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Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person

Learning Competency 1.3: Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective in life

1. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, 75% of the students will be able to:
a. Identify the different viewpoints of philosophy,
b. Compare western and eastern philosophical points of view, and
c. Appreciate the value of philosophy.

11. Subject Matter: The Value of Philosophizing

References: Introduction to Philosophy
CC Ramos, Ph.D., pp.14-15
Introduction to Philosophy
Sioco Vinzons pp.14-15
Materials: Pictures, Manila Paper, Projector, laptop

A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Classroom Management

B. Review Questions:
1. What are human activities that emanated from deliberate reflections?
2. How can ethics lead a person to reflect? Cite example.

C. Motivational Activity
-The teacher will present two pictures (video clips if available).
First picture: A boy having an idea that the world is round.
Second Picture: A boy having an idea that the world is square or flat.
Process Questions:
1. What can you see in the picture?
2. Why do you think he has an idea?
3. Which idea would you believe? Why?

D. Presentation of the lesson

In this session we will discuss the value of Philosophizing.

E. Discussion
*Unlocking of Difficult Words:
1. Dichotomy- a division or contrast between two things that are represented as being
opposed or entirely different.
2. Nirvana- highest level of consciousness
- perfect happiness
* Many philosophies hold that there are 3 great original centers of Philosophy in the world:
1. Greek- Western-----Thales, Plato, Pythagoras
2. China &3. India-Eastern-----Mencius, Lao-Tzu,Confucius

Pre-Socratic Period (Ancient Greece)

-beginning of Western Philosophy
*Western Philosophy- the basic task for the philosophers was to satisfy their curiosity.
-tends to make heavy use of logic, reason and categorization.
-breaks down ideas and tends to focus on the parts rather than the whole.
-revolutionary, because it went against religion.
*Eastern Philosophy- has no dichotomy between objective world and man as a human being.
- their way of philosophizing, has been associated with religion.
-can be summarized as philosophy being a way of life.
(they are one with the world and the universe, they actually experience consciousness when
they are practicing their religion and at the same time doing philosophy)
(Those who succeeded could claim, NIRVANA)
*Sometimes, we have difficulty in accepting others because they are different. Western and eastern
philosophies for instance , but we have to accept one’s point of view so as not to let a person feel
rejected or resentful. As society may have its own culture so as to have its own philosophy.
F. Developmental Activity: The students will be grouped into three.

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Thoughts about the Religion Belief
world & Man as
human being
Western Philosophy
Eastern Philosophy

Let them discuss in 10 minutes and report answers in two minutes.

Process Questions:
1. How are the western and eastern philosophies different in thoughts about the world and man
as human being?
2. Why is it that the east believes in philosophy and religion at one?
3. How would you justify the eastern philosophy as being the way of life?
4. Give your own point of view in doing philosophy in your everyday life?

G. Generalization:
Western & eastern philosophy are two different persuasions. They are
governed by different point of view.
Never the less, we have to keep in mind that we have to appreciate both
worlds. After all the two are trying to explain the same phenomena yet from
different point of view.

Value Integration: Importance of Philosophy

Write an essay about this statement of Mencius:

“He who loves others is constantly loved by them. He who respects others is constantly respected by

Rubric for Scoring

Criteria Points
Adequate and clear convincing explanation 15
Not as coherent and clear explanation 10
There is no clear explanation 5

V. HOMEWORK: Find at least two of their philosophical ideas about Education:

1. Lao-Tzu
2. Thales

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