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MCQ’s – SET 1
1. A group of positions that have similar duties, tasks & responsibilities is called ______
A. Job
B. Business
C. Career
D. Entrepreneurship

2. ______ can be derived from Job Analysis.

A. Job Specification
B. Job Description
C. Job requirement
D. Both A & B

3. A written summary of content & context of job is called _______

A. resume
B. job specification
C. Job description
D. Job posting

4. A written summary of KSA required to perform a job is _________

A. resume
B. job specification
C. Job description
D. Job posting

5. KSA represents ______ & ________

A. Knowledge
B. Skill
C. Attitude
D. All of the above

6. Identifying the source of potential candidates and _______ them to

apply for the job is called Recruitment.
A. rejecting
B. training
C. attracting
D. all of the above

7. Internal Locus of Control does not include

A. I can achieve my goals
B. My life is in my control
C. I will go with a flow of my fate, luck.
D. None of the above
8. Select the proper sequence of evaluation level composed by KIRKPATRIK
A. Reaction, Learning, Behaviour, Functioning
B. Learning, Behaviour, Functioning, Reaction
C. Behaviour, Functioning, Reaction, Learning
D. Functioning, Reaction, Learning, Behaviour
9. One of the complex stages Dalton, Thompson & Price’s Career Stages

A. Apprentice
B. Colleague
C. Mentor
D. Sponsor

10. Individuals work hard, acquire skills & often move to another type of job to reach higher
positions in a relatively shorter time is which pattern of career concept

A. Linear
B. Steady
C. Spiral
D. Transitory

11. Extraordinary characteristics that creates emotional bond with people enjoys power

A. Co - ersion
B. Charismatic
C. Reflected
D. One of the above

12. Erik Erikson developed the theory based upon.

A. Social relationship
B. Biological relationship
C. Childhood relationship
D. Sentiment relationship

13. A personality psychologist that is concerned primarily with people unconscious mind and
internal conflict follows which of the following approach.

A. Trait approach
B. Biological approach
C. Social approach
D. Psychoanalytic approach
14. What is the need for Human Resource Planning?

A. For undergoing an effective employee development program

B. To represent a base for recruitment
C. To represent a base for selection policy
D. All of the above

15. Strong right hemisphere of brain people will have the following characteristics

A. Spatial/Musical
B. Emotional
C. Spiritual
D. All of the above

16. Accountant are which type of people according to John holland job fit theory

A. Realistic
B. Investigative
C. Social
D. Conventional

17. Herzberg’s two factor theory is conducted on whom

A. Two hundred engineers and accountants

B. Two hundred doctors and engineers
C. Two hundred accountants and doctors
D. None of the above

18. Directing, being one of the preeminent functions of Human Resource Management that falls
under __________

A. Operative functions
B. Technical functions
C. Managerial functions
D. Behavioral functions

19. Human relation approach refers to __________

A. An approach in which workers are facilitated with humanity at the workplace.

B. A shared teamwork between the employee and the employer for solving problematic
C. Forming a group of people on the work front so as to inspire them to work
collectively for the company's growth in terms of social, economic, and
psychological productivity.
D. None of the above
20. What does a job specification include?

A. Personal characteristics
B. Physical characteristics
C. Psychological characteristics
D. All of the above

21. What is the scope of Human Resource Management?

A. Performing training and development sessions for employee growth.

B. Maintaining good impersonal industrial relations and worker's morale for companies'
C. Accomplishing advanced research in behavioral sciences, new ideas in man,
management, and advances in the field of training and development.
D. None of the above.

22. Valence refers to

A. Emotional orientation
B. Physical orientation
C. Biological orientation
D. All the above

23. As the director of HR, you are in a meeting with your corporate officers discussing the firm’s
deliberate use of human resources to gain a competitive edge against your competitors in the
marketplace. You are discussing:

A) Your HR strategy for the company.

B) The general business environment in which your company must operate.

C) The tactics you plan to use in reaching corporate objectives.

D) The individual issues that are involved in creating your HR plan.

E) The legal environment in which your company opera.

24. Tony works in the finance department as an accounting clerk. He keeps a time card and
receives extra pay for any overtime he works. Tony is:

A) an exempt line employee.

B) a nonexempt staff employee.
C) an exempt staff employee.
D) a nonexempt line employee.
E) not in any of these categories.

25. An example of an individual challenge that HRM faces is:

A) ethical dilemmas and social responsibility.

B) competitive position.
C) downsizing’s impact on employees.
D) workforce diversity.
E) evolving family and work roles.

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