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Last April, Daniel traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada with the permission of his parents, as they
are too lenient and let him do what he wants. Las Vegas is a popular destination in the
western part of the United States. The city is most popular for its casinos, hotels, and
charming nightlife.

In downtown Las Vegas, Daniel spends a lot of time on The Strip, which is a 2.5-mile
stretch of stores, many of which he comparison shops with different brands to finally
decide which one is cheaper so he can buy what he wants. In this section, you also found
what luxury hotels and excellent gastronomic experiences were. This is probably the most
visited tourist area in the city. The Strip at night looks especially beautiful. All the buildings
are illuminated and have eye-catching neon signs to attract the attention of visitors.

A stay in Las Vegas can be similar to a visit to many popular cities around the world.
Many of the hotels have miniature versions of important international sites and
monuments. These famous places include the Eiffel Tower, Venice, and even ancient

One day, Daniel took a trip out of town to visit the Grand Canyon, one of the Seven
Wonders of the Natural World. The canyon offers a breathtaking view of the ridges and
natural landscape of Nevada. Daniel especially liked the canyon because it was away from
the noise, and bustle of downtown Las Vegas.

Daniel had a great time during his trip to Las Vegas. He didn't win a lot of money in
the casinos. However, he managed to see many amazing sites during his visit to this city.
After finishing his trip, Daniel had observed that in most casinos men would bet on their
wives or on the women who entered there, for large sums of money, when they saw that
a woman was entering and approaching one of the tables. where several men were
playing there, he yelled at the woman, don't fall for that, wanting to tell her not to go
near them that it was better to leave the place because otherwise the woman could be
sold by those men, the woman at Hearing this, he thanks Daniel and tells him I owe you
one and quietly leaves the place, Daniel thought that this type of betting should be
prohibited or else the person should go to jail.
After this trip to Las Vegas, Daniel wanted to continue traveling but this time to Singapore
since it seemed like a very beautiful place for its colorful buildings, its infrastructure, and
other tourist places. But Daniel was curious to investigate that country and was amazed at
what he read, which was that Singapore was one of the countries that was in the top 1
with a birthrate is getting fewer and lower ,but he still decided to travel, when he arrived
in Singapore went to the hotel where he left his bags, and in which he had seen the beach,
when leaving the hotel he had to cross a street to go to the beach but in that country
there was a part of the road that was only for the passage pedestrian, so Daniel never
noticed this and crossed the street normally which made some passers-by think that it was
wrong and Daniel, hearing his name behind their backs, decided to go back and ask them
what they whispered about him or what they said about him , and those residents of that
country told him that what he did was wrong since there was a special place for
pedestrian crossing in Singapore, so Daniel's face fell from shame and heeding the
recommendations of those people and the too strict of that country, he decided to cross
through the right place.

While Daniel was on the beach and enjoying the sun and the water, he realized that he
was surrounded by very affectionate people, an addition to this, very playful children
who invited him to help them build castles and play with them, just like in Colombia ,
there were also establishments to buy drinks or food, but when Daniel asked the price of a
cocktail that he wanted, he thought it was costly but for a moment he thought and said
"it's a bit expensive but what a beautiful place, it's very good be careful, the food looks
delicious, love what they serve you" and when he finished thinking, he decided to buy a
cocktail that was served in a pineapple.

Daniel went back to the hotel to take a break, after sleeping a little he got up at 11:30 at
night and when he touched his chest he realized that he did not have his camandula and
to which he said "aghhh I left it on the beach I'm going to look for her" but what she didn't
know was that after 10 o'clock at night there shouldn't be anyone on the street, so at that
moment he on the spot went to tie some bed sheets to make a kind of ladder and thus
escape the window without being caught, Daniel was very rebellious in doing this.

He got to the beach and found what he was looking for and went back to the hotel
without making any kind of noise and continued sleeping. The next day Daniel went to the
airport to travel to his native country Colombia, and being already on the plane and
leaning his head on the window and looking at the clouds he said to himself "The more
money and time I have to travel, the happier I will become because it's something I love
to do " when he arrived at his destination he thanked God for arriving safe and sound, he
asked for a taxi to take him home and while there his family received him with a great
surprise welcome, at the end of that celebration Daniel told his experience to his younger
brother of 10 years in those two countries, he told him that they are very beautiful places
with cultures totally different from those of Colombia, their very beautiful landscapes, etc,
at the end to tell him about his experience, Daniel tells his brother that it is time to sleep,
to which the younger brother replies yes, but with a not very compromising voice, Daniel
already knows that his brother is a great liar and sometimes tells him that Yes just to go
and be in the room playing video games and Daniel hates not being told the truth so he
decides to take him to his room and wait there until he falls asleep.

When his younger brother falls asleep, Daniel now goes to his bedroom since he is very
tired from his trip of more than 12 hours and when he lifts the sheet to lie down he
realizes that the mattress is full of worms so he runs quickly to look for poison for worms,
after applying the poison to the worms, he returns to leave it in the place where he found
it and when he returned to his room he said "now if I can rest" when he went to bed he
noticed something strange in the upper part of his closet, and what he did was grab his
flashlight that he always kept in a drawer of his nightstand and shine it up there and he
realized that it was an owl but he was not afraid of this animal, on the contrary, it was one
of his favorites and also because he was very helpless and loving and finally fell asleep.

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