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Chow Kit is tainted by its historical background, tainted by prejudice of

outsiders. If a person or thing is tainted by something bad

or undesirable, their status or reputation is harmed because they are
associated with it. Hence, the marginalized are targets that are often
being judged by their life experiences and their values in life. As a
consequence to that, they are unable to live their life to the fullest as
they do not have stability in life but a survivor in one way or another.
As the saying goes “don’t just survive, live your life by creating the best
version of yourself.” Proposing a cultural center in Chow Kit, brings up
liveliness and great experience and also heals target user. It is because
Malaysia is a multiracial country where each tradition is passed down
generation to generation. The cultural center will not only serve the
purpose for performers to perform Malaysia’s traditional dances and
musicals, these tradition can be learned in form of workshops, dance
and music classes as a self-improvement program for the
marginalized. Exhibitions are opened for every traditional handicraft or
calligraphy art learned from the cultural center itself to be displayed.
Crafts are also profitable, this way people get to experience something
interesting while earning some income. This creates a cycle of live, play
and work. I believe art and music brings people together regardless of
culture. In a nutshell, cultural center may be a healing place and an aid
to reduce prejudices the public have for the marginalized that also
satisfy the quote.


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