Democracy Vs Dictatorship

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Democracy is a system of government in which laws, policies, leadership, and major

undertakings of a state or other polity are directly or indirectly decided by the “people,” a group
historically constituted by only a minority of the population.
A dictatorship is largely defined as a form of government in which absolute power is
concentrated in the hands of a leader (commonly identified as a dictator), a "small clique",
or a "government organization", and it aims to abolish political pluralism and civilian


Citizens are the ones who make it In the absence of any
possible to choose the government constitutional guarantees the
RIGHTS OF of their own choice through the VS government effectively denies
PEOPLE process of elections. They elect their individual rights. Suppression of
representatives who are all individual liberty.
accountable to the people.

Everybody has the right to express There is no concept of election

their opinions without any fear or and a single person or party
intimidation. A person can criticize continues to rule without any
the government or form opinions constitutional limitations. There
FREEDOM OF freely. They are free to choose their VS is no accountability for the
EXPRESSION mode of expressing their voice. The ruling government and people
people have freewill to choose their have no say in the government
desired leader to governed them. policies.

It is governed by a group of systems. it is governed by one person

The give chance to the people to which happened to be the
choose and evaluate all the policies dictator. The leader holds the
POWER OF A and regulations being imposed as power to make decisions for all
LEADER well as all the things have concern to VS the people and they have no
the people in the country they right to deny and object about it
belong. because in dictatorship only the
dictator can decide for the
people in the country.
In your own words and idea, which is more effective in ruling or governing a country,
dictatorship or democracy? Discuss comprehensively with examples.
Democracy is a governing structure where rule comes from the people instead of the military or
state. (it is a system of government where power is held by the citizens. They can impact
important decisions, either directly or through the people they elect.)
Advantages of democracy includes, encourages equality (if democracy is defined as the form of
government dedicated to the realization of the values of self-determination, democracy bears a
complex relationship to equality. Democracy requires equality of democratic agency, which is
different from the forms of equality demanded by distributive justice or fairness.) and grows
economically faster (when it comes to growth, democracy significantly increases development.
Countries adopting a democratic rule experience, increase of percentage in gross domestic
products over a long year period, compared to what would have happened had they remained
authoritarian states). It is a system of government where the entire population or eligible
members of the state have the opportunity to vote on issues directly or send someone that
they elect to make those decisions on their behalf. (example)-the reformers shared certain
values, such as support for the rule of law, constitutional legitimacy, free election, and
protection of personal freedoms. Democracy is better, like in our country, because everyone
can have their own voice on the issues of the country, while in a dictatorship, only one leader
can decide on how to rule the country. In democracy, we can choose which leader we want to
rule our country, but this leader doesn’t hold all the power. But the voice of the people can still
be heard, and the people have the freedom to choose. The people who belongs to the
democratic country have the freedom to vote for the deserving leader who was responsible and
worthy to govern them.
Create a reflection paper to Corazon C. Aquino’s Speech. You may accept or refute some issues
presented on the speech.

The speech was covered with insurgency and mourning of Cory Aquino who take the
opportunity to broadcast to the people the things Marcos Administration have done to her
husband when it is still alive. “The task was fallen to my shoulders to continue offering the
democratic alternative to our people.” She took the responsibilities in taking care and fighting
for the sake of freedom of the whole country, restored fully constitutional government whose
constitution gave utmost respect to the Bill of Rights. Her decision to proclaim and preserve
democracy in our country gives hope and opportunity to the people to have freedom of
expression and speak for themselves have freewill to do the things they are restricted to do
when the Marcos administration declared dictatorship in the Philippines for approximately 20
of ruling. Additionally, they can now express themselves and give emphasis to their rights as
Filipino people and as part of the Philippines. On the other hand, the content of speech was
filled with defamation and sad memories of the suffering of her husband when he was still on
the possession of Marcoses in the north which is supposedly not should be included but Cory
Aquino justified her presence in front of the US Congress using figurative words and
metaphorical languages. Also, she is so confident and put a lot of conviction for every word she
uttered as she was facing the American people and asking for support to preserve democracy.
This behavior was not appropriate because when you have an objective you should focus only
on it and not to consider the things that will affect people and others to the situation. In the
case of Cory Aquino, she went too far that there are people who was affected by her speech
and the worst is that it was told in front of many people which causes humiliation to the people
mentioned in her speech. It seems like she use her speech to paid tribute and recalled his
husbands’ struggle and to publicly declare all Marcoses have been made and to encourage the
people to preserve democracy and ask for support to the United States but it wouldn’t
eventually become effective and this is the reason why we arrive at the point that this speech
enlightened and give us one important lesson and that would be we cannot entrust the
redemption to another sovereign state and the only real solution to any type of rebellion is to
address the causes. Solving the root problem will encourage everything else inevitably fall into

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