue based
Students gain
This unit aims to make students knowledge about Along with
An autobiographical
know about the invaluable quality of the traditional questions of Exercises on
narration based on real
plants as an effective cure for many know how with traditional Word
Around A life experience that
diseases and raise their level of relation to nature, testing formation
3. Medicinal focuses on Indian 06
understanding about the living medicinal plants learners’ with the help
Creeper traditional knowledge
world around us. This unit also around them and understanding of of prefixes
of plants with
provides an insight into the process also get an insight the text by taking and suffixes
medicinal properties
of translation. about the process them beyond it
of translation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Students learn to teaching and
This unit aims to teach students the look at a situation testing questions Language
A short story with a
different ways of looking at reality from different given in the Activities
Oru twist in the end which
with the example of a thief in an perspectives and comprehension related to
4. Manushyan depicts both prototype 05
inhuman situation. This helps in comprehend the part and a Synonyms
(A Man) and multi-dimensional
doing away with the students’ meaning of round number of and
prejudices about their fellow beings. characters in a questions that Antonyms
story or in life. help to go
beyond the text
Activities that
Students learn to Through
identify the trends teaching, testing
This unit aims to make students look presentation
A poem that raises the of modern society and global type
at the money-minded world in a of views on
contemporary issue of which aims to of questions the
Money new light. It also aims to make them the issues
5. being too materialistic 04 make money either learners can be
Madness realise the consequences of raised by the
and thereby becoming by hook or by tested in respect
materialistic attitude and persuades poet and
inhuman crook and learn of the
them to think about the alternatives. identifying the
about its evil comprehension
consequences. of the poem.
Through teaching
and testing
An inspirational essay Students learn questions given in
This unit aims to draw students’
that presents the case of about Babar Ali, a the
attention to the achievements of an
a young boy who young boy from comprehension Activities
Indian school boy who started a
amidst despair and West Bengal who part and the related to
school for the poor children of his
6. Babar Ali hopelessness brought 06 brought dreams in questions framed Homophones
neighbourhood. It also draws their
hope and light in the the lives of by the teacher as and
attention to the fact that he has been
lives of hundreds of hundreds of poor, an initiation to get Homonyms
the world’s youngest headmaster into the text and
poor children by dreamless children
and stands as a model for our youth. to aid the
starting a school of his village.
understanding of
the text
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Using a number
of MCQs to test
This unit aims to make students Students learn
think about one of the basic about the futility
comprehension of
A poem that brings out problems in our society: the caste of human Group
the text and
the unwanted system. It also aims to make learners discrimination discussion
testing students’
If I was a discrimination on the grasp the subtle and ironical tone of based on caste and and debate on
7. 04 knowledge of
Tree basis of caste in Indian the speaker and respond to the issue other divisible the issues
mother tongue
social set up through of caste in an empathetic way. It forces and imbibe raised by the
structures with
an analogy gives the learners an opportunity to the ideal of being poem
the help of
look at the nuances of language in just a human
translated version
poetry translation. being.
and the original

A play let that brings

This unit aims to teach students the Students learn Activities
out a commoner’s
value of sacrifice for the good of about the related to
attitude in respect of a
community. It brings out the selfless sacrifices the Testing through Idioms and
water body which
Watchman of act of a rustic person and teaches modern world has comprehension Phrases, role
8. shall serve as an 08
The Lake students to respect common people to make in order questions of play,
example to those who
who achieve uncommon things to preserve and different level enactment of
work for the
through their compassion for the conserve natural the scenes of
conservation of natural
world around them. resources. the play

Testing through a Group

This unit aims to make students Students learn to
A poem that brings out number of discussions
aware of the problems of Indian think about the
the plight of a widow teaching and related to
farmers who are exploited by the factors that cause
The Farmer’s of a farmer who has testing questions farmers’
9. many visible and invisible forces. It 03 farmers’ suicides
Wife committed suicide and encouraging suicides and
also teaches them the value of and also
along with her will to learners to ask reading
perseverance amidst odds and the appreciate the
struggle questions related poems with
need for self-assertion. widow’s stand.
to the content similar theme
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Students learn about
the slave trading
An autobiographical
This unit aims to inform students which made life Through a series
narration of the life of
about the inhuman treatment of unliveable for of questions
an American slave
humans in the name of colour. It also millions of people about the history Exercises on
Fredrick which unravels the
10. aims to teach students how a person, 05 and also learn to of slave trading the use of
Douglass brutal face of slave
despite this, can rise to heights and appreciate the and with the help Phrasal Verbs
holders and presents
achieve something with sheer faith writer’s of teaching and
the wretched life of
in himself and by hard work. accomplishments testing questions
amidst the
hardships he faced.
Students learn to
look at people
This unit aims to teach learners the Testing learners’ about old
around them in a
dignity of labour. It aims to bring knowledge of people who
A poem that pictures a different way and
about a change in their attitude by poetic devices are working to
An Old poor old woman who appreciate the poet’s
11. presenting the example of an old 03 through the earn a living
Woman wants to live with rendering of the old
woman who, with the magnanimity examples from and sharing
dignity in a holy place woman’s
of her personality, makes others look the text and this
personality which
dwarf. outside the text information
keeps growing
with others in
through the poem.
the class
Students learn to
acquire the Through the
A short story that This unit aims to teach the greatness fundamental questions given at
records the life of two of human spirit which refuses to qualities of the
Two young brothers who yield to the difficulties of life. It also optimistic struggle comprehension Activities on
12. Gentlemen of stand out with their aims to teach how, amidst a hopeless 05 through which one part and testing the use of
Verona struggle for life and situation, this spirit can retain its can gain positive students’ Collocations
their selfless, humane soundness and can encourage the attitude and realise changed attitude
attitude towards life love of life. that both of these with the subtle
are mutually details in the text
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Raising the
aesthetic sense of
Students learn to
This unit aims to sensitise learners the learners by Activities that
A poem that presents a react to their world
about the more serious issues of life asking them to include poetry
romantic view of life on around them with a
other than the world of love. It aims read the poem reading,
Do not ask of the one hand and a humane way of
13. to bring them face to face with the 03 with appropriate identifying
Me, My Love passionate and looking at things by
burning realities around them and to pause, intonation poetic devices
compassionate view of becoming aware of
persuade them to look at life in a and and rhythmic
life on the other the burning realities
different light. pronunciation patterns
of life
and testing with
a lot of questions

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